




1、单位代码单位代码: 1060510605密密级级: 公公开开本科生毕业论文题目:areport on the chinese-englishtranslation project of “yuqing” (excerpt)“玉卿嫂玉卿嫂”(节选)节选)汉汉译译英英翻译实践报告翻译实践报告学院:外国语学院专业:英语学生姓名:学号:指导教师:职称:2015 年 5 月 20 日a report on the chinese-english translation projectof “yuqing” (excerpt)byathesissubmitted to the school of fore
2、ign languagesin partial fulfillment of the requirements forthe degree of bachelor of artsunder the supervision ofhechi universitymay 2015iacknowledgementsfirst of all, i would like to take this opportunity to show my gratitude to, my supervisor, for hisinstructive advice and enlightening suggestions
3、 on my thesis, but for his guidance, this thesis could nothave reached its present form;secondly, i am grateful to all teachers who have ever given me wonderful classes during my fouryearsstudy, especially mr. pan baojian, who provided me with direct and indirect help on my thesis;thirdly, special g
4、ratitude also should go to my friends and classmates who put forward useful advice onmy thesis;last but not least, i would love to extend my gratitude to my parents for their generous support andencouragement.iiabstractthis thesis is a project report of a chinese-english translation. the author tran
5、slated the extracted textsfrom a novella named “yuqing”which is written by bai xianyong, a famous contemporary taiwanesewriter. this thesis includes four parts: introduction, research background, analysis of target language,problems and solutions. first of all, the author introduces the source text
6、and the motivation and purpose oftranslation; secondly, the author had under taken a full understanding of the whole source text by using thefunctional equivalence theory of nida, also, the author analyzed the problems came up during translation.the problems in translation include problems of syntax
7、, problems of semantics, problems of choosingwords, problems of application of translation theory, problems of application of translation skills andproblems of understanding of context. and in order to solve these problems, the author had put forwardsome translation skills, making attempts to find s
8、olutions to each problem; finally, the author had drawn aconclusion, which includes the gains during the translation, limitations of the translation and suggestions oftranslation.key words: chinese-english translation; translation theories and skills; problems and solutionsiii摘摘要要本文是一篇汉译英翻译实践报告。翻译原文
9、节选于当代著名台湾籍作家白先勇写的中篇小说“玉卿嫂” 。本文主要包括四个部分:介绍,研究背景,原文文本分析以及问题和解决方法。文章首先介绍了原文文本以及翻译目的。然后,作者采用奈达的功能对等理论对全文理解和翻译过程中所出现的问题进行分析,其中主要有句法问题,语义问题,选词问题,翻译理论运用问题,翻译技巧运用问题和语境理解上的问题。针对所述问题,作者提出一些翻译技巧,尝试为每个问题找到解决方法。最后,文章总结了此次翻译的收获和不足之处。关键词关键词:汉译英翻译;翻译理论和技巧;问题和解决方法ivcontentsacknowledgements. iabstract. ii摘要.iii1. int
10、roduction.11.1 research background.11.2 motivation and purpose of the translation.11.3 the structure of the report.22. background.22.1 the biography of the author.22.2 the introduction of the source text.33. preparation for translation.33.1 translation theory.33.2 translation skills and theapplicati
11、on of translation skills.44. problems and solutions in translation.64.1 problems in translation.64.1.1 problems of syntax.64.1.2 problems of semantics.64.1.3 problems of choosing words.74.1.4 problems of application of translation theory.84.1.5 problems of application of translation skills.84.1.6 pr
12、oblem of understanding of context. 84.2 solutions to problems in translation.84.2.1 solution to problems of syntax.94.2.2 solution to problems of semantics. 94.2.3 solution to problems of choosing words.94.2.4 solution to problems of application of translation theory.94.2.5 solution to problems of a
13、pplication of translation skills.104.2.6 solution to problem of understanding of context.105. conclusion. 115.1 gains during the translation.115.2 limitations of the translation.115.3 suggestions of translation.12bibliography. 13appendix i. iappendix ii.iv河池学院 2015 届本科毕业论文11. introductionthis report
14、 is about the translation of the extracted texts from “yuqing”, a novella writtenby the famous contemporary taiwanese writer bai xianyong. on the whole, the extractedtexts are plain and understandable. the author translated the texts with the purpose ofimproving his translation as well as developing
15、 some useful and functional translationtheories and skills which can serve as an example. in this report, the author not onlyintroduces some useful translation theories and skills he applied in the translation, but alsopresents some solutions to the difficulties and problems he met.1.1 research back
16、groundwith the soaring development of the society and the deeper communication of academybetween english nations and china, more and more chinese people expect that the fine worksof literature of china can be known by others nation so that the chinese civilization andculture can be popularized and t
