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1、*1. Proprietor's Qualtiy and entironment consciousness 经营者质量及环境意识1/1NO.Content内容Supplier Self ScoreScoreRemarks/Fi nding1-1Is Company qualtiy policy identified definitely? 公司的质量方针是否全员明确?.Is Quality policy updated more than once annually 每年一次以上作成质量方针。4.Can the contents of Quality policy be implem

2、e nted effectively or not? 质量方针内容是否明确具体可行?4.Does the quality policy placard at well-marked places? 是否在明显的地方张贴?4. Quality actions are implemented as a continuous item or not? 质量活动是否作为持续实施项目?4. Does the company hold meeting for the internal quality issues termly?有关公司的内部的质量定期召开相关会议?41-2Proprietor shoul

3、d un dersta nd quality status of customer and their compa ny,and hold improveme nt task and quality goal 经营者应了解用户和本公司的质量状况,正确把握改善课题及明 确的质量目标.Company quality goal is identified definitely or not? 公司质量目标定量明确表示4. All departme nts's goal are ide ntified completely or not? 完整反映出每个部门的质量目标4. Quality go

4、al is placarded on the producti on area? 质量目标在生产现场张贴4.Compa ny's qualtiy status is placarded on the producti on line? 公司的质量状况在生产现场张贴4. All the datas placarded are the latest datas? 所张贴的数据是最新的41-3Establish releva nt impleme nt pla n and carry out releva nt acti ons to achieve the goal为达到目标制疋相应的实施

5、计划,并开展相应的活动.Establish whole impleme nt pla n of the compa ny 制成公司整体的活动计划4.Every departme nt establish releva nt activity pla n 各部门做成相应的活动计划4.Establish a long activity pla n more tha n one year 做成一年以上的长期计划4.To impleme nt the actions accord ing to the pla n,and get releva nt effect 按计划开展活动,并取的相应效果4.Es

6、tablish releva nt improveme nt pla n to resolve un expected quality issues对突发质量冋题也有相应计划进行改善41-4Hold meeti ng to discuss qualtiy issue termly,make soluti ons and achieve the goal con ti nu ously开展定期的质量诊断会,做出解决问题的方案,持续达成目标.Man ageme nt people diag nose the issues termly and step by step 管理者定期的有步骤的实施诊断

7、4.Man ageme nt level people atte nd the quality meeti ng termly 管理者定期参加质量会议4.Dept director attend the quality resolving meeting 部门主管参加质量诊断会议4.Placard the achieved goal step by step 张贴目标完成的各个步骤4.Keep all the contents are all lasted ones张贴内容必须是最新的41-5Does the compa ny have the team and resourse to imp

8、rove quality man ageme nt?公司是否有推进质量管理活动的组织和人力.Have quality man ageme nt orga ni zati on know from other departme nt 有独立于其它部门的质量管理机构4.Have the supervisor can han dle the quality man ageme nt 有决定质量管理的管理者4.Have the system which have special people charging of improtant quality issues?对于重要的质量问题,有专人负责制度4

9、.Keep the steady in spectors of incomin g,process and shipp ing? 进货、过程、出货的检验人员不会经常变动4.Does the quality man ageme nt people only report to top man ageme nt? 质量管理者只对最高管理层负责41-6Impleme nt the quality man ageme nt educati on effectively? 是否切实的实施了质量管理教育.Establish educati on pla n for the qualtiy man agem

10、e nt? 制成了质量管理的教育计划4.Does the compa ny carry out quality man ageme nt educati on in ter nally? 公司内部开展了质量管理教育活动4.Atte nd exter nal quality training? 参加外部的质量教育4.Does the compa ny impleme nt supplier in struct ion? 对供应商进行指导4.Try best to get nationality certification ? 努力获得国家认可的资格4*1-7Focus on and man ag

11、e the en vir onment ? 对环境的管理及关注.Does the compa ny get the en vir onment man ageme nt certificati on? 已取得环境管理体系认证.Establish en vir onment system pla n,no releva nt compla int within one year?制疋建立环境管理体系实施方案,一年内无相关方投诉.Establish improveme nt pla n for the releva nt compla int for the en vir onmen t ,a n

