剑桥六年级上英语Unit1 School is great fun!教学设计_第1页
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1、Unit1 School is great fun! 教学设计一、教学目标1. 能听懂并认读课程单词:Chinese, Maths, English, Science, Music, Art, History, PE, Drama, French, Geography, ICT, 并完成英文课程表。2. 能正确运用句型Which school do you go to? How many pupils are there in your class? How many subjects do you have at school? What is your favourite subject?

2、 What do you often do? What do you like doing in English? 等谈论自己的学校生活。3. 能正确理解、运用句型I like/lovedoing .I often介绍自己并完成相关练习。4. 能在老师的指导下读懂短文,并完成相关任务。二、教学建议1. Answer the questions.答一答。Step 1 Free Talk:老师与一名学生进行有关school life的自由问答,如:Whos your English teacher? How is he/she? 等。Step 2 学生打开课本到第8页,根据课本上的问题进行两人问答

3、,谈论自己的学校生活。2a. Read about Lake School.读一读。2b. Listen and read again. Tick True or False.听一听,读一读,勾一勾。Step l 学生打开课本到第8页,自主阅读短文,整体感知短文内容。Step 2 在学生阅读完2b的句子后,老师播放录音,学生初步判断句子正误。Step 3 学生打开课本到第8页,再次阅读短文,根据相关信息自查。Step 4 全班核对答案,并请做对的同学说出理由,老师适时教授新内容,如:drama, history等。Step 5 播放录音数遍,学生采用多种形式朗读短文,如男女生读、开火车读、分组

4、读等,并选出2-3组进行展示,老师适时给予评价。Step 6 小组活动,要求学生根据课本中的5个问题进行问答,并选出1-2组进行展示,老师适时给予指导及评价。录音稿:School is great fun!By Mary ChenI come from China. I go to Lake School on North Island. In our class there are 23 pupils: 12 girls and 11 boys. This year we will have two new subjects, Drama and History. Ms Howard wil

5、l teach us Drama. I am her fan. Mr Washington will teach us History. We all love sports. Most pupils in our class like pop music. Four boys and two girls have pets. Our classroom is great. We like our teachers.School is great fun!答案:1.T 2.F 3.T 4.F 5.F 6.T3. Listen and learn the words for school sub

6、jects.听一听,学一学。Step l 老师呈现如下课程表,播放录音,学生根据单词的发音及图片初步理解单词的含义。MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFriday1stChineseMaths2ndEnglishMusic3rdArtFrench4thScienceICT5thHistoryPE6thDramaGeographyStep 2 老师播放录音数遍,选出数名学生当小老师,其余学生跟读并采取多种形式操练,如男女生读、开火车读、分组读等,学习新单词。Step 3 老师呈现以下课程表,学生根据图片描述周三、周四的课程。MondayTuesdayWednesdayT

7、hursdayFriday1stChineseMathsEnglishMaths2ndEnglishMusicDramaChinese3rdArtFrenchMusicGeography4thScienceICTArtFrench5thHistoryPEICTScience6thDramaGeographyHistoryPEStep 4要求学生设计周五的课程并完成以上课程表,选出几名学生向全班汇报,其余学生做记录。Step 5小组活动,引导学生根据完成的课程表用Whats your favourite day/subject? What subject do you like? I like

8、.等句型讨论自己喜欢的科目,并选出2-3组进行展示。录音稿:Chinese Maths EnglishScience Music ArtHistory PE Drama French ICT Geography4a. Listen and fill in the days.听一听,写一写。4b. Play the game. Guess what day it is. 玩一玩,猜一猜。Step l老师出示一张课程表,选出数名学生进行以下对话:What day is it today? Whats your favorite day/subject? What have you got on M

9、onday? Do you like.? Why?Step 2学生打开课本到第10页,仔细观察题目,弄清题意,然后阅读每天的课程。Step 3老师播放录音,引导学生根据听到的关键词将答案写在方框内。Step 4 师生共同核对答案,并请做对的同学说出理由。Step 5老师选出一名学生到讲台上示范,其余学生根据他的描述猜出是哪一天的课程,然后小组活动,并选出几组进行展示。4a录音稿:(Kevin and Christine are talking about their timetable.)Kevin: Christine, what have we got tomorrow?Christine

