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1、轮机英语听力与会话三版口述和问答题答案第一章口述1.The engine room is the heart of a ship. It is gen erally located at the ster n n ear theship bottom .In the engine room,there are a lot of mach in ery a nd systems, such as the mai n engine, the gen eraterengine, boilers, pumps, the, is the unattended for long periods. That

2、 is UMS.第二章口述1. engine is diesel oil or fuel oil, while that for a gasoli ne engine is gas oil. 2 isign ited through compressi on of hot, high pressure oil/air mixture, but the gasoli ne engineis spark plug. 3 for 2. First, I will tell the cadet the importa nee the engine room. Secon d, Ishould in t

3、roduce the various mach inery andthe air con diti oning system. Third, I will show him how to the equipme nt and devicessafely, and in troduce as much safety kno wledge as I can.3. same as questi on No 2.4. The power of the diesel engine is transmitted the transmission system. The items oftran smiss

4、i on system in clude various shafts, one or more in termediate shafts and tailshaft. 5. has two.6. The structure is as follows: the con struct ion main ly in elude bedplate, frame,built into the bedplate. On the top of A frames there is a scave nging air box. The 7.shown in the illustration mainly i

5、nclude the piston, the connecting rod, and thepicture, the pist on is un der compressi on force, the connecting rod is un der tensionstress and compressi on force, while the cran kshaft is un der the tors ion forces.8. Pist ons can be divided into two main classes: the crosshead type pist ons and th

6、etrunk type pist ons. Thetop surface of the crosshead pist on can be flat, sunken or con vex. The pist on show nin the illustration is the crosshead type piston with a sunken surface. It has the advantage ofin creas ing the air turbula nee and imporv in gthe oil/air mixing quality. Its disadva ntage

7、 isthat the cyli nder volumetric cleara nee will be larger.9. The piston rings shown in the illustration has the shape of rectangle or trapezoid.Some of them arerings, No. 3 and No. 4 are scraper rings, while the No.5 is a distributor ring.Gen erally, each piston is provided with five or six piston

8、rin gs.10. Large marine diesel engines of crosshead con struct ion gen erally have twosystems of lubricatio n: atotally loss system feeding the cylinders and a circulating system lubricating therunning gear and cooling the pistons. Oil is supplied to the cylinder liner wall and pistonrings by means

9、of mechanical lubricators. The lube oil to the varoius moving parts enablethe formation of an oil film which reduces friction and wear.1 In order to en sure the safe n avigati on of the ship, freque nt com muni cati onbetwee n andofficers is n ecessary. The usual means of com muni cati on is by tele

10、pho ne and the 4charge of the watch shall ensure that all events related to the main and are suitalby if any. Ifhe has any reas on to believe that the reliev ing is capable of carry ing out th四12 In the eve nt of sudde n stoppage the possible cause may be the safety protecti onsystem fun cti oning,

11、due to low oil breakdow n, blackout, overspeed and so on. findthe causes. Second, we will take measures to remedy the trouble. Third, we will reset andrestart the mai n engine.3 the eve nt of we will slow dow n the main engine, find the causes, and do some 8 wellas the water level. Second, the selec

12、ting switch will change over fromThird, push the start ing butt on, and check the voltage and freque ncy.9 The work of emergency battery include: 1 check the electrolyte level. 2 keep theemerge ncy battery clea n. 3 measure the voltage of the battery. 4 measure thespecific gravity of the electrolyte

13、. 5 periodically charge and discharge the battery so as toprotect the plate electrode.11 Fire is a con sta nt hazard at sea. It is the result of a comb in atio n of three factors,namely, i nflammablematerial, hot spot, and oxyge n. Accord ing to the material invo Ived, fires can bedivided into four

14、classes:. For example, bur ning light metals will be classified as Class D,bur ning electric equipme nt classified as Class C, bur ning oils is Class B, and bur ninga amawood, Class A.17 In the eve nt of collisio n, the bridge will inform the captai n and the engine roomimmediately. The bridgeshould

15、 tell the engine room the striking position, damage extent and so on. The engineroom should takebridge, and take actions accordi ng to the muster list.20 The muster list is an important document on board. It tells the crew members theirpositi on and duties inemergency situations, such as fire, colli

