1、精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载unit 1psychology in our daily lifein-class readingis there a doctor in the body.人体内有医生吗?1 当你去看病时, 你总期望离开时能带走一张药方; 知道自己能得到一些药会让你感觉好一些;但为医生清晰并不为全部情形都需要用药; 有时病人所需要的只为一个一切都会好的保证;在这种情形下,医生可能就会开劝慰剂;2 劝慰剂可以为糖丸.无害的针剂,或者空的胶囊;尽管劝慰剂中没有任何药物成分,但似乎也能使人康复;病人以为这就为药,然后开头好转;这到底为怎么回事呢?3 劝慰剂的讨论让人们对人体如何
2、进行自愈有了新的熟悉;就似乎我们每个人体内都有一个医生一样,这位“医生 ”能治好我们的病,假如我们让他治疗的话;4 但为, 我们仍旧不清晰劝慰剂到底为如何治病的;有些人说, 它能起作用为由于人脑会欺诈自己; 这些人说假如能使大脑上当,误以为得到了药物治疗,那么大脑就会像真的得到了药物一样行事,于为身体就会好转;5 另一些人持不同看法;他们认为病人期望身体好转,而劝慰剂能促使这种愿望成真;假如病人知道为劝慰剂的话,那就没有成效了;这说明人体并没有上当受骗;情形似乎为这样:假如病人以为他们得到了药物治疗,他们就会布满期望;他们感到自己在接受治疗,这使他们更加剧烈地期望身体好转,而正为这种期望帮忙他
3、们康复;6 劝慰剂并不总为有效;这种疗法为否胜利在很大程度上似乎取决于病人与医生之间的关系;假如病人特别信任医生,而医生又真心想帮忙病人的话,劝慰剂就更有可能起作用;所以从某种意义上说,医生为最有效的劝慰剂;7 有一项讨论可以作为例子来说明医生在促使劝慰剂发挥效用的过程中所起的作用;一些溃疡出血的病人被分为两组;第一组病人由一位医生告知他们用了一种新药,并且信任这种药能够缓解他们的疼痛感; 其次组病人由一位护士告知他们用了一种新药, 但为药效如何却不太清晰;结果,第一组中 70% 的病人病情明显好转,而其次组中只有 25%的病人情形有了好转;实际上,给这两组病人用的为同样的劝慰剂;8 人们已发
4、觉劝慰剂能在很多不同的病例中发挥作用;它对于晕船.咳嗽.感冒.甚至术后疼痛这样的病症都有帮忙;曾经有过一项试验来检验劝慰剂为否能帮忙老人健康长寿;9 这项试验为在罗马尼亚的 150 名 60 岁以上的老人中进行的;他们被分成三组,每组 50人;第一组的老人什么也没给; 其次组用了劝慰剂;第三组用了真药, 并被告知这种药对于因年老而显现的疾病有帮忙(实际上它根本不为针对老年人的药) ;讨论人员对三个组的老人的讨论连续了很多年; 结果显示第一组的状况与那个村庄里老年人一贯的状况没有什么区别;其次组老人(用了劝慰剂的)身体要健康得多,死亡率也降低了;第三组老人(用了真药的)与用劝慰剂的那组老人结果大
5、致相同;10 使用劝慰剂也会导致不良后果;假如病人认为吃药会带来不良反应,那么他们用了劝慰 剂之后也会有不良反应;这似乎说明你对药物产生何种反应在很大程度上为取决于你的心理而不为你的身体;一些医生仍旧认为假如劝慰剂有可能导致不良后果,那就不该使用; 他们觉得对于劝慰剂的明白仍不够;11 尽管如此,在别的一些国家,对劝慰剂的使用已为人熟知了上百年;在一些非洲国家,部落的医生很早就知道假如病人认为自己会好起来,他们就会好起来; 他们采纳的很多疗法看似不行能治好病人,但竟然行之有效;12 劝慰剂的奇效似乎的确说明人的精神力气比我们所想象的要更为强大;有些人认为你可1精品学习资料精选学习资料 - -
6、- 欢迎下载以用精神来治愈自己的疾病;好玩的为甚至那些信誓旦旦认为这为不行能的人也由于用了劝慰剂而完全康复了;精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载after-class reading如何排除排队的怒火精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载1 假如这个假期你在机场或车站排长队,你为会试着去分析一下排队到底有什么地方使你愤怒呢仍为只会对身边的治理人员愤怒?2 理查德 ·拉森教授为麻省理工学院的电气工程师,他也厌恶排队;但为他并未因此而怒发冲冠, 相反,他打算要讨论这个课题;他的第一个讨论结果说明,人们愤怒的程度与等待时 间的长短并不直接相关,这也验证了美国国家科学基金
7、会的早期讨论;他以休斯顿机场的试验为例; 在休斯顿机场, 乘客们下飞机之后走到行李提取处得用1 分钟, 然后再等 7 分钟才能取到行李; 对此旅客怨声不断,特别为那些等候领取行李的旅客,他们眼睁睁地看着那些只带着手提行李的旅客可以立刻走出机场,而自己却要等上7 分钟;3 机场治理机构打算加长乘客下飞机后的步行距离, 这样, 走到行李提取处需要 6 分钟, 而不再为快速行走 1 分钟就能到达; 当他们最终来到行李提取处时只需要等待 2 分钟;那些只带着手提行李的乘客却为此多耽搁了 5 分钟,可为旅客们的埋怨几乎下降为零;4 缘由为什么?拉森指出,这一切都与他称之为“社会公平 ”的现象有关; 人们
8、看到别人抄近路,就会觉得自己的等待难以忍耐;因此,对于机场来说,让每个人都耽搁一下的做法为可 取的;5 拉森讨论了另一个方面,他观看到: 假如不告知人们发生了什么,他们就会变得更加不满;那些知道会耽搁半小时的乘客会比那些莫名其妙等候20 分钟的乘客心情要好一些;6 但为即使知道了我们得等多长时间也不能解决全部问题;我们仍要信任有关方面正在实行 一切措施来削减耽搁的时间;拉森以美国两家相邻的银行为例;一家高度运算机化,为每个顾客服务的时间平均为30 秒;另一家自动化程度比较低,为顾客服务需要两倍的时间;但为由于其次家银行的出纳员看起来特别劳碌,顾客们以为它的服务更快,于为很多人把账户转到了这家效
9、率低的银行;最终, 第一家银行不得不引进费时但看起来却更具活力的工作方法;课内阅读练习答案part onepreparation1. psychology in daily life samplepeer pressure greatly influences my personal decisions. for example、 if all my classmates精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载keep silent when the english teacher raises a question、 i wonevetnrawisheemn yihand精品学习资料精
10、选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载know the answer. if all my friends have their hair dyed、 i might dye my hair too. otherwise i would think my hair style is not fashionable. i make such choices because i want to fit in and be accepted and approved by my friends. i think their friendship and approval are important to
11、me.2精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载i thinkpeer pressure can have both positive and negative effects on us、 depending on the outcome and consequences. for example、 when peers pressure each other to try their best in studies and sports、 the outcome will often be positive. however、 if peers pressure each other
12、to do things such as smoking、 speeding or bullying、 the results will be negative.i think those who suffer from peer pressure should try to build up their own self-esteem andself-confidence.theyshould knowthat everybodycan gotheirownwayand iftheirbehavior or decision is different from others 、 it won
13、 t be the end of the world. when they become confident enough、 they will feel free to make decisions for themselves.2. getting to know your classmates samplepossible reasons for the beliefs and feelings:. those who love shopping may have a lot of money to spend and take delight in shopping. sometime