12、d achieve timely?对于相关方的环境投诉及要求制定改善计划并按期完成.Have special man ageme nt regulati on for the crisis and 对于危险品、废弃物等环境冋题有专门管理规定.Is the state's law met?仅符合国家法律、法规规定的最低要求2. Quality Man ageme nt 质量管理1/2NO.Content内容Supplier Self ScoreScoreRemarks/Fi nding2-1Quality System ( Man ual) 质量体系(手册)是否明确.Is there a

13、 procedure for quality assure? Is the procedure showed in a flow chart?有质量保证的流程并以图标形式公布4.Are there procedures for incoming in spect ion, outgo ing in spect ion and compla in han dli ng?明确了进货、出货、投诉的处理流程?4.Is there a procedure for han dli ng non-con forma nee 明确了不良品处理流程4.Is there a procedure to transm

14、it complain to correlative departments? 有投诉内容能及时反馈到相关部门的流程4.Is there a procedure for tra nsmiti ng non-con forma nee to operators soo n?有不良发生能及时反馈给操作者的流程42-2Finding problems by an alyz ing curre nt quality data 现行的质量数据能否及时发现异常并能进行分析.Can data collect ion incarn ate abno rmity? 数据的收集是能否反映短时间的异常4.Is th

15、ere a procedure to find quality abnormity of parts 有部品异常及时发现的流程4.Is there the capacity to determ ine whether or not the process is in goo( situati on?能判断过程处于正常状态或异常状态4.Is quality abno rmity immediately settled? 异常状态出现时能迅速解决4.Does man ager make periodic con firmati on for the data? 管理者定期对数据进行确认42-3Qu

16、ality Improveeme nt Activity 是否开展了质量纠正改善活动.Are actions take n immediately whe n quality issue occur? 问题发生后尽快做出改善并记录.?4.Will employees take part in quality improveement activity? 公司员工能积极参加质量改善活动?4.Can quality improveeme nt activitys be performed con ti nu ously? 改善活动能持续开展?4.Are improveeme nt activity

17、 efficie nt ? 改善活动能取得相应效果4.Can the take n action avoid recurre nee of issue?实施的对策能防止冋题的再发?42-4QC committee for quality improveeme nt 是否有QC小组开展活动.Is there a QC committee leadi ng improveeme nt activity? 有QC小组并开展活动?4.Is the QC committee led by an impeller? 明确了 QC活动的推进者?4.Is safety activity performed?

18、开展了安全活动?4.Is propos ing activity performed? 开展了改善提案活动?4.Is improveeme nt activity effective?反映出改善活动的内谷和效果?42-5Is there a procedure for cha nging tech nics? 是否有工艺更改的流程4.Is there a procedure for cha nging process method? 有加工方法更改的程序4.Is there a procedure for commitme nt processes? 有委外加工的流程4.Is there a

19、procdure for cha nging materials? 有材料变更的程序4.Is there a procedure for cha nging in specti on methods? 有检查方法变更的程序4.Is there a procedure to meet cha nge request from customer? 有客户提出变更时的更改程序42-6Are docume nts convenient to gain? 文件是否处于拿取方便的状态下的保管?.Are there various draw in gs, sta ndards and in structi

20、on? 有各种图纸、标准、指导书?4.Are there various data and records?各种数据记录?4.Are there various forms or sheets for informing , rework and noncomforma nee no tice?表单(进货、返工、不合格通知单?4.Are records kept whe n the supplier have a quality meeti ng with custumer?42-7D与与客户质量会议的记录ify?g various docume nts 明确了各种文件的修改责任者并确定实施.

