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1、口译技巧之数字口译口译技巧之数字口译clarkOutline导入练习数字口译概述分数和小数的口译模糊数字的口译特殊倍数的口译趋势数字的口译实战训练Reading and interpreting numbers properlyRead the following numbers in English123一万10000000087654321Interpreting numbers1 亿? 100 mn, 0.1 bn150 billion? 15亿?E.g. This amount would be enough to service its $ 10 billions debt. AmE

2、 or BrE?十亿 一百亿一千亿一万亿(avoid using 兆)Interpreting Chinese ordinal numbers Challenges : cultural differences cognitive loadsE.g.1 这是您第几次访问中国?E.g.2 你们队得了第几名?E.g.2 令公子排行第几?In Chinese we often hear or talk about ordinal numbers. If we interpret in English, we have to change the ways of asking/inquiry.这是您第

3、几次来中国?Is this your first visit to China? This isnt your first visit to China, is it?How many times have you been in China?你们队得了第几名?Did your team win the championship?Did you get/win the first place in the competition?这孩子是(你的)老几呀?Is this your oldest/youngest child/son/daughter?数字口译数字翻译是口译中的一大难关,数字之所以

4、难译,其中一个主要原因在于英语和汉语对于四位数以上的数字的表达,有不同的段位概念和分段方法。英语数字以每三位数为一段位,而汉语则以每四位数为一段位。 1, 0 0 0, 0 0 0, 0 0 0bmth亿万千不同的表达方式不同的表达方式英语英语分节号:分节号:thousand, thousand, million, million, billion billion(十亿)(十亿)汉语汉语档位:个、十、百、千、档位:个、十、百、千、 万、亿万、亿数字的翻译bmth十亿亿千万百万十万万千百十个口译数字的关键在于记录口译数字的关键在于记录填空计数填空计数第一段位个 十 百 千 第二段位万十万 百万

5、千万第三段位亿十亿百亿千亿第四段位兆(万亿)第一段位OneTenHundred第二段位ThousandTen thousandHundred thousand第三段位MillionTen millionHundred million第四段位BillionTen billionHundred billion第五段位Trillion汉语数字分段法:英语数字分段法:阿拉伯数字阿拉伯数字英语英语汉语汉语1One一10Ten十100Onehundred一百1,000Onethousand一千10,000Tenthousand一万(首位*10)thousand100,000Onehundredthousa


7、19 56 78 86 135 207 576 832 961 2006 4,777 6,803 7,169 9,038 21,536 40,632 79,064 88,705 91,003 109,062 220,890 917,005 803,046 999,990 2,500,000 5,978,300 96,329,100 873,665,300 415,978,729 78,112,030,331 201,978,005,171 91,179,999,236C-E41 76 89 123 459 678 2345 9003 7980 3,0125 4,2048 6,0033 21,4

8、598 23,0010 97,0365 310,5980 555,5005 903,1750 4067,9321 5903,8093 5603,7830 9853,0840 4,3982,0493 5,8472,0240 9,1520,0251 55,1650,0651 61,3591,6516 95,0000,6525 498,9576,0000 982,5029,0065 9984,0685,6598 Common mistakes in interpreting numbersmulti-digital numberstimesapproximate numbersPronouncing

9、 numbers14% ? 40% ?Tip: 13%-19% common mispronunciationsHearing numbersS/SE Asians 14% = 40% ?U.S. 1000= one thousand? Ten hundred?2. 数字的翻译一万:一万:10 thousand十万:十万:100 thousand百万:百万:million千万:千万:10 million亿:亿: 100 million十亿:十亿:a billion数字的翻译分节号的作用分节号的作用 five thousand 5, thirty-two thousand 32, five mi

10、llion 5, twenty five million 25, one billion 1,用横向方式表现为: billion million thousand万 千 百 十 千 百 十 亿,亿 万 万,万 万 千,百 十 个 2, 8 6 3, 5 8 9, 4 0 0汉语读作: 二十八亿六千三百五十八万九千四百英语读作:two billion, eight hundred sixty-three million, five hundred eighty-nine thousand and four hundred实践是训练数字互译的根本途径。口译教学要集中一段时间专门进行数字口译训练。译

