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1、ets官方issue主题范文36篇以下是现在能够找到的ets公布的所有的issue主题的范文。一共6个题每个题fu 6 篇不同分数的范文。研读“46”分作文。对于1-3分作文,可以看看ets对它的评价,分 析其分数低的原因。保证口己不要犯这些错误。有些错误是致命的。比如跑题。isusue testlhboth the development of technological tools and the uses to which humanity has put them have created modern civilizations in which loneliness is ever

2、 increasing."6technology, broadly defined as the use of tools, has a long history. ever since erg the cavema n first con ked an animal with a rock, people have been using tech no logy for thousands of years, the use of tools allowed people to move ever closer together. because fields could be c

3、ultivated and the technology to store food existed, people would live in cities rather than in small nomadic tribes only very lately have erg's descendants come to question the ben efits of tech no logy the industrial revolutio n in troduced and spread tech no logies that mechanized many tasks a

4、s a result of the drive toward more efficient production and distribution (so the ever larger cities would be supported), people began to act as cogs in the tech no logical machi ne. clothi ng was no ion ger produced by groups of women sewing and gossiping together, but by down-trodden automation

5、9;s operating machinery in grim factoriesthe benefits of the new technology of today, computers and the inter net, are particularly ambiguous. they have made work ever more efficient and knit the world together in a web of information and phone lines. some visionaries speak of a world in which erg n

6、eed not check in to his office; he can just dial in from home he won't need to go to a bar to pick up women because there are all those chat rooms. hungry? erg orders his groceries from an online delivery service. bored? download a new game and yet.many people, myself included, are a little quea

7、sy about that vision. erg may be doing work, but is it real work? are his online friends real friends? does anything count in a spiritual way if its just digital? since the in dustrial revolution, we have been haunted by the prospect that we are turning into our machines: efficient, productive, soul

8、ess. the n ewest tech no logies, we fear, are making us flat as our screens, tur ning us into streams of bits of interchangable data. we may know a lot of people, but we have few real friends. we have a lot of things to do, but no reason to do them. in short, the new tech no logy emphasizes a spirit

9、ual crisis that has been building for quite some i try to un ravel which i believe about the relative merits of tech no logy, i think it is in structive to remember tech no logy*s original result a better plow mea nt easier farming, more food, i on ger lives, and more free time to pursue oth

10、er things such as art. our newest technology does not give us more free time; it consumes our free time we are terminally distracted from confronting ourselves or each other. we stay safe, and lonely, in our homes and offices rather than taking the risk of meeting real people or trying new things.wh

11、ile i am certainly not a luddite, i do believe we need to look for a bit more balance between technology and life. we have to tear ourselves away from the fatal distractions and go out into the world. technology has given us long lives and endless supplies of information. now we need to apply that i

12、nformation, use the time we're not spending conking our dinner with a club, and find our reasons for living评价this outsta nding resp onse displays coge nt reas on ing, in sightful, persuasive analysis, and superior control of ianguage. the essay immediately identifies the complexities of the issu

13、e and then playfully explores both the benefits and the drawbacks of technological developments over the course of human history. the writer maintains that a nbalanee betwee n tech no logy and life*1 is n ecessary if humans are going to abate the loneliness that is part of modern existence.5i disagr

14、ee with the argument that 'both the development of technological tools and the uses to which humanity has put them have created modern civilizations in which loneliness is ever increasing." arguments can be made for this thesis, but they depend largely upon what i believe to be a poor defin

15、ition of hlonelinessm.if one defines loneliness as the abse nee of as much physical, face-to-face con tact with other people, then this argument is probably true the invention of modern telecommunications devices such as telephones, fax machines, and computers has defi nitely cut down on the amount

16、of physical con tact with other people this is especially true in recent times due to the extremely rapid expansi on of the internet. e-mail and tele-conferencing are direct substitutes for physical contact, especially in the business world.however, i believe that loneliness can be better measured b

17、y intellectual contact with other individuals. unarguably, modern technology makes this faster and easier, with better communication with a larger number of people some employers have argued that productivity is lessened since they have had computers lin ked to the inter net,as the employees spend m

18、uch of their time ”chatting” with friends, acquaintances, or business contacts across the country. this is probably not a good thing for the employers, but it demonstrates the in creased degree of communication due to modern technology.of course, some technologies have increased loneliness by any st

19、andards, such as the automobile or other transportation mechanisms these encourage substantially longer commutes between home and work. automobiles have made possible the pattern of suburbsnization that has been in place in the united states since immediately after world war two. time spent commutin

