1、2019年上海中考英语押题试卷及答案(满分150分,完卷时间100分钟)2018.3此文档部分内容来源于网络,如有侵权请告知删除本文档可自行编辑和修改内容,感谢您的支持3Part 1 LiStening (第一部分 听力)根据你听到的内容,选出LLiStening COmPrehenSiOn (听力理解):( 共 30 分)A. LiSten and choose the right PiCtUre (相应的图片):(共6分)B. LiSten to the dialogue and choose the best answer to thequestion you hear (根据你听到的对
2、话和问题,选出最恰当的答案):(共10分) had much homework.7.At 6:8.A) At 6:00.B) At 6:15.C) At 6:30.D)A)C)D)9. A) Unhealthy.Nice.10. A) A SeCretary.D) An engineer.11. A) Sunny.D) Windy.12. A) To a foreign country.B) Delicious.B) An officer.B) Snowy.C) Terrible.D)C) A painter.C) Rainy.C) To a new ShOPPing center.B) To
3、 a film show.D) To a newmusesum.13. A) One month. SiX months.B) Four months.C) FiVe months.D)14. A) BeCaUSe it WaS raining heavily. Changed her plan.C) BeCaUSe She enjoyed WatChing TV at home.B) BeCaUSe SheD) BeCaUSe She15. A) JaCk ' S ParentS enjoyed the holiday.B) Neither Of JaCk ' S Paren
4、tS enjoyed the holday.C) Only JaCk ' S father enjoyed the holiday.D) Only JaCk ' S mother enjoyed the holiday.16. A) The lady is a good singer.B) The lady isSUreIy successful.C) The lady needs enough confidence.D) The ladyneedn' t take Part in the contest.C. LiSten to the PaSSage and tel
5、l Whether the following StatementSare true or false (判断下列句子是否符合你听到的短文内容,符合的用“ T”表示,不符合的用“ F”表示):(共7分)17. Mrs. Gray has got a small garden in front of her house.18. MrS Gray likes growing different kinds of VegetabIeS in thesmall garden.19. MrS Gray takes good Care of her VegetabIeS so they grow well
6、.20. Mrs. Gray thought She could have the delicious VegetabIeSafter they Were picked.21. The next morning the neighbour Came and PiCked all the vegetables.22. The neighbour felt Very sorry for What happened to the vegetables.23. The neighbour brought a duck and some VegetabIeS to Mrs. Gray before Ch
7、rristmas.D. LiSten to the dialogue and fill in the blanks (根据你听到的内容,完成下列短文,每空格限填一词):(共7分)24. Sally Wanted to buy her mother a because hermother' S birthday WaS coming.25. Sally Went ShOPPing after aand SimPIe lunch andthen She found a shop.26. Sally decided to buy aUmbreIIa for her mother.27. On
8、 her Way home on the train, Sally felt because Shehas so little for lunch.28. The other PaSSengerS felt Very sorry for her and asked WhatWaS the.29. Sally told them the UmbrelIa Shefor her mother hadgone.30. The PaSSengerS asked her for her mother' Sso thatthey could Send the UmbreIIa to her.Par
9、t 2 VOCabUIary and Grammar (第二部分 词汇和语法)II. Choose the best answer (选择最恰当的答案):( 共20分)31. SUZie would like to Writearticle for her schoolA) aB) anC) theD) /32.FebrUary lastyear, there WaSa big Car accident inthat area.A) ByB) OnC) WithD) In33. Tom Can 't buy anythingnow because hehasmoney onhim.A)
10、 a littleB) littleC) fewD)a few34. I ' m thirsty. Would you like to give meto drink?newspaper.A) SOmethingB) nothingC) everything D)anythingsome questions35. He is a CarefUIPerSon. He always asks before making a decision.A) heB) himC) hisD)himself36. The fish tasted but the potatoes had not been
11、 cookedfor long enough.A) wellB) goodC) terriblyD)awful37. JaCk willhold a Party to CeIebrate his grandfather ' Sbirthday.A) eightiesB) eightyC) eightiethD)the eightieth38. important electricity is in Our daily life! Weneedit everywhere.A) WhatB) What anC) HowD) Howan39. Tomin our school SinCe f
