1、会计学1unit4themaninthewater第一页,共101页。R einforcementT ext AnalysisThe Man in the WaterB ackgroundW arming upUnit 4第1页/共101页第二页,共101页。I. Sing a Song II. Do You Know? 第2页/共101页第三页,共101页。Hero Theres a hero if you look inside your heart You dont have to be afraid of what you are Theres an answer if you rea
2、ch into your soul And the sorrow that you know will melt away And then a hero comes along With the strength to carry on And you cast your fears aside And you know you can survive So when you feel like hope is gone Look inside you and be strong And youll finally see the truth that a hero lies in you
3、第3页/共101页第四页,共101页。Its a long road when you face the world alone No one reaches out a hand for you to hold You can find love if you search within yourself And the emptiness you felt will disappear And then a hero comes along With the strength to carry on And you cast your fears aside And you know yo
4、u can survive So when you feel like hope is gone Look inside you and be strong And youll finally see the truth that a hero lies in youTo be continued on the next page.第4页/共101页第五页,共101页。Lord knows dreams are hard to follow But dont let anyone tear them away Hold on there will be tomorrow In time you
5、ll find the way And then a hero comes along With the strength to carry on And you cast your fears aside And you know you can survive So when you feel like hope is gone Look inside you and be strong And youll finally see the truth That a hero lies in you!.The end of Sing a Song.第5页/共101页第六页,共101页。Wha
6、t makes a hero?Can you name some heroes? What do you think that makes them heroes?Have you ever tried to find a hero in yourself?Do you think every ordinary person can be a hero if he wants to?The end of Do You Know?. 第6页/共101页第七页,共101页。Warming upDo you know of any disaster(s) that happened in recen
7、t years or recently?When disaster happens, what do we usually want to know?We sometimes identify some heroes in disasters. What do you think about them?第7页/共101页第八页,共101页。I. Author II. The Air CrashIII. Washington, D.C.IV. Presidential MonumentV. Potomac RiverVI. Ralph Waldo Emerson第8页/共101页第九页,共101
8、页。Roger Rosenblatt is a journalist, author, playwright and professor. As an essayist for Time magazine, he has won two George Polk Awards, and awards from the Overseas Press Club and the American Bar Association. The end of Author. 第9页/共101页第十页,共101页。 On Jan. 13, 1982 one of the worst snowstorms in
9、the history of Washington, D.C. hit the city. Just about everything closed downthe government, businesses, schools, the airports. By about noon, the skies cleared and Washingtons National Airport reopened for business. The crew of Air Florida Flight 90 began preparing for a nonstop trip to sunny For
10、t Lauderdale, Florida. At 3:59 p.m., the twin-engine Boeing 737 was cleared for takeoff and began rumbling down the runway on its final flight.To be continued on the next page.第10页/共101页第十一页,共101页。 Minutes later, the plane smashed into the 14th Street Bridge, only 1,200 yards from the Pentagon, dest
11、roying four automobiles and killing five people. The jet then fell into the ice-covered Potomac River, bringing all the passengers to their instant death except fivefour passengers and one flight attendantfrom the tail section, who found themselves gasping and struggling in the icy waters.To be cont
12、inued on the next page.第11页/共101页第十二页,共101页。These five people however survived and they were able to survive because of four heroes. The author wrote this essay in praise of these heroes, three of whom had risked their lives to rescue the survivors and were able to live to tell the story, but the ma
13、n that really held the whole nations attention was the fourth one who had kept pushing his lifeline and flotation rings to others until he went under.The end of The Air Crash. 第12页/共101页第十三页,共101页。BackgroundThe DisasterT(teacher)第13页/共101页第十四页,共101页。The 14th Street Bridge第14页/共101页第十五页,共101页。The Dis
14、asterThe Rescue SiteThe tail section afloat 第15页/共101页第十六页,共101页。Rescue site第16页/共101页第十七页,共101页。第17页/共101页第十八页,共101页。第18页/共101页第十九页,共101页。第19页/共101页第二十页,共101页。第20页/共101页第二十一页,共101页。To be continued on the next page.第21页/共101页第二十二页,共101页。The end of Washington, D.C. 第22页/共101页第二十三页,共101页。The end of Wa
15、shington, D.C. 第23页/共101页第二十四页,共101页。第24页/共101页第二十五页,共101页。Capitol hill, Washington第25页/共101页第二十六页,共101页。Central Washington University第26页/共101页第二十七页,共101页。华盛顿学院华盛顿学院(xuyun)Washington College第27页/共101页第二十八页,共101页。George Washington University第28页/共101页第二十九页,共101页。University of Washington第29页/共101页第三十