20、g is generally unproductive and spent alone, unless the in dividual in question is car-pooli ng or using mass transit. the con tributio n of the commuti ng culture to loneli ness may actually be changing now due to new tech no logy that is being invented and used by the general public. popular new d

21、evices, such as the cellular phone, the laptop computer, and the combinati on thereof may actually con vert commuting time to a period of in creased communicati ons between people, to "pass the timet this will be especially true as use of mass transit grows, which will probably happen, due to p

22、roblems with gas shortages, air pollution, and the creation of further mass transit by federal and local governments.the motivation for the declaration that loneliness is increasing may be due to the fact that many people, especially blue-collar workers, are unable to afford or use these new devices

23、 however, since the advent of the personal computer, the price per computing power has continually lowered rapidly, and this trend shows no sign of changing. several companies, such as sun microsystems and oracle have announced that they are attempting to develop terminals with little computing powe

24、r, but a full capability to access the internet. these devices will be in approximately the $500 price range, which is much more reas on able than the price of the current top of the line pc. in addition, to cater to a larger mass of the public, software companies have been carefully making their pr

25、oducts easier to use by noncomputer nerdsm. this trend is not likely to ceasein conclusion, although early development of modern transportation may have increased loneliness, i believe that more recent technologies are actually doing the opposite, stimulating interpersonal contact and encouraging in

26、tellectual expansion. the perception that the opposite is true derives from what i believe is poor definition of loneliness and the difficulty that the working class has in acquiring and using modern telecommunications devices.评价this strong response analyzes the complexities of the issue in disagree

27、ing with the prompt, the writer makes a distinction between two types of loneliness - loneliness caused by ”the absence of? physical contacc and loneliness brought about by a lack of 'intellectual contacf with others. the essay reasons that while hthe automobile and other transportation mechanis

28、msh originally kept passengers physically and intellectually isolated from one another, modern technology, such as the cellular telephone and laptop computer, has made intellectual contact "faster and easier11 and has benefited users by allowing them to communicate with f,a larger number of peo

29、ple.”the response provides clear and re leva nt examples of the ways in which tech no logical developments facilitate and encourage intellectual communication. the writer examines the impact of user-friendly internet access on the individual's ability to interact with others even when physical d

30、istanee separates the communicating partiesthe organization is clear, yet transitions between paragraphs are not always smooth the body of the essay lacks the focus that would help move it to a score of 6. it is not always clear how the information given relates to the essay's initial position (

31、eg, the discussion of current prices for personal computers in paragraph five). the conclusion, while clearly releva nt, attempts to impose order on the somewhat loosely conn ected paragraphs, yet fails to add substance to the analysis.on the whole, the essay displays clarity and control, but the ia

32、nguage is sometimes imprecise and less tightly controlled than it would be in a 6 essay the following sentence is one such example: hthe motivation for the declaration that loneliness is increasing may be due to the fact that many people, especially blue-collar workers, are unable to afford or use t

33、hese new devices/*4looking at the above state me nt,丨 see a lot of truth to the statement . there are many ways that society has used the adva need tech no logy in order to isolate themselves it may or may not be a consious move, but the results are all the same the isolation occurs in a variety of

34、ways and in all different areas. by computerizing factories, there are more and more people working long hours by themselves, with there only companion as a computer monitor. although the company may be getting better production, the question that needs to be ask is at what cost to their employeesit

35、 is not only the management of big factories that are responsible for this isolation. this ionliness can be seen in many other settings with the growing popularity of the television, the natio n is seeing a decli ne in families talking and an in crease in watching the television. not only can this r

36、esult in a generation of hcoach potatoes'; it is also causes less comm un ication and a feeli ng of isolati on from every one that a person cares far tech no logy has en tered the work place and the home, it has also en tered the social relm. when you go to order food in the drive-thru,

37、 who is or better yet what is it that you talk to? it is a machine, although there is a person on the other end, you are still reciting your order to a machine. if it is ten o'clock at night and you need money, there are atm's. all of these gadgets may be very nice and convient,but they resu

38、lt in lack of human contact although it might be easy to blame technolgy for our feelings of ioneliness, it is just a cop out. by looking at all the ways technology causes isolation, it is still people who choose to use these convenient methods if a person wants to have human contact, all they have

39、to do is go inside to the bank or go in side the restu ra unt to order. what it basically boils down to, is that it is our choice whether or not we use technology it is a scary thought to think maybe one day we might live in a society where you will never have to leave your house. that by using fax

40、machines, computers, modems, and the teleph one a person would never have to have huma n con tact to get their job done the thing is that if that is not what we as a society wants, we are the ones to speak out and change the outcome.评价this response presents a competent discussion of the issue. the p