14、s they have a sense of accomplishment after shopping is done. in other cases、 when people are in low spirits、 they may do a lot of shopping. some people do not eat beef because of their religious beliefs. for example、 hindus do noteat beef. others do not eat beef because of their family eating habit
15、s or because they are vegetarians.still ot hers do not eat beef because they think it s too cruel tcookwilsl cwoiwll sbe in tears before being killed. bus service in some places is very poor. buses there are usually crowded and dirty. that people don t like to ride on a bus、 and when thyeare on a bu
16、s、 they may get sick. the result will probably be that they dislike riding on a bus even more. those who frequently talk to themselves are often timid and reserved. they can express their own feelings by doing so. some people talk to themselves because they are not sure of themselves. they can pract
17、ice talking to others in their imagination、 i.e.、 by imagining that they are facing other people and talking with them. some people are terrified of snakes because some snakes are poisonous. bite s from poisonous snakes can be fatal if there is no immediate treatment. other people dislike them becau
18、se they think all snakes are ugly and disgusting. people sometimes associate danger、 threat or even ghosts with darkness. in darkness、 peoplemay feel lonely and helpless. and、 at the same time、 they may be afraid that something bad may happen at any moment. some people think they are too fat when co
19、mpared with those slim people around them. inmost parts of the world、 people are worried when they gain weight and try almost anything to keep slim.everyone hopes to be good-looking or beautiful and most try to follow the trend. those who hold on to their money as long as possible are usually very t
20、hrifty. they are afraidthat if they spend all the money they have、 they will have nothing to rely on later. with as much money as they can save、 they ll at least have a sense of security. people who hate queuing are impatient. they think it is a waste of time to queue. so they tryto avoid queuing. s
21、ome peo ple jump the queue when possible、 but it s not a good practice. when you jump the queue you restealing time from other people. if you hate queuing、 try to avoid it. some people may fear ghosts after they have heard or read ghost stories. those who have dreamed of ghosts may believe in them t
22、oo. people who have experienced very unusual things at3精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载night that they couldn t explain may believe that ghosts were involved in the incidents. some people believe that everyone has a particular fate. it is fate tha t determines their lives. they are anxious to find out what t
23、heir future will be like. so they may go to a fortune-teller in order to learn about their future in advance. when they have serious problems they may also want to go to a fortune-teller hoping that the fortune-teller will let them know what to do to solve the problems. some people care a lot about
24、their physical appearance. they want to be properly dressed in order to impress other people、 and they may be unsure of themselves. so they may stand in frontof a mirror for more than 10 minutes deciding if they look impressive.3. a fun test: come along on an incredible journey into the desert.the d
25、esert represents a series of hardships. each of the animals represents an aspect of your life、 and the order in which you sacrifice the animals might be said to represent the importance of these things to you.the animal that you sacrificed first is the least important、 and the one that you kept may
26、be themost important. the cow represents basic needs. the sheep represents friendship.the lion represents pride.the monkey represents creativity. the horse represents passion.additional activityanother fun test for your reference:1 you are walking to your boyfriend s / girlfriend s hoouasdes.ttohgee
27、rtethaereret.woonre is a straight path to take you there quickly、 but is very plain and boring. the other is significantlylong but is full of wonderful sights and interesting things. which one do you take、 the short one or the long one.2 on the way you see two rose bushes. one is full of red roses、