17、he relationship between english nations and china can stepforward. seeing from the long history, with the deep influence of english, english literaturealso got its way into chinese peoples life. however, china, as a giant with a long history andhuge collections of culture and civilization, is faced
18、with difficulty in spreading its ownculture to the outside world. therefore, the exchange and communication of literaturebetween china and english nations largely counts on translation. and to achieve this,practical and useful translation theories and skills are expected to be improved, to be update
19、d,and to be developed.1.2 motivation and purpose of the translationtranslation is an activity that converts one language into another one language. and tosucceed in translating one language, connected theories and skills are demanded. in this dayand age, it is urgent that the fine chinese culture sh
20、ould be spread to other countries. as a tool,translation is vitally significant for the diffusion of literary works between china and englishcountries. in this thesis, the author translated the texts with purpose of improving his ownlevel of translation as well as attempting to seek for some useful
21、skills of translation. theauthor believes that practice breeds truth and knowledge only can be discovered by acting oftimes.河池学院 2015 届本科毕业论文21.3 the structure of the reportthe translation report includes five parts. the first part is introduction, including researchbackground, motivation and purpos
22、e of the translation and the structure of the report. thesecond part is background, comprising the biography of the author of the extracted texts andthe introduction of the source text. the third part is the preparation for the translation, whichincludes the introduction of the related translation t
23、heories and skills. the fourth parts is theanalysis of the target language, which embraces translation theories and skills applied in thetranslation, problems and solutions during the translation. the fifth part is the conclusion ofthe report. this is the structure of the report, and the background
24、information of the report isas follows.2. backgroundthroughout the history, exchanges of every kind at different levels between nations havenever stopped. nowadays, with the swift development of the world and the closercommunication of nations, the translation betweendifferentlanguages has becomeinc
25、reasingly important. as to the relationship between china and english countries, academicexchange is also an indispensable part. and in order to fast-track this, more functional andtheories and skills concerning translation between chinese and english are strongly expectedto come into being. a great
26、 number of professors or lovers of translation have been keepingtheir eyes up to the pursuit of translation theories and skills. firstly, most of the translatorswant more new translation theories and skills to born; secondly, many people failed to be agood translator on account of varies reasons. as
27、 a result, voices rose that discussion andpractice in translation should be sparked so as to change the current situation and ultimatelyprovides a powerful tool of translation for the development of the relationship between chinaand english-speaking countries.2.1 the biography of the authorbai xiany
28、ong, the writer of “yuqing”, is a very influential contemporary writer in taiwan.he was born in 1937 in guilin, guangxi. his father was bai congxi, a top general of thenationalist party. during and after the anti-japanese war, he successively lived in chongqing,shanghai, and nanjing. in 1948, he fin
29、ished his elementary school in hong kong, andfinished his junior high school in 1952 in taiwan. in 1957, he studied in the foreignlanguage department of taiwan university. after graduation, he entered the novel writing河池学院 2015 届本科毕业论文3class in the university of iowa in america in 1963 and got his m
30、asters degree in 1965.afterwards, he worked as a professor in the university of california, teaching chineselanguage and literature.bai xianyong began his writing career in the late 1950s. in 1958, he published his firstshort story “grandma jin”. then in 1960, along with other acquaintances, he star
31、ted amagazine modern literature, which largely contained most of his published works. baixianyong is a realistic writer. in most of his works, they all have their own features. baixianyong skillfully mixes the vigorous and elegant language of the classic works with thebeijing dialect, which has inve
32、nted a very lively, elegant and smooth language style. withregard to the portrayal of the psychological activity of the figures, bai xianyong properlyadopted the technique of expression of the stream of consciousness according to worksgenres and content, which had generated a fair artistic effect.2.