11、员只有经过大量反复的数字口译实践才能掌握英汉数字互译的不同特点和规律,达到数字互译脱口而出,快速、准确的程度。 Read the following figures in Chinese: 3,8993,9087,00930,00990,59179,301780,120504,781312,6852,345,4101,129,1051,001,45331,289,09810,209,01324,155,876160,890,232101,870,171278,067,9911,898,220,0001,029,991,12490,892,134,783672,009,719,2298,890,

12、234,891,889135,481,901,270Read the following Chinese figures in English, and write down the figures in Arabic figures:六万五十七万四百七十六万九百六十一万五千九百三十三万七百五十亿十一亿七千五百万三千五百三十八万五千九亿三千六百七十七万七千分数和小数的口译分数和小数的口译 Fractions(cardinal no./ordinal no.)六分之一:六分之一: 二分之一:二分之一:四分之一:四分之一:四分之三:四分之三:one-sixtha/one halfa/one qua

13、rterthree quarters 8%eight percent15%fifteen percent42%forty-two percent4.35%four point three five percent0.5%point five percent4.032four point naught three two71.006seventy-one point naught naught six 1/2one half; a half1/3one third 1/4a quarter3/5three-fifths7/8seven-eighths1/10one-tenth1/100one-h

14、undredth;one percent 1/1000one-thousandth14/1000fourteen-thousandths1/10000one-ten thousandths2-1/2two and a half4-2/3four and two-thirds分数和小数的口译分数和小数的口译五分之二:五分之二:十分之七:十分之七:千分之三:千分之三:two-fifthsseven-tenthsthree-thousandths分数和小数的口译分数和小数的口译 Fractions六十分之九十七:六十分之九十七:七十五分之三十四:七十五分之三十四:ninety-seven over

15、sixty-threethirty-four over seventy-five 分数和小数的口译分数和小数的口译六又七分之四:六又七分之四:六又二分之一:六又二分之一:九又四分之三:九又四分之三:six and four-seventhssix and a halfnine and three quarters分数和分数和小数的口译小数的口译0.7:0.546: 0.009%:point seven; zero point sevenpoint five four sixzero point o o nine percent分数和分数和小数的口译小数的口译9.007:87.36%:nine

16、point 0 0 seven; nine point zero zero seveneighty-seven point three six percent分数和分数和小数的口译小数的口译0.8 万万 :0.7亿:亿:0.93亿:亿:56.08万:万:8,000;eight thousand70,000,000; seventy million93,000,000; ninety-three million560,800; five hundred and sixty thousand eight hundredExamples1. 中国的劳动力有7亿4千万,而欧美所有发达国家的劳动力只有4

17、亿3千万。中国每年新增劳动力1000万,下岗和失业人口大约1400万,进城的农民工一般保持在1亿2000万。中国面临巨大的就业压力,中国13亿人口有9亿农民,目前没有摆脱贫困的有3000万左右,这是按每年人均收入625元的标准计算的。1. The population of this city in 2004 was 1. The population of this city in 2004 was 78,872,890.78,872,890.The natural reserve takes up an area of The natural reserve takes up an are

18、a of 123,880,000 square kilometers.123,880,000 square kilometers.The coastal line of this country is 7,723,605 The coastal line of this country is 7,723,605 meters.meters.The number of college graduates will climb to The number of college graduates will climb to a record high of 3,28 million this su

19、mmer, an a record high of 3,28 million this summer, an increase of 540,000, or 34%, over the year increase of 540,000, or 34%, over the year 2000.2000.Australia, with its landmass of 7,686,850 Australia, with its landmass of 7,686,850 square kilometers, or 2,967,893 square miles, square kilometers,

20、or 2,967,893 square miles, has a population of 18,742,000.has a population of 18,742,000.2. ten years ago, China had 1075 full time institutions of higher learning with 88,100 graduates and 1,320,000 undergraduates. So far, in tertiary institutions there are 1,700 research institutes of natural scie