16、页,共101页。Washington DC第30页/共101页第三十一页,共101页。Washington(华盛顿市华盛顿市)第31页/共101页第三十二页,共101页。Winter-Sunset-Mount-Rainier-National-Park-Washington第32页/共101页第三十三页,共101页。华盛顿公园华盛顿公园(gngyun)实景实景Washington Part第33页/共101页第三十四页,共101页。In recognition of his leadership in the cause of American independence, Washington
17、 earned the title “Father of His Country”. With this monument, the citizens of the United States show their enduring gratitude and respect for the first President of the United States. Washington MonumentTo be continued on the next page.第34页/共101页第三十五页,共101页。Jefferson MemorialThomas Jeffersonpolitic
18、al philosopher, architect, musician, book collector, scientist, horticulturist (园艺学家), diplomat, inventor, and third President of the United States, also author of the Declaration of American Independence, and Father of the University of Virginia To be continued on the next page.第35页/共101页第三十六页,共101
19、页。The end of Presidential Monument. Lincoln MemorialThe Lincoln Memorial is a tribute to President Abraham Lincoln and the nation he fought to preserve during the Civil War (1861-1865). The Lincoln Memorial was built to resemble a Greek temple. It has 36 Doric columns(陶力克(l k)柱), one for each state
20、at the time of Lincolns death. A sculpture by Daniel Chester French of a seated Lincoln is in the center of the memorial chamber.第36页/共101页第三十七页,共101页。Lincoln Memorial第37页/共101页第三十八页,共101页。第38页/共101页第三十九页,共101页。第39页/共101页第四十页,共101页。The end of Potomac River. The Potomac River is often referred to as
21、the “Nations River”, because it flows through the nations capital, where the magnificent monuments of the Washington, Jefferson, and Lincoln memorials are reflected in its waters. It is one of the most beautiful and bountiful rivers on the East Coast and is known for its historic, scenic and recreat
22、ional significance. It begins as a small spring at the Fairfax Stone in West Virginia, and winds its way through the mountains and valleys of Appalachia, past battlefields and old manufacturing towns. The river flows more than 380 miles and grows to more than 11 miles wide as it reaches the Chesapea
23、ke Bay at Point Lookout, Maryland. 第40页/共101页第四十一页,共101页。Potomac River第41页/共101页第四十二页,共101页。Afternoon on Potomac River第42页/共101页第四十三页,共101页。Potomac River Bridges第43页/共101页第四十四页,共101页。第44页/共101页第四十五页,共101页。Sunset on the Potomac River第45页/共101页第四十六页,共101页。 Ralph Waldo Emerson (18031882) is one of the
24、most famous American essayists, poets and philosophers. Known as a transcendentalist, his main themes are individualism, independent thinking, self-reliance, idealism and the worship of nature. His works include Nature, Self-reliance, American Scholar and many other essays and poems.To be continued
25、on the next page.第46页/共101页第四十七页,共101页。Transcendentalism: a philosophy/doctrine that knowledge may be obtained by a study of the mental processes, apart from experience. 先验哲学: 认为不必依赖经验仅研究心智活动即可获得知识(zh shi)的学说。To be continued on the next page.第47页/共101页第四十八页,共101页。DetailedAnalysisStructureThemeText A
26、nalysisThe Man in the WaterUnit 4第48页/共101页第四十九页,共101页。Text AnalysisThemeWhat are the possible themes of the article? heroism moral power in time of crisis第49页/共101页第五十页,共101页。Text AnalysisStructurePart I: Para. 1-2 A brief account of the air crash that leads to the thesis in the air crash, human na
27、ture rose to the occasion. Part II: Para. 3-4 The account given by the living heroes about what happened and about “the man in the water”.Part III: Para. 5-6 The imagined thoughts and feelings of the man on the plane and in the waterPart IV: Para. 7-9 Reflections on mans role in the “classic situati
28、on”. “The man in the water” represents human nature at its best.第50页/共101页第五十一页,共101页。Text AnalysisDetailed AnalysisPart I: Main Idea1.What was unusual about this air crash? Did it make the disaster more special than others?2.What is the aesthetic crash? Is it really so?3.What was the cause of the a
29、ir crash?4.What did people actually see in the disaster?第51页/共101页第五十二页,共101页。第52页/共101页第五十三页,共101页。strong, sudden movement of windWith a sharp and loud noise, Washington, the neatly well-designed city of order was thrown into a terrible confusion.a sharp, loud and forceful strike of the plane and t
30、he bridge, stressing what met the ear Washington, the city of form and rules, turned chaotic by a blast of real winter and a single slap of metal on metal. (Para. 1) Text AnalysisDetailed Analysis(Para.1)第53页/共101页第五十四页,共101页。a slap in the facean action that insults or upsets someone受到侮辱受到侮辱(wr)、打击,
