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1、2012年正视光伏产业补贴政策调整,积极应对Sh ine Magaz in el光能杂志 & 记者刘海明(Hasi n Lau )(政府光伏补贴政策的支持固然重要,然而光伏的进步,企业自身要做的还有很多。)编者按:当今全球,各国光伏产业的发展均离不开政府的补贴政策,德国的补贴政策成就了Q-cell ,日本的补贴政策成就了棠浦,江苏无锡的政府支持成就了无锡尚德,江西新余的政府支持成就了赛维 LDK正因为产业与政府政策如此紧密地关联,光伏业才会不时出现因政 策变动而变幻莫测的动荡局面。作为绿色清洁的可再生能源,虽然光伏发电产业得到了社会和国家的补贴,但同时我们也不得不承认,光伏行业的财政补


3、在60亿欧元-70亿欧元之间,并一直保持到2016年。新政策对补贴上限及金额提出了具体规划。新政策显示,2011年6月-2016年的光伏补贴上限为 23GW年均4.18GW 另外大型项目2012年前有3.1GW的上限要求,2013-2016年有9.77GW的上限。而补贴金额下降为每年60-70亿欧元,具体补贴下调如下:(1) 2011年6月份,原有上网电价补贴将进一步削减4%-11%小型系统下跌约 4%,大型屋顶系统下降约11%(2) 6月份开始,上网电价将以月为单位进行调整,根据系统规模的大小,7月份将在6月份基础上下调2%-5%至U 2011年底,FIT在原来基础上下降 26%-42%(3

4、) 2012年上半年和下半年将分两次进行8-12%的进一步下调,预计到 2012年底,FIT将再削减20%左右;2013-2016年,按照每个季度进行 4%勺下调。新政策于2011年6月1日生效。补贴额度上限的设置估计会让未来几年意大利市场的需求 稳定在2.5-3.5GW的水平,而近两年对小型光伏系统不设限以及额外的补贴带来的需求值得 期待。2011年下半年,德国五分之一的能源供应来自于可再生能源,到2020年,德国希望将可再生能源利用的利率提升至 35%然而鉴于光伏产业规模的扩大,补贴从一定程度上加重了政 府的负担。2012年德国光伏上网电价将再下调15%另外,德国经济部长还表示,为消减政府

5、成本,德国考虑自 2012年7月起将太阳能光伏系统年装机量降至1GW德国总理默克尔建议政府放弃国内光伏市场并使用来自日照辐射水平较高国家的太阳能,并进一步地指出:“这么多的补贴去支持一个最终输出很少能量的行业是不理智的。”德国政府削减对该产业的扶持力度,目的是迫使光伏产业迅速降低成本。但这一措施也让光伏企业遭受重创,德国老牌上市公司Solon已于2011年12月申请破产。德国光伏企业对内遭逢政府下调补贴标准 的严酷现实,对外又面临着中国企业的低价竞争,德国光伏企业或将步入前所未有的困难阶段,且未来会有一些著名的光伏企业步其后尘。其他欧洲国家如西班牙早已风光不再,欧债危机爆发后,西班牙政府一边削

6、减光伏补贴一边限建太阳能电站,一度将光伏补贴大砍30% 2011年7月,西班牙甚至开始回头审查国内8000多个太阳能项目,向那些在政策宽松期间享受资助、但资质并未达标的项目“追讨” 补贴。法国政府为了握住光伏产业的发展速度和方向,也出台了削减上网电价补贴新政策。英国能源和气候变化部公布对自2011年12月12日开始安装的太阳能发电项目上网电价补贴至少下调51.5%,新的上网电价补贴标准将于2012年4月份生效,在12月12日之前安装太阳能设施的住户将继续按照旧有政策执行补贴计划。北美市场 机遇和挑战并存美国方面,加州强劲的增长势头有望延续,其它一些州也陆续开启光伏市场。得益于加州优良的光照条件

7、以及州政府对光伏发电给予高额补贴,今年该州光伏装机容量迅猛增长。虽然加州政府近期适度下调了光伏发电补贴,但安装光伏系统的投资收益依然很诱人,因此加州的增长势头不会减缓。 此外,面对日益紧张的能源需求,美国联邦政府今年下半年以来加快了推动光伏发电装机容量增长的步伐,陆续出台了一些优惠政策, 并且加大了资金支持力度。借助于联邦政府的支持,其它各州(如新泽西州和夏威夷州)的光伏市场已经启动。随着光伏发电成本的逐步下降,以及这些州进一步完善自己的补贴政策,美国光伏系统装机规模将大幅增长。加拿大光伏市场有着巨大的需求来源。加拿大幅员辽阔,部分居民居住在电网暂时不能覆盖的地区。对于这部分居民来讲,安装光伏