16、sion, oil spill, abandoning ship, ship groundingand so on. For example, in case of flood ing, the chief engin eer should go to the engineroom and be in gen eral comma nd.The sec ond engin eer should man euver the mainengine. Some other members should go to stop the flood ing and so on.21 Once a cont

17、ainer ship collided with a bulk carrier. The captain of the container shipdecided to aba ndon theship since it was in dan ger of sinking. The engine room pers onnel stopped the engine,cut off the electric supply, closed the ventilators, released the compressed air and steam.The chief the importa nt

18、docume nts and all engine room staff evacuated from the engineroom.23 fluid.24 the disposal methods, anti-pollution equipment and materials.25 The materials used for oil spillage mai nly in elude the followi ng: 1 the materialused up spilled oil, foroil booms. Oil disperse nt is seldom used since it

19、 must get the adm ini stratio n andmay cause sec on dary polluti on.27 28 ban dage.五2 When selecting the fuel oil, there are many factors to consider, such as viscosity,cetane number, calorific value and soon.4 7 list of engine room equipme nt and machi nery, as well as the list of stores andspare p

20、arts. Second, test all the devices in the engine room. Third, con duct the sea trial,collect and submit all the items of non-conformity to the company.答案1. how long have you worked on board?I have worked on board for 10 years.2. which certificate do you have now?I have the sec ond engin eer?s certif

21、icate.3. what is your marital status?how many departme nts are there on board?I am married. There are there departme nts on board.4. how many people are there in your family? Are you married?There are there people in my family. Yes,l am married.5. how many coun tries have you ever bee n to?I have be

22、e n to seve n coun tries.6. I bega n to work on board in 2000.i have worked on bulk sarriers.7. how many importme nt can als are there all over the world?Three . the pamama ,suez and kiel.8. can you tell me what is the most important thing for a seafarer.?Safety.9. what kinds of Large slow speed cro

23、sshead type marine diesel engine and A.C generator.10. CCS china classification society11. Yes, I have worked on a bulk carried that the man engine haved damaged.12. It is based on ship?s pla ned maintenance syetem and the mach inery runninghours records.13. SOLAS (the intern ati on al c onverti on

24、for the safety of life at seaMARPOL (the intern ati onal con verti on for the preve nti on of polluti on form shipsLOAD LINE ( the international convertion on load lineSTCW conven ti on established an intern ati onal sta ndard for the trai ning, certification and watchkeep ing on the seafarers.18%.T

25、he classificati on society works for en suri ng the safety of the crew and ship andprotect ng sea from the polluti on.Lioyd?s, CCS, ABS16 could you list differe nt kinds of ship?s surveys?Annual survey dock ing survey,special survey, damage survey.17 what does UMS sta nd for? Have you served UMS?UMS

26、 sta nds for un atte nded machi nery space. I have severed UMS.18 have you eve n experie need PSC in specti on? Where and whe n was your last inspecti on?Yes,Last mon th in sin gapore.19 what should be paid attention to in the overhaul of a cylinder.Every operati ng must be complied with the precaut

27、i on measures regulated in theSMS.20 before entering an enclosed space such as ballast tank,what action will you take?21 please tell me the minimum safe oxyge n perce ntage for the safety of the workersin an en closed space.1 please in troduce one type of the main engineThe mai n engine is large bor

28、e two-stroke crosshead type with turbo charg ing system.2 please in troduce fuel injectio n process of electro nically con trolled mai n engineThe electr onies con trol of fuel inject ion improves low- load operati on engine speeding up give n betterengine bala nee and load con trol3 please in trodu

29、ce dual fuel tech no logy of main engineThis kind of mai n engine can burn both n atural gas and fuel oil used in large mediumspeed engine. 4 why is the two-stroke engine widely used on board ship?Because the two-stroke engine can develop twice the power of the four-stroke engineof the same size. 5

30、Four-troke engine has an eno ugh overlap betwee n inlet v/v ope ningand exhaust v/v clos ing6 please introduce three moving parts of marine main engineCran kshaft, conn ect ing rod, crosshead,pist on7 w hat?s the seque nee of the four strokes?Sucti on, compressi on, expa nsion and exhaust8 please in