12、our years ago. He now hasgot many friends here.A) StUdiedB) has StUdiedC) would StUdy D)had StUdied40. - IS your uncle COming by train?- He should, but he not. He likes driving his car.A) mayB) shallC) mustD)need41. DUring the SPring FeStiVal, many people Can haveholiday.A) a SeVen-dayB) SeVen daysC
13、) SeVen-days D)SeVen-days '42. If an earthquake happens, you should keep calm and go outdoorsasas possible.A) quickB) quickerC) quickly D)morequickly43. Imy bicycle to the Iibrary When it SUddenIy beganto rain. I WaS all Wet through.A) am ridingB) have riddenC) rodeD) WaSriding44. Many roadsby o
14、ur WOrkerS in our City in the PaStfew years.A) WidenedB) have been Widened C) Were WidenedD)have Widened45. Jane WaS ill yesterday,She didn' t come to schoolthis morning.A) orB) andC) soD) but此文档部分内容来源于网络,如有侵权请告知删除4本文档可自行编辑和修改内容,感谢您的支持46. DOn t argue With each other again.Our teachers first.A) d
15、iscussB) discusseddiscuss47. SinCe JUne 1st, 2008 PIaStiC ShOPPingfree at the supermarkets.A) Werehave beenB) would be48.-“Janet won ' t go to See the film.”“” JaCk rePied.B) So will I.A) Neither will I.D) So do I.49. - Weare going this Sunday.Let Sit WithC) discussingD)tobagsno longerC) had bee
16、nD)” Mary said.C) Neither do I.to have a PiCniC in Shanghai BOtaniCaI GardenA) You ' re welcome. there.C) That ' S all right.50. - I ' d like to buy someA) What do you like? oranges?C) What Can I do for you?B) HaVe a good timeD) It ' S hard to say.oranges.B) How do you likeD) Do you
17、likethethese Oranges?III. Complete the following PaSSage With the words or PhraSeS in the box. EaCh word Can only be USed once (将下列单词或词组填入空格。每空格限填一词,每词只能填一次):(共8分)A) aroundB) busyC) WhyD) PartS C E) go SightSeeingF) expensive G) famous for H) close toI) easily Two magazines recently IiSted the best
18、CitieS to live in. Hereare two Of the CitieS IiSted as“ the world best ” .San Jose, Costa RiCa(哥斯达黎加圣何塞)The City has comfortable Weather all year round. HOUSing is not Very 51 in San Jose. Also, many of the City' S olderneighborhoods are Very beautiful and have small hotels and cafes. BeaUtifUI
19、mountains are 52 the city. You Can ViSit them 53 from San Jose. So lots of people 54 there every year. BUt air pollution is a problem in the City Center.Hong Kong, ChinaThiS livelyCity-once a small fishing village- is todayan international business center. It is an interesting mix of EaSt and West,
20、old and new. MOdern tall buildings are next to small temples. Popular nightclubs are 55 traditional teahouses.WeCan See 56 people fill the StreetS at all hours of the day. BUt OUtSide the city, there are ParkS for WaIking or relaxing.HOngKOngiS57 its WOnderfUI native dishes.There ' S also food f
21、romEUrope, North AmeriCa, and other PartS of Asia. However, this small City has a large population. NearIy SeVen million people live in Hong Kong! That' S 58 housing is often Very expensive. TraffiC and air pollution are also a problem.IV. Complete the SentenCeS With the given words in their SUi
22、tabIe forms (用括号中所给单词的适当形式完成下列句子。每空格限填一词):(共8分)59. Whois the of that book PUbIiShed recently? (Write)60. Take theturning on the left, and you Can' t missthe post office. (two)61. Anmust be given on the WOUnded soldier at once.(operate)62. DUe to( 由于)the heavy fog, traffic WaSStOPPed onthe highwa
23、y. (complete)63. TheSe dictionaries meto UnderStand new words better.(able)64. The PrOfeSSOr is explaining the methods OfEngIiShwords. (memory)65. It ' S that We Can find so many StOrieS about memory.(amaze)66. Many lovely fish Will soonbecause of the SeriOUSWater pollution. (appear)V. ReWrite t
