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1、7/202020北京首师大附中高三(上)第一次月考一语法塡空共10小题,每小題15分,共15分.AOnCC I WaS Playing in <hc WOOdS WhCn Ihc Sky StartCd t turn dark and the Wind StartCd to blow. I Saw a big black cloud 1 (move) towards me. Suddenly, I felt the rain hitting my face! Actually, it WaS pouring! ThCn 1 SaW Iighming in the sky. And lat

2、er, BOOM! A IOlUd CIaP Of thunder! Then I SaWa Iittle OId hut and ran inside. It SnneIIed awil and the WalIS WCrC shaking, but it WaS 2 (good) Ihan nothing! OUtSidCt the Uind WaS hvling and things WCrC flying aound. I just stood in the ComCrt CoId and SCarCd.3 (IUCkV) my dad CaInC and found me I WaS

3、 safe!BLi Bai WaS a ChineS« po<l PriliSCd from his OWn day Co the Present s a romantk figure4took traditional PoetiCforms t6 IICW heights. Thirtyfbur of his Pgrns arc included in ThTCC HUndrCd Tang POenlS S(he) Carly POCtry tookPlaCe in the "golden age OfTalIg dynasty. ThiS all ChaInged

4、 suddenly When all Of northern ChiIla6(dcstry) by war.Fortunately, many Of his POemS 7(SUrViVC) CVer since, Cnjoying IaSIilIg POPUlarity in China and elsewhereCThC ChineSe LUnar(月 球)EXPlOratiOn PrOgrain is designed to be COndUCtCd in IhrCC stages: The first is SiInPly TeaChillg IUnar orbit(轨道),a tas

5、k S (ConIPICIe) by ClIang *c 1 in 2007 and Cilangre 2 in 2010. The SCCOnd is9 (Iand) On the Moon5 as CIIang"e 3 did Ln 2013 and Chang*e 4 in 2019. The third one is CalleCting lmr samples and SCnding them Ia Earth, a task for the future ChangMBC 5 and ChalIg'c 6 missions. It 10 (be) ChinareS

6、 first SamPlC TClUm IniSSiOn in DCCeinbCr 20l19.二完形填空共20小題,每小题15分,共30分GeraniUnlS Of LOVCAS the fifth Of SCVCn ChildreIIt I WCnt to Ihe Same PUbliC school as my three CIder SiStCrS and brother. EVery year, my mother WCnt to the SanIC Ceremoiny and had Parent-ChiId interviews C 亲 子交流会)Wi«h the Mm

7、e teachers. ThC -only thingdifftrent WaS tlc child. AnCl every child11an aidGCraniUmS SChOol traditionIhC annual PlanISidC (抬卖会)held in Carly MayJllSt in time for2Day.Third grade WaS the first time that I WaS allowed to take Part in the PIant sale. I Wanted to SUrPriSe my mother13,1 didn,t have any

8、money. I Went to my eldest SiSter and 14 the secret, and She gave me SOme money.When I arrived at the PIant sale, I careflly made my 15 I agonized (苦苦思索)OVer that decision, 16 eachPlant to ensure that I had indeed found the best geranium. The moment I had SmUggIed it home, With the help Of my sister

9、, I17 it On the UPStairS neighbor's POrCh I WaS Very afraid my mother WOUld find it before MOther,s Day, but my SiSter assured me that She WOUIdn,t, and18 She did not.When Mother's Day arrived, I WaS bursting With Pride When I gave her that geranium I remember how bright her eyes were, and h

10、ow delighted She WaS With my 9The year I WaS fifteen, my younger SiSter reached third grade .In early May, She Came to me full Of WOnder and SeCreCy and told me that there was going to be a PIant Sale at SChool and She Wanted to 20 OUr mother. Like my21SiSter did for me, I gave her SOme money and Of

11、rShe went. She arrived at home full Of 22excitement, the geranium hidden in a PaPCr bag 23 her sweater. Ul IOOked at every plant/* She explained, "and I know I got Ihe24one!MI helped my IittIe25hide that geranium On the UPStairS neighbor's porch, assuring that OUr motherWOUIdnlt find it bef

