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1、ti dac8775四路模拟输出模块参考设计tipd215时间:2017-04-06 10:57:34 作者:ti 来源:中电网ti公司的dac8775是具有自适应功率管理的四路全集成16位数模转换器(dac),可编程电流 和电压输出,自适应功率管理可使芯片的功耗最小化,工作电压+12 v至ij+36 v,工作温度-40°c 到+125°c,主要用在4ma20ma电流回路,模拟输出模块,plc,建筑物自动化,传感器发送器和 过程控制.本文介绍了 dac8775主要特性,框图,以及具有自适应功耗管理的总功耗小于1w 的四路模拟输出模块tipd215参考设计主要特性,框图,电路

2、图,材料清单和pcb设计图.the dac8775 is a quad-channel precision, fullyintegrated, 16-bit,digital-to-analog converter (dac)with adaptive power management, and is designed tomeet the requirements of industrial controlapplications the adaptive power managementcircuit, when enabled, minimizes the powerdissipation

3、 of the chip. when programmed as acurrent output, the supply voltage on the currentoutput driver is regulated between 4.5 v and 32 vbased on continuous feedback of voltage on thecurrent output pin via an integrated buck/boostconverter. whe n programmed as a voltage output,this circuit gen erates a p

4、rogrammable supply voltagefor the voltage output stage (±15 v). dac8775 alsocontains an ldo to gen erate the digital supply (5 v)from a single power supply pin .dac8775 is also implemented with a highway addressable remote tran sducer (hart) signallnterface to superimpose an external hart signa

5、l onthe current output. the slew rate of the current outputdac is register programmable the device canoperate with a single exter nal power supply of +12 vto +36 v using the in teg rated buck/boost con verters or with external power supplies when the buck/boostconverters are disableddac8775主要特性: out

6、put current:一 0 ma to 24 ma; 3.5 ma to 23.5 ma;0 ma to20 ma;4 ma to 20 ma;±24 ma output voltage (with/without 20% over-range):-0 v to 5 v; 0 v to 10 v; ±5 v; ±10 v-0 v to 6 v; 0 v to 12 v; ±6 v; ±12 v adaptive power management single wide power supply pin (12 v - 36 v ) 

7、7;0.1% fsr total unadjusted error (tue) dnl: ±1 lsb max internal 5-v reference (10 ppm/°c max) internal 5-v digital power supply output crc/frame error check, watchdog timer thermal alarm, open/short circuit for systemreliability safe actions on alarm condition auto learn load detection wi

8、de temperature range:-40°c to +125°cdac8775 应用: 4-ma to 20-ma current loops analog output modules programmable logic controllers (plcs) building automation sensor transmitters process controlblock diagram心ojiiii = isok sok «$t cut$tnc sooccompj vootj图1 .dac8775框图具有自适应功耗管理的总功耗小于1w的四路模拟

9、输出模块tipd215参考设计this quad-channel, analog output module delivers voltage and current outputs using the highly integrated dac8775 digital-to-analog converter (dac). integrated adaptive power management, along with the lm5166 buck converter, reduces the total power dissipation of the reference design t

10、o less than 1 w, even when driving all four channels at 20 ma simultaneous! y.tipd215参考设计主要特性:<1-w of total power dissipation driving all four-channels at 20-ma<0.1 %fsr of total unadjusted error in either voltage or current mode8-pa of peak-to-peak current output ripple200-pv of peak-to-peak

11、voltage output rippleadaptive power management for current outputstipd215参考设计应用: factory automation & control building automation motor drives图2.tipd215参考设计外形图cm丄图3.tipd215参考设计框图=<= !<=三三三图4.tipd215参考设计电路图图5.tipd215参考设计电路图(2)j3d litijmmslsplbqcblx图6.dac8775数字输入方案图7.dac8775输出电路 99 tns8.dac8

12、775 dc/dc 电路pvtx).avdduii vos n davoo ovdo fvod.a pvoo pvoo.c rvoo.d6d0.envncg.w.a5vpo5 n awee.h.b vwec.h 上im 8 vfos.h.bvwgg-k.c wc h clp.cs.cv<kw.w.cvhgg.w.o vh£g h 0lp.dln dvfos.r.doefin > 吟 out cut> ktm a cc0mp> g/t avuns&jk vse>rtn aoh上 mamtu bccomt vovt 上 vwcsep.b vsensc

13、n bc.c cccckxjt hartwt ccomp voutvscnsenodd d do303434亦:cl,q<ary.-ccompaffltb;< haw jtojto voyrp "vsengp vsensetfoghdgndsaxleszoralarmfvss nss rvss pv3s 22 ago agnd agno.0 agnd1 agn02 agno)copyright 02017. texas instruments incorporated图 9.dac8775 ic 电路o 2017. texas httrunenb lxoq>orad

14、图10丄m5166 ic电路tipd215参考设计材料清单:mskmavorquamihyvmucfart nimmiimanutacnmtjiotscmrtkmfacxacc nrtukt1*<1ith忖2ci.tt c3 c4 c1i.ch at a4c>i cm c4« cmm2t>v«caf ctmtoy”*o% 旦m tjtouio>c9 c4 cr. ct 9 55. at. c41.c44 cm. carceecerm0 2uwluu3 cmm 0 2 mv " g x?< 000>oeo>4o cto c1

15、i.cu.c13. . c1kc1».c». « 00.5 cm. c» cm o?. cm cm c8ctt co cm cm2sm9ma八 quuy3 cc«v 2 5 * 叽 xm mo)oe»0c4>1x»prqam«h9ckolmolotmuu3 "z xo»x wv. *35 mmoomgts1mo31c»2mt2aavx3 ccmi »oo. ioov. * g g oeo>oe&)ycm1cui»immoek<<tmg

16、rwiuu<mcbcaf cmm " " 8 v. * s *m. im.woixe.i»c471,00kocvitmcaoimkowmuta3 csvj8c00v. h rw coq.*o axc-ooc 5/ 1.mmoenc«e1oouixokw1ma?lm31»ab90imuu3 cewvxmoemoensas.so 54oeo)iicm cm. cee cro4o?xrciioexntt»c»mca>to*3 cmm 0 22|#.mv. "s xmom)oe»uov 01 os 3

17、 00 010. oil 013eovo-oat. soety oov. *300”8 x afoe on om on 5.5 wo 02x 034jwvco44om>ne$coete m . xv$00u>. xm«i. t:-uxw0<twomggq.g4reva*"met moow<>hv osa.5ct»m u2 >11 fh24000 +t>y0took© toommi >k qtoqtonui«m1kmavcm° 1皿fary nummamamjvacnmtmmscmfiio

18、mrackaoe re ft r£mceuret rex r©33kmkxa»h yrfe«rewawnji. x. m j9. j®6f««-2o5twwaw»0a eem1cgcaoomcorecwom svti 3 2tmzcooe 10.1 qmhm.l2.cxu4icou«744om«)«o1wk帜 smaefttod otm cer* >00屮052a077wm uio4mhxl0110um7mm0mwmsmo21r1rs im r$ r« ©&#

19、187; »)!.»«. »m. 0 « rm «r100cuceo 訂 sooiats 20k k c iw. oew000)£p14沧4t?k luo! w oeo)pg rm210totcwmo)tokmcaia«h»roex 3 5*. k0m0603rii.me2»nscwoosmntaf$ mim.01 w.oom»»mx rh0cncmg)oooaro<a«, 0 m. o t w oeo>oeo)ad1mohcacmoe»motrums mom* 01w 000)r2.i


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