21、nce. 3. shanghai generated 144.77billion yuan in total tax, Corporate income tax rose by 16.6 percent to 88.17billion yuan and individual income tax was 13.41 billion yuan, up 41percent.4. Chinas foreign reserves, the worlds second largest after Japan, has increased by 48.4 percent to US$ 383.9 bill

22、ion from the previous year.5. Shanghai Volkswagen, Chinas largest automaker, is planning to invest a minimum of US$120million on new product development in each of the next five years with an aim to double it annual sales to 600,000 units. It achieved combined sales of 400,000 units last year, a 32

23、percent increase from a year earlier. 模糊数字的口译模糊数字的口译 口译中经常遇到一些模糊数字,如“几个”、“十几个”、“几十个”、“成百上千个”等等。模糊数字的口译虽也有一定的规律,但主要靠平时熟记,用时才能熟练自如,准确无误。注意以下模糊数字的口译几个 十几个几十个 几十年 七十好几了 好几百个 成千上万/千千万万 几十万 some; a few;/several; a number ofmore than 10; no more than twentydozens ofDecadeswell over seventyhundreds ofthousa

24、nds ofhundreds of thousands ofNote the following ways of uncertain numberswell over seventyin her/his early twentiesin her/his late thirtiesthousands and thousands ofhundreds ofthousands upon thousand ofhundreds of thousands ofmillions ofhundreds of millions ofa decadea score/four score and seven ye

25、ars agoa generationhalf a centurycentennial Century特殊倍数的表达到2020年实现国内生产总值比2000年翻两番,达到40,000亿美元左右Quadruple By 2020, Chinas GDP will quadruple that of 2000 to approximately USD 4 trillion.今年的粮食产量比去年增长2成. 20%The output of grain this year increased by 20% over the last year. Useful verbs 位居世界第二Is ranked

26、the second/ 中国经济总量位居世界第六,进出口贸易额居世界第四。Chinas economy is ranked the 6th in the world and its foreign trade is ranked the 4th. China is the worlds sixth largest economy and the fourth largest trader. 上涨,增长To rise, to increase, to climb, to go up, to jump, to soarA sharp/considerable/slight increase/ ri

27、se下降,减少To fall, to drop, to decline, to decrease, to reduce,to go downA sharp/slight drop/decline Total 总计去年收入总计人民币150亿元,比上年增长20%The revenue of last year totaled RMB 15 b yuan, a 20% increase over the previous year.Short expressions今年为, 比上年上涨了, a % increase over the previous/last year, up %. , tons

28、more than last year.全年产量The annual output of年均进口增速达到20%The import grows at an annual rate of 20%. 国民经济继续保持平稳较快增长。国内生产总值超过30万亿元,比上年增长9%;物价总水平涨幅得到控制;财政收入6.13万亿元,增长19.5%;粮食连续五年增产,总产量10570亿斤,创历史最高水平。The national economy continued to maintain steady and rapid growth. GDP topped 30 trillion yuan, an incre

29、ase of 9% over the previous year. Overall price rises were held in check. Government revenue was 6.13 trillion yuan, an increase of 19.5%. Grain output rose for the fifth consecutive year and totaled 528.5 million tons, a record high.1. the annual added value of industry is RMB 6.2815 trillion yuan,

30、 an increase of 11.5% over last year.2. the annual output of grain is 469,470,000 tons, 38,770,000tons more than last year and an increase of 9.1%. 3. the annual total volume of import and export is USD 1.1548 trillion, an increase of 35.7% over last year. 4. the annual volume of contracted foreign

31、capital is USD 153.5 billion, an increase of 33.4%, and actually utilized foreign capital is USD 60.6 billion, an increase of 13.3%. 5. the annual number of inbound tourists is 109,040,000, and the income from foreign currency is USD 25.7 billion, an increase of 47.9%. 增增/减倍数的口译减倍数的口译英汉倍数的表达有相似之处,也有

32、不同。英汉互译时要特别注意不同的英语句型和表达方法所表示的倍数概念与汉语不同。英语用times 表示倍数。无论在何种句型中都表示乘的关系,即包括基数在内的倍数。请注意以下表示倍数的英语句型及其含义:A is N times larger(longer,heavier)than B.A is larger(longer,heavier)than B by N times.A is N times as large(long,heavy)as B.这三句英语的含义都是“A的大小(长度、重量)是B的N倍”,或者“A比B大(长、重)N-1倍”。根据以上规律,请看下面英语句子的汉译:(1) The ea