12、ore Mother's Day. I WaS there When She gave my mother the geranium, and I WatChed them both bursting With PridC and 26 It WaS Iike being in a dream I had already dreamed My mother noticed me 27,and She gave me a SOft SeCret SmiIe ShOCked and puzzled, I 28 back I had been WOndering how my mother

13、could 29 to be SUrPriSed at this gift from her SiXth Child BUt as I WatChed her eyes Iight UP With delight as She WaS30 With that most PreCiOUS gift, I knew She WaS not Pretending11. A. PaSSed downB. PartiCiPatCd inC. broke WithD Carried On12. A. WOmentSB. FathefSC. Children'sD. Mother's13.

14、A. BeSideSB. MOreOVerC. HOWeVerD. Therefbre14. A. SharedB. discoveredC. guardedD. UnIOCked15. A. PlanB. PreParatiOnC. PreSentD. SeIeCtiOn16. A WateringB. growingC. inspectingD. PrOteCting17. A. ShOWedB. PottedC. PaCkagedD. hid18. A. indeedB. insteadC. PrOPerIyD. anyhow19. A. PerfbrmanCeB. gradesC. g

15、iftD. PreSenCe20. A. inspireB. SUrPriSCC. SatiSfyD. relax21. A youngestB. eldestC. CIeVereStD. bravest22. A. nervousB. youthfulC. increasingD. false23. A. OnB. besideC. behindD.Under24. A. ShOrteStB. rarestC. bestD. StrOngeSt25. A. SiSterB. brotherC. COUSinD. friend26. A. COnfUSiOnB. anxietyC. delig

16、htD astonishment27. A. IiSteningB. WatChingC. SmeningD. tasting28. A. WaVedB. SmiIedC. SignedD. CaIICd29. A. PretendB. COntinUeC. appearD. try30. A. impressedB. SatiSfledC. associatedD. PreSented三阅读理解第一节共15小题,每小题2分,共30分ASlowly, SO SlOWly that We never even noticed how it happened, OUr family StOPPed

17、 talking to each other. OUr Own WOrIdS OPened UP to US through the COmPUter Or the Cell PhOne Or the CD player.FamiIy Night WaS bom When MOm CalIed US for (Iinner. JCSSiCa and I Came and Sat down Dad IOadCd his Plate and Started to rise fiom the table.UWhere are you going7n MOm questionedtiTo the Ii

18、Ving room. I have SOme WOrk,t, Dad replied as he hurried away Mom's face got tight, but She Said nothing. AbOUt two minutes later, my Cen PhOne buzzed .Jessica kept her earphones On during most Of the meal. MOm WaS Clearly upset.FamiIy Night Started the next week. MOm established three rules: no

19、 phones, no music, and no IeaVing the table EVeryOne WOUld eat together and PIay a game together “like a real family.1*Ail Seemed to be going according to Mom's PIan Until the first buzz Of a Cell PhOne After dinner, We had been PIaying the board game for OnIy ten minutes When another CelI PhOne

20、 Iet OUt a Shrill SCream. ThiS time the PhOne belonged to my father.i'Work,s Calling I have to answer," he WhiSPered as he hurried OUt Of the room.MOm sighed, but She forced a SnliIe and CnCOUraged US to COntinUe With the game We kept PIaying through every interruption afterwards: the beepi

21、ng Of JeSSiCalS phone, the buzz Of another text message from DarnelI, the SOOthing VOiCe announcing the arrival Of an e-mail On Dad,s COmPUter. When the game WaS over, MOm released US to OUr rooms.That first Family Night VVaS not a success, but Mom SOIdiCrCd on. EVery MOnday evening We SiICnCCd OUr

22、CleCtrOniCS and gathered around the table; and each time, Setting aside OUr technological toys became a IittlC easier. The next two months my father WOUld be taking business trips. We wouldn't be able to have Family Night every MOnday.TO my SUrPriSe I realized that I WOUld miss those few hours e

23、ach Week When the house WaS filled With my family,s IaUghter and COnVerSatiOn. I WaS also glad to know that When We really Wanted to We COUId SiIenCe the electronic buzz and just be a family again,31. What Ied to the Start OfFamily Night?A. EIeCtrOniCS harmed the family's lifb.B. HeaVy housework