21、QA system chart?质量保证体系图4.Man ageme nt project chart? 管理工程图4.Various draw in gs, sta ndards and in struct ion? 各种图纸、标准、指导书?4.Samples?极限样本?42-8Con trolli ng Samples极限/标准样本是否处于管理中.Does samples have expirati on dates? 决定极限/标准样本的使用期限4.Are samples change within the expiration? 极限/标准样本在规定期限内更新4.Are samples

22、 divided?极限/标准样本与其他样品分开保管?4.Are samples tagged clearly? 极限/标准样本表示明确?4.Are tags con siste nt with customer's request ? 有与客户达成共识的标记42-9Controlling the first lot首批产品的质量是否重点控制.Is there a procedure for the first lot shipp ing? 有首批产品的出货流程4.Are there various quality assure methods for first lot? 有首批产品的

23、不同的品质保证方法并严格控制4.Is the first lot separated with curre nt products? 首批产品与现有产品明显区分4.Is in spect ion data of first lot saved? 保存首批产品的检验数据?4.Are samples of first lot submitted to customer? 向客户提出供首批产品的样件42-10Check ing the First and Last Article 是否确认产品的首件末件质量状况.Is the first article checked before product

24、ion? 首件质量确认后开始生产4.Are the defects of first and last articles recorded and corrected?首件末件的不良内容有记录并改善4.Does the suppier seek the failure cause of first-a nd-last articles before product ion?首件末件发生不良时,寻找原因做出改善后开始生产?4.Is the result of check ing first-a nd-last articles recorded? 首件末件的质量确认结果有记录4.Is a per

25、s on assig ned for check ing the first article and the last article? 首件末件的质量确认是有指定人完成的4.Is the qualiy status checked routi nely at continu ous producti on? 连续生产定期确认质量状况42-11Is the actions of handling customer's complain effective? 对用户的质量投诉是否做出有效对策.Are there records of customer's complain, in

26、cluding complain content, cause and action?保存了有关质量投诉的内容、原因、对策的记录?4.Does the same non-con forma nee re-occur after the action is take n? 对策实施未再发生不良?4.Are effective measures sta ndardized?有效的对策能标准化4.Is other process an alyzed aga inst the same failure? 对其它过程状况进行分析,预防发生4.Are complai n coun termeasures

27、reported to the top man ageme nt? 对投诉内容的处理对策向最高管理者报告?43. Process Con trol过程管理1/2NO.Content内容Supplier Self ScoreScoreRemarks/Fi nding*3-1Is clearing and cleaning performed at operation stations? 操作场所是否进行整顿整理 ?4.Is 5S done con ti nu ously?5S活动持续推进?4.Are there irreleva nt objects at workroom? 工场内没有不相关物

28、品放置3.Are there materials unu sed at work stati ons?加工过程不用的材料不放置在现场4.Are layout management adopted and, are positions identified clearly? 定置管理、标识管理切实实施4.Are docume nts and files tidy in office area? 办公区域文件进行整理43-2Are Quality Con trol Charts developped to in struct processes? 制成了质量控制图,是否对过程起指导作用?.Are

29、there quality con trol charts? 有质量控制图?4.Are the content of quality-c on trol charts effective? 质量控制图所记载的内容确实有效?4.Are quality-c on trol charts the importa nt references for QA? 质量控制图是品质部门制成或质量部门参预?4.Are there quality-c on trol charts in theWork In struct ion (Wl)? 质量控制图的管理点反映在作业指导书上?43-3Is content in

30、 WI suitable? And is it followed up absolutely? 作业指导书记载项目适当、是否严格按指示操作?.Are methods in WI effective?作业指导书记载的方法是否有效4.Do operators operate accord ing to WI? 是否按作业指导书操作4.Does the WI show the han dli ng methods of quality issues? 有异常处置的反映?4.Is there the record of manu facturi ng cha nge? 有制造状况变更的记录?4*3-4

31、is the whole process checked and in mon itori ng 是否对整个过程实施了确认和检查?.Is the abnormal point in quality control chart checked? 对质量控制图中确定的地方进行检查?4.Are final products in spected in all processes? 对各过程的最终品进行成品检查 ?4.Is the producti on con diti on of cha nge con firmed? 当加工条件变更时进行确认43-5Usage of objects, metho