33、rth is 49 times the size of the moon.地球的大小是月球的49倍。(或地球比月球大48倍)(2) Since mid-century, the global economy has nearly quintupled, While the population has doubled, demand for grain has nearly tripled, and the burning of fossil fuels has increased nearly fourfold.自本世纪中叶以来,全球经济增长了将近四倍,人口翻了一番。结果,粮食的需求增加了近

34、两倍,石油燃料增加了近三倍。(3) Within 30 years there will be twice as many urban people as countryside people in the world.30年内,全世界的城市居民将是农村人口的两倍。(4) Although London covers less than 400,000 acres, it needs nearly 50 million acre-125 times its area-to provide it with food, timber, and other resources, and to abs

35、orb its pollution.虽然伦敦占地不到40万英亩,却需要近5000万英亩的土地125倍于它本身的面积来供给它食品,原木和其他资源,并吸收它产生的污染物。 汉语倍数的表示法归纳起来有两类:第一类表示是(原数的)几倍,几倍于(原数)或增加到(原数的)几倍。第二类表示(比原数)大几倍或(比原数)增加了几倍;这两类说法含义不同。第一类表示包括基数在内的倍数,与英语倍数表示法的含义相同。第二类表示净增倍数。因此,汉语倍数的英译首先要区分不同含义,选用恰当的句型,灵活准确地表达。如果用能N times/表示英语的包括基数在内的倍数,那么汉语的第二类表示“增加了几倍”的英译就要用 (N+1)

36、times 来表示。例如:去年这个公司手机的销量增长了近一倍(为原来的两倍)。The sales volume of portable phones of this company increased nearly twice last year.The sales volume of portable phones of this company nearly doubled last year.汉语增加倍数的说法很多,英译时,首先要仔细区分是包括基数在内的增加倍数还是净增倍数,然后决定用N times 还是(N+1)times 来表达。 (1) 过去20年中,中国的国内生产总值增长了近五倍

37、。In the past 20 years, Chinas gross domestic product increased nearly six times.(2) 1978年至1997年,中国人均生产总值增长了3.4倍。Chinas per capita GDP went up by 4.4 times between 1978 and 1997.(3) 中国城镇居民人均居住面积由1978年的3.6平方米提高到1997年的8.8平方米,增加1.4倍。The per capita living space for urban residents in China expanded from

38、3.6 square meters in 1978 to 8.8 square meters in 1997, a rise of 2.4 times.(4) 1949年至1998年, 中国的粮食总产量由1.1亿吨增加到5.1亿吨, 增长3.5倍, 年平均增长3.1%, 是人口增长率的2.5倍。Chinas total grain output increased from 110 million tons in 1949 to 510 million tons in 1998, or an increase of over 4.5 times, with an average annual

39、growth rate of 3.1 percent, 2.5 times that of the population growth.(5) 1997年, 全国高等学校在校生总数为608万人, 其中研究生18万人, 分别是1979年的2.2倍和9.6倍。In 1997,6.08 million students were studying in colleges and universities, including 180,000 postgraduates, 2.2 times and 9.6 times the figures of 1979 respectively.由于汉语很少用“

40、减少了若干倍”的说法,而多用“减少了百分之几”或“减少了几成”的说法,因此,减少多用百分数和分数表示。 (1) 由于水灾,去年的收成减少了三成。Owing to flood, the crop last year was declined by 30 percent.(2) 该公司的员工裁减了近三分之一,开支减少了四分之一。The personnel of the company have been reduced nearly by one-third and the expenses by one-fourth.(3) 1998年,政府机构改革目标实现。国务院下设部门从40个减少到29个,