24、he following SentenCeS as required (根据所给要求,改写下列句子。每空格限填一词):(共14分)67. I have already read today' S newspaper.( 改为否定句 )Itoday ' S newspaper yet.68. The girl hardly knew anything about the Car accident.(改为反意疑问句)The girl hardly knew anything about the Car accident, ?69. JaCk didn ' t WatCh T
25、V that eveni ng. He IiStened to music.(保 持句意不变)JaCk IiStened to musicWatChing TV thatevening.70. He interviewedsome neighbours of hers to get more information.(对划线部分提问)he interview some neighbours of hers?71. Tomis SUCh a CIeVer boy that he is able to work out the problem. (保持句意基本不变)Tom is CIeVer wo
26、rk out the problem.72. TeenagerS Can learn more knowledge from real life if We givethem more chances.(改为被动语态)TeenagerS Can learn more knowledge from real life if theymore chances.73.“ Will Bob joinUS in the debate next Week” ? Tim asked me.(合并为一句)Tim asked meBobjoin US in the debate.Part 3 Reading a
27、nd Writing (第三部分读写)VI. Reading COmPrehenSiOn (阅读理解):( 共 50 分)A. Choose the best answer (根据短文内容,选择最恰当的答案):(12分)The baby elephant, Sheila, WaS moved out of BeIfaSt Zoo because of fears She might be hit by bombers ( 轰炸机)during the BeIfaSt Blitz (闪电战)of 1941.She WaS one of the lucky ones. A lot of the a
28、nimals Were killed because of fears they might escape during the bombing and attack people. They included a tiger, a black bear, a wolf, and two polar bears.BUt SheiIa WaS WaIked down the road by zoo-keepers to a nearby house Where a woman took her in and kept her in her backyard for SeVeraI months
29、until the bombing WaS over.The woman has never been identified ( 确认)and the zoo knows her only as “the elephant angel ” . AS the zoo CeIebrateS its 75th birthday,people have decided to try to find the elephant ' S saver.Mark Challis is the manager of BeIfaSt Zoo. He explained a bit more about Sh
30、eiIa ' S story.“Well , We know that Sheila, the elephant that WaS in the zoo at that time SPent some time IiVing With a lady relatively near to the zoo and We have one SWeet photo, you Can See iton ourzoo website. ”“ In the photo you Can See the elephant With the lady in her back garden and that
31、 ' S almost all We know. So we' re just trying to find a little bit more information and We are not even SUre if the lady is alive today, but maybe her relatives or somebody will recognize the back of that house and We Can fill in some detail on this story. ”OnCe the bombing WaS over, SheiIa
32、 Went back to the zoo and lived for another quarter of a century. She died of a Skin disease in 1966.74. The name Of the elephant WaS.A) Belfast. B) Angel.C) Mark Challis. D) Shelia.75. WhiCh of the following is true according to ParagraPh Three?A) The zoo-keepers WaIked the elephant to a nearby hou
33、se.B) A lady took the elephant away and kept her in the backyard.C) The elephant escaped away and a lady found her finally.D) The zoo-keepers USed bombers to frighten the elephant away from the zoo.76. What happened to those UnIUCky animals in the zoo before the bombing?A) They Were taken to a Safe
34、place. B)They Started to attackpeople.C) They Were killed.D) They all escaped fromthe zoo.77. What information do people have about “ the elephant angel ” ?A) She owned a zoo website.B) She USed to live closeto the zoo.C) She is still alive.D) Her relatives live inher old house.78. What WaS the CaUS
