已阅读5页,还剩7页未读 继续免费阅读




1、 美国职业新闻记者协会伦理规 约 美国职业记者协会(Society of Professional Journalists - SPJ)于 1926 年正式通过第一个伦理 规范,主要借用了美国报纸编辑协会 1923 年的 新闻 规约” 1973年SPJ制订了自己的规范, 并在1984年、 1987年两次重新做过修订,1996 年 9 月,又做了最近 的一次修订。 伦理规约 美职业新闻记者协会1996年通过 .、八 、- 刖言 职业新闻记者协会的成员相信,公众启蒙是正义的前奏和民主的基础。新闻记 者的责任是探究事实真相以及就事件和议题提供公正而全面的报道,进而实现 上述目标。来自所有媒美国职业新

2、闻记者协会伦理规约 只要有可能就交代消息来源的身份。公众有权就消息来源的可靠性获得尽可能 体和专业的有良知的记者努力全面而诚实地为公众利益 服务。职业廉正是新闻记者可信度的基石。 探究与报道事实真相 在采集、报道和解释信息时,新闻记者应该诚实、公正而勇敢。新闻记者应该: 根据所有的消息来源来检验信息的准确性,以谨慎行事来避免因疏忽而导致的 差错。绝对不允许蓄意的歪曲。 努力找到新闻报道对象,向他们提供回应对其不正当行为的指陈的机会。认识到以下特殊责任:确保公众事物公开处理、政府记录公开审查。 多的信息。 在允诺匿名之前,一律要质疑消息来源的动机。说明为获取信息而做出任何承 诺的附带条件。信守诺

3、言。 防止标题,新闻引子和宣传材料、图片、录像、录音、图表、同期声、弓I语失 实。它们不能背离语境而过于简化或夸大事件。 杜绝扭曲新闻图片或录像的内容。为了提高技术清晰度而强华形象是允许的。 使用蒙太奇或图片说明需要注明。 不得重现或导演新闻事件,以避免误导。如果为了讲述故事而有必要重现,必 须加以说明。 避免暗中进行的或其他鬼鬼祟祟的信息采集方式,除非传统的公开方法不能产 生对公众来说至关重要的信息。对这些方式的运用应当作为报道的一部分加以 解释。 杜绝抄袭剽窃。 大胆地讲述关于人类经验的多样性和重要性的故事,即便这种做法不受欢迎。 审视自身的文化价值观,避免将这些价值观强加于人。 避免就种

4、族、性别、年龄、宗教、族裔、地理、性取向、残障、体貌或社会地 位形成刻板成见。 支持观点的公开交流,即便他们发现的观点是相互抵触的。 给无发言权者以发言权;官方和非官方的消息来源具有同等效用。 区分观点鼓吹与新闻报道。分析语评论应该标明出处,以避免歪曲事实或语境。 区分新闻与广告,警惕模糊二者界限的混合物。 将伤害最小化 披露不可避免的冲突 有道德的新闻记者将消息来源、报道对象和同事奉为值得尊敬的人。新闻记者 应该: 对那些可能受到新闻报道负面影响的人表示同情。在对待儿童和无经验的消息 来源或报道对象时,具有特殊的敏感性。 在寻求和使用那些遭到悲剧或哀痛打击的人的访问记和照片时谨慎行事。 认识

5、到采集和报道信息可能会造成的伤害和不适。追寻新闻不是傲慢无礼的许 可证。 认识到与公共官员和其他努力寻求权力、影响力或注意力的人相比,私人有更 大的权利控制关于自身的信息。只有压倒一切的公共需要才能证明侵犯个人隐 私的正当性。 表现良好的品味。避免迎合耸人听闻的猎奇癖。 在交代青少年犯罪嫌疑人或性犯罪受害者的身份时谨慎从事。 在正式发出指控之前,明智地使用犯罪嫌疑人这一称谓。 在犯罪嫌疑人的公正审判权与公众的被告知权之间进行平衡。 独立行事 除了公众的知情权以外,新闻记者应不对任何利益负有责任。新闻记者应该: 避免利益冲突,无论这种冲突是真实的或是感知的。 摆脱各种可能危及诚实或损害可信度的社

6、团或活动。 拒绝礼品、优惠、酬金、免费旅行和特殊待遇,回避在社区组织中的第二职业、 政治涉入、公职和服务,如果它们危及新闻记者的诚实的话。 警觉而勇敢地向权势者问责。拒绝偏袒广告商和特殊利益集团,地址他们影响 新闻报道的压力。 警惕那些为获得好处或金钱而提供信息的消息来源;避免出价购买新闻。 具有责任心 新闻记者要对他们的读者、听众、观众以及其他人负责。新闻记者应该: 澄清与解释新闻报道,与公众就新闻记者的行为展开对话。 鼓励公众诉说对新闻媒体的不满。 承认错误,并及时改正。 揭露新闻记者和新闻媒体不合伦理的行为。 既以高标准要求别人,也以同样的高标准要求自己。 Society of Prof