31、一记耳光、打击,一记耳光a s l a p o n the backa slap on the wristan action that shows praise for sth. you have done祝贺祝贺(zhh)a gentle warning or punishment 轻微轻微(qngwi)的惩罚的惩罚an action that insults or upsets someone 耻辱耻辱a gentle warning or punishmenthitting sb. repeatedlyput sth. somewhere with a slapping noise第54
32、页/共101页第五十五页,共101页。 And there was the aesthetic clash as wellblue and green Air Florida, the name of a flying garden, sunk down among gray chunks of ice in a black river.the combination of different colors which look very bad thick, solid piece or lump When the air crash occurred, it was not just a
33、clash of metal against the bridge, but also a clash between colors: the blue-green color of the plane and the gray and black color of the ice and river. 这其中还有视觉美学冲击这其中还有视觉美学冲击蓝绿相间的蓝绿相间的“佛罗里达号佛罗里达号”(这一名字(这一名字(mng zi)象征着空中花园)坠入了充满灰色冰块、黑压压的河水中。象征着空中花园)坠入了充满灰色冰块、黑压压的河水中。Text AnalysisDetailed Analysis(pa
34、ra.1)第55页/共101页第五十六页,共101页。第56页/共101页第五十七页,共101页。 Still, there was nothing very special in any of it, except death, which, while always special, does not necessarily bring millions to tears or to attention. Verbless structure, “although (it is) always special possibly but not certainly make millions
35、 cry or attract millions of peoples attention This air crash has only one element death, which was special in any disastrous accidents. However, death may not be the only factor for sure making millions cry or attracted millions of peoples attention. Detailed Analysis(para.1)第57页/共101页第五十八页,共101页。从
36、属 连 词从 属 连 词 + 名 词名 词(mng c)词组词组从属连词从属连词(linc)+形形容词词组容词词组从属连词从属连词+介词词组介词词组从属连词从属连词+副词词组副词词组Whatever the reason, his cordiality to her has won him a friend. Although always helpful, he was not much liked by people. When in Rome, do as the Romans do. He spoke ungraciously, if not rudely. 1. Although h
37、e was a lawyer by training, he became a great soldier.2. We shall continue our policy, whatever your objections may be. 3. He arrived too late to help us whether he did it by accident or by design. 第58页/共101页第五十九页,共101页。Words (para.2)第59页/共101页第六十页,共101页。第60页/共101页第六十一页,共101页。第61页/共101页第六十二页,共101页。L
38、ast Wednesday the elements, indifferent as ever, brought down Flight 90. And on that same afternoon human naturegroping and strugglingrose to the occasion. (Para. 2) Last Wednesday, the bad weather, unconcerned about the consequences it might bring about as always, made Flight 90 fall down. On that
39、same afternoon, human nature, groping for the flotation rings and struggling in the icy water, came to prove its greatness displayed in an unexpected tragedy.Detailed Analysis(para.2)第62页/共101页第六十三页,共101页。Text AnalysisDetailed AnalysisPart I: Words & ExpressionsWordsPhrasesWordsaesthetic; elemen
40、ts Phraseson record; bring to tears; in collision; as ever; bring down; rise to the occasionSentence Patternas disasters go, this one was terrible ; why, then, the shock here?Grammar第63页/共101页第六十四页,共101页。第64页/共101页第六十五页,共101页。Text AnalysisDetailed AnalysisPart I: Main Idea1.What was unusual about th
41、is air crash? Did it make the disaster more special than others?2.What is the aesthetic crash? Is it really so?3.What was the cause of the air crash?4.What did people actually see in the disaster?vision(color)hearing第65页/共101页第六十六页,共101页。Text AnalysisComprehension questionsPart II(para3-4): Main Ide
42、a1.Who were able to account for what they did? 2.What did they do? And why did they do so?3.Who attracted most of peoples attention?4.What was “the man in the water” like?5.What did “the man in the water” do?6.What is the meaning of “the fact that he went unidentified gave him a universal character”
43、? What is this universal character?第66页/共101页第六十七页,共101页。Text AnalysisDetailed Analysis第67页/共101页第六十八页,共101页。delivering every heros line that is no less admirable for being repeated.to make a remark. e.g., to deliver a speech, to deliver a lecture. Skutnik gave a remark that has been said before by
44、many people in similar situations, but it is still admirable. equally Text AnalysisDetailed Analysis(para.3)第68页/共101页第六十九页,共101页。But the person most responsible for the emotional impact of the disaster is the one known at first simply as “the man in the water”to be the reason/cause forhow this disa
45、ster has moved people to be called The man who is known as “the man in the water is the main reason for the great impact of the disaster. / The people of the nation were greatly moved by this disaster mainly because of the man who is at first just known as “the man in the water.” Text AnalysisDetail
