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1、第21课时九年级Units 1314英语人教版1.litter(同义词)_2fisherman(复数)_3wood(木制的;木头的)_4harm(有害的)_5science(科学的;科学上的)_(科学家)_6instruct(名词:命令;指示)_ 词汇拓展 scientific scientist rubbish fishermen wooden harmful instruction 7.overcome(过去式)_(过去分词)_8graduate(名词:毕业)_9care(体贴人的;关心他人的)_(认真的;仔细的)_10manage(经理;经营者)_11gentleman(复数)_over

2、came overcome graduation caring careful manager gentlemen 1.对有害be _ _2恢复;使想起;归还_ _3连同;除以外还_ _4(在)顶部或顶端_ _ _ _5参加_ _ _6到目前为止;迄今_ _7关掉_ _8对有责任be _ for 重点短语 harmful to bring back along with at the top of take part in so far turn off responsible 9采取行动_ _10扔掉;抛弃_ _11好好利用某物_ sth. to _ _12拆下;摧毁_ 13.上下颠倒;倒转

3、_ down14出发;启程_ _15弄得一团糟_ a _take action throw away put good use pull down upside set out make mess16沉住气;保持冷静_ ones _17回首(往事);回忆;回顾_ _ at18(时间)逝去;过去_ _19信任;信赖_ in20首先_ _ _21渴望;渴求be _ for22对某人心存感激be _ to sb.23在前面_ _24分离;隔开_ _keep cool look back go by believe first of all thirsty thankful ahead of sepa

4、rate from 1.Everyone in this town should _ _ _ _ cleaning it up!这个城镇中的每个人都应该参加把它清理干净的工作!2So together,our actions can make a difference and _ _ a better future!因此,我们齐心协力就能改善环境,创造美好未来!3This is _ _ cruel,_ _ harmful to the environment.这不仅是残酷的,而且对环境是有害的。重点句型 play a part in lead to not only but also 4No

5、scientific studies _ _ that shark fins _ _ _ health.没有科学研究表明鲨鱼的鳍对健康是有益的。5Amy is _ _ _ us all.艾米对我们每个人都是一种精神鼓舞。6.I _ _ all of you in Grade 7.我记得在七年级遇到你们所有的人。 have showed are good for an inspiration to remember meeting 7_ _her,I put in more effort and my exam scores _.因为她,我投入了更大努力,我的测试分数翻倍了。8As you _

6、_ _ your new journey,you shouldnt forget _ you came from.在新的旅行启程之际,不要忘记你来自哪里。9_ _,I have made so many good friends and I have _ so many good memories _ them.从那以后,我交了很多朋友并且和他们一起分享了许多美好回忆。Because of doubled set out on where Since then shared with 1.复习动词的时态和语态(现在进行时、一般现在时的被动语态、现在完成时)、情态动词、used to2.复习一般

7、过去时、现在完成时、宾语从句、一般将来时、一般现在时、现在进行时核心语法核心语法 考点一:Yes,we cant afford to wait any longer to take action.是的,我们不能再等待了,行动起来吧。afford【考点抢测】1. (2017宿迁)Most people in China couldnt_ (买得起) cars twenty years ago.2The Apple Watch is very beautiful, but its too expensive.So I cant _ it.Asave Bsupport Coffer Dafford

8、afford D3Look,my father bought me a new iPad.I dont think we need too many expensive things even though our parents can _ them.Aallow Bexpect CaffordCafford意为“买得起,支付得起,花得起(时间、金钱、精力等)”或“负担得起(费用、损失、后果等)”,常和情态动词can和be able to连用,作及物动词,后面可接名词、动词不定式作宾语。如:He cant afford (to buy) a car.他买不起一辆车。I think he wi

9、ll be able to afford a holiday.我想他抽得出时间去度假。考点二:Wang Tao hopes to set up a “metal art” theme park to show people the importance of environmental protection.王涛希望建立一个“金属艺术”主题公园,向人们展示环境保护的重要性。set up【考点抢测】4(2017荆州)Whats the news about?People near the lake didnt allow them to _ a factory so as not to poll

