



1、年会邀请函内容模板尊敬的 _:人生聚散无常,贵在他乡相遇; 相遇是缘,相聚更是缘。好朋友,一句话,一杯茶,一辈子,同舟共济,征战上海滩!互相帮助互相扶持互相发展盛情邀约江西在沪精英在这个竞争激烈的社会,我们需要团结,我们需要发挥同乡群体的力量为彼此加油助力 ! 我们要做江西精英在上海最实效的盛会江西红商会年会 !智帝中国集团旗下非盈利性组织江西红商会 ( 原江西精英年会 ) 拥有商会会员 500 余人,每年都会举办一次年会,曾成功举办过三届江西红商会年会,旨在服务在沪工作、发展的江西各界精英人士, 共同探讨发展规划、 结识良师益友、寻求合作机遇、共创美好前程,为大家提供一个相互认识、相互了解、

2、资源共享、相互帮助、增进老乡情谊的平台,因而得到了江西省各地区驻沪联络处、各江西同乡在沪创办的著名企业等多家机构的大力支持。20xx 年元月 2x 日,第四届江西红商会年会即将在上海吴中路吴宝路415 号新龙大厦x 楼 壶说吃茶中国道家养生茶馆开幕,现诚挚邀请您参与这一年度盛会,让我们一齐努力,在上海办好我们自己的年会!英语会议邀请函模板一、 Dear sir/madam:Im delighted you have accepted our invitation tospeak at the Conference in city on date. As weagreed, youll be s

3、peaking on the topic from time totime.Therewillbeanadditionalminutesforquestions.Wouldyoupleasetellme whatkindofaudio-visualequipmentyoullneed. Ifyou couldletmeknow your specific requirements by date, Ill haveplentyof timeto make sure thatthe hotelprovidesyouwith what you need.Thank you again for ag

4、reeing to speak.I look forward to hearing from you.Sincerely yours, name title二、 Dear sir/madam:Thank you for your letter of date.Im glad that you are also going to place nextmonth. It would be a great pleasure to meet you attheexhibition/trade fair. Our company is having areception at hotel on the

5、evening of date and Iwould be very pleased if you could attend.I look forward to hearing from you soon.Yours sincerely, name title三、 Dear sir/madam:organizationwould very much liketo have someonefrom your company speak at our conference on topic.As you may be aware, the missionof our associationis t

6、o promote . Many of our members are interested inthe achievements your company has made in .Enclosedisourpreliminaryschedulefortheconference which will be reviewed in weeks. Ill callyou dateto see who from your company would be willingtospeaktous.Icanassureyouthatwellmakeeverythingconvenientto the s

7、peaker.Sincerelyyours,name title四、 Dear sir/madam:We wouldliketoinviteyoutoanexclusivepresentation of our new product.The presentationwilltake placeat location,attime on date. There will also be a reception attime. We hope you and your colleagues will be ableto pany is a leading producer o

8、f high-quality .As you well know,recent technological advances havemade increasingly affordable to the public. Our newmodels offer superb quality and sophistication witheconomy,and theirnew featuresgivethem distinctadvantagesoversimilarproductsfromothermanufacturers.We look forward to seeing you on

9、date.Just call our office at phone number and we willbe glad to secure a place for you.Sincerely yours,name title五、 Dear sir/madam:On date, we will host an evening of celebrationinhonoroftheretirement ofname, Presidentofcompany.Youarecordiallyinvitedto attendthecelebration at hotel, location, on dat

10、e from top.m. name has been the President of company sinceyear.Duringthisperiod,companyexpandeditsbusinessfromto. Now itsouropportunitytothankhimforhisyearsofexemplaryleadership and wishhim wellfor a happy retirement. Please join us to say Good-byeto name.See you on date.Yours sincerely name title六、本周六下午x 点到 5 点将在各自的班级召开家长会,写一封邀请函。日期 :x 月 9 日Dear parents,There is a parents meeting in our school at Saturday afternoon from xpm to 5pm,it will be held


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