1、british education systemintroductionhistorythe present education systemhigher educatinintroduction purpose not only provide children with literacy and the other basic skills but also socialize children.state interference heavily involved in deciding when, where, how and what children are taught,but
2、very controversialendureing feature the continuing debate over how”equal” educational opportunity should be.historyhistorically,education was voluntary and many of the schools were set up by churches. the influence of the church on schooling is strong. religious education:christianity/catholic /isla
3、m before 1870,only 40% of children under 10 went to school regulary.in 1870 the government passed a law called government-founded education by 1880, attendance at school for children between 5 and 10 was compulsory.in 1944,education act made entry to secondary schools and universities “meritocratic”
4、in the 1960s comprehensive schools were introduced all over the country.so were vocational schools for less successful pupils.entrance exams were abolished and chikderen conldnt “complete” for places in 1989, national curriculum were introduced, which contained english, mathematics, science,religiou
5、s education, history, geography, technology, music, art, pe, and a modern foreign language. pupils must pass national tests. all teachers are told what to teach rather than decide themselves on what to do and schools are ranked according to the success of their pupils in reaching national targets as
6、 well as teachers perform of their tasks. today the british education system is run by the state.,which provides funding , oversees standards, and tries to make sure that all british children receive a quality education. the largest department is ministry of educationthe present education systemcomp
7、ulsoryfree choicesstate schoolsfounded by local and central government private schools (independent schools) founded by private sector and tuition rates,with some government assistance.nursery schools many facilities are provided by private enterprise.government provides some financial support.prima
8、ry schools (co-educational/mixed schools ) state sector secondary schools compregensive schools(90%) admit children without reference to their academic abilities;provid general education.pupils can study everything from academic subjectto more practical subjects. grammar schoolsselect children at th
9、e age 11, through anexamination called “the 11-plus”.those children with the highest marks go to grammar schools. theseschools lay emphasis on advancedacademic subjects rather than the more general curriculum of the comprehensive schools and expect many of their pipils to go on to universities. gcse
10、general certificate of secondary educationenglish,northern irish and welsh students sit their gcses after 5 years of secondary education. gceageneral certificate of education-advancedpupils who want to go to university will take the exam.they try to achieve 3 or 4 a-levels in the subjects they are m
11、ost proficient at. gnvq general national vocational qualifications it s equivalent of a-levels.pupils who decide not to university may choose to take vocational training.higher educatinstate universities except the university of buckingham long histoey oxford and cambridge date from the 12thand 13th
12、 century st andrews, glasgow, edinburgh and aberdeen from the 14th and 15th century.the rest in 19th and 20th century in the 1960s there was a large expansion,many new universities were built. in 1992 the number grew again when polytechnics and other higher education establishments were given the ri
13、ght to become universities by 1994 , 83 universitiesfeatures of universities students of different ages and nationalities study many different things. universities have traditionally been rather elitist as well as increase the numbers of and kinds of people that pursue higher education. the open uni
14、versity founded in the 1960s for people who might not get the opportunity for higher educarion for economic and social reasons.its open to everybody and doesnt demand the same formal educational qualifications as the other universities. universities courses are following through tv, correspondence,v