10、: Let me think, tomorrow is Thursday. On Thursday weve got PE andthen French. Im not sure about the third lesson.Kevin: Its Science.Christine: No, I think its Maths.Kevin: You're right. What's your favourite day, Christine?Christine: Tuesday.Kevin: Whys that?Christine: Because I like Geograp

11、hy and Music. And I love Science. And whats your favourite day?Kevin: Ive got two favourite days: Monday and Wednesday. My favourite subject is History and we've got it on Monday and Wednesday. Have we got French homework for tomorrow?Christine: Yes, we have got to learn the new words.4a答案:Monda

12、y, Wednesday, Thursday, Tuesday, Friday5. Read and guess. What are their favourite subjects? Then write out the words.读一读,猜一猜,写一写。Step l 学生打开课本到第11页,仔细观察题目,弄清题意。Step 2 学生自主阅读,根据每个小朋友的描述,写出3个问题的答案。Step 3 小组活动,两人一组以问答形式相互交流讨论所回答的内容,师生共同核对答案,老师适时给予指导并强调:I like/love doing以及第三人称单数表达方式。Step 4 采用多种形式朗读短文,如

13、全班读、分组读、个人读等。Step 5 老师示范,呈现不同科目的课本,用相关句型描述自己喜欢的课程,并提出与课程有关的3个问题,引导学生回答。Step 6 四人小组活动,一人描述自己喜欢的科目,一人提问,其余人回答,并选出数组进行展示,老师适时给予指导和评价。答案:Alison music Jeff-Art Mark-PE Clair-Maths Sue-Chinese Simon-ICT Tom-Science Kate-Drama6a. Read. Then listen and repeat. 读一读,说一说6b. Read again. Then complete the senten

14、ces. 读一读,完成句子。Step l 学生打开课本到第12页,自主阅读两段文本,回答问题:What are Sandra and Marios favourite subjects? 初步了解大意。Step 2老师提问:What do they like doing? 然后逐句播放录音,学生跟读并回答问题,进一步了解文章内容。Step 3学生通过再次阅读短文,完成6b的练习。Step 4师生共同核对答案,老师引导学生注意第一人称和第三人称的不同表达方式。Step 5 采用多种形式阅读短文,如全班读、分组读、个人读,再次巩固文本内容。Step 6 老师示范,仿照文本,描述自己的学校生活,学生

15、根据自己的实际情况进行描述并展示。6a录音稿:In my English class there are twelve pupils: eight girls and four boys. Our teacher's name is Mrs Blasco. She is a very nice teacher. English is my favourite subject. I like reading stories and listening to cassettes best.This year my favourite day at school is Thursday. W

16、e have got History, English, Maths and PE. I like History very much. Our History teacher is very nice. In English, I like singing songs and playing games best. English is great fun!6b答案:1. has, her, likes 2. has, his, likes, His, likes, thinks7a. Read and tell what Mario likes doing in English.读一读,说

17、一说。7b. Talk in class.谈一谈。Step 1 老师通过问题What can we do in English? 引导学生回答:We can sing songs, work in groups, practise dialogues, learn new words, say chants, read stories, watch cartoons, act in plays并适时板书、教授主要短语。Step 2 学生打开课本到第13页,带着问题What does Mario like doing in English?自主阅读句子并回答,老师引导学生注意I like doing的用法以及第三人称的表达方式。Step 3 采用多种形式阅读短文,如全班读、分组读、个人读。Step 4 三人小组活动,一人提问:What do you like doing in English? 一人回答,另一人用第三人称转述。8. Write your own timetable in English.写一写。Step l 学生打开课本到第13页,仔细观察题目,弄清题意。Step 2 学生根据班级课程表完成表格,师生共同核对答案。Step 3 引导学生用句型来描述课程表,如:On Monday, weve got. I lo


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