24、 made MOm angryC. Dad didn,t get along Well With OtherS-D. ThC Children WerC too IaZy to help F4om.32. Family Night made the familythan beforeA ClOSerB. healthierC. more relaxedD more COnfident33. What WOrdS Can best describe the first FamiIy Night?A. Tiring but satisfying.B. Chanenging but exciting

25、.C BUSy but interesting.D. UnSUCCeSSfUl but meaningful.BNeW APP HeIPS PeOPIe Remember FaCeSLarge gatherings SUCh as WCddingS and COnferenCeS Can be SOCiany OVerWhelming PreSSUre to Ieam peopled namesOnIy adds to the StreSS A new facial-recognition app COUId COme to the rescue, but PriVaCy experts re

26、commend PrOCeedingWith caution.The app, CallCd SOCiaIRCCaII, ConneCtS names With faces Via SmartPhOne CameraS and facial recognition, POtentially avoiding the need for formal introductions. OIt breaks down these SOCial barriers We all have When meeting SomebOdyr SayS Barry Sandrcw, WhO CrCatCd IhC a

27、pp and tested it at an CVCnt attended by about 1,000 PCoPlCAftCr receiving an invitation to download SOCiaIReCall from an CVCnt organizer, the USer is asked to take two SCIfICS and Sign in Via SOCial media. At the event, the app is active Within a PreViOUSly defined geographical area. When a USer PO

28、intS his Or her PhOne Camera at an attendee's face, the app identifies the individual, displays the person's name, and IinkS to his Or her SoCiaI media profile. TO PrOteCt privacy, it recognizes OnIy those WhO have agreed to PartiCipate. And the app,s CreatOrS Say it automatically deletes us

29、ers' data after an event.Ann Cavoukian, a PriVaCy expert WhO runs the PriVaCy by DeSign Center OfEXCellenCe PraiSeS the app's CreatOrS for these PrOteCtiVe measures. She CaUtiOns, however, that When PeOPle ChOOSe to Share their PerSOnal information With the app, they ShOUId know that 4't

30、here may be Unintended COnSeqUenCeS down the road With that information being USed in another COnteXt that might COme back to bite you.nThe Startup has also developed a VerSiOn Of the app for individuals WhO SUfter from prosopagnosia, Or "face blindness," a COnditiOn Ihat PreVentS PeOPle f

31、rom recognizing individuals they have met. TO USe this app, a PerSOn first acquires an image Of SOmeOne*s face, from either the SmartPhOne,s Camera Or a PhotOgraPhJ and then tags it With a name When the Camera SPOtS that Same face in real life, the PreViOUSly entered infbnation is displayed The Coll

32、eCted data are StOred Only On a user's phone, according to the team behind the app34. SOCiaIReCan is USed toA. take PhOtOSB. identify PeOPIeC. OrganiZe eventsD make friends35. ParagraPh 3 is mainly about.A. how the app WOrkSB. how the app WaS CreatedC. What makes the app POPUlarD What PeOPle Can

33、 do With the app36. SOCialReCall helps PeOPle With PrOSOPagnOSia byA. giving names to the PhOtOS kept in Iheir SmartPhOneSB. COneCting information PreViOUSIy entered in the PhOneC. PrOViding the infbnation Of a PerSOn When they first meetD. ShOWing the person's information When it SPOtS a StOrCd

34、 face37. What Can We Ieam about SOCialReCall from the passage?A. It may PUt people's PriVaCy at riskB. It has CaUSed Unintended consequences.C. It Can PreVent SOme COmmUniCatiOn disorders.D 11 is PraiSed by USerS for its PrOteCtiVe measures.MOSt groups Of PIantS and animals are richer in SPeCieS

35、 and more PIentiiUl near the equator. In the OCeaIK that holds true for COld-blooded PrCdaIOrS(扌京仅者) BUt Wann-blooded PredatOrS are more diverse toward the POIeS and noticeably missing from SeVeral Warm hot spots. Why?JOhn Grady, an ecologist, and his team COnSidCrCd the POSSibilityWarmblooded anima