32、d of placeme nt and marks物品的使用方法、放置方法/标识(防止混入)是否切头头施.Are non-con forma nces separate from the ok on es? 良品、不良品能区分?4.Are non-con forma nces marked and placed separately? 不良品内容标识、区别放置?4.Are in spect ing parts divided from the un-i nspected on es? 检查品和未检查品能区分?4.Are semi-products divided from the final

33、products? 半成品能区分?4.Is marks with con siste ncy?标识采用统一方法?43-6Capability to avoid mistakes in product ion line 能否防止流水线的作业失误.Is the first article con firmed?首件的作业方法进行确认4.Is it to operate according to the drawing of new produts? 实施对新品按照指示图进行作业方法的指导4.Are mistakes con troled at the end of each shift?切实对作业

34、后交班时的失误进行管理4.Is sta ndardizati on and tooli ng adopted?对于现场发生作业失误的作业进行治具化、标准化?4*3-7Using equipme nt, tooli ng and fixture verified 能否正确使用校正后或保养的设备、工夹具.Are equipme nt, tooli ng used perporly after verified? 设备、模具?4.Are fixtures, meaturers used perporly after verified? 工夹具、计量器具?43-8.Is the quality dat

35、a collected everyday? 每日质量控制数据是否收集 ?.Is the quality data an alyzed and summarized at that day? 当天数据能分析总结?4.Is the quality data con firmed everyday? 对数据每日确认?4.Is suppier able to estimate the status of lots quality according to the data?根据数据能判断生产批次的状况?4.Is data re-a nalyzed at the end of mon th? 每月对数据

36、进行再次分析总结?43-9Quality Variati on Record 是否有质量异常发生的记录.Is the quality variation marked ?异常是否处于有效识别的状态?4.Is the quality-variati on cause studied or an alyzed? 对发生的异常原因进行分析、研究?4.Is an procedure built to get rid of the quality variation? 建立了迅速排除异常的程序?4.Is action take n to avoid reoccur aga in? 对策切实能预防异常再发

37、4.Is there a record in cludi ng quality variati on's content, cause and acti on?4质量异常的发生内容、原因、刈朿都有记录?3-10Dividi ng and track ing lots产品批次有有相应区分,能否追溯每批产品的数据.Are there lot nu mbers for curre nt products? 现有产品有批次管理号?4.Can product ion lot be traced through the nu mber? 批次管理号(生产日期等)能追溯生产批次?4.Can part

38、 nu mber reflected by the lot nu mbers? 批次管理号能反映出材料编号?4.Can product ion data of every lot be tracked? 每批生产的数据能追溯?4.Can lot nu mber be showed clearly in procedure? 批次构成在程序中有明确反映?4*3-11Automatizati on, En vir onmen Safeguard ing 是否推进自动化、省力化、环保化活动.Is automatizati on adopted main process? 主要过程采用自动化?4.Is

39、 in speti on automatizati on adopted in process? 检查过程米用自动化?4.Does the equipme nt automatically call abno rmality at process? 过程内设备能自动发生异常?4.Is there considerable tech nologe power? 具有一定的生产技术力量?4.Is a han dler appo in ted for the automatic equipme nt? 明确了自动设备的日常管理者?44.Material Quality Man aeme nt 进货质

40、量管理1/1NO.Content内容Supplier Self ScoreScoreRemarks/Fi nding4-1Is incoming in specti on put in practice? 进货检查是否实施?.Is there an in specti on SOP?制定了进货检查标准书,检查指导书?4.Are accepta nee criterias and golde n sample defi ned clearly? 明确了参照方法,判断标准?4.Is there appropriate in spect ing machi nes defi ned in SIP?