15、ideos and a net work of study centers. ath the end of their studies at the open university, successful students are awarded a university degree.universities in the uk oxford 牛津大学牛津大学 oxford is a unique and historic institution. students the university of oxfords total student population numbers just
16、 over 16,100 (students in residence, 1998-9). almost a quarter of these students are from overseas, including the countries of the european union. more than 130 nationalities are represented among our student body. almost 5,000 students are engaged in postgraduate work. of these, around 3,000 are wo
17、rking in the arts and humanities. staff oxfords current academic community includes 76 fellows of the royal society and 105 fellows of the british academy. a further 97 emeritus and honorary college fellows are also fellows of the british academy, and 142 emeritus and honorary college fellows are fe
18、llows of the royal society. 牛津产生了牛津产生了4位英国国王,位英国国王,46位诺贝尔奖获得位诺贝尔奖获得者,者,25位英国首相,位英国首相,3位圣人,位圣人,86位大主教以位大主教以及及18位红衣主教。位红衣主教。 toefl 600分,分,ielts7.5分分申请期限:申请期限:10月月15日日基本学费:每年基本学费:每年6489英镑英镑实验类课程实验类课程8652英镑英镑学院费:本科生学院费:本科生3235英镑,研究生英镑,研究生1650英镑英镑cambridge the university of cambridge is one of the oldest
19、 universities in the world, and one of the largest in the united kingdom. it has a world-wide reputation for outstanding academic achievement and the high quality of research undertaken in a wide range of science and arts subjects. the university pioneers work in the understanding of disease, the cr
20、eation of new materials, advances in telecommunications and research into the origins of the universe. it trains doctors, vets, architects, engineers and teachers. at all levels about half of the students at cambridge study arts and humanities subjects, many of whom have gone on to become prominent
21、figures in the arts, print and broadcast media. the universitys achievements in the sciences can be measured by the sixty or more nobel prizes awarded to its members over the years. 20世纪以来,剑桥仍旧是人才辈出,包括78位诺贝尔奖的获得者,三任英国首相。在著名学者和名人中,有凯恩斯经济学派的创始人凯恩斯,有数学家和分析哲学的创始人罗素,传记家和评论家史特拉赛,短篇小说家福斯特,生物化学家和科学史家李约瑟等都出于
22、剑桥大学。中国学者蔡翘、赵忠尧、王竹溪、华罗庚、戴文赛、王应睐、伍连德、丁文江、曹天钦等,作家肖乾、叶君健、徐志摩等都是剑桥大学校友。印度前任总理尼赫鲁、拉吉夫甘地,马来西亚前总理赫曼,新加坡前总理李光耀等也都是剑桥校友。 ielts7.0 toefl600 申请期限:10月15日费用情况:申请费:14英镑海外生学费:文科和数学6303英镑,理科8626英镑,医科15288英镑生活费:约5890英镑住宿费:约2670英镑imperial coll london uk英国伦敦帝国学院 founded in 1907,作为一个专致于科学的大作为一个专致于科学的大学,帝国学院在英国享有和麻省理工在美
23、国所学,帝国学院在英国享有和麻省理工在美国所享有的声誉享有的声誉,其研究水平被公认为在英国大学其研究水平被公认为在英国大学三甲之列。拥有大约三甲之列。拥有大约2800名研究人员,其中名研究人员,其中53名为皇家院士名为皇家院士(fellow of royal society), 57名为皇家工程学院院士(名为皇家工程学院院士(fellows of the royal academy of engineering)。同时帝国。同时帝国学院过去的成员中,有学院过去的成员中,有16个诺贝尔奖和个诺贝尔奖和2个费个费尔兹奖得主。尔兹奖得主。 ielts7.0以上。 06-07年学费:12000-170
24、00英镑/年 univ edinburgh uk英国爱英国爱丁堡大学丁堡大学 founded in 1583, 在过去的几百年历在过去的几百年历史中为世界科技发展作出了巨大贡献。史中为世界科技发展作出了巨大贡献。例如人工智能系,是欧洲人工智能研究例如人工智能系,是欧洲人工智能研究中心,是人工智能发展的先锋。中心,是人工智能发展的先锋。 申请条件: ielts6.5-7.0 toefl550 申请期限:12月15日费用情况:申请费:约14英镑学费:本科生64709160英磅,研究生69709160英磅食宿费:82140英磅/周univ bristol uk布里斯托尔 founded in 187
25、6, 六人获诺贝尔奖 69 univ sheffield uk 英国谢菲尔德英国谢菲尔德大学大学 77 kings coll london uk 英国伦敦国英国伦敦国王学院王学院 78 univ manchester uk 英国曼彻斯英国曼彻斯特大学特大学 80 univ nottingham uk 英国诺丁汉英国诺丁汉大学大学 93 univ birmingham uk 英国伯明翰英国伯明翰大学大学伦敦大学universityoflondon 牛津大学牛津大学 oxford university 剑桥大学剑桥大学 cambridge university 利物浦大学universityofl
26、iverpool 曼切斯特大学universityofmanchester 诺丁汉大学universityofnottingham 伯明汉大学universityofbirmingham 巴思大学universityofbath 爱丁堡大学edinburghuniversity 兰开斯特大学lancasteruniversity 里兹大学universityofleeds 阿伯丁大学aberdeenuniversity 阿斯顿大学astonuniversity 伯明翰中英格兰大学university of central england in birmingham 伦敦城市大学city uni
27、versity london 东伦敦大学university of east london 格拉斯哥大学university of glasgow 格林威治大学university of greenwich 莱斯特大学leicester university 伦敦市政厅大学london guildhall university 普利茅斯大学university of plymouth 谢菲尔德大学universityofsheffield 南安普顿大学southamptonuniversity 北爱尔兰大学universityofulster 约克大学universityofyork 布里斯托
28、大学university of bristol 朴茨茅斯大学university of portsmouth 埃克赛特大学university of exeter 卡迪夫大学cardiff university萨里大学university of surrey 西敏斯特大学university of westminster 埃塞克斯大学university of essex 密德萨斯大学middlesex university 伦敦政治经济学院london school of economics and political science(lse) 帝国理工学院imperial college london 赫特福德大学university of hertf
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