36、ls need a Iot to IUel their metabolism(新陈代谢) PerhaPS COkier WaterS are just richer in SnIall fish? BUt they found that at higher, COIder places, there isn't actually InUCh InOre food around. Its more that Warm-blooded animals are eating a much bigger Share Ofit Ihan their COld-blooded COmPetitOr

37、SThe real explanation is SimPle. An animas speed, Swiftness, and intelligence depend On its metabolism, VVhiCh in turn depends On its temperature. SinCe birds and mammals Can keep heating their bodies in icy conditions, they remain fast and attentive By COntrast, the fish they hunt become SlOWCr and

38、 duller. At SomC IiPPing POint Of ICmPCralure, seals, dolphins, and PengUinS Start OUtSwimming their prcy(猎物) They become more Iikely to COme UPOn targets and OUtPaCe the coldblooded PredatOrS Of their own.In Grady,s words, 4kWarm-bodicd PrCdatOrS are favoured WhCrC PreyS arc slow, StUPid and cold.&

39、quot; That's Why SharkS and Other PrCdatory fish dominate near the equator, but COlder WaterS are Ihe kingdom Of WhaleS and SeaIS By keeping IbOd to themselves in the poles, these CreatUreS Can then SPeCialiZe On SPeCifiC types Of prey, WhiCh makes them more Iikely to SPIit into SCParate SPCCieS

40、 The killer WhaleS Of the NOllh Pacific, for example, include InaInmal-eating transients and fish eating, year-round residents.BUt the WOrld is Changing. It's IikeIy that the SUrfaCe Of the OCeanS Will Warm by 2 to 30C Within this CCntUry. Grady%s team estimates that every time the ocean's S

41、UrfaCe WarmS by IOC , POPUlatiOnS Of Sea InalnmaIS Will fall by 12%, and POPUlatiOnS Of SealS and Sea IiOnS WilI fall by 24%BUt "'predictions are hard," DOnna HaUSer from the UniVerSity Of Alaska FairbankS notes “Polar bears are IOSerS Of a Warming world, but SOme POPUIatiOnS are StiIl

42、 doing WeIl SOIne groups OfWhaleS have Changed the timing Of their migrations; OtherS are hunting in deeper. COider waters. TheSe ChangeS might make Sea mammals more adaptable to Changing climates. Maybe they just need to find the PlaCeS Where fish remain slow, StUPid and cold.M3& Why Cire there

43、 more types Of Warmblooded PredatOrS near the poles?A. BeCaUSe there is more foodB. BCCaUSe there are fewer enemiesC. BeCaUSe they are taster and WiSerD. BeCaUSe they COnSUmC IeSS energy.39. The author mentions the killer WhaleS to ShOW.A. Ihe benefit OfbiOIOgiCal evolutionB. food PreferenCe Of diff

44、erent Sea mammalsC. the distinction Of SPCCifiC types Of PredatOrSD. the advantage Of COnStant body temperature40. What is DOnna HaUSer,s attitude towards the future Of the Sea mammals?A. POSitiVeB. NegatiVeC. NeUtraLD. SCePtical.41. VVhiCh is Ihe best title for the passage?. rc IhC POlCS HCaVCn for

45、 SCa Predators?B. HOw DO Sea MammalS TraCk Their Prey?C. Why DO the Warm-BloOded Like FOOd Cold?D. IS the WOrld TOO HOt for the Warm-Blooded?WISH YOU WERE MORE CREATIVE?I Want to ask you a favor. I have a Pair Of PantS Tell me: HOW many different WayS Can I PUt a Pair Of PantS to use? NOW imagine yo

46、u're an architect. Same question. NOW imagine you1re Bill Gates. A SCUba diver. A medieval knight. YOU Stiil have the PantS What alternative USeS COme to mind?What you just PraCtiCedthe COnSCiOUS act Of MWearingn another Self-is an exercise that, according to PSyChiatriSt SriniPillay, MD, is ess

47、ential to being creative.One great irony (讽刺)about OUr COlleCtiVe addiction to CreatiVity is that We tend to frame it in UnCreatiVe ways. Thal is to say, most Of US Inarry CreatiVity to OUr ConCePt Of self: Either we're "creative" Or We aren*t, WithOUt much Of a IniddIe ground. HrmjUSt

