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1、精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载alleviation crucial further development to a ccelerate the proce ss of well -off society ha s create d a great opport unity. 18 si nce t he ce ntral and provi ncia l poverty all eviation a nd devel opment i nto the overall strategic planning、 priority a nd "first proje ct"

2、、 formulated a series of poli cies now focus、 development mea sures have all be en clear. we want to seize the opport unit y、 pre cisi on a ppli cation strategy、 focus punch、 break "support . 、 s upports t he devel opme nt of ol d revoluti onary a nd a series of poli cy measure s in areas such

3、as i nfrastruct ure、 publi c servi ces、 promoti ng hig h standards、 support、 and more opportunities for us to a ccelerate development、 provide greater support. from provi nce s policy oriented see、 "1236" poverty st orming、 a nd "6873" traffic breakthr oug h、 and "6363"

4、 water guara ntees、 major action speed up im plementation、 e col ogical security barrier、 and long east energy chemical base con structi on、 major strategy intensive intr oduced、 and provi ncial "eight a change"、 and "eighta both" and munici pal "six a into"、 a nd "

5、;six big support" of de cisi on depl oyment、 conce ntrated release has many poli cy good. in parti cular gansu silk roa d economic belt of gold a nd heritage of chinese civili zation construction of adva nci ng the i nnovati on zone 、 jing chuan based a dvantage、 create node cities a nd provi d

6、e a br oader spa ce in core area s. from i county proje ct resource s see 、 national e col ogical civilizati on pilot e ngineer ing model county and cycle e conomi c model county tw o a national proje ct landing impl ementation、 will i n country province level w on m ore support; pi ngliang to jingc

7、hua n city inter fast channel、 a nd xi ping railway double tra ck、 major pr oje ct into provinces plate、 will furt her upgrade i county traffic hub and channel economic stat us; paper brigade i ntegrated body、 and zhu jia jian reserv oir、 a nd agri cult ural pv power、 and ga s utilizati on、 and comm

8、odity trading and the agri cult ural wholesal e market、 and million tonnes of controlle d atmosphere fruit a nd freezi ng and dryi ng food production line 、 a num ber of major proje cts impleme nted、 handica p、 li u li he reserv oir pr oject w ork smoothly、 these projects originated from the "t

9、welve-five" conti nue to a ccumulate、 t o devel op their pote ntial in t he "thirtee n-five" concentrated duri ng release. orie nt、 is to deepen the understanding of a ccurate. after years of the revision、 devel opme nt of jing chuan sta nd on a ne w hist orical starti ng point、 featu

10、res of e conomic a nd social devel opme nt has cha nged significa ntly. compre hensive constr ucti on of well -off society in e ntering t he showdow n to win stage、 dual act ion and poor preci sion、 drive n by county poverty dr opped from 37.5% to 11.2%. full implementation of the "1+17"、

11、"2+19" programme、 ensure the timely realization of poverty、 poor people to a chieve well-off soci ety、 we must battle tasks. fr om the per spe ctive of current income、 poor village、 the poor ge nerally la ck strong i ndustrial support、 most rely on service r eve nue 、 along with the dee pe

12、ni ng of structurareform、 low skills、 hard w ork will become incre asingly difficult、 la bor income jump more a nd more六年级数学应用题大全一.分数的应用题2.一根钢管长10 米,第一次截去它的7 10,其次次又截去余下的1 3,仍剩多少米?3.修筑一条大路,完成了全长的23 后、离中点16.5 千米,这条大路全长多少千米?4.师徒两人合做一批零件,徒弟做了总数的27,比师傅少做21个,这批零件有多少个?5.仓库里有一批化肥,第一次取出总数的25,其次次取出总数的1 3 少 1

13、2 袋,这时仓库里仍剩24 袋,两次共取出多少袋?6.甲乙两地相距1152 千米、一列客车和一列货车同时从两地对开、货车每小时行72 千米、比客车快2/7,两车经过多少小时相遇?7.一件上衣比一条裤子贵160 元、其中裤子的价格为上衣的3/5、一条 裤子多少元 .二.比的应用题2. 一个长方体棱长总和为96厘米,长.宽.高的比为3 2 1,这个长方体的体积为多少?5.有两筐水果,甲筐水果重32 千克,从乙筐取出20后,甲乙两筐水果的重量比为4:3,原先两筐水果共有多少千克?7.小明看一本故事书,第一天看了全书的1/9,其次天看了24 页,两天看了的页数与剩下页数的比为1: 4,这本书共有多少页

14、?三.百分数的应用题精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载alleviation crucial further development to a ccelerate the proce ss of well -off society ha s create d a great opport unity. 18 si nce t he ce ntral and provi ncia l poverty all eviation a nd devel opment i nto the overall strategic planning、 priority a nd "firs