35、e of the elephant' S death?A) Illness. B) ACCident.C) Bombing. D) Old age.79. Why WaS the photo POSted on the website?A) To attract more ViSitOrS to the zoo.B) To CeIebrate thezoo' S birthday.C) To find “ the elephant angel ” . D) To explain the War to the public.B. Choose the words or expre
36、ssions and complete the PaSSage (选择最恰当的单词或词语完成短文):(12 分)The smell of old, dusty books reminds me of my father. AS agood collector , he had many books, most of WhiCh Went unread. He owned books on 80 from medicine to SeVeraI SetS of此文档部分内容来源于网络,如有侵权请告知删除本文档可自行编辑和修改内容,感谢您的支持11encyclopedias. When I ent
37、er One Of hisfavorite bookshops, SuChas PeWell ' s, I am Carried back to a 81 When two of US Were happy then.I See him Standing,looking through a magazine, or OPeninghis wallet to Pay foranother book, yet knowing that Mom wouldIeCtUre him on “82 money on books you neverread !”WaIking PaSt rows a
38、nd rows of books in our study, I remember how after the CanCer(癌症)struck, he Came less and less and readfewer and fewer books. They became just Part of thefurniture ,collecting only dust and 83 .PerhaPS knowing he would never read them all, he gave almost all of the books away, k eeping only a few.
39、He treated them well, as if any damage would destroy them totally.I have read a few now, after he died, and each time it CaUSeS84 . BUt I SUPPOSe it is a kind of joy, because if I Can take on his desire for knowledge , CheerfUI smile, and willingness to help others, then like a match in the 85 , I w
40、ill bring a little light into the maybe it will SPread far he' d like that.world.and Wide, toAnd if that light touches others,I thinklightUP the heavens.80. A) SOmething everything81. A) timeyear82. A) SPending USing83. A) memories photos84. A) mind injury85. A) village darknessB) allB) dayB) ta
41、kingB) booksB) damageB) dreamC) nothingC) monthC) WaStingC) moneyC) hurtC) houseD)D)D)D)D)D)首字母已在给):C. Read the PaSSage and fill in the blanks With PrOPer words ( 短文的空格内填入适当的词,使其内容通顺,每空格限填一词, 此文档部分内容来源于网络,如有侵权请告知删除本文档可自行编辑和修改内容,感谢您的支持(14 分)What Will college StudentS in NeWYOrk PIan for SPring outing
42、? Bookings to popular beach destinations are strong, a 86 to travel companies. CanCUn and JamaiCa are top destinations forSPring outing. Some 30,000 revellers(狂欢者)are expected to V87 the beach spot in MeXiCO this year. The Same number Came to CanCUn last year. Also popular is Acapulco. ACaPUICO has
43、some of the hottest night clubs, and many are o 88 all night.Scott SCheChter, 22, a Boston UniVerSity Senior, Said he WaS looking for that big- Party atmosphere. “Generally, When I think of SPring outing, most of the nice SPring OUting locations that aren ' t trans - AtIantiC would be in Mexico,
44、 ” he said.“The ideaof t 89 OUtSide the COUntry makes it a little more g ”exciting.P 90 because of the economy, more StUdentS are choosing the Party BUS this year. The bus departs from locations in California, Texas, AriZOna and NeW Mexico, to Mazatlan, Mexico. PriCeS for the SeVen-night trip (two n
45、ights on the bus), Start at $300 each P 91 on StUdentCity. BeSideS Cancun, PUertO Vallarta and Los Cabos are the m 92 popular international destinations for people. BUt both have SIiPPed in overall popularity from last year, WhiCh SUggeStS people are VaCatiOning closer to home.D. AnSWer the question
46、s (根据短文内容回答下列问题):(12分)If you don' t knoW hoW much Water you need, I ' m not surprised. Different advice in recent neWspapers appears to be against the old “8 -a- day” advice We all grew UP With. IS it necessary to drink doWn eight glasses of Water daily, or is this already out of date?We Ve
