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1、初中英语阅读理解之长难句分析讲义语篇学语法从句I arrived in London on a foggy day, to go to a very important meeting. The place where the meeting was going to be hedl was on the other side of the town. All traffic came to a stopbecause the drivers were not able to see more than a yard in front of them. The meeting would be

2、gin at 9:00, so I decided to go there on foot.Minutes later, I was completely lost. I stood there and thought that I would have to phone to the meeting to explain that I was not able to arrive there on time. Then I heard a young man 's voice coming out of the fog, “ Isuppose you are lost. Can I

3、help you?” I was very glad to have a man who could take me to the meeting. Afterward I told him where I wanted to go, took his arm, and we started. We walked quite fast, turning corners and crossing roads.As I followed him through the dark streets, I wondered why he found his way so easily. “I know

4、this part of London quite well, ” he said.“But in such a fog it's impossible to see anything”, I said.“ Iam blind, sir.” he answered,“ In the fog, it is exactly the same for me as usua”l.在英语语法中,按照句子结构,英语句子主要可以分为三种类型:简单句、并列句和复合 句。1. 简单句 :最基本的句子类型,一个句子中只含有一个主谓结构。Eg: My uncle gives me a camera.2. 并

5、列句 :由两个或两个以上独立的主谓结构或简单句并列在一起的,通常用并列连词 来连接两个或两个以上的句子,Eg: Jim went to the party last night, but his wife didn 't.Study hard and you will make progress.3. 复合句 :由一个主句与一个或一个以上的从句(从句有相应的连词引导)组成的句子。因此,复合句含有两个或两个以上的主谓结构(完整的句子) ,句子与句子之间用连接词 连 接。其中,主句部分可以独立存在,但从句担当了主句某一句子成分,故通常不能独立 存在。 根据从句在句子中充当的成分,可以将其分

6、为 6 类,即主语从句、表语从句、宾语从 句、同位语从句、定语从句和状语从句。从句的本质 :名词性从句1. 主语从句 : ,而不是用单词或短语来充当主语。eg: (1) What you need is more practice.(2) When the meeting will be held has not been announced.(3) That he will not attend the meeting is clear.(4) Whether it will do us harm or good is unknown.注: 有时,为了避免将太长的主语放在句首而使句子显得头重

7、脚轻,通常用代词it 做形式主语,而将真正的主语从句放到句子的后面。例如:(1) It is clear that he will not attend the meeting.(2) It is unknown whether it will do us harm or good.主语从句引导词 :连词 that (在从句中不担任成分,本身没有词义) , 连词 whether(意思是“是否” ) 连接代词 what, whatever, who,whoever,which 等引导, 连接副词 when, where, how,why 等引导。2. 表语从句: 。跟在系动词后面的句子成分就是表

8、语。eg: (1) That is what I want to say. (what 在从句中充当 ,不能省略)(2) My opinion is that we should make a decision right now.(that 只引导,本身无词义,在从句中也不充当任何句子成分,可以省略)(3) The problem is who should be responsible for this car accident.(who 在从句中当 ,不能省略)(4) What I want to know (从句 )is who is in charge of the work(从句)

9、 .(用于引导从句的 what和引导从句的 who都不能省略 )(5) It looks as if it 's going to rain. (looks 是系动词 )3. 宾语从句: ,在动词或介词的后面通常都跟有宾语。引导宾语从句的连接词与主语从句和表语从句一样, 是 that, whether ( if ), who,whoever, which,when,where, how, why, what,whatever 等。例如本文中出现的几个宾语从句:(1) I stood there and thought that I would have to phone to the

10、meeting to explain that I was not able to arrive there on time第. 句是 thought的宾语从句,第句是 explain 的宾语从句。(2) I suppose you are lost.(这是 suppose的宾语从句,省略了 that).(3) Afterward I told him where I wanted to go, took his arm, and we started.(这是 told 的宾语从句,充当间接宾语,引导词 where 在从句中充当状语)(4) I wondered why he found hi

11、s way so easily.(wondered的宾从,why在从句中充当状语) 另外 :宾语从句除了可以跟在及物动词之后外, 还可以跟在介词的后面, 充当介词的宾语 Eg: Your composition is quite good except that there are some spelling mistakes.(充当介词 except 的宾语)What we should take with us (主语从句) depends on where we'll stay.(充当介词 on 的宾语)在使用宾语从句时,要注意:1) 宾语从句的时态 当主句是过去时的某种时态时,

12、从句的时态也要用相应的过去时的时态。Eg:The teacher asked him whether he had studied English for 6 years.但如果主句是现在的时态,则从句的时态根据从句本身的实际情况而定。Eg:I am glad that you passed the exam.2) that 在引导宾语从句通常都省略,如上文中的第句。3) 如果主句中 it 做形式宾语,而 that 引导宾语从句是真正的宾语时, that 不能省略。Eg: Many students take it for granted that their parents should d

13、o everything for them.(it 是形式宾语, that 引导的宾语从句是真正的宾语,不能省略 that)形容词性从句5. 定语从句: 。在全句中 相当于形容词 ,用来修饰先行词(即被定 语从句修饰的词)名词或代词,或修饰整个主句。定语从句属于非独立性从句,本身不 能独立存在,应该紧跟在它的先行词之后。根据与先行词之间关系的密切程度,定语从句分 为两类:限制性定语从句和非限制性定语从句。 由关系代词 (who, whom, whose, which, that, as) 或关系副词 (when, where, why)引导的从句,限制性定语从句: 与先行词的关系密切, 如果将

14、定语从句删掉, 那么剩下的主句部分就会 含混不清,另外,限制性定语从句之前不用标点符号。如上文中: The place where the meeting was going to be hedl was on the other side of the town.I was very glad to have a man who could take me to the meeting. 非限制性定语从句: 对先行词做进一步的解释或说明, 如果删除掉,不影响整个句子的基 本意思,通常用逗号与主句部分分开。例如:(1) A student, whose name I do'nt kno