10、ute the water.Alook up Bput up Ctake up Dset upD5(2017贵港)What should we do for the disabled children?You should _ a study group to help them.Atake upBset upClook upDput up6China is going to _ a manned space station around 2020 to explore more space.Aset up Bput up Cwake up Dturn upBAset up意为“建立,创立(公

11、司、机构等)”。【辨析】set up与build两者都表示“建立”,但在含义上有所不同。set up侧重“开始”,用于具体或抽象的事物均可set up business开业build侧重“修建”,用于具体的事物The government is going to build a motorway across the field.政府准备修一条高速公路横贯这片田野。考点三:I remember meeting all of you in Grade 7.我记得在七年级遇到你们所有的人。remember doing sth.【考点抢测】7(导学号:01924033)(2017黄石)Jack, r

12、emember_off the lights when_the home.OK, I wont forget, mom.Aturning; leaving Bto turn; leave Cturning; left Dto turn; leavingD 8(2017眉山)Im sorry, Miss Green.I left my math book at home.It doesnt matter.Please remember_ it here tomorrow.Ataking Bto takeCbringing Dto bring9You arent a student now,are

13、 you?_,dont you remember _ me in the classroom ten minutes ago?ANo;seeing BYes;seeing CYes;to seeD B 考点词义例句rememberto do sth.表示“记得要做某事(事情还没有做)”。You must remember to lock the door when you leave the office.你离开办公室时一定要记得锁门。rememberdoing sth.表示“记得做过某事(事情已经做了)”。Do you remember telling me about that?你记得跟我

14、说过那件事吗?考点四:join/join in/take part in/attend【考点抢测】10(2017盐城)To athletes, the most important thing is not to win a gold or a silver, but to _.Atake part Btake notice Ctake place Dtake care11(2017贵港)Im going to Hong Kong next month.What about you, Jenny? I will _social practice.Atake part in Btake plac

15、e Ctake off Dtake action AA12Mike,are you going to _ our school soccer club?Yes.I like soccer best.Atake part in Btake partCjoin Djoin onC 考点词义与用法例句join(1)指加入某个党派、团体组织,成为其中的一员。(2)和某人一起做某事,其结构为:join sb. in(doing) sth.I will never forget the day when I joined the Party.我永远也忘不了入党的那一天。join in多指参加小规模的活动,

16、如球赛、游戏等,常用于日常口语。Can I join in the game?我可以参加这个游戏吗?They all join in singing the song.他们一起唱这首歌。take part in指参加会议或群众性活动,着重说明主语参加该活动并发挥积极作用。part前有形容词修饰时,要用不定冠词。We often take part in physical labor.我们经常参加体力劳动。attend指参加会议、婚礼、葬礼、典礼;去上课、上学等。主语只是去听、去看,自己不一定起积极作用。Several presidents attended the meeting.好几位总统参

17、加了这次会议。考点五:cost/spend/pay/take【考点抢测】13(2017凉山)Wow, your sweater is very beautiful! Thank you.I bought it two days ago.It _ me $50.Atook Bcost Cpaid Dspent 14(2017云南)Youd better _more time talking with your parents so that they can understand you better.Aspend Btake Ccost DpayB A 15(导学号:01924034)(201

18、7黔西南)Do you know how much Mary _ all these books? They _only 200 yuan!Aspent; cost Bpaid for; spentCpaid for; cost Dcost; spentC 考点词义固定搭配cost意为“花费”,主语必须是物或某种活动。sth. cost(s)意为“某物花费”。spend意为“花费”,主语是人。sb. spend(s) some time/some money on sth./(in) doing sth.意为“某人花费时间/金钱做某事”。pay意为“付款;支付”,主语是人。pay for意为“