8、发电系统可以解决他们的大部分用电需求。此外, 由于光伏发电系统安装的便捷性,加拿大的一些基础设施(如信号灯,公路照明灯)比较适合采用光伏发电系统。目前,加拿大只有少部分省(如安大略省)实施了光伏上网电价政策, 该国光伏市场还处于起步阶段。相信随着加拿大制定出详细的光伏发电产业发展规划并且在 全国范围内实施补贴政策,该国光伏装机规模将急剧增长。加拿大电力局规定了在20年内以每度0.71美元/度的价格回收光伏屋顶所发出来的电力,地面项目和其它新能源电站补贴略低。其中安大略省是加拿大阳光条件最好的地区之一,其屋顶和地面光伏项目最高补贴可达到80.2分加元和64.2分加元(分别合人民币 5.3元和4.

9、2元)。亚太市场一一扬帆起航中国政府对于清洁能源的发展一直是全力支持的,国内各省均给予光伏不同程度的财政补 贴。山东省的价格扶持政策和资金扶持政策,加大对光伏发电项目的信贷支持力度,引导金融机构对符合条件的光伏发电企业特别是重大光伏发电示范项目积极提供贷款支持,按有关规定对光伏发电实行优惠贷款利率政策。浙江省对光伏发电上网电价按照合理成本加合理利润的原则,由省物价局予以扶持。北京市按照“支持高端、先申先得”的原则,在2012年12月31日前,对前20MW与建筑结合的太阳能光伏并网发电及风光互补项目,除享受国家 优惠政策外,由市财政根据项目建成后的实际发电效果,按照1元/瓦年的标准给予连续3年补

10、助。2011年,随着国家光伏上网电价的落实和太阳能光伏产业发展“十二五”规划相 继颁布实施,我国光伏产业规模逐步增大,国际化程度愈加增强, 甚至还引发出美国对中国光伏业进行“双反调查”的闹剧。作为亚洲主要的经济体,印度正在逐渐加强光伏产业的发展。新德里政府首长在一次采访中表示,印度政府即将在新德里实施光伏屋顶补贴政策,旨在激励住户在能源应用上向可再生能源转变。一名官员表示,“户主可以在投资中盈利 19% 9年后,回报率将进一步上升,从 这项投资中也将获得退税。”日本也将在明年重启太阳能发电补贴政策,以刺激国内太阳能 发电需求,直到技术进步到可以使成本降下来为止。众所周知,福岛核泄漏使得日本不得

11、不重新重视可再生能源的利用。政府需要支付多少,关键取决于技术进步与改善的程度。日本首相Yasuo Fukuda在2011年6月9日发布的一份节能减排长远行动计划,计划到 2050年 从当前水平实现增长 60% 80%这份计划里还包括到 2020年,70%勺新建筑要安装太阳能 电池板的任务目标。2011年马来西亚政府发布了关于可再生能源的立法,小型光伏系统可 获每千瓦时1.2300马来西亚币的补贴,装机量为10MW至30MW的光伏项目可获每千瓦时0.8500马来西亚币。马来西亚希望上网电价补贴政策将促进可再生能源的发展,到2020年实现可再生能源发电量逾 3GW写在最后的纵观全球光伏市场,虽然欧

12、洲主要光伏国下调补贴政策让人不免为未来的光伏市场担心,但也有一些国家加大了激励机制。捷克能源监管机构ERU表示,2012年太阳能光伏补贴将会提高。奥地利也上调太阳能发电补贴,将惠及英利、晶澳、巨力等河北制造商。其他市场如 北美和亚太地区都还是加强了刺激政策,是有可能添补欧洲市场的空缺。况且对于下调补贴政策的各国,其实政府也是用心良苦。 政府的补贴成就了光伏行业的迅猛发展,然而由于太阳能成本下降,补贴资金已经成为许多太阳能企业利润的一部分,因此需要对政策进行调整。根据市场适时调整补贴政策,有助于挤出行业内的泡沫,限制光伏企业获取大量补贴从而导致电力价格上涨,从而引导产业健康理性发展。当然说行业发

13、展,政策会起到引导作用,企业自身还是要着重加强技术研究,努力降低成本,吸引银行和个人投资,与政府一起来解决光伏行业成本高和并网难的两大难题。Address the Photovoltaic Industry Subsidy Policy Adjustments, APositive Response(The government's subsidy policy on photovoltaic is important, but the enterprises yet have a lot to do themselves on the progress of photovoltaic

14、.)Editor's n ote: Today's world, the developme nt of photovoltaic in dustry in every country can't do without government subsidies policy, Germany's subsidy policy achieves the Q-cell, Japan's subsidy policy achieves Tangpu, the support of Jiangsu province government achieves Wux