28、and the other white roses. you decide to pick 20 roses for your friend、 of any color combination. what number of white and red do you pick. you can pick all of one color or any combination of the two.3 you finally get to the house. a family member answers the door. you can either have him / her tell
29、 your friend you have arrived、 or go find your friend yourself. which would you do.4 you go up to your friend s room、 but nobody is there. you decidethteorloesaevse there. doyou leave them by the windowsill 窗台 or on the bed.5 later、 it s time for bed. you and your friend go to sleep in separate room
30、s. in the morning whenit s time to wake up、 you go to your friend s room and check on him / her. when you arrive、 do you think he / she is more probably awake or asleep.6 now it s time to go back home. will you take the short、 plain road or the long、 more interestingroad.the answers:1 the road repre
31、sents your attitude toward falling in love. if you take the short road、 you fall in love quickly and easily. if you take the long road、 you prefer to take your time and do not fall in love easily.2 the number of red roses represents how much you give in a relationship、 while the number of4精品学习资料精选学习
32、资料 - - - 欢迎下载white represents what you expect in return. for example、 if you choose 18 red and 2 white、 you give 90% and expect 10% in return.3 this represents your attitude toward handling relationship problems. if you asked the family member to find your friend、 then you like to avoid problems and
33、 hope that they will solve themselves. if you went to get him / her yourself、 then you are a more direct person and like towork out problems immediately.4 the placement of roses determines how much you enjoy visiting your boyfriend / girlfriend.placing the roses on the bed means you liketo visityour
34、 friend、whileplacingthem on the windowsill means that you may prefer not seeing him / her as much.5 this is representative of your attitude toward your friend s personality. if you hope to see themasleep、 you may love your friend the way they are. if you hope to see them awake、 you may expect them t
35、o change their personality for you.6 the road taken indicates how long you prefer to stay in love with someone. if you choose the short road、 you fall out of love easily. if you choose the long one、 you will tend to stay in love for a long time.part tworeading-centered activitiesin-class readingpost
36、-readingreading comprehension1.1. introduction paras. 1-2the term“ placebo” is introduced: when it is pibreedscarnd what it is.2. the study of the placebo paras. 3-7a one explanation: the placebo works because the human mind fools itself.b the other explanation: the placebo makes the wish to get bet
37、ter become reality. c the most powerful placebo of all: the doctor.supporting evidence:first group led by a doctor: 70 percent of the people got better. second group led by a nurse: only 25 percent of the people got better.3. different cases in which a placebo may work paras. 8-9the placebo has been
38、 found to work with seasickness、 coughs、 colds、 and pain after an operation. an experiment was done to see if it works with old people:the first group were given nothing at all.result: the first group showed no changes from the way old people in that village had always been.the second group were giv
39、en a placebo.result: the second group had much better health and a lower death rate.the third group were given a real drug and told that it would help with the problems of old age.5精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载result: the third group showed much the same results as the group that took the placebo.4. two o
40、pposite attitudes toward the use of a placebo paras. 10-11:some doctors think that if the placebo can have bad effects it should never be used. other countries are known to have been using placebos for hundreds of years.5. conclusion para. 12it is suggested that the human mind may be stronger than w
41、e think it is.2.1 placebo 2 reacts 3 work 4 mind 5 case 6 reality 7 relationship8 trust 9 powerful 10 cases 11 healthy 12 effects 13 medicine 14 placebo15 stronger3.sample1. i think there is a“ doctor” in the body and it is the mind. usually when we are quite confident、 we will react as if everythin
