1、Sales Contract (Original) 第七讲第七讲 文献阅读第四课文献阅读第四课销销 售售 合合 同(正本)同(正本) 要求:要求: 1. 1. 掌握文中相关专业词汇掌握文中相关专业词汇 2. 2. 熟练翻译课文熟练翻译课文 3. 3. 熟悉合同的书写格式及内容熟悉合同的书写格式及内容 New words and expressionsas perN/M T/TB/LSRCC in accordance with 按照按照neutral marks 中性标记中性标记telegraphic transfer 电汇电汇bill of lading 装船帐单装船帐单, 提货单提货单提货
2、单:运货人向发货人出具的文件,列明并告知收到所运货物,并详细说明交货日期提货单:运货人向发货人出具的文件,列明并告知收到所运货物,并详细说明交货日期Strikes, riot and civil commotion罢工罢工, 暴乱和国内动乱暴乱和国内动乱FOBCFRCIFCost and Freight成本加运费成本加运费Free on Board离岸价格离岸价格Cost, Insurance and Freight 到岸价格到岸价格New words and expressionsFOB价格包括卖方把货从原料加工到成品再运到买方指定货代仓库或者港口的全价格包括卖方把货从原料加工到成品再运到买
3、方指定货代仓库或者港口的全部成本和费用部成本和费用,货送到货代处后运费以及运输保险费用由买方承担货送到货代处后运费以及运输保险费用由买方承担. CFR, 即成本加运费,只是比起即成本加运费,只是比起FOB价格来要由卖方承担运费价格来要由卖方承担运费. CIF 就是成本、保险加运费,与就是成本、保险加运费,与CFR(CNF)相比再加上运输中保险的费用相比再加上运输中保险的费用. shipping adviceinvoice valueinsurance premiumclean on board Cargo receiptinsurance policycertificate of origin
4、装运通知(发货通知)装运通知(发货通知)发票价值发票价值保险费保险费清洁装运清洁装运货物收据货物收据保险单保险单(货物货物)原产地证明书原产地证明书New words and expressionsinspection certificateletter of creditsales proceeds检验证书检验证书(银行发行的银行发行的)信用证信用证销货进款销货进款 Date: Signed at:Contract No.:The seller: 日期:日期: 签约地点:签约地点: 合同号:合同号: 卖方:卖方: Buyer: Order No.: Address: Tel: Fax: 买方
5、:买方: 订单号:订单号: 地址:地址: 电话:电话: 传真:传真: This contract is made out as per the following terms and conditions mutually confirmed by both parties: 本合同按照以下的经双方互相确认的条款和条件签订。本合同按照以下的经双方互相确认的条款和条件签订。in accordance with 与与.一致一致, 依照依照which have been(1) Name of Commodity and Specification (2) Quantity (3) Unit Pric
6、e (4) Amount Total 品名与规格品名与规格数量数量单价单价总金额总金额合计合计Total Value: U.S. Dollars Ten Thousand Only总价格:万美元总价格:万美元(5) Time of Delivery and Mode of Transportation:Partial shipments: Not Allowed Transshipment: Not Allowed (5) 交货时间和运输方式:交货时间和运输方式: 分批装运分批装运:禁止:禁止 转运转运:禁止:禁止 (6) Shipping Mark: N/M (7) Port of load
7、ing: Port of destination (6) 发货标志(发货标志(唛头唛头 ): 中性标记中性标记 (7) 装货港口装货港口: 目的目的港港:neutral marks中性标记中性标记唛头:进出口货物包装上的标记唛头:进出口货物包装上的标记 (8) Terms of Payment The Buyer shall remit to the Seller _% of the total amount _days before the contracted time of shipment/delivery and the rest _% shall be remitted by T/
8、T within _days after receipt of the Sellers shipping advice. In case the Buyer fails to remit the above-said amount in advance, the consequence of delay in shipment shall be borne by the Buyer.(8) 付款条款(支付方式)付款条款(支付方式) 买方应在合同规定的出货买方应在合同规定的出货/交货时间的交货时间的_天之前支付总金额天之前支付总金额_%给卖方,给卖方,余下余下_%应在收到卖方应在收到卖方发货通知
9、发货通知后后_天之内通过天之内通过电汇电汇支付。支付。如果如果买方未能预先支付上述货款,推迟出货的后果将由买方买方未能预先支付上述货款,推迟出货的后果将由买方承担承担。T/T telegraphic transfer 电汇电汇 (9) Supplementary Condition(s): (should any other clause in this contract be in conflict with the following supplementary conditions), the supplementary condition(s) should be taken as f
