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1、真诚为您提供优质参考资料,若有不当之处,请指正。7 / 7一预习词汇2019-2020 年高中英语 unit 2 robots学案 选修 71vt.满足,使满意n.满足,满意, adj.令人满意的adj.满意的2. adj.优 雅 的 , 高 雅 的讲 究 的 n.优 雅 , 高 雅 反 义词,不雅的,粗俗的。an elegant womanelegant manners3. pile n.。一堆 v.堆起 pile sth. (up)堆放,摞起4. n.手指 n.钉子,指甲n.手指甲5. v.计算,认为counter n.6adj.可怕的,令人敬畏的adv.很,非常极it iscold.天气

2、极冷。n.威严,令人畏惧7. n.事件,事事物,事态family affairsthe affairs of the state国家大事时事,新闻8. (美)邮箱 letter box或 pillar box(英)9. state vt.陈述,宣布。n.陈述10. receive vt.收到,n.收件人,接收器,电话听筒11n.影响v.影响n.慈爱,友爱,爱,感情12. bound n. (常用复数 )边界,界限adj.一定的,必定的- 一定要,一定做。13. adj.兼职的,adj.全职的14. staff全体工作人员,手杖。杆a flag staff (pl.) staffs或 stave

3、s15. junior adj.年级较轻的,缩写为下级的,低级的,junior high school初中反义词(sr.)16. n.天才,特殊能力。对有天赋adj.天才的,有才能的17. n.理论adj.;理论上的,假设的18. v.服从,顺从v.不服从19. v.评估,评定n.评估,评价; 意见。比较 : assist,; access ,二精讲词汇1.desiredesire n.渴望;欲望; vt. 希望得到;想要,要求。desire作名词时后面既可接for sth.,也可接 to do sth.,还可接that从句;作动词时可接不定式或从句。(1) have a strong des

4、ireto do sth.迫切想要做某事for sth.急于想得到某物(do sth.) at ones desire应某人要求做某事(2) to do sth.渴望做某事desiresb.to do sth.想要某人做某事that.渴望( 从句中谓语动词用should+ 动词原形虚拟语气形式)注意desire及其派生词( desirable, a.值得拥有的;可取的,有利的)后面的从句要用虚拟语气。即学即用(1) 使他们所有的欲望都得到满足是不可能的。it s impossible(2) 我父母要我上一所重点大学。my parents(3) 他要是来出席会议就最理想了。he should a

5、ttend the conference.(4) 要求这一规定必须引起所有成员的注意。it is desired thatof all the members.2. alarmn. 警报 , 惊恐vt. 使惊恐,使警觉。we were much alarmed by the fire in the forest.森林失火使我们大为惊慌。常用结构:give /raise the alarm发警报ring the alarm敲警钟sound the alarm发警报 ;吹警报号take (the) alarm at对感到吃惊;因而惊恐be alarmed at / for.被吓一跳be alarm

6、ed to do.做感到恐慌。as soon as he saw the smoke, he一看见烟雾,他就鸣响了警报。alarmed adj.担心的,害怕的3. sympathy n.同情心,同情express sympathy for对表示慰问a letter of sympathy慰问信feel/have sympathy for同情 i felt much sympathy for the blind.be in sympathy with赞同4. favourn. 帮忙;支持;v.偏袒;喜爱(1)ask a favour of sb.求人帮一个忙,求人做某事do a favour f

7、or sb. / do sb. a favour帮某人一个忙,给某人做件事(2)be in (out of) favour (with sb. )受宠(失宠),得到(不受)偏爱in favour of赞成;主张in one s favour对某人有利favorite adj.最喜欢的即学即用(1) 请您帮个忙行吗?may i?(2) 他赞成死刑吗?was hethe death penalty?(3) 劳驾,我在打电话时把收音机的声音调小点好吗?do me a favour and turn the radio down while im on the phone, will you?5. a

8、cpanyvt. 陪伴;伴随 ; 和一起发生;伴奏注意acpany作动词用时含义为“陪同去”(go with.),本身已包含了go 的含义,因而不能再与go 连用。acpany sth.with/by sth.与同时存在或发生acpany sb.at/on sth.用给 某 人 伴 奏 acpany sb.to do sth. 陪某人去做某事acpany sb.to.陪某人到be acpanied by.由伴奏派生词:pany n. 陪伴;交往;公司;商号panion n.同伴,伙伴keep sbpany陪伴某人,给某人作伴acpanist n.伴奏者即学即用(1) 他那次远行有妻子陪同。he