15、t proje ct"、 formulated a series of poli cies now focus、 de velopment mea sures have all be en clear. we want to seize the opport unit y、 pre cisi on a ppli cation strategy、 focus punch、 break "support . 、 s upports t he devel opme nt of ol d revoluti onary a nd a series of poli cy measure

16、 s in areas such as i nfrastruct ure、 publi c servi ces、 promoti ng hig h standards、 support、 and more opportunities for us to a ccelerate development、 provide greater support. from provi nce s policy oriented see、 "1236" poverty st orming、 a nd "6873" traffic breakthr oug h、 and

17、 "6363" water guara ntees、 major action speed up im plementation、 e col ogical security barrier、 and long east energy chemical base constructi on、 major strategy intensive intr oduced、 and provi ncial " eight a change"、 and "eighta both" and munici pal "six a into&

18、quot;、 a nd "six big support" of de cisi on depl oyment、 conce ntrated release has many poli cy good. in parti cular gansu silk roa d economic belt of gold a nd heritage of chinese civili zation construction of adva nci ng the i nnovati on zone 、 jing chuan based a dvantage、 create node ci

19、ties a nd provi de a br oader spa ce in core area s. from i county proje ct resource s see 、 national e col ogical civilizati on pilot e ngineer ing model county and cycle e conomi c model county tw o a national proje ct landing impl ementation、 will i n country province level w on m ore support; pi

20、 ngliang to jingchua n city inter fast channel、 a nd xi ping railway double tra ck、 major pr oje ct into provinces plate、 will furt her upgrade i county traffic hub an d channel economic stat us; paper brigade i ntegrated body、 and zhu jia jian reserv oir、 a nd agri cult ural pv power、 and ga s util

21、izati on、 and commodity trading and the agri cult ural wholesal e market、 and million tonnes of controlle d atmosphere fruit a nd freezi ng and dryi ng food production line 、 a num ber of major proje cts impleme nted、 handica p、 li u li he reserv oir pr oject w ork smoothly、 these projects originate

22、d from the "twelve-five" conti nue to a ccumulate、 t o devel op their pote ntial in t he "thirtee n-five" concentrated duri ng release. orie nt、 is to deepen the understanding of a ccurate. after years of the revision、 devel opme nt of jing chuan sta nd on a ne w hist orical star

23、ti ng point、 features of e conomic a nd social devel opme nt has cha nged significa ntly. compre hensive constr ucti on of well -off society in e ntering t he showdow n to win stage、 dual act ion and poor preci sion、 drive n by county poverty dr opped f rom 37.5% to 11.2%. full implementation of the

24、 "1+17"、 "2+19" programme、 ensure the timely realization of poverty、 poor people to a chi eve well-off soci ety、 we must battle tasks. fr om the per spe ctive of current income、 poor village、 the poor ge nerally la ck strong i ndustrial support、 most rely on service reve nue 、 al

25、ong with the dee peni ng of structurareform、 low skills、 hard w ork will become incre asingly difficult、 la bor income jump more a nd more1.某化肥厂今年产值比去年增加了20%,比去年增加了500 万元,今年道值为多少万元?2.果品公司储存一批苹果,售出这批苹果的30后,又运来160 箱,这时比原先储存的苹果多1/10,这时有苹果多少箱?5.服装店同时买出了两件衣服、每件衣服各得120元、但其中一件赚20%、另一件陪了20%、问服装店卖出的两件衣服为赚钱了仍

26、为亏本 了.6.爸爸今年43 岁,女儿今年11 岁,几年前女儿年龄为爸爸的20%?9. 张平有 500 元钱、准备存入银行两年 .可以有两种储蓄方法 、一种为存两年期的 、年利率为 2.43%;一种为先存一年期的 、年利率为 2.25%、第一年到期时再把本金和税后利息取出来合在一起 、再存入一年 .挑选哪种方法得到的税后利息多一些 .10.小丽的妈妈在银行里存入人民币5000 元,存期一年,年利率2.25%,取款时由银行代扣代收20%的利息税,到期时,所交的利息税为多少元?11.一种小麦出粉率为85%,要磨 13.6 吨面粉,需要这样的小麦吨;12.甲.乙两车同时从相距420 千米的 a .b

27、 两地相对开出, 5 小时后甲车行了全程的3/4,乙车行了全程的2/3,这时两车相距多少千米?精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载alleviation crucial further development to a ccelerate the proce ss of well -off society ha s create d a great opport unity. 18 si nce t he ce ntral and provi ncia l poverty all eviation a nd devel opment i nto the overall strateg

28、ic planning、 priority a nd "first proje ct"、 formulated a series of poli cies now focus、 de velopment mea sures have all be en clear. we want to seize the opport unit y、 pre cisi on a ppli cation strategy、 focus punch、 break "support . 、 s upports t he devel opme nt of ol d revoluti o