10、inal and binding.(9)附加条款附加条款(本合同任何其他条款如与以下的附加条款有(本合同任何其他条款如与以下的附加条款有冲突冲突时),时),以本附加条款为准。以本附加条款为准。 (10) This contract is in 2 copies, effective since being signed/sealed by both parties. (10) 本合同一式两份,自双方签字本合同一式两份,自双方签字(盖章盖章) 之日起生效。之日起生效。 (11) Terms of delivery: 交货条款(交货方式):交货条款(交货方式): FOBFree on Board
11、离岸价格离岸价格 A) The Seller shall, _days before the shipment date specified under clause (5) of this Contract advise the Buyer by CABLE/TELEX/FAX of the contract number, the name of commodity, quantity, invoice value, package numbers, total weight and volume and the date from which goods is ready for loa
12、ding at the port of shipment in order that the Buyer can charter a vessel/book shipping space. A) 卖方应该在本合同第五条款规定的卖方应该在本合同第五条款规定的装货日期装货日期前前_天通过天通过电报电报/电传电传/传传真真通知买方合同号、商品名称、数量、发票价值、包裹号、总重量和体积通知买方合同号、商品名称、数量、发票价值、包裹号、总重量和体积以及货物准备好在以及货物准备好在装货港口装货港口装载的日期,以便买方能够租船装载的日期,以便买方能够租船/预定舱位预定舱位。 B) The Buyer sha
13、ll, _days before the shipment date specified under clause (5) of this Contract notify the contract number, the name of the vessel, the expected date of shipment for the Seller to effect the shipment. B) 买方应该在本合同第五条款规定的装货日期买方应该在本合同第五条款规定的装货日期_天以前天以前通报通报合同号、合同号、船的名字、希望装货的时间,以便卖方执行装货。船的名字、希望装货的时间,以便卖方执
14、行装货。 In case the carrying vessel or the date of arrival has to be changed, the buyer or its shipping agent shall advise the Seller in time. 一旦运货船只或到达时间发生变化,买方或其运输商应一旦运货船只或到达时间发生变化,买方或其运输商应及时及时通知卖方。通知卖方。 Should the vessel fail to arrive at the port of shipment within _days after the arrival date advi
15、sed by the Buyer, the Buyer shall bear the storage expense, insurance premium and other relevant expenses calculated from the _days thereafter.如果船只在买方通知的到达时间后如果船只在买方通知的到达时间后_天内未能到达装货港口,天内未能到达装货港口,买方应从买方应从其后其后_天后开始承担保管费、天后开始承担保管费、保险费保险费及其他相关费用。及其他相关费用。 CIF & CFR A) The Seller shall ship the goods
16、 duly within the shipping duration as stipulated in clause (5) of this Contract from the port of shipment to the port of destination.到岸价格与成本加运费到岸价格与成本加运费A) 卖方应当在卖方应当在本合同条款本合同条款(5)规定的规定的运送期限运送期限内内适时地适时地把货把货物由物由装货港口装货港口运送至运送至目的港口目的港口。CFR Cost and Freight 成本加运费成本加运费CIF Cost, Insurance and Freight 到岸价格到
17、岸价格 B) Under CFR terms, the Seller shall advise the Buyer by CABLE/TELEX/FAX of the contract number, the name of commodity, invoice value and the date of dispatch _working days before the shipment for the buyer to arrange insurance in time. B)在成本加运费条款下,卖方应在装运前的在成本加运费条款下,卖方应在装运前的_工作日之前通过电报工作日之前通过电报/电
18、电传传/传真通知买方合同号、商品名称、发票价格和传真通知买方合同号、商品名称、发票价格和派送派送日期,以便买方日期,以便买方及时安排及时安排保险保险。 C) The Seller shall immediately upon the completion of the loading of the goods, advise the Buyer of the contract number, the name of the commodity, loading quantity, invoice value, gross weight, name of vessel and the shipm