9、 was acpanied on the expedition by his wife.(2) 他用钢琴给她伴奏。he acpanied her on the piano.(3) 我留下陪你。i ll stay here and keep you pany6. declarevt.宣布;声明;宣称。(1) declare sb./sth.to be宣布某人或某事declare for/against赞成 / 反对declare war (on/against)(向)宣战declare oneself发表意见;表明态度declare off取消declare that.宣告,宣称(2) decl

10、aration n.宣布;声明;宣言易混辨异declare,announce(1)declare指在庄严场合,官方权威人士公开郑重宣布,有时指在公共场合对某事表明态度。(2)announce指对公众或特定人群进行宣布,常指大家感兴趣的事,如国家大事和商品信息等。the new government announced its policy at once.新政府立即宣布了其政策。the government declared war on the drug dealers.政府已宣布对毒品交易者开战。即学即用(1) 希拉里·克林顿公开宣布自己是总统候选人。hillary clinto

11、n publicly declared herself a candidate for president.(2) 法庭宣布罢工为非法。the court declared that strike action was illegal.7.envyvt. 忌妒;羡慕;n.羡慕或忌妒的人或事物feel envy at.对忌妒out of envy出于忌妒envy sb.(for) sth.忌妒或羡慕某人bee the envy of.成为忌妒(或羡慕)的目标envious adj. 羡慕的,忌妒的jealous adj. 忌妒的;珍惜的be envious ofbe jealous of即学即用

12、(1) 他遮掩不住对我的忌妒(对我成就的忌妒)。he couldn t conceal his envy of me envy at my success.(2) 我总是羡慕你的好运气。i have always envied your good luck三重点短语与句型1. test out考验;试验 , 考试this model had been tested out before it was put into production.这个型号经过试验后才进行大批量生产。before the lecture, the professor is used to testing out the

13、 whole experiment.上课前,这个教授习惯先将整个实验试验一番。联想拓展test ( sth. ) on sb./sth.在 ( 身上 ) 做实验 / 试验test sb. on sth.就某事测试某人have/take a test in参 加 考 试stand the test经受住考验翻译句子我们将会很快检验你的血型。那个经理总是先将新的政策在他自己的公司里进行实验。we will test you on your blood quickly.the manager always testing the new policy on his own pany first.2.

14、 ring up打电话给on arriving at the airport, he rang up his mother to say everything was ok.一到达机场,他就打电话给母亲报平安。打电话的表示方法: (1) ring sb. up (2) call sb. up (3) telephone sb (4) phone sb (5) give sb. a phone call (6) give sb. a ring联想拓展ring back回电话ring off挂断电话 ; 停止讲话3. turn aroundturn around意为:转身,翻转。turn arou

15、nd=turn round转过去,转身turn against背叛;和敌对turn away把打发走turn down减弱;降低;压低(力量、声音等)拒绝turn on打开(煤气、自来水、电灯等)turn off关(电灯、收音机等) turn to向求助;翻到,转到turn over考虑,思索;翻过来turn up把声音开大;出现;来临;露面turn out出席;到场;生产;出产;(常与to be,that连用)结果是;证明是即学即用用适当的介词填空(1)it turned outthat she was a friend of my sister. (2)she has nobody she

16、 can turn to .(3) we arranged to meet at 7 30,but she never turned up .(4) he asked her to marry him but she turned him down.(5) fry the meat on one side, then turn it overand fry the other side.4. leave.aloneleave.alone意为:不管;别惹让一个人待着;和单独在一起。比较:leave behind比取得好得多的进展;把抛在后面;超过leave aside搁置一边leave for.

17、动身到leave off停 止 leave out省略,遗漏leave over留下,剩下即学即用(1) 不要把我忘了。don t leavemebehind.(2) 他何时离开伦敦去巴黎的?when did he leavelondon forparis?(3) 我们 5 点收工。weleave offat five oclock.(4) 他真是粗心,漏掉了一个重要细节。it was careless of him to leave outan important detail.5. set asideset aside意为:将放在一边;不理会 ;为节省或保留(钱或时间)try to set

18、 aside at least an hour each day for learning new vocabulary.争取每天至少抽出一小时学习新词汇。congress ought to set aside its political differences to pass a health care bill.国会应当抛开政治分歧,通过这项关于卫生保健的议案。he worked hard to set aside some money for his retirement.比较set about doing sth.着手做某事set back把(钟表指针)往回拨set down (指车辆或司机)停下来让(乘客)下车;记下


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