31、 troduce four fixing parts of marine main engineBed plate, cyli nder block, scave nge air box and frame.9 what is called a work ing cycle of diesel engine?The cycle refers to the operatio n betwee n two fuel in jecti ons.10 what is the foun dati on of diesel engine?The bedplate is the foun dati on o

32、f the engine.Hold the bedplate,frames and cylinder blocks together to form a rigid structure.featurethe tie rod is longand good tensioning stre ngth.12 what is the fouction of the governor?The gover nor can regulate the speed of the engine by con trolli ng the fuel in jectedinto the cylinder. Instan

33、taneous speed, regulating speed fluctuation, and so onCrossheadThe pist on rod stuffi ng box.They are fresh water cooli ng system and sea water cooli ng system.the head tank in the cooli ng water system?Expa nsion and make-up of the water ,air releas ing and water treatme nt.18 please in troduce the

34、 ope n cooli ng system.Ope n cooli ng system use similar eleme nts with closed system expect that a draintank is used in stead ofa head tank.19 please in troduce the close cooli ng systemClosed cooli ng system has the engine jacket heat exha nger and circulati ng pump tofrom a continous circuite wit

35、h a head tank open to atmosphere.20 please in troduce the cen tral cooli ng system.with a cen tral cooler and one a additi onal set of pump21 what?s the adva ntage of the cen tral cooli ng water system?With less equipme nt con tact ing with seawater,the corrosi on problems are muchreduced22 how to c

36、ontrol fuel oil viscosity of main engine?By controlling the oil temperature.23 please in troduce two sub-systems of the fuel oil system/Fuel supply system and fuel inject ion system.24 please speak out the function of the fuel oil viscosity regulator.By con trolli ng the oil temperature25 how does t

37、he fuel oil viscosity regulator work?By con trolli ng the oil temperature26 please tell at least three compositi on of fuel oil.Sulphur, ,ash conten t ,ceta ne nu mber27 please name at least three of main factors to select a fuel oil.Viscosity,cetane number,calorific value,sulphr,ash content,flash p

38、oint,settingpoint,specific gravity. 28 what is the usual coolant in marine diesel engine?Fresh water ,lube oil and seawater.Because seawater is corrosive and liable to leave deposits.to block the jackets30 what ,s the adva ntage of oil-cooli ng pist on?The advantage is the same oil also can be used

39、for lubrication and any leakage will notcause corrosiveproblem.31 what?s the disadvantage of water Cooling water leakage can pollute the lube oilProvide lubricat ing film,remove heat from oil cooled pisto n,n eutralize acidic productsof combusti on,clea nse hot moving parts of carb on accous deposit

40、s,resist oxidati on and wash awaywear detritus.33 how do you clean the lube oil filters?By wash ing with diesel oilThe filter is clogged by impuritiesNeutralize the acid products of combusti onLubricati on, seali ng and rem oving heatUn load starti ngChecked various pressure and temperatures ,warm u

41、p the engine, tur n the enginewith tur ning gear andso on39 do you know the reas ons why the engine does not start on air?Starrting air pressure too low,incorrect timing of starting air valve,stop-valve on air linebeing closed and so on40 what should you periodically do for the air reservoir?We shou

42、ld drain the condense water and make up the air regularly41 what?s the function of gas excha nge in diesel engine?42 what?s the function of supercharg ing in diesel engine?Improve the output of engine and enhance its efficie ncy43 how do you operate the main engine in cold weather?Warm up the engine

43、 and keep the charge air and oil at proper temperature44 how do you heat the main engine?By circulati ng the cooli ng water which is heated to proper temperature45 how do you cha nge diesel oil into fuel oil?Diesel oil heated to proper temparture and open the fuel oil v/v46 how do you cha nge fuel o

44、il into diesel oil?Shut the steam v/v ,decrease the fuel oil temperature, open diesel oil v/v47 what is the function of the turning geat?The tur ning gear is used to make engine operate slowly for in specti on48 how do you measure the cleara nee of the main beari ngs?By lead wire or feeler49 how do

45、you measure the crank deflect ion of the main engine?By crank deflect ion gauge50 do you know why the diesel engine exhausts black smoke?Poor combusti on due to more fuel content51 do you know why the diesel engine exhausts blue smoke?Lube oil is more tha n no rmalHigh sulphur in oilWater content is

