



1、小nu寸河用棕孙杳hiao ma mc.emac.ionai_ educacziongre issue写作优秀实例:技术进步之社会影响以下是小编为大家密理的gre issue写作优秀实例,希望对大家备考有帮助,赶快下载全篇吧。题目:technologies not only influence but actually delermine social customs and ethics技术不仅仅影响而且实际上是决定了社会传统和道德规范。正文:taking a brief glance at history of human existence, it is not difficult to

2、 draw the conclusion that technology, defined as the application of scienee and knowledge, has played an important role in bringing trans format i on and improveme nl to society i agree wi th the above saying in lhe topic that technology should be regarded as a determ in alive factor which not only

3、in fluences but also, and more iniportant ly, determines the social custom and ethicspeople, generally speaking, would not doubt the perspective that technology exercises enormous influence on the custom end ethics of mankind before the industrial revolution, women in britain were not allowed to wor

4、k outside apart from some comparatively enlightened places; yet waves of women went into spinneries as cotton spinner after the jenny were universal ly utilized around europe the reason why factories preferred women rather than men in the industrial revolution lies in the development of technology,

5、which decreased the physical weaknoss of women, raiised the social awtireness of the advant碍e of women worker such cis more carefulness and patience, changed the traditional industrial configuration in the proportion of females and males, therefore transformed the cl iche ban of wome n s outside wor

6、king same analysis could be appl ied on fem in ism campaign. with the purpose of sexual equality and personalily 1iberation, feminism campaign is based on the development and betterment of the equipment from this point of view. in a word, all these chtinges in social custom and ethics owe to the dev

7、elopment of technologybut why, some one may ask, should tech no logy be mentioned as the determinate factor, not merely an infective ingredient? the answer comes from the difference between quantity of effects that influence and determination separately raise as dictionary refers, the effect of infl

8、uence is in direct and comparatively weaker; while that of determination is direct, basic and strong from the examples given in the above paragraph, tigreemenl may not be difficult to reach that the impact of tech no logy on social custom is direct and enormous without tech no logy in medical, peopl

9、e today might sti 11 hold the belief that spread of plague is the punishment from god and the sick are unforgivable sinners; in industry, the popular concept of global village and the social consciousness of racial equal ity might never exist; in sociology, women cannot get the opportunity小nu寸河用棕孙杳

10、zj、占hiao ma mc.emac.ionai_ educaczionto realize their own values as an indopendent individual through working to sum up, technology is the determinative factor to change the social custom and ethicshowever, question may still bo raised why it is the technology determines the social custom and ethics

11、, rather than human beings or other factors admittedly, it seems much more of sense that human beings make the social custom and ethics by themselves but it does not imply that human beings determine the trend of social custom, since the formation of a social custom and a principle of ethics is base

12、d on the level of tech no logy at that time by which majority of people can measure what can be done while others cannot admittedly, often human activities such as rentiissance and world war 2 seem to influe nee the social custom more obviously and to a greater extent than technology does but when c

13、onsidering why such activities happened on a specific time in a specific place, one still have to turn to technology for further understatiding. thus, the social custom actually should be regarded as frui is, if the human activities are taken as trunk; technology should be considered as the roots of

14、 the tree which determine whether the tree can live and what it can producein fact, social custom and ethics feed back with the dcvclopmcnl of technology,rcsulting in either promotion or restriction for an instance, acquirement for ionger life nowadays is an increasingly popular social custom. this

15、challenges the medical technology at present, thus stimulates the researchers to speed up their discovery for new medical treatment human cloning, for another instance, is legally abandoned in niany countries due to the discordanee with the ethnics of society today. therefore the further dcvclopmcnl

16、 of cloning technology in many countries almost halts the influcnee of social custom and ethics on technology cannot be ignoredin conclusi on, this issue asserts that the tech no logy influences the social custom and ethics so markedly that can be regarded as a determinative factor meanwhile, the social custom and ethics can reflect feedback toward tech no log y. tech no logy can be metaphor i zed in to a flowing river, while the


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