19、付费”。take意为“花费”。It takes sb. some time to do sth.意为“花费某人多长时间去做某事”。短文填词。根据短文内容及首字母提示填写单词,使短文完整、通顺。The Clever Learning MethodsWhy do you need study skills? Because they will make it 1.e_ for you to learn and do well in class, especially as you move up to middle school and high school.asier Pay attentio

20、n in classDo you have 2.d_ paying attention in class? Are you sitting next to a loud person? Is it hard to see the blackboard? Make sure youre sitting in a good seat that makes you pay attention.Tell your teacher or parents about any problem that is stopping you from paying attention and taking good

21、 notes.ifficulty Take good notesNot sure how to take notes? Start by writing down facts that your teacher mentions 3.o_ writes on the blackboard in class.Try your best to use good handwriting so that you can read your notes later.Its also a good idea to keep your notes, quizzes, and papers 4.o_ by s

22、ubject.r rganized/organised Plan 5.b_ testsIts not wise of you to wait until 6.T_ night to study for Fridays test.It also makes it hard to do your best.Youll feel sorry for 7.p_ off things often.One of the best ways is to plan ahead.eforehursday utting Get a good nights sleepSo the test is tomorrow

23、and youve followed your study plan, but 8.s_ you cant remember anything, not even 22! Dont worry.Your brain needs time to digest (消化) all the 9.i_ youve given it.Try to get a good nights sleep and youll be 10.s_ by what comes back to you in the morning!uddenly/simply nformation urprised 一、单项选择。1Plea

24、se remember the following things when you are in the museum._,dont touch the things.Second,dont make any noiseAFirst of all BBy the wayCIn fact DSo far2(2017济宁)That one mistake almost _ him his life.Atook Bpaid Ccost DspentA C3Qingdao is such a lovely city that I _ it when I first visited it.Aknew a

25、bout Bfell in love withCfound Dnoticed4In this museum you can see the inventions which were made _ waste things.Ain Binto Cout of Dup fromBC5Have you ever _ an amusement park?Yes,I have.I _ Fun Times Amusement Park last year.Abeen to;have gone to Bgone to;have been toCgo to;went to Dbeen to;went to6

26、Today people are encouraged to _ paper,plastic and water for a better environment.Ause Bwaste Crecycle Dmake7The heavy snow didnt _ the international airlines.Apay attention to Badd toCmake a difference to Dkeep toDCC8The old man _ attend the meeting and make a speech in it.Aagreed on Bagreed toCagr

27、eed with Dagreed9(导学号:01924035)(2017深圳)My daughter will _ for America to study next month.Youll miss her very much.Aset downBset offCset upBB10_ well you drive,you must drive carefully.ANo matter where BIn order thatCNo matter how DAs soon asC二、完形填空。(2017重庆B卷)March 22nd is World Water Day.It started

28、 in 1993.It not only makes us think about the importance of water, but also calls on (号召) us to _11_ and protect water.Today, were facing terrible water problems.Among them, wastewater problem is especially _12_And the subject of World Water Day in 2017 is “wastewater”What is wastewater? It is used

29、water.Usually, wastewater comes from homes,_13_, hospitals and so on.It is produced by different kinds of activities, including washing the machines, taking showers and using the kitchen.The rain also _14_ wastewater when it is running down the street during a storm.No matter where it comes from, th

30、is kind of water is sure to have _15_ harmful in it._16_ must we treat (处理) wastewater? Wastewater has a big influence on our life.It causes both illness for us and pollution for the environment.We must care for our environment and our own _17_How can we treat wastewater? Different kinds of wastewat

31、er need different ways of treatment.Wastewater _18_ homes can be reused.Then there will be _19_ wastewater.Also, factory wastewater has to be cleaned _20_ it goes back to nature.11A.drink Bsave Ccarry Dwatch12A.easy Bpopular Csmall Dserious13A.factories Blakes Crivers Dseas14A.gets back Bhands in Cc