19、ent date by TELEX/FAX/CABLE within _working days.C) 卖方卖方在完成货物装载后在完成货物装载后_工作日之内,应当立即通过电传工作日之内,应当立即通过电传/传真传真/电电报通知买方合同号、商品名称、装载数量、发票价格、报通知买方合同号、商品名称、装载数量、发票价格、毛重毛重、船只名、船只名称和装货日期。称和装货日期。 Other Terms: (12) Insurance: Under CIF terms, insurance is to be effected by the Seller for 110% of invoice value, u
20、p to the port of destination, as per the insurance clauses of the Peoples Insurance Company of China covering all but excluding SRCC risks. 其它条款:其它条款: (12) 保险保险在到岸价格条款下,保险由卖方按发票全额的在到岸价格条款下,保险由卖方按发票全额的110%投保至目的港口投保至目的港口为止,按照为止,按照中国人民保险公司中国人民保险公司的保险条款,涵盖除罢工、暴乱和国内的保险条款,涵盖除罢工、暴乱和国内动乱之外的所有风险。动乱之外的所有风险。SR
21、CC Strikes, riot and civil commotion 罢工罢工, 暴乱和国内动乱暴乱和国内动乱 If additional insurance amount or coverage is required, the Buyer shall have the consent of the Seller before shipment and the extra premium thus incurred shall be borne by the buyer. Under CFR and FOB terms, insurance shall be effected by th
22、e buyer. 如果需要额外的保险金额和覆盖范围,买方应在装货之前征得卖如果需要额外的保险金额和覆盖范围,买方应在装货之前征得卖方方同意同意,并且,并且承担承担所带来的额外保险费。所带来的额外保险费。在在CFR和和FOB条款下,保险由买方投保。条款下,保险由买方投保。 (13) Packing All the commodities sold hereunder will be packed with packing materials deemed by the Seller suitable for the mode of transportation stipulated in Cla
23、use 11 hereof. (13) 包装包装本合同项下本合同项下所出售的所有商品应当由所出售的所有商品应当由卖方认可的适合条款卖方认可的适合条款11规定的运规定的运输方式的输方式的包装材料包装。包装材料包装。Hereunder 在此之下在此之下 hereof 关于此点,于此关于此点,于此 If additional requirement for packing is needed, the Buyer shall have the consent of the Seller and bear the entire extra charges thus incurred. 如果在包装上有其
24、他要求,买方应当征得卖方同意并承担所需要的如果在包装上有其他要求,买方应当征得卖方同意并承担所需要的额外费用。额外费用。 (14) Documents: The Seller shall present the following documents required for negotiation: X Full set of clean on board ocean bills of lading in case of shipment by sea or airway bill of lading in case of shipment by air or cargo receipt i
25、n case of shipment by rail, (14) 单据单据 卖方应提供以下的卖方应提供以下的议付货款议付货款所需的单据:所需的单据: X 全套的全套的清洁装运提单清洁装运提单:海运时的海运提货单、空运时的空运提货单或:海运时的海运提货单、空运时的空运提货单或铁路运输时的铁路运输时的货物收据货物收据。 X Signed Commercial invoice, in 3 copies, X Packing list /weight memo in 3 copies, X Insurance policy/certificate in 2 copies in case of CIF
26、terms. X 正式签证的贸易发票正式签证的贸易发票3份,份, X 装箱单装箱单/重量备忘录重量备忘录3份,份, X 到岸价格条款下,到岸价格条款下,保险单或保险证明书保险单或保险证明书2份。份。 X Certificates of quantity and quality in 3 copies Issued by the manufacturer. X Certificates of Origin in 1 copies issued by China Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine Bureau. X由生产商签发的数量由生产商签发的数量/质量证
27、明书质量证明书3份,份, X 中国出入境检验检疫局中国出入境检验检疫局签发的签发的原产地证书原产地证书一份。一份。 (15)损失风险:损失风险:(以下情况下以下情况下)货物的风险由买方承担:货物的风险由买方承担: A)在海运情况下,当货物越过在海运情况下,当货物越过船舷船舷并从吊钩上放下并从吊钩上放下; (15) Risk of Loss: The risk of the commodity shall transfer to the Buyer: A) When it has passed over the rail of the vessel and been released from