41、使用与检查项目相适合的测量器具?4.Is there the clear definition for the IQC capability qualify? 检查由指定人员实施?4.Is there in spect ion tra ining for using measurers and con trolli ng qualify?4) ?4-2Are there docume nts for the in spect ion of incoming materials? 是否有对原材料的进料检验规范的标准文件?.Is there draw ing? 图纸?4.Is there an S

42、IP for incoming inspection? 检杳要求标准书?4.Are there samples? 限度样本?4.Is there material certificates?材料证明书?4.Are there other standard documents for SIP?其他基准书,要求标准书?44-3Finding quality problems by incoming inspection and collecting control records通过进货检查记录或管理记录的整理,发觉问题.Is incoming in spect ion data kept? 数据

43、进行保管?4.Is there accepta nee criterias?有异常状态的判断基准4.Are abno rmal quality records (like corrective cati on ) kept? 保管了异常对策等记录4.Are records saved in a good con diti on and used convenien tly? 记录处于良好管理状态,能够运用?4.Can the action for defective product be followed up? 对异常品的处理对策能跟踪44-4Are defects han dled pro

44、perly as occured? 当发现不良时,处置是否合适?.Is there a WI for han dli ng incoming non-con forma nee? 有进货检查不合格品处理指导书?4.Does the supplier rework or sort defects found at IQC? 进货检查发现不良时,进行挑选或返工?4.Are defects reworked as recorded?纳入品质记录不合格内容后,返工?4.Does suppier submit CAR to the Sub-supplier?向供应商发不合格纠正通知单(异常联络书)4.A

45、re corrective acti ons for defect reclaimed?对品质异常的对策进行回收?45.Outgo ing In specti on 出货检查1/1NO.Content内容Supplier Self ScoreScoreRemarks/Fi nding5-1Is the outgo ing in spect ion system in tegrated? 出货检查体制是否完善?.Is there an SIP for the shipp ing?有出货检查基准书,对出库检查有明确定义?4.Are sampling plans & acceptanee c

46、riteria specified in SIP for the shipp ing?4在部品的出货检查指导书中,明确了样本数、接收水平?.Are there ths广method and accepta nee criteria?测疋方法及位置判疋的基准 ?4.Is in spect ion in procedure separated from final in spect ion? 过程最终检查与出货检查分开进行?4.Products can't be shipped out with outgo ing in spect ion? 未进行出货检查的部品不出货?4.Is ther

47、e an organization or personel to conform outgoing inspection? 有出货检查的机构或人力?45-2Are outgo ing in specti on records in tegrated? 出货检查记录是否进行整理?.Are there in spect ion records? 出货检查记录是否可以追溯?4.Can outgo in g-i nspecti on records based on collect be provided immediately?出货检杳记录汇总,能讯速提供?4.Outgo in g-i nspect

48、i on records are collected by day or by lot? 出货检查记录每日或每批进行分析汇总?4.Are there all corresp onding in spect ion records con siste nt with that of customer?是否有与客户入库检查相应的检查项目的记录?4.Are all pass s properly identified by their P/N, pass status, and traceability in formati on?所有合格的产品是否以料号,合格情況,和可追溯性的信息进行 恰当的识别

49、?45-3Properly han dli ng non-con forma nee for outgo ing in specti on 出货检查发生不良时,能迅速作出适当的处置.Is there the in spect ion criteria available for failed products? 决定了不合格批次处置的标准书?4.Are all failed lots clearly identified by their P/N, reject status, reject item, and traceability in formati on?不合格批次明显标识,并在临时

50、保管处保管?4.Are all failed lots properly identified and recorded? 对不合格批次作出适当的判断,并做好记录?4.Are the root cause in vestigated?对发生原因及流出原因进行调查?4.Is action take n to preve nt the failure reoccur, Is there an accurate record ?对防止再发作出对策,并做好记录?45-4以往发生的品质异常问题点的对策,能否持续实施.Are additional items added to inspection lis

51、t for incoming, process and outgo ing in spect ion?进货、过程、出货等追加相应的检查项目?4.Stan dardizati on (in cludi ng tooli ng)? 标准化(包括治具化)?4.Is all releva nt SIP in Work In structio n (WI) modified or updated? 在作业指导书中,修改各相关的基准书,要求标准书?4.Is quality actions treated as importa nt items? 品质对策作为重要管理项目对待?4.Can the corresponding action be carried out in NIP stage?


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