7、essi onal Jour nalists Code of Ethics Preamble Members of the Society of Professi onal Jour nalists (SPJ) believe that public en lighte nment is the forer unner of justice and the foun dati on of democracy. The duty of the journalist is to further those ends by seek ing truth and providi ng a fair a

8、nd comprehe nsive acco unt of eve nts and issues. Con scie ntious journalists from all media and specialties strive to serve the public with thorough ness and hon esty. Professi onal in tegrity is the corn erst one of a jour nalists credibility. Members of the Society share a dedicati on to ethical

9、behavior and adopt this code to declare the Societys principles and standards of practice. Seek Truth and Report It Jour nalists should be hon est, fair and courageous in gatheri ng, report ing and interpreting information. Jour nalists should: Test the accuracy of in formati on from all sources and

10、 exercise care to avoid in adverte nt error. Deliberate distortion is never permissible. Diligently seek out subjects of news stories to give them the opport unity to resp ond to allegati ons of wron gdo ing. Ide ntify sources whe never feasible. The public is en titled to as much in formati on as p

11、ossible on sources reliability. Always questi on sources motives before promisi ng anon ymity. Clarify con diti ons attached to any promise made in excha nge for information. Keep promises. Make certa in that headli nes, n ews teases and promoti onal material, photos, video, audio, graphics, sound b

12、ites and quotati ons do not misreprese nt. They should not oversimplify or highlight in cide nts out of con text. Never distort the content of n ews photos or video. Image enhan ceme nt for tech ni cal clarity is always permissible. Label mon tages and photo illustrati ons. Avoid misleadi ng re-e na

13、ctme nts or staged n ews eve nts. If re-e nactme nt is n ecessary to tell a story, label it. Avoid un dercover or other surreptitious methods of gatheri ng in formati on except whe n traditi onal ope n methods will not yield information vital to the public. Use of such methods should be expla ined a

14、s part of the story Never plagiarize. Tell the story of the diversity and magnitude of the human experienee boldly, even when it is un popular to do so. Exam ine their own cultural values and avoid impos ing those values on others. Avoid stereotyp ing by race, gen der, age, religio n, eth ni city, g

15、eography, sexual orie ntati on, disability, physical appeara nee or social status. Support the ope n excha nge of views, eve n views they find repug nant. Give voice to the voiceless; official and uno fficial sources of in formati on can be equally valid. Disti nguish betwee n advocacy and n ews rep

16、ort ing. An alysis and comme ntary should be labeled and not misreprese nt fact or con text. Disti nguish n ews from advertis ing and shun hybrids that blur the lines between the two. Recog nize a special obligati on to en sure that the publics bus in ess is con ducted in the ope n and that gover nm

17、ent records are ope n to in specti on. Mini mize Harm Ethical journalists treat sources, subjects and colleagues as huma n beings deserv ing of respect. Jour nalists should: Show compassi on for those who may be affected adversely by n ews coverage. Use special sen sitivity when deali ng with childr

18、e n and in experie need sources or subjects. Be sen sitive whe n seek ing or using in terviews or photographs of those affected by tragedy or grief. Recog nize that gatheri ng and report ing in formati on may cause harm or discomfort. Pursuit of the n ews is not a lice nse for arroga nee. Recog nize

19、 that private people have a greater right to control information about themselves than do public officials and others who seek power, influence or attention. Only an overriding public need can justify intrusion into anyon es privacy. Show good taste. Avoid pandering to lurid curiosity. Be cautious a

20、bout ide ntify ing juve nile suspects or victims of sex crimes. Be judicious about naming crim inal suspects before the formal fili ng of charges. Bala nee a crim inal suspects fair trial rights with the publics right to be in formed. Act In depe nden tly Jour nalists should be free of obligati on t

21、o any in terest other tha n the publics right to know. Jour nalists should: Avoid con flicts of in terest, real or perceived. Rema in free of associati ons and activities that may compromise in tegrity or damage credibility. Refuse gifts, favors, fees, free travel and special treatme nt, and shun se

22、c on dary employme nt, political in volveme nt, public office and service in community organizations if they compromise journalistic in tegrity. Disclose un avoidable con flicts. Be vigila nt and courageous about holdi ng those with power acco un table. Deny favored treatme nt to advertisers and spe

23、cial interests and resist their pressure to in flue nee n ews coverage. Be wary of sources offeri ng in formati on for favors or mon ey; avoid biddi ng for n ews. Be Acco un table Jour nalists are acco un table to their readers, liste ners, viewers and each other. Jour nalists should: Clarify and explain new


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