46、ed Analysis(para.4)第69页/共101页第七十页,共101页。 Police warned the public to be on the alert for suspected terrorists. Text AnalysisDetailed Analysis(para.4)第70页/共101页第七十一页,共101页。 This man was described by Usher and Windsor as appearing alert and in control. Every time they lowered a lifeline and flotation
47、ring to him, he passed it on to another of the passengers.the ability to think and act calmly and efficiently, especially in an emergency The man appeared to be able to think quickly and clearly, to be calm and with perfect presence of mind. Every time the rescue team lowered him a lifeline and flot
48、ation ring, he never kept it for himself, he handed it to another passenger. Text AnalysisDetailed Analysis(para.4)第71页/共101页第七十二页,共101页。 “In a mass casualty, youll find people like him,” said Windsor.” But Ive never seen one with that commitment.” We can always find heroic people like him when a la
49、rge number of people were hurt in an accident because although not everyone is a hero, theres bound to be a fair representation of heroes in a big crowd. But Ive never seen anyone with such a strong sense of responsibility.a strong sense of responsibility or loyaltylarge number of people hurt or kil
50、led in an accidentText AnalysisDetailed Analysis(para.4)第72页/共101页第七十三页,共101页。He received an anonymous letter threatening to disclose details of his affair if he didnt pay the money.For reasons of personal safety, the informant wishes to remain anonymous.Text AnalysisDetailed Analysis第73页/共101页第七十四页
51、,共101页。 His selflessness was one reason the story held national attention; his anonymity another. The fact that the man in the water who had displayed such heroism did not leave his name and no one was ever able to find it out was another reason why the whole nation felt so touched by this story. It
52、 showed that the man was a very ordinary citizen. It also proved that he did all these not for fame or anything.attracted the whole nations attentionText AnalysisDetailed Analysis(para.4)第74页/共101页第七十五页,共101页。The fact that nobody could find out the identity of this person really made him a represent
53、ative man, like everyone of us could do. We may feel that it might have been anyone.The fact that he went unidentified gave him a universal character. remain in an unknown stategave him a universal quality; Text AnalysisDetailed Analysis(para.4)第75页/共101页第七十六页,共101页。For a while he was Everyman, and
54、thus proof (as if one needed it) that no one is ordinary. Notice that the word “Everyone” is capitalized. It conveys the idea that this anonymous man really represents the best of human nature. What he did was not the act of a supernatural being, but the act of an ordinary person. Yet, the author sa
55、ys here that “no man is ordinary”, because every person is an individual moral entity and is capable of rising to the occasion and making history. Text AnalysisDetailed Analysis(para.4)第76页/共101页第七十七页,共101页。Text AnalysisDetailed AnalysisPart II: Words & ExpressionsWordsPhrasesWordsaccount; admir
56、able; commitment Phrasesin the line of duty; refer to; responsible for; known as; in control; go underSentence PatternOf the four, three; He was seen clinging to; Be described as ; Every time , he passed it on; The fact that he went unidentifiedGrammarappositive clauses; Indefinite pronouns derived
57、from “some”, “any”, “no”, “every”第77页/共101页第七十八页,共101页。第78页/共101页第七十九页,共101页。Text AnalysisComprehension questionsPart III(para.5-6): Main Idea1.What does the writer want to reveal through the imagined scene?2.“He watched everything in the world move away from him, and he let it happen.” What does th
58、e sentence imply? Did he just passively watch and let it happen? Could he stop it? What might be the reason?第79页/共101页第八十页,共101页。He has the _ to swim like a fish.He has the capability of solving practical problems.The theater has a seating _ of 300 people.abilitycapacity 第80页/共101页第八十一页,共101页。Text A
59、nalysisDetailed Analysis “He watched everything in the world move away from him, and he let it happen.” What does the sentence imply? Did he just passively watch and let it happen? Could he stop it? What might be the reason?第81页/共101页第八十二页,共101页。Text AnalysisDetailed AnalysisPart III: Words & Ex
60、pressionsWordsPhrasesWordsdesperate; stunning; survivor Phrasesowe to; hand over to; take offSentence PatternSo our man relaxed with the others, some of whom would .Grammar第82页/共101页第八十三页,共101页。Text AnalysisComprehension questionsPart IV(para.7-9): Main Idea1.What does “the essential, classic circumstance” ref
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