47、heard for years that ei ght glasses of Water daily is necessary for a PerSOn to keep healthy. Your Weight loss and health depend on it. Drink eight glasses of Water daily and See CIearer skin, better sleep, and improve eyesight. We' re Warnedof IoSing Water WithOUt at least eight glasses. But, t
48、here are some neW ideas of examining your daily diet, including What you eat, as Well as What you drink.The ansWer is - you need What you need! If it ' S summer, you need more. I f you ' re exercising, you need more. If you' re此文档部分内容来源于网络,如有侵权请告知删除11本文档可自行编辑和修改内容,感谢您的支持a normal inactive
49、 person, and not exercising more than 15-20 minutes daily, you need no more than four glasses of Water daily. Most drinks Can be COUnted as Part of your daily Water intake( 摄 入).Although the World HeaIth OrganiZatiOn SUggeStS that eight cups, the old “8-a-day” rule is based on StUdieS on people Unde
50、r difficultSitUations,including soldiers at high altitude( 高空)and hospitalized patients. What you and I need is different.93. IS it POSSibIe for people not to know how much Water they need daily?94. What d oes the old “8 -a day” advice mean?95. How much Water do you need daily if you' re a “norm
51、al”inactive PerSon?96. Who is the old “8 - a day ” rule for?97. People Under difficult SitUatiOnS need different amount of water, don ' t they?98. What is the PaSSage mainly about?VII. Writing ( 作文):( 共 20 分)99. Write at least 60 words about the topic “ WhenI had difficultyin doing something, ”(
52、以“当我遇到困难的时候, ”为题写一篇不少于60个词的短文,标点符号不占格。 )USe the following POintS as a reference.(以下问题仅供参考 )1. What difficulty did you have?2. What WaS your Way to deal With it?3. How did you feel after you OVerCame(克月服)it?此文档部分内容来源于网络,如有侵权请告知删除 本文档可自行编辑和修改内容,感谢您的支持此文档部分内容来源于网络,如有侵权请告知删除13本文档可自行编辑和修改内容,感谢您的支持初三英语参考答
53、案2018.3Part 1 LiSteningLLiStening COmPrehenSiOn (听力理解):( 共 30 分)A. LiSten and choose the right PiCtUre (根据你听到的内容,选出相应的图片):(共6分)1. Weall know that SmOking is not allowed in PUbIiC places. (F)2. NeXt year, Sally and JUdy will graduate from FUdan university.(D)3. To enjoy ourselves, We often have PiCni
54、CS in the suburbs. (B)4. JaCk is a hard-working boy. He often works till Very late atnight. (E)5. You Can keep the book till next Friday. BUt remember to return it on time. (A)6. The WhiteS have just moved into a new flat WhiCh has two bigIiVing rooms. (C)B. LiSten to the dialogue and choose the bes
55、t answer tothequestion you hear (根据你听到的对话和问题,选出最恰当的答案):(共10分)7. M: Will you leave at 6:00 or a quarter PaSt six, MiSS Green?W: I ' ll leave at SiX because it ' S a little bit late if I leave at 6:15.Q: What time will MiSS Green leave? (A)8. W: Look, Jim. We Can Park our Car here.M: Great. We
56、don' t need to worry about the time to go around.Q: WhiCh Sign are they talking about? (B)9. M: Mary, do you like Indian food?W: Well, I ' Ve only had it once. It ' S a bit hot. I don't think it ' S healthy.Q: What does the woman think of Indian food? (A)10. M: What are you going
57、 to be When you grow up?W: I ' d like to be a SeCretary or an officer. What about you?M: I Want to be an engineer like my parents.Q: What does the boy Want to be in the future? (D)11. W: What a rainy day today! We haven ' t Seen the SUn for half a month.M: Fortunately, it doesn' t snow during this SeaSon.Q: How ' S the Weather today? (C)此文档部
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