41、人员减少了近一半。In 1998,the targets of restructuring governmental institutions were met. Departments under the State Council were reduced from 40 to 29 and personnel were cut nearly by half.增增/ /减百分比的口译减百分比的口译“增/减了百分之几”英语和汉语的含义一致,都表示净增或净减百分数。英汉增/减百分数的表示法有以下几种:1) 增/减了%increase/rise/grow%decrease/drop/fall/s

42、ink %或者increase/rise/grow/go up by %decrease/drop/fall/go down by %(1) Between 1986 and 1987, Nikes sales dropped 18 percent and profits sank by more than 40 percent as a result of competition with Reebok.与“锐步”鞋业竞争的结果,从1986到1987年, 耐克(鞋)的销售额下降了18%,利润下降了40%多。(2) By putting out more than one new shoe s

43、tyle everyday on average, in 1995 and 1996, Nikes sales and profits grew 71 percent and 80 percent respectively;meanwhile, Nikes closest rival Reebok grew just nine percent in the same period. 靠平均每天推出一个以上新(鞋)款式,1995到1996,耐克的销售额和利润分别上涨了71%和80%。而同期最接近耐克的竞争对手锐步只上涨了9%。(3) Procter & Gamble just raise

44、d prices on its paper products by as much as 8%.(美国) 普罗科特甘布尔公司刚刚把他们的纸制品价格提高了8%。(4) Spending on non-durables-everything from soap flakes to razors to tennis shoes-rose 30% last year.去年非耐用品,从皂片、剃须刀到网球鞋的消费上升了30%。(5) In the fiscal year of 2000, ending on March 30, export slumped 11.3 percent in Taiwan,

45、10 percent in Thailand, 9.9 percent in South Korea and 2.4 percent in Hong Kong. However, the Chinese mainland posted a respectable 7.5 percent rate in the first quarter.在3月30日刚刚结束的2000财政年度,台湾的出口猛跌了11.3%,泰国10%、南韩9.9%、香港2.4%。然而,中国大陆却公布了第一季度7.5%的可观增长。(6) In America, the number of people engaged in far

46、ming as their principle of occupation fell to 961,560 in 1997, down 8.7 percent from 1992, while the number between (the age of) 25 to 34 fell 28 percent.在美国以农业为主要职业的人数1997下降到961560人,比1992下降了8.7%,而年龄在25到34岁的人数下降了28%。2) 与相比,增/减了%increase/rise/grow /go up by % (as) compared with /as against / as oppos

47、ed to / overdecrease/drop/fall/go down by % (as) compared with /as against / as opposed to /over(1) 1999年,普通高校招生规模比上年扩大了47.4%。 University and college enrollment in 1999 increased by 47.4 percent over the previous year. (2) 同1997年相比,1998年工业排污减少了11.6%;家庭排污增加了2.6%。 Compared with 1997, the discharge of

48、industrial wastewater dropped by 11.6 percent, while that of domestic sewage rose by 2.6 percent in 1998.(3) 因受亚洲金融危机的冲击,1998年中国进出口总额比上年下降0.4%,其中进口总额下降1.5%;出口总额增长0.5%。 As a result of Asian financial crises, Chinas total volume of import and export in 1998 dropped by 0.4 percent over the previous yea

49、r, of which the volume of import went down by 1.5 percent, and the value of export went up by 0.5 percent.3) 增/减率 be % increase/ rise /growth be % decrease/drop /decline an increase / a rise / a growth rate of % a decrease / drop / decline of % be % up /down be up / down%1999年,中国外贸出口达1949亿美元,比上年增长6.

50、1%。Chinas total exports reached US$194.9 billion in 1999, a rise of 6.1 percent over the previous year.1998年,中国全年海外游客入境人数6348万人次,比上年增长10.2%, 国际旅游收入达126亿美元, 增长4.4%。In 1998, China received 63.48 million tourists from overseas, up by 10.2 percent. Income of foreign exchange from tourism reached 12.6 mi

51、llion US dollars, up 4.4 percent.4) 增/减具体数字的英译也可用 “by” +具体数字来表示。我国水土流失面积每年以10,000平方公里的速度在扩大。目前,水土流失面积已达367万平方公里,占总土地面积将近38%。 The area of soil erosion in China has been increasing by 10,000 square km. annually to 3.67 million square km. at present, accounting for nearly 38 percent of the total land a