15、i Sun tech, and the support of Jia ngxi prov ince gover nment achieves LDK. Because of the in dustry and gover nment policylin ked so closely, so photovoltaic in dustry ofte n faces in scrutable un restas policy cha nges. As a gree n clea n ren ewable en ergy, although photovoltaic power in dustry g

16、ets subsidies from society and state, but we also have to admit, photovoltaic industry financial subsidies also experie ncing bli nd rage of pain.Photovoltaic industry experieneed a dim year in 2011, the European market recession and photovoltaic modules continuous decline in prices caused a glut on

17、 the market, many large enterprises lost and cut output. Governments adjust photovoltaic subsidy policy also make photovoltaic prospects cloudy in 2012, exactly the subsidy policy adjustment is to restrict the developme nt of the photovoltaic in dustry, or will lead the benign developme nt of the in

18、 dustry, we can n ot know now. Here are the subsidy policy cha nges of some main ly members in global photovoltaic markets.The European marketcut subsidiesItalia n in dustry mini ster and environment mini ster sig ned and approved the new solar subsidies act on May 5, 2011, government's subsidie

19、s for solar power will last until 2013, but subsidies ratio will gradually decrease; Thereafter, the subsidies will hook with the certa in scale in stalled. The Italian government's subsidies for solar power will be ?6 -?7 billion, and keep until 2016. The new policy put forward con crete pla n

20、on subsidies and the amount limit. The new policy shows, the photovoltaic subsidies upper limit is 23GW from June 2011 to 2016, annual average 4.18 GW. And large project have 3.1 GW of the upper limit before 2012, 2013-2016 with 9.77 GW of upper limit. But subsidies amount will reduce to ?6-?7 billi

21、on per year, specific cut subsidies are as follows:(1) Ju ne 2011, the origi nal feed-in tariffs subsidies will further cut by 4%-11%; small system fell about 4%, large roof system drop about 11%;(2) Started in June, the feed-i n tariffs will be adjusted by the unit of mon th, accord ing to the size

22、 of the system, in July, it will reduce by 2%-5% on the based of June, by the end of 2011, FIT will fall 26%-42%;(3) In the first half of 2012 and the sec on d, it will be cut further 8-12% by two times, by the end of 2012, FIT will be cut about 20%;(4) 2013-2016, each quarter to cut 4%.The new poli

23、cy took effect on June 1,2011. The upper limit of subsidies will set estimates the dema nd of Italy market stability in 2.5-3.5GW for future years, and n early two years of small photovoltaic system not set limits and extra subsidies to bring dema nd someth ing to look forward.The sec ond half of 20

24、11, Germa ny 20% of the en ergy supply came from ren ewable en ergy, un til 2020, Germany hopes that renewable energy using interest rates get to 35%. But given the expa nsion of the scale of photovoltaic in dustry, subsidies in creased the gover nmen t's burde n in some exte nt. Germa ny photov

25、oltaic power tar肝 will be cut by 15% in 2012, in additi on. Germa n econo mic mini ster also said that the gover nment to reduce cost, Germa ny con sideri ng to reduce solar photovoltaic system in stalled to 1GW from July 2012. German Prime Min ister Merkel suggested the government give up domestic

26、PV market and use solar energy from sunshine radiati on level higher n atio nal, and further poin ted out: "so many subsidies to support a final few energy output industry is no reason." The German government to cut back on the industry's support, purpose is to force PV industry quickl

27、y to reduce costs. But the measure also let photovoltaic enterprise suffered a severe blow, old German listed company Solon already in December 2011 file for bankruptcy. Germany photovoltaic enterprise internal reels from the gover nment cut subsidies the harsh reality of sta ndard, foreig n and Chi

28、n ese en terprises face of the low price competition, Germany photovoltaic enterprise or will enter the unprecedented difficulties stage, and there will be some famous photovoltaic en terprise followi ng its lead.Other Europea n coun tries, such as Spain had no Ion ger seen ery, as the debt crisis,

29、the Spanish gover nment cut subsidies and limit photovoltaic solar power stati on, once slash the photovoltaic subsidies by 30%. I n July 2011, the Spanish even started to review more tha n 8000 domestic solar project, and recover subsidies from those who enjoy aid duri ng loose policy but did not r

30、each the qualificati on sta ndards. The French gover nment to hold the photovoltaic in dustry developme nt speed and directi on, and also on the power tariff cuts subsidies new policy. British Departme nt of En ergy and Climate Change published on the December 12, 2011 to start the in stallati on of

31、 solar power projects the power subsidies at least by 51.5%, the new power tariff standard will subsidies in April 2012 to take effect, in the 12 mon ths before 12 solar in stallati on reside nts of the facilities would follow the old policy impleme ntati on subsidies.North American marketthe opport