42、g will go well. that is to say、 when we are mentally sure that we willget better、 the body will start functioning better. on the contrary、 if we lose confidence、 our illnesswill probably get worse. i really believe in the power of“ mind over matter”.2. it depends. ifi got better、 i would feel lucky
43、to have been given a placebo instead of real medicine because medicine often has some side effects. i would be proud of my willpower andbecome more confident of myself. however、 if i didn t get better、 i would be unhappy and feel iwas fooled or mistreated. i would probably never go back to that doct
44、or. it sounds unfair to the doctor. anyway、 that s what i think about placebos.vocabulary 1.1. a a substance used for treating illnessb the study and practice of treating or preventing illnesses and injuries2. a firing a gunb an injection of a drug3. a the part of a spacecraft in which astronauts li
45、ve and workb a plastic container shaped like a very small tube with medicine inside4. a become whole and sound; return to healthb become mentally or emotionally strong again after a bad experience5. a a particular way of behaving toward sb. or of dealing with them b a method that is intended to cure
46、 an injury or illness6. a the process of cutting into sb. s body to repair or remove a part that is damagedb the process of making a machine or system work7. a a person or their particular problem that a doctor is dealing withb a situation that exists、 especially as it affects a particular person or
47、 group8. a make sb. think that a particular thing is true; indicateb tell sb. your ideas about what they should do、 where they should go、 etc. 2.6精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载1 a 2 e 3 f 4 d 5 g 6 h 7 c 8 b3.1 prescribed / prescribes 2 opening up 3 reaction 4 reassure5 bled 6 in a way 7 heal 8 harmless tr
48、anslation1 all i can say is that we are extremely sorry to wake you up so early.2 he is highly likely to succeed because of his intelligence and diligence.3 the way she talked to me was odd / strange、 as if i were the president of the country. 4 it is reported that three people were injured in the t
49、raffic accident yesterday.5 the patient is much the same this morning as he was yesterday. 6 he d like to stay at home rather than go to a movie with us.part threefurther development1. grammar review1 i comfort myself with the fact that all my friends support me.2 in medical school、 i learned / was
50、taught the truth that almost all drugs have side effects. 3 we are all for your proposal that the discussion should be put off.4 i hold the opinion that women need their own space to be able to talk freely.5 have you read about the report that more and more trees will be planted in the next five yea
51、rs.6 i just read in the news that fewer and fewer businesses ask their employees to wear formal dress. 7 the first belief is that at present、 the employment situation on the whole is good.8 the idea that you can do this work well without thinking is quite wrong.2. vocabulary review 1a reasonable / s
52、ensible: of a price fair and not too high 公道的,合理的b sensible of sth.: knowing or realizing that sth. exists or is true c reasonable: not too much、 too many、 too great 适度的 2a absorbed in sth.: interested in sth. so much that one doesn t pay attention to other things 用心的,全神贯注的b absorbs: takes in sth. i
53、nstead of reflecting it 吸取 c addicted: devoted to sth. habitually or compulsively 沉溺于 3a stems / stemmed from sth.: exist or happen as a result of 源于,来自 b stem from: have as an origin or cause 源于,来自 c rooted: firmly established 根深蒂固的 4a response: sth. that is said or written as a reply 作为对的回答 b reac
54、tion: what you feel、 say or do because of sth. that has happened or you have experienced 反应 c reaction: your ability to move quickly when sth. dangerous happens suddenly 反应 7精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载6.identifying psychological principles in ads samplethe ad we are going to talk about is the dove chocolate ad. in this ad a woman swings on a white
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