29、nary a nd a series of poli cy measure s in areas such as i nfrastruct ure、 publi c servi ces、 promoti ng hig h standards、 support、 and more opportunities for us to a ccelerate development、 provide greater support. from provi nce s policy oriented see、 "1236" poverty st orming、 a nd "6

30、873" traffic breakthr oug h、 and "6363" water guara ntees、 major action speed up im plementation、 e col ogical security barrier、 and long east energy chemical base constructi on、 major strategy intensive int oduced、 and provi ncial "eight a change"、 and "eighta both&quo

31、t; and munici pal "six a into"、 a nd "six big support" of de cisi on depl oyment、 conce ntrated release has many poli cy good. in parti cular gansu silk roa d economic belt of gold a nd heritage of chinese civili zation construction of adva nci ng the i nnovati on zone 、 jing chu

32、an based a dvantage、 create node cities a nd provi de a br oader spa ce in core area s. from i county proje ct resource s see 、 national e col ogical civilizati on pilot e ngineer ing model county and cycle e conomi c model county tw o a national proje ct landing impl ementation、 will i n country pr

33、ovince level w on m ore support; pi ng liang to jingchua n city inter fast channel、 a nd xi ping railway double tra ck、 major pr oje ct into provinces plate、 will furt her upgrade i county traffic hub and channel economic stat us; paper brigade i ntegrated body、 and zhu jia jian reserv oir、 a nd agr

34、i cult ural pv power、 and ga s utilizati on、 and commodity trading and the agri cult ural wholesal e market、 and million tonnes of controlle d atmosphere fruit a nd freezi ng and dryi ng food production line 、 a num ber of major proje cts impleme nted、 handica p、 li u li he reserv oir pr oject w ork

35、 smoothly、 these projects originated from the "twelve-five" conti nue to a ccumulate、 t o devel op their pote ntial in t he "thirtee n-five" concentrated duri ng release. orie nt、 is to deepen the understanding of a ccurate. after years of the revision、 devel opme nt of jing chua

36、n sta nd on a ne w hist orical starti ng point、 features of e conomic a nd social devel opme nt has cha nged significa ntly. compre hensive constr ucti on of well -off society in e ntering t he showdow n to win stage、 dual act ion and poor preci sion、 drive n by county poverty dr opped from 37.5% to

37、 11.2%. full implementation of the "1+17"、 "2+19" programme、 ensure the tim ely realization of poverty、 poor people to a chi eve well-off soci ety、 we must battle tasks. fr om the per spe ctive of current income、 poor village、 the poor ge nerally la ck strong i ndustrial support、

38、 most rely on service reve nue 、 along with the dee peni ng of structurareform、 low skills、 hard w ork will become incre asingly difficult、 la bor income jump more a nd more1.某村要挖一条长2700 米的水渠,已经挖了1050 米,再挖多少米正好挖完这条水渠的2/3?3.仓库运来大米240 吨,运来的大豆为大米吨数的5/6,大豆的吨数又为面粉的3/4;运来面粉多少吨?4.甲筐苹果9/10 千克 、把甲的1/9 给乙筐 、甲

39、乙相等 、求乙筐苹果多少千克.6.甲.乙两个工程队共修路360 米,甲乙两队长度比为5 : 4 ,甲队比乙队多修了多少米?7.服装厂第一车间有工人150 人,其次车间的工人数为第一车间的2/5,两个车间的人数正好为全厂工人总数的5/6,全厂有工人多少人?8.一批水果120 吨,其中梨占总数的2/5,又为苹果的4/5,苹果有多少千克?9.甲乙两数的和为120,把甲的1/3 给乙,甲.乙的比为2:3,求原先的甲为多少?10.小红采集标本24 件,送给小芳4 件后,小红恰好为小芳的4/5, 小芳原有多少件? 13.小红有邮票60 张,小明有邮票40 张,小红给多少张小明,两人 的邮票张数比为1: 4

40、?14.王华以每小时4 千米的速度从家去学校, 1/6 小时行了全程的2/3, 王华家离学校有多少千米?16.一辆汽车行9/2 千米用汽油9/25 升,用 3/5 升汽油可以行多少米?精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载alleviation crucial further development to a ccelerate the proce ss of well -off society ha s create d a great opport unity. 18 si nce t he ce ntral and provi ncia l poverty all eviatio

41、n a nd devel opment i nto the overall strategic planning、 priority a nd "first proje ct"、 formulated a series of poli cies now focus、 de velopment mea sures have all be en clear. we want to seize the opport unit y、 pre cisi on a ppli cation strategy、 focus punch、 break "support . 、 s upports t he devel opme nt of ol d revoluti onary a nd a series


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