48、 not a CreatiVe PerSOn!M a discouraged StUdent might Say in art class, While another might blame her talent at Painting for her difficulties in math, making a COmnIent Mrm Very right-brained.HDr.Pillay, an assistant PrOfeSSOr at Hanard University, has SPent years OVertUrning these ideas. He believes

49、 that the key to UnIOCking your CreatiVe POtential is to ChalIenge the StereOtyPed (陈词滥调的)advice that UrgeS you to UbelieVe in yourself." In fact, you ShOUId do the opposite: Believe you are SOmCOnC else.He PointS to a Snldy ShOWing the impact Of StereOtyrPe on one,s behavior. The authors, PSyC

50、hOIOgiStS DeniS DUmaS and KeVin DUnbarS divided their COnege StUdent SUbjeCtS into two groups, instructing One group to think Of themselves as ,eccentric PoetSn and the Other to imagine they Were Mrigid librarians". The researchers then PreSented them all WithOrdinary ObjeCtSt including a fork,

51、 a carrot, and a Pair Of PantSl and asked them to COme UP With as many different USeS as POSSibIe for each One The former group Came UP With the WideSt range Ofideas, WhereaS the Iatter had the fewest.TheSe results SUggeSt that CreatiVity is not an individual CharaCteriStiC but a UProdUCt Of COnteXt

52、 and perspective'*. EVeryOne Can be creative, as IOng as he Or She feels Iike a CreatiVe PerSOnDr. Pillay1S WOrk takes this a SteP further: He argues that SimPly identifying yourself as CreatiVe is IeSS POWerfUI than Iaking Ihe brave, CreatiVe SteP Of imagining you arc SOmCbody CISC ThiS CXCrCis

53、c, WhiCh he CalIS PSyChOIOgiCal Halloweenism, refers to the COnSCiOUS action of "wearing" another SeIf An actor may employ this technique to get into CharaCter, but anyone Can USe it. ACCOrding to Dr. Pillay, it WOrkS because it is an act Of COnSCiOUS UnfbCUs, a COlleCtion Of brain regions

54、 that SPring into action When you,re not focused On a SPeCifIC task Or thought. MOSt PeOPle SPend nearly half Of their days in a State OfHUnfbcus.M ThiS doesn,t make US lazy; it makes US humanImagining yourself in a new SitUation, Or an entirely new identity, never felt SO productive. You're mak

55、ing yourself more creative, and you,re giving yourself PenniSSiOn to do SOmething you,d OtherWiSe feel guilty about.42. WhattS the function Of the questions in ParagraPh 1?A. TO Iead in the topicB. TO make a COmPariSOnC TO State an OPiniOnD TO ask a favor.43 The StUdy Ied by DeniS DUmaS and KeVin DU

56、nbar PrOVeSA. CreatiVity is an individual CharaCtCriStiCB. IibrarianS are more CreatiVe than POetSC. Oniinary ObjeCtS Can improve CreatiVityD. your CreatiVity is determined by yourself44. ACCOrding to Dr. Pillay, HanOWeeniSm WOrkS because.A. it is an act Of UnCOnSCiOUS focusB. Certain brain areas be

57、gin to act togetherC. PeOPle are in a State Of IaZineSSD. all actors employ this technique45. If you Want to be more CreatiVeJ you are SUPPOSed toA. focus On a SPeCiflC taskB. believe in your Own talentC. PrCtend to be SOmCOne ClSCD turn to be right七rained第二节共5小题,每小题2分,共10分Can We StOP FOOd LOnging T

58、hrOUgh Imaginary Eating?8/20Are you fighting an Urge to reach for ChOCOIate? Thent Iet it melt in your mind, not in your mouth. ACCOrding to the recent research, imagining eating a SPeCiflC food reduces your interest in that food, SO you eat IeSS OfitThiS reaction to repeated exposure to foodbeing IeM interested in SOmething because you've experienced it too muchis Called habituation46The research is the first to ShOW that habituation Can OCCUr through the POWer Ofthe mind. UIf you just thi


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