28、tackle in case of shipment by sea; B) When it has been delivered into the custody of the air carrier or agent in case of shipment by air; C) When it has been delivered into the custody of the railway. B) 在空运情况下,当货物送到空运保管处或代理处;在空运情况下,当货物送到空运保管处或代理处; C) (在铁路运输情况下,在铁路运输情况下,)当货物送到铁路保管处。当货物送到铁路保管处。 (16)
29、Discrepancy and claim: A) In case of discrepancy on the quality and quantity of the goods is found by the Buyers after arrival of the goods at the port of destination, the Buyer may claim against the Seller within 30 days after the goods arrive at destination, which should be supported by the Inspec
30、tion certificate(s) issued by a reputable commodity inspection organization approved by the Sellers. (16) 异议异议和和索赔索赔 A)当货物到达目的港口后买方发现货物的质量和数量有差错的情况下,当货物到达目的港口后买方发现货物的质量和数量有差错的情况下,买方可在货物到达目的港口后买方可在货物到达目的港口后30天以内天以内向卖方索赔向卖方索赔,索赔时须提供索赔时须提供经卖方认可的有声望的商品检验机构所出具的经卖方认可的有声望的商品检验机构所出具的检验证书检验证书。 It is understo
31、od that the Seller shall not be liable for any discrepancy of the commodity shipped due to causes for which the insurance company, other transportation organization or post office is liable. 任何应该由保险公司、其他运输机构或邮局承担的商品异议,卖方将任何应该由保险公司、其他运输机构或邮局承担的商品异议,卖方将不负责任。不负责任。 B) In case the Letter of Credit or the
32、 sales proceeds does not reach the Seller within the time stipulated in the Contract or does not correspond to the contract terms and the Buyer fails to amend its terms within the time limit after being notified by the Seller, the Seller, has the right to cancel the Contract or to delay the delivery
33、 of the commodity, and reserve the right to claim against the Buyer for the losses resulting therefrom. 如果如果信用证信用证或或销货进款销货进款没有在合同规定的时间到达卖方或与合同条款不没有在合同规定的时间到达卖方或与合同条款不符,符,而买方又未能在卖方通知的时间范围内予以修正,而买方又未能在卖方通知的时间范围内予以修正,卖方有权中止合同或推迟货物的交付,并保留就卖方有权中止合同或推迟货物的交付,并保留就由此导致的由此导致的损失损失向买方索向买方索赔赔的权利。的权利。Therefrom 由此
34、由此 (17) Force Majeure In case of war, riot or strike, earthquake, typhoon or fire and in other cases of force majeure preventing the shipment within the time fixed, or the delivery, the Seller shall not be held liable for failure or delay in delivery of entire lot or a portion of the commodity under
35、 this contract. (17)人力不可抗拒因素人力不可抗拒因素 在出现战争、动乱或罢工、地震、台风或火灾及其他人力不可抗拒因素阻在出现战争、动乱或罢工、地震、台风或火灾及其他人力不可抗拒因素阻碍货物按时出货或运输的情况下,碍货物按时出货或运输的情况下,对于不能交付或延迟交付本合同规定的全部或部分货物,卖方不应承担责对于不能交付或延迟交付本合同规定的全部或部分货物,卖方不应承担责任。任。 (18) Arbitration Any disputes arising from or in connection with this Contract shall be settled by f
36、riendly negotiation. (18) 仲裁仲裁 本合同引起或与本合同相关的任何争执,应通过友好协商来解决。本合同引起或与本合同相关的任何争执,应通过友好协商来解决。 In case no settlement can be reached between the two Parties, the case in dispute shall be submitted to China International Economic and Arbitration Commission for Arbitration in Beijing, which shall be conducted in accordance with
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