41、osition presented in the first paragraph 一 that hthere are many ways that society has used the advanced tech no logy in order to isolate themselves1' - is adequately sustai ned, but the examples given are not always clearly releva nt (e.g., i n the case of paragraph one's ” computerizing” of

42、 factories, the decision to use the tech no logy is not made by the in dividual worker.) also, the reasoning is not developed as fully as it would be in a response at the score level of 6 or 5.while orga nization is adequate, the response lacks the orga nized cohere nee of ideas that exemplify a 5 e

43、ssay transitions, within and between paragraphs, are not always smooth or logical. the last paragraph could be much more clearly focused, i.e., several sen tences repeat the same idea - that "it is our choice whether or not we use tech no logy” -and the purpose or meaning of others (e.g., the l

44、ast) is not immediately general, ideas are presented clearly, although awkward phrasing sometimes contributes to vague ness (e.g., flby looki ng at all the ways tech no logy causes isolati on, it is still people who choose to use these convenient methods11). lack of sentence structure varie

45、ty seems to inhibit the communication of ideas (e.g., many short sentences are often used where one or two compound ones could make the points more effectively). overall, this is an adequate response to the topic.3the tech no logical tools we as a society have developed are not in themselves positiv

46、e or negative, they are just that, tools. the uses, however, are definitely a different story. computers, i believe at one time, were developed to save us time do our work more quickly for us so that we could have more leisure time to spend doing those things we enjoy. we have found now, especially

47、those of us that are parents, that all of the leisure time we have gained is either spent watching our children learn things on the computer or creating our own unique something on the family computer. for one thing5 it has become a very fun item, the computers have become more than just work relate

48、d tech no logical tools. the amount of human interaction is limited, because people in general are spending much of their leisure time doing solo on the computer. in the past, it was common for the new young exectutive to get a membership to the exercise club as a perk, where he could socialize with

49、 the upper crust. now the new young exec, gets a car phone or a portable fax, so that he can work from whereever he is, usually doing that solo trip to somewhere given these as examples, i would tend to agree with the statement that lonli ness has in creased as a direct result 评价this response is lim

50、ited in both its analysis of the issue and its control of languagethe writer clearly expresses the idea that hthe tech no logical tools we as a society have developed are not in themselves positive or negative.11 however, the essay provides only limited support for the position; the two examples are

51、 loosely connected and undeveloped at times the organization of the essay makes for confusing reading for example, the relevance of the ”young executive1' example is not clear because there is no transition from the preceding example of the computer. the con elusion, one sentence long, simply re

52、states the claim made in the topicthe awkward sentences are evidence of a limited fluency. greater use of compound sentences could help eliminate structural problems and facilitate the communication of ideas (e.g., sentences 3 and 4 could be combined).for all of these reasons, the essay received a s

53、core of 3.2、computers of all shapes and sizes, p.c/s, laptops, faxes, phones, the list never ends. all considered by our society as great technological advances not many would argue that the development of these tools has not advaneed our world in some ways however they certainly seem to be making o

54、ur world one in which contact with our fellow man is less and less necessary. though some may be more comfortable not having to engage in direct contact, it is questionable whether this is beneficial to society as a whole. the very least result could in fact be a very lonely world, but it may result

55、 in more significant problems.评价this response is seriously flawed. the analysis of the issue is extremely limited, and there are serious problems in sentence structure the writer's position, never clearly stated, seems to be that as a result of technological developments, contact with our fellow

56、 man is less and less necessary/' however, the implications of this statement (and others) are never explored or developed furthermore, the list of tech no logical advancements does not support or clarify the writer's already tenuously held position. each new sen tence could serve as a spri

57、ngboard to a thoughtful analysis but in stead takes the response further from the apparent premisewhile the essay exhibits a lack of sentence variety and contains some grammatical errors, the language is for the most part con trolled. this response did not receive a score of 2 because of a ianguage

58、problem, but because reasoning, analysis, and development are extremely thin and in substantial.1、1 this statement is stating. the more advance in tec no logy that society becomes, the more we depend on technology to live our everyday lives society as a whole will out do daily tasks and depend more

59、on machines and computers to accomplish those tasks for them for example; i was told that the youn ger gen eratio ns use caclators in classes on a everday level. we counld'nt do that. we had to resolve a problem on our own. because caculators are being used, math problems are being adjusted around the caculators. if i didnt know how to use a caculator today then i most likely woulnd't know how to attempt to tackle the math of today computers of today are another example writing a essay took a lot of thought and hard work in past. today,


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