



1、湖南大学研究生课程教学大纲表填表日期:2011 年5月开课单位经济与贸易学院任课教师 (姓名、职称, 至少两名)罗丽英、黄新萍、副教授, 鲁丽梅,讲师面向专业西方经济学、劳动经济学、政治经济学、区域经济学。国际贸易学、 世界经济等考试考查预修课程微积分与屮级微观经济学课程 名称中级宏观经济学英文 名称macro-economices课程 代码a1025003m学 分3学 时48开课 时间春季秋季课程* 类别学位 基础 课, 硕士教 学 目 的 和 要 求(二)木门课程的教学要求(一)木课程的性质与目的:中级宏观经济学是继经济学原理之后的一门重要的经济学基础课。本课程将全面地介绍 宏观经济学的基

2、木研究问题、基木研究方法和研究工具,建立起完整的中级宏观经济学的理论体系, 使学生熟悉中级宏观经济学的经典文献和研究方法,并使学生在系统掌握和学习宏观经济学理论的 基础上能够分析和解决经济发展中的现实问题。木课程的教学目的在于,通过本门课程的教学使学生理解和掌握宏观经济学的基木理论和基木方 法,使学生系统掌握宏观经济理论的基本原理和分析方法,进一步巩网先行课(经济学原理)学得的 知识,为它的后行课(高级宏观经济学、经济增长理论、公共财政理论等)作好准备;另一方面,也 为培养和提高学生分析经济中的理论与实践问题,和理论联系实际并解决实际问题的能力打下基础。本门课程的先修课程为经济学原理和微积分等

3、。由于本门课程是一门理论性和应用性均很强的课程,是经济类学科的专业基础课,同时它与微积 分等数学工具类课程宙有紧密联系,因此在教学中应做到所教学的内容能与学生先前所学的有关知识 相结合,并结合现实经济进行分析,以使学生掌握宏观经济学的基木理论和分析方法,同时适当安排 一定量的作业并要求学生认真完成,并且组织一定形式的讨论,以加深学生对本门课程的基本理论与 重要方法的理解和掌握。另外还需注巫培养学生的逻辑思维能力,并在教学过程中通过实例培养学生 理论联系实际的能力。本门课程教学内容分为15章。第一章导论,介绍宏观经济学的研究对彖以及研究方法;第二章介绍宏观经济学的一些关键宏观变量,如国内生产总值

4、、消费者价格指数、失业率等。第三章引入国尺收入决定的基本古典模型;第四章则在经济中引入价格水平;第五章研究开放的宏观经济,第六章则通过放松完全就业的劳动力市场的假定來讨论劳动力市场的动态变化以及自然失业率教的决定。学第七章介绍了如何研究长期经济演化的solow经济增长模型,内第八章则深入介绍了内生增长理论。容第九章介绍了总供给和总需求模型以及稳定性政策的作用; 第十章引入了凯恩斯的流动性需求理论并由此推导出is-z模型; 第十一章利用1s-z模型解释了经济波动并推导出总需求仙线; 第十一章重返开放经济,研究蒙代尔-弗莱明模型与汇率制度。 第十三章更详细地研究了总供给的决定。第十四章研究解决短期

5、经济波动的政策,第十五章则讨论与政府债务相关的经济政策。1.推荐使用的教材macroeconomics, 5th ed, n gregory mankiw, worth publishers, 2003主2.课外阅读书目要(1) macroeconomics, 5th cd, barro, robert j, cambridge, mass: mit press,参c1997.考(2) macroeconomics, 4th ed, andrew b abel, and ben s bernanke, addison wesl书ey, 2004.目(3) principles of macro

6、economics, 3rd ed. , robert h. frank, and ben s bernanke.the mcgraw-hill companies, inc.,2007.(4) economic growth, 2nd ed. , , barro, robert j. and sala-1-mart in, x. , mit press, 2003.备注课程类别:学位基础课,学位方向课course descriptionoctober 15th, 2010coursestitle(chinese)中级宏观经济学coursestitle(english)intermediate

7、 macroeconomiccoursesnumbera1025003mtotalcredits3teaching hours48semesterspringautumncourse type*basicdegreecourse,mastercoursedepartmentinstitute of economy and trade, hunan universityteacher (name, title, at least two teachers)luoli-yingassociateprofessorhuang xin-ping associate professorlu li-mei

8、 lecturersubjectsrelatedtheoretical economics and applied economics various professionalevaluationpolicyexaminationotherseconomic mathematics and intermediate microeconomicsprerequisites'intermediate macroeconomics is a basic course after the students studi ed the mprinciples of economics”. inte

9、rmediate macroeconomics introduced the fundamental problems, study tools and analyze method. it will help th e students formlize a complete theory system of intermediate macroceono mics and use these theory to solve the practical problem.the purpose of this course is to help the student understand t

10、he basic theory and methodology of the macroceonomics and prepare for the study learning of the higher grade class such as advaneed macroeconomics,economic objectives growth theory, public finance theory.etc. it also can improve students' a bility of analyze economic phenomen on.the leading-cour

11、se is principles of economics and calculus since it is a strongly theoretical and applied courses and has a close con tact with c alculus and other mathematical tools of calculus course, the course combi ne the previous knowledge and the real economy. in order to improve the students1 ability of com

12、bine the practical economic problem, this course w ill arrange a lot of discussion and some homework to the studentsmajor topics covered in the coursethe course con tents are divided into 15 chapters.chapter i: introduction .introduce the research object and methods of macroeconomics;chapter ii: int

13、roduce some of the key macro variables ,such as gdp, consumer price index, unemployment rate ,ect.chapter iii: introduces the basic classical model of the decision of national income;chapter iv: the price level in the economy,chapter v: the open macroeconomic,chapter vi: the dynamic changes of labor

14、 market and natural rate of unemployment under the assumption of relaxing labor market chapter vii: the evolution of long-term economic solow growth model, chapter viii: the endogenous growth theory.chapter ix: introduce the model of aggregate supply and aggregate dema nd ,and the stability of the p

15、olicy;chapter x: introduce the theory of keynes's liquidity needs and derive the is-lm model;chapter x i: use is-lm model to explain economic fluctuations, and derive the aggregate demand curve;chapter xii: the mun dell - flemi ng model and excha nge rate system.chapter xiii: the decision of agg

16、regate supply.chapter xiv: the policy of sloving the short-term economic fluctuations, chapter xv: discuss the economic policies associated with the government's debtcoursematerial and referencesi.recommended booksmacroeconomics, 5th ed., . n. gregory mankiw, worth publishers, 2003. .2.reading books(1) macroeconomics, 5th ed, barro, robert j., cambridge, mass. : ml t press, c1997.(2) macroec ono mics, 4th ed, an drew b. abel, and ben s berna nke, ad dison wesley, 2004.(3) princi


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