52、rea.由于低温多雨的影响, 我国夏粮减产1460万吨。 Chinas output of summer grain declined by 14.6 million tons due to low temperature and rainy days during the growing period.汉语增/减百分数的英译还有一些其它表示法,但不管用什么方法,英语的增/减百分数都是净增/减数。实践实践是训练数字互译的根本途径。译员只有经过大量反复的数字口译实践才能掌握英汉数字互译的不同特点和规律,达到数字互译脱口而出,快速、准确的程度。英语中有丰富的描述数字上升、下降或稳定的词汇,即趋势语

53、(trend language)。如下列句子中划线的词汇:The area of cultivated land decreased by 7.6 million hectares, but the yield per hectare rose by an average of 180 kg.Average annual grain supply per person grow from 200 to 400kg, and meat from 9 to 15kg.下面列举一些英语中常用来表达趋势的词汇:表示上升趋势:表示上升趋势:an increase增加, a rise提高, a climb

54、爬升, a jump上升, a growth增长; to increase增加, to rise提高, to climb爬升, to jump上升, to grow增长, to reach升至, to go up上升。表示下降趋势表示下降趋势:a fall下降, a drop跌落, a decline下跌, a decrease减少; to fall下降, to drop跌落, to decline下跌, a decrease减少, to go down下降, to bottom out降至最低点, to slow down减速, to decelerate减速。表示稳定:表示稳定:to re

55、main (stable)保持,不变,稳定,维持; to stand at不变,稳定,维持; to level out (off)平衡,稳定。汉语: “增加增加N元元”,“增加增加N” 英译:a N yuan increasea N percent increase英语:a N-fold increase/increase N-fold/N times表示含义是增加到N倍,不是净增加数,其汉语含义净增数应为N1倍。例证:During the critical year of 1917 Party membership rose tenfold from 20,000 to 200,000. 在

56、关键性的1917年,党员人数从二万增加到二十万,即增加了九倍。英语:“倍数强比较级倍数强比较级”或或“倍数倍数over”的句型的句型汉译:A比B多N1倍或A为B的N倍英语N times 和N-fold用于增减和强弱有多种说法,用于增加和强比较的是基数乘以N,意为“增加到N倍”、“为比较对象的N倍(如five times greater,即基数5);用于减少或弱比较是“减少到”、“为比较对象的”(如seven times smaller即基数7,“缩小到七分之一”)。实战训练Passage exercise 125 years ago, Chinas GDP was only 147.3 bil

57、lion US dollars. Last year, it exceeded 1,400 billion, an increase of almost 10 times. 25 years ago, China foreign trade was merely 20.6 billion USD. Last year, the volume climbed to 851.2 billion. 25 years ago, more than 250 million people were living below the poverty line. Last year, the figure w

58、as reduced to less than 30 million. 25年前,中国的GDP只有1473亿美元,而去年已达14000多亿美元,增长近10倍;25年前,中国外贸总额仅为206亿美元,去年则达到了8512亿美元;25年前,中国的贫困人口有2亿5千万,目前已下降到3000万人左右。2China is slightly larger than the United States in size, but its population is 1.3 billion and it is still increasing. It will reach its peak of 1.5 bil

59、lion around 2040 and will only then begin to decrease. With such a huge population, no matter how enormous the total volume of financial and material resources is, once being divided by 1.3 billion, it becomes a small per capita figure. Last year, Chinas GDP ranked sixth in the world, but in per cap

60、ita GDP terms, it was only a little over 1,000 USD, which was behind more than 100 countries. 中国的面积比美国稍大,但有13亿人口,而且还在增长,到2040年前后将超过15亿,其后才会逐渐下降。有如此大的人口基数,无论财力、物力总量多么可观,只要除以13亿,就成为相当低的人均水平。去年中国的GDP总量排名世界第六位,但人均刚过1000美元,排在世界100位以后。3到二五年,预计中国国内生产总值将达到十二万五千亿人民币。中国的发展将为世界各国工商界提供巨大的商机。初步估计,从二一年至二五年,中国将进口约一万四千


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