33、2 the introduction of the source textthe source texts are two chapters extracted from a novella titled “yuqing”. there arefourteen chapters in the novella in total, and the two extracted chapters is the beginning of thenovel: chapter i and chapter ii. the content of these two chapters are mainly abo
34、ut a littleboys strong attachment with a lady named yuqing. in the chapters, most of the contentinvolves dialogues between the heroes in the novella. on the whole, from the perspective ofchinese, the chapters are easy to be understood because the diction in the chapters is plain andcivil-oriented. t
35、he main difficulty lies in the translation of portrayal of characters and theorganization of some complicated sentences.3. preparation for translationin this part, the author introduces the theories and skills applied in the translation, andsome problems and corresponding solutions during the transl
36、ation. the author introducesthese one by one in detail as follows.3.1 translation theoryspeaking of theory of translation, there are many versions. for a long time, mosttranslators usually use literal translation or free translation when they translate a text. in thiscase, many mistakes are made bec
37、ause of lacking a sound theory of translation or functionalskills. however, the author used functional equivalence theory of nida when translated the河池学院 2015 届本科毕业论文4texts. according to nida, translation concerns not only the vocabulary in the sense ofequivalence, but also the meaning, style and st
38、ylistic equivalence. so far, his theory is a ratherpractical and useful theory of translation. he considers that meaning is the most important andwhat comes next is the form. according to the characteristics of the extracted texts and hisunderstanding and analysis of the original, the author decided
39、 to use functional equivalencetheory of nida.3.2 translation skills and the application of translation skillsgenerally speaking, translation skills include these skills: literal translation, freetranslation, foreignization and domestication. of course, there are many other translationskills like con
40、version of words, shift of forms and amplification and so on. literal translationis the most widely used translation technique among all the translation skills. literaltranslation refers to the rendering of text form one language to another word -for -word ratherthan conveying the meaning of the ori
41、ginal. on the contrary, free translation refers to therendering of text form one language to another according to conveying the sense of theoriginal rather than wordfor-word meanings. amplification refers to the method of addingsome words to make the translation in accordance with the features of an
42、other language. inthis thesis, according to the original texts, the author only used literal and free translation andamplification to finish the translation.according to the genre of the original texts, in the translation, the author mostly usedliteral translation, free translation and amplification
43、.as mentioned in the introduction of translation skills, literal translation is the most widelyused skill among all the translation skills. when translate some simple sentences, most peopleusually adopt literal translation.the application of literal translation:sample :original sentence:明天我再带你去,今天我没
44、空,我要回家去看玉卿嫂。translation: i will take you there tomorrow, but i am busy today, i need to go home to seeyuqing.sample :original sentence:胖子大娘咪着眼睛笑道: “有两个头四只眼睛的!你自己去看吧,看了她你就不想你奶妈了。 ”translation: with two eyes narrowed, she said, “she has two heads and four eyes! go and河池学院 2015 届本科毕业论文5check for yourse
45、lf, you will get over your nanny when you see yuqing.”analysis: in the above two samples, when we analyze the original sentences, we can seethe structure and the words of the sentences are very simple. when the author translated thesetwo sentences, he only used simple words, and he did not change th
46、e position of the wordsand when compared with the original sentences, we can see that there are not any obviouschanges of choice of words in the english words.when translate some sentences that consists of tricky words and written-oriented words orphrases, many translator usually choose to use free