32、unity and challengeThe Un ited States, Califor nia strong growth mome ntum is expected to con ti nue, and other states also have ope n photovoltaic market. Thanks to good light ing con diti on and the California state on photovoltaic power gen erati on give high subsidies, this year the state photov

33、oltaic capacity rapid growth. Although California government recently cut the moderate PV power subsidies, but in stall photovoltaic system of in vestme nt profit is still very attractive, and therefore won't slow down the California growth momentum. In addition, in the face of the increasingly

34、nervous en ergy dema nd, the federal gover nment since the sec ond half of this year to speed up the pushing photovoltaic power generation capacity the pace of growth, has promulgated a prefere ntial policies, and in creas ing the finan cial support. By the federal gover nmen t's support, and ot

35、her states (such as New Jersey and Hawaii) of photovoltaic market have begun. As photovoltaic power generation cost down gradually, and these states further improvement of their subsidies, the Un ited States photovoltaic system in stalled capacity will in crease.Can ada has a huge market photovoltai

36、c source of dema nd. Can ada is a huge coun try, some reside nts live in areas covered by temporarily out of power grid. For this part reside nts speak ing, in stallati on PV power system can solve most of their electricity dema nd. In additi on, because PV power system in stallatio n convenien ce,

37、Can adia n some in frastructure (such as sig nal light, road lighti ng) is suitable for using photovoltaic power gen erati on system. At prese nt, only a han dful of Canadian provinces (such as Ontario) implemented a photovoltaic power tariff policy, the coun try's photovoltaic market still is i

38、n start level. Believe that with Can ada developed detailed PV power industry development planning and implementation within subsidies in the national policy, the coun try's photovoltaic in stalled capacity will rise dramatically. Can ada from the set in 20 years use the price $0.71 /KWh to reco

39、very photovoltaic roof power, the ground projects and other new en ergy subsidies slightly low power stati on. On tario, Can ada is among them one of the areas the best of conditions, its roof and ground photovoltaic project supreme subsidies of C$0.802 and C$0.642 .The Asia-Pacific mark setting sai

40、lThe Chin ese gover nment for the developme nt of clea n en ergy has bee n fully support, domestic prov inces are give n differe nt degree of photovoltaic subsidies. The price ofShandong provi neesupport policies and funding support policy, intensify the photovoltaic power projects credit support an

41、d guide financial institutions to meet the conditions of the photovoltaic power gen erati on en terprise especially sig ni fica nt PV power dem on stratio n project actively provide loans to support, accord ing to the releva nt provisi ons of prefere ntial loa ns on photovoltaic power generation int

42、erest rate policy. The power of Zhejiang province PV power according to the reas on able cost and the prin ciple of reas on able profit, should be supported by the prov in cial bureau. Beiji ng accord ing to "support the high-e nd, early first" the prin ciple, before December 31, 2012, the

43、 first 20 MWp and architecture of the combination of the solar photovoltaic PV grid gen erati on and scenery compleme ntary projects, in additi on to enjoy the prefere ntial policies of the state, the mun icipal finance accord ing to the actual power after the completi on of the project effect, acco

44、rd ing to 1 yua n/val DE years of sta ndard give three con secutive years of subsidies. In 2011, with the implementation of a national photovoltaic power tar肝 and solar photovoltaic industry development "Twelfth Five-Year" Plan enacted implementation, our PV industry scale increasing, inte

45、rnationalization degree increasingly strengthen, and even caused a farce that America took "Double reverse in vestigati on" to Chin ese photovoltaic in dustry.As a major Asian economies, India is strengthening PV industry development. New Delhi gover nment chief said in an in terview, the

46、In dia n gover nment prepare to impleme nt photovoltaic roof subsidy policy in New Delhi, to spur household in en ergy applicati on to cha nge on ren ewable en ergy. An official said, "householder in in vestme nt can profit 19%. Nine years later, the rate of return will rise further, from this

47、in vestme nt will also get a refun d." Japa n also will restart solar power subsidies to stimulate domestic solar power dema nd n ext year, un til the tech no logy progress that can make so far down the cost. As is known to all, Fukushima nuelear leak thatJapa n had to the new emphasis on the u

48、se of ren ewable en ergy. The gover nment n eeds to pay for how much, the key depe nds on the tech no logy progress and the degree of improveme nt. Japa nese prime mini ster Yasuo Fukuda on 9 June 2011 issued a Ion g-term en ergy con servati on and emissi ons reduct ion pla n of action, pla n to 205

49、0 from the curre nt level of 60% to 80% growth realizati on. The pla n also in cludes to in 2020, 70% of the new buildi ng to in stall solar pan els mission objectives. In 2011, the government issued a renewable energy legislation, small size photovoltaic system could get subsidies RM1.23/KWh, in stalled for 10 MW to 30 MW of photovoltaic project could get subsidies RM0.85 /KW


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