46、 more tha n no rmalIt is used to con trol the ship?s course55 what does CPP sta nd for?CPP sta nds for con trollable pitch propeller56 what does VIT sta nd for?Variable injection timingMulti-stage flash water gen eratorcen trifugaleparator?Remove water and impuritiesGravity filtration and absorption

47、61 what?s the function of the oily water separator?Preve nt the ship from dischargi ng oil while pump ing out bilge-water62 what?s the function of the incin erator?Burning the oil sludge and solid waste63 what is the oil content limit when pumping out the bilge?Oil content not more tha n 15 ppm64 wh

48、at is the hot work?The work involving hige temperature, ope n flames or sparks such as electric and gasweldi ngThe impurities form scale66 what boiler is used on a motor ship at sea?The exhaust boiler is used whe n at sea67 what boiler is used on a motor ship in port?The dan key boiler is used whe n

49、 in port68 how do you decide to overhaul the main engine gen erally?Accord ing to specific work ing con diti on and requireme nt of in structi on book69 what is the function of the soot blower?Soot bolwer is used to blow away soot and the products of combustio n70 how do you grind the valve plate of

50、 air compressor?Grind it in the path of“8”shape71 what is used to conn ect a diease engine and a gen erator?coupli ng72 what type is the most com mon marine refrigerati on?It is the compression refrigerationCompressor,c on dedser,expa nsion valve and evaporator74 how do you fill Freon 22 into the re

51、frigeration system?Through the special passage for Fron 22.Lack of refrigera nt, dirty iced evaporator, leaky liquid line sole noid valve76 what equipme nt is used to han dle the an chors?win dlassWin ch,wi ndlass,derrick,barrelBy-us ing vent screwWith disc clea nerSpecial tools, draining off the re

52、sidual oil and waterDrop in sterilized medicine regularly, keep the blower in constant working.AVV- *第二早The ship will be endan gered.when the engine room has any trouble or whe n sta ndby engine.3 what methods and ways can be used to com muni cati on with the bridge? Telepho ne andtelegraph.4 why do

53、 you thi nk the records of the com muni cati on should be maintain ed?Because records can serve as evide nee in the eve nt of accide nts.5 do you thi nk en glish is very importa nt duri ng the com muni cati on?Yes, En glish is an intern ati on al la nguage.6 whe n should you check the engine telegra

54、ph?Whe n sta nd by engineWe check the engine telegraph with the duty officer by answering his order8 when must you test the steering gear?Whe n sta ndby engine before n avigatio n or man euveri ng9 what items of the main engine should you check before start ing?Check the revers ing and con trol gear

55、10 how do you test main engine?Tur n on the main engine by putt ing in start air and give a brief trial on power aheadand aster n11 what should you prepare for cooling water system when”stand by engine”?cooli ng water should be at worki ng level and heated to proper temperature.12 what should you pr

56、epare for lube oil system when”stand by engine”?Start the lube oil pump,fill the cran kcase lube oil drain tank and sump, and so on13 how are you going to cha nge fuel oil over to diesel oil?Preheat fuel oil to proper temperature14 why does the engine speed rise up by using fuel oil in stead of dies

57、el oil?Because the specific gravity and the heat the fuel produced is higher15 what should you do whe n“fini she n with engine”?Ensure the telegraph is at“stop ” ,fuel control lever at zero, starting air lever atneutral position , turning gear engaged and so on.Preheat the oilCut off the oil supply,

58、brake,reverse,a nd the n speed upThe duty engineer check the engine room clock with the officer on the bridge.第四章Failure in the fuel oil system.Safety protection system functions due to low lube oil pressure and so on.Scave nge air box temperature high, exhaust gas temperature high, turbocharger sur

59、ge.Change over to sta ndby filter.seizureSlow dow n and stop engineReduce the speed,i nspect the exhaust valve and fuel in jector8 what kind of precauti on will you take to avoid a scave nge fire?In spect the scave nge trunk ,blow the scave nge drains and inv estigate the oil discharge.9 what kind o

60、f precauti on will you take to avoid a cran kcase explosi on?In spect the oil mist detector regularly10 in which cases must the main engine be stopped?The explosi on of the cran kcase, fuel or lube oil pipes leak in g,a n so on.11 what is the emerge ncy source of electrical power on board?12 where i


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