32、hanges into Dpicks up15A.nothing Bsomething Cnobody Dsomebody16A.What BWho CWhy DHow17A.work Binterest Chealth Dbusiness18A.on Bfor Cwith Dfrom19A.less Bmore Cbetter Dworse20A.and Bwhether Cafter DbeforeBDACBCCDAD三、阅读理解。(2017泰州)A new rubbish sorting system (垃圾分类系统) has been put into use in Fangcheng

33、yuan Community in Beijing.Local people not only sort their rubbish, but also put QR codes (二维码) on it.“When the rubbish is collected and the codes are seen, I will get reward points to exchange for small gifts and even some money,” one of the local people told reporters.“Its really creative and enco

34、uraging.”This smart system has been carried out in 350 communities in Beijing.The capital of China has joined a list of cities in the country that take action to support rubbish sorting.For example, Shenzhen and Shanghai have made laws to punish people and organizations for not sorting rubbish corre

35、ctly.China produces quite a lot of rubbish every year.Much of the rubbish is buried (填埋) in soil or burned without being sorted.Landfills (填埋场) take up a lot of land and have a risk of polluting the soil and water nearby.And burning rubbish can produce harmful gases.Through rubbish sorting, we can r

36、educe the use of landfills and air pollution.Whats more, rubbish sorting saves resources, which could bring economic benefits (经济利益)For example, a ton of waste paper can be reused to make about 850 kg of paper, saving 17 trees and 50 percent of water.Because of their benefits, some countries have de

37、veloped successful sorting systems.Japan has a strict and detailed system.When people throw away a water bottle, the cap, the wrapper (包装纸) and the bottle itself have to go into three different bins.Every year, families receive special rubbish sorting timetables and directions from their local gover

38、nments.They are advised to follow the timetables and directions when they throw away rubbish.In Australia, every family is provided with three rubbish binsthe red lid (盖子) bin for “general waste” like food and plastic bags, the yellow lid bin for “recycling” like steel and glass, and the green lid b

39、in for “green waste” such as grass and leaves.On the streets, the bins are printed with pictures of the things that are allowed inside.It makes recycling quite easy.21. What will local people probably get if they put daily rubbish into the new system in Fangchengyuan Community?AA computer. BA car.CA

40、 lot of money. DSome small gifts.22. Which of the following is NOT the consequence (后果) of burying rubbish?APolluting soil.BPolluting water.CTaking up a lot of land.DSaving resources.DD23. Which paragraph discusses the economic benefits of rubbish sorting?AParagraph 3. BParagraph 4.CParagraph 5. DPa

41、ragraph 6.24. In Australia, which bin should you put food left after dinner in?AThe red lid bin. BThe yellow lid bin.CThe green lid bin. DThe black lid bin.CA25. Which of the following is TRUE according to the text?AIn Australia, the green lid bin is used for all kinds of recyclable (可回收的) wastes.BI

42、n Japan, all kinds of things for recycling are printed on rubbish bins.CJapanese people cannot throw a bottle into a bin unless they move away the wrapper first.DAustralian people have to obey local timetables and directions to throw away rubbish strictly.C四、词汇运用。A)根据句意及汉语提示填写单词。26This kind of machi

43、ne has many _(优点)It can help us do things quickly and well.27Ive run out of money,so I cant _(买得起) the coat.28We can save trees by _(回收利用) the paper.29On the way to success,lots of difficulties must be _(克服)30You should write the answer on another piece of _(单独的) paper.advantages afford recycling ov

44、ercome separate B)用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。31The _(wood) desk sells very well in the store.32The strong and changeable light is _(harm) to humans eyes.33Have you learnt something about environment _(protect)?34The teacher speaks loudly so that the students can hear her _(clear)35The people in the village are

45、 very _(thank) to these volunteers.wooden harmful protectionclearlythankful 五、短文填词。用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空,使短文通顺、完整。每词限用一次。future,attend,everything,hardly,lot,what,include,dear,study,withoutGood morning,ladies and gentlemen,my teachers and friends,thanks for coming to 36._ the graduation ceremony in our school.We have 37._ in this beautiful scho


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