47、translation.the application of free translation:sample:original sentence:我给撵了出来,窝得一肚子闷气。translation: my mother kicked me out and i went off to sulk.sample :original sentence:难得这个娃和你投缘,你明天就搬来吧,省得他扭得我受不了。translation: considering that there is a connection between you and him, you can move intomorrow s
48、o that he would no longer annoy me.analysis: in this sentence, when translated投缘the author interpreted it as a kind ofconnection. and used the word annoy when translated省得他扭得我受不了which also canconvey the meaning expected to be conveyed in the original sentence.the application of amplification:sample:
49、original sentence: “只是长得太好了些,只怕-”胖子大娘又在挑唆了。translation: “but, i am afraidshe is far too gorgeous “ the house keeper started to benosy again.analysis: in this translation, the author added the words but, i ,she. if the author did notadd she, then there is no subject in the sentence, which doesnt conf
50、orm to the rules of english.sample :original sentence:我下楼到客厅时,一看见站在矮子舅妈旁边的玉卿嫂却不由得倒吸了一口气,好爽净,好标致translation: i felt so relieved after i went downstairs and saw yuqing, who was standingbeside my aunt in the living room. she is so fair and clean.analysis: in this sample, the author added a subject she
51、and a connective word and when河池学院 2015 届本科毕业论文6translated this sentence. by doing this, the translation of the original sentence she is so fairand clean had fulfilled its purpose of conforming to the language habits of english. intranslation, strictly speaking, amplification cant be ignored.4. prob
52、lems and solutions in translationin this section, the author mainly presents the problems and solutions in translation, moredetailed information will be presented as follows.4.1 problems in translationthis section mainly presents the problems in translation. these problems embodyproblems of syntax,
53、problems of semantics, problems of choosing words, problems ofapplication of translation theories, problems of application of translation skills and problemsof understanding of context. the details can be seen in the following.4.1.1 problems of syntaxsyntax refers to the way that words and phrases a
54、re put together to form sentences in alanguage. it largely involves the structure and grammar of a sentence. during the translationprocess, the author is mostly confused about the compound sentences, and there are manysentences that concern describing a persons appearance, which entails a lot of con
55、templation.worse still, in the translation, a sentence is a paragraph. it is complicated for the author tostraight out these sentences. so it took a lot of time to translate these sentences. for instance,look at this sentence:sample :我下楼到客厅时, 一看见站在矮子舅妈旁边的玉卿嫂却不由得倒抽了一口气,好爽净,好标致,一身白色的短衣长裤,脚底一双带绊的黑布鞋,一头
56、乌油油的头发学那广东婆妈松松的挽了一个髻儿,一双杏仁大的白耳坠子却刚刚露在发脚子外面,净扮的鸭蛋脸,水秀的眼睛,看上去竟比我们桂林人喊做“天辣椒”如意珠那个戏子还俏几分。analysis: this is a paragraph which consists of only one sentence. thus, during theprocess of translating this, the author found it uneasy to sort out the structure of the paragraph,needless to say to translate it i
57、nto english well. therefore, the author has a lot of trouble intranslating the long sentences like the one mentioned.4.1.2 problems of semanticsa good translation should be based on the precise and exhaustive comprehension of a河池学院 2015 届本科毕业论文7text, and word is the basic unit of a text, so its of g
58、reat importance and very necessary to fullygrasp the meaning of words and sentences. it is both common and unavoidable that manypeople make some mistakes that can be avoided due to the failure of having a fullunderstanding the meaning of words and sentences. in this report, when the author translate
59、dthe texts, some problems related to semantics also came up and there are some obviousmistakes as to semantics in the translation. first, according to the characteristics of theextracted texts, there are many dialects and some terms in some certain places, whichdetermine that the author should put m
60、ore time to study its background and the relevantinformation so as to help understand the meaning of the dictions and featured words. forexample:sample :我下楼到客厅时,一看见站在矮子舅妈旁边的玉卿嫂却不由得倒抽了一口气.analysis: in this sentence, the phrase”倒抽了一口气”means feeling relieved in theoriginal text. but if the author took
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