15、w, comes to see you.(2) They will fly to London, where they plan to stay for a week.(3) Tom didn't pass the maths exam, which made his parents angry.(4) One of the most senic areas is the Loire Valley, where you can visit the old castles in which the kings and queens of France used to live.分析: 在

16、上文第句 The place where the meeting was going to be hedl was on the other side of the town.中,主句部分是 The place was on the other side of the town. 由关系副词 where 引导的从句 where the meeting was going to be held是表示地点的先行词 the place的定语,引导 词 where 在从句中充当地点状语 , 相当于 in the place。注 1:需要注意的是,当先行词是表示地点的名词时, 引导词可以是关系代词 th

17、at 或 which , 但有时也用关系副词 where。例如:(1) This is the place which / that we visited last year.(2) This is the place where I once worked.具体区别在于:引导词 that 或 which 是关系代词,在从句中要充当主语或宾语。在第(1)句中, which / that在定语从句中相当于做 的 语;而引导词where 是关系副词,在定语从句中只能担当状语,如第 (2)句中, where 做的 语,相当于 ,从句可以理解为: .注 2:另外,当先行词是表示时间的名词时,定语从句的

18、引导词同样可以是 that 或 which , 有时也用 when,其区别也是如此: that / which 在定语从句中充当主语或宾语,而关系副词 when 则在所引导的定语从句中充当时间状语。例如:(1)We often think of the days which / that we spent together on the island.(2)We often think of the days when we worked together in the town.虽然这两个句子的先行词都是 the days,但是在第一句中, which / that 相当于 , 在定语从句中

19、做谓语动词 的语;在第二句中, when 相当于,,在定语从句中做 语:还有一个关系副词 why 可以用于引导限制性定语从句,其先行词只能是 reason,why 指 原因,在定语从句中只能做原因状语。例如:The reason why I was late for the class was that I missed the bus.在上文的第句中: I was very glad to have a man who could take me to the meeting主. 句 部分是 I was very glad to have a man,定语从句是由关系代词 who 引导的,其

20、先行词是 a man。 当先行词是人时,其定语从句的引导词可以是 who, whom,也可以是 that。例如:Where is the man (who / whom / that) I saw yesterday.用于引导定语从句中引导词还有关系代词 whom, whose, which 和 as,其具体用法如下:1. whom: 先行词必须是人, whom 在定语从句中只能做宾语。例如:He is the man whom I met yesterday.该句中的 whom 可以换成 who 或 that,也可以省略。 who 和 that 在定语从句中可以充当 主语和宾语,因此,当定语

21、从句的引导词在从句中担当宾语时, who, that和 whom 可以互 换,也可以省略。但是,如果在 引导词前面出现了介词,则只能使用 whom 。例如:I like my English teacher, from whom I learn a lot. 如果先行词是并列情况,既有人又有物时,只能用that。例如:They talked about the teachers and schools that they had visited.(先行词既有人 teachers,又有物 schools)2. whose:相当于形容词性的物主代词, 是唯一一个可以在所引导的定语从句中充当定语的

22、引导词,其先行词可以是物,也可以是人。例如:(1) You are the only person whose advice he might listen to.( 先行词是人)(2) I 'd like a room whose window faces south. (先行词是物)3. which: 其先行词只能是物,在定语从句中做主语或宾语,在做宾语时,可以省略。多 数情况下可以与 that 互换。例如:(1) This is the photo which shows my little pet cat.( which 在定语从句中做主语,不能省略,可以换成 that)(2)

23、 I 've lost the watch which I bought last week.( which 在定语从句中做 bought 的宾语,可以省略,可以换成 that)但是,which 可以引导非限制性定语从句, 或指代前面整个主句的意思, 而 that 却不可以。 eg:They have three houses, which are built of stone.( which 在引导一个非限制性定语从句)She married Tom, which surprised everyone. (which指 She married Tom这件事,不能用 that) 如果在

24、表示物的先行词后面有介词,引导词不能用 that,只能用 which。例如:The train on which she was traveling was late.4. as:关系代词,常用于两个句型中:suchas(像一样的),the same as (和 同样的),其中, such 和 same作定语,修饰主句中的名词或代词先行词, as在所引导的 定语从句中担任主语、宾语和表语。例如:Such countries as lie in the Middle America are small in area.(such 修饰先行词 countries,as在所引导的定语从句中充当主语)

25、He is not the same man as he was.(the same修饰先行词 man, as在所引导的定语从句中充当表语)另外,as 还可以引导非限制性定语从句, 所引导的定语从句可以位于主句的后面, 也可以 位于主句的前面,用来指代整个句子或主句的一部分,并对其加以补充或说明。例如: This elephant is like a snake, as / which everybody can see. (which 在引导非限制性定语从句的 时候,只能放在主句的后面。 )As everybody can see, this elephant is like a snake

26、.副词性从句6. 状语从句: ,可以修饰谓语或整个句子。可以表示地点、 时间、原因、目的、结果、让步、方式、比较、条件等。时间状语从句:常用于引导时间状语从句的连词有: when, while, as, as soon as, before, after, till, until, since, directly, immediately, the moment / second / minute / instant (that)(一就) , every time(每次) , each time(每次)等。例如上文中的第句:As I followed him through the dark

27、streets, I wondered why he found his way so easily.Eg: I 'll tell him the news the minute he gets here.I was watching TV when my mother came in.Do not stop every time you come to a word or phrasey ou don ' t know.I ' sllpeak to him as soon as he comes back.The young man phoned his mother

28、 immediately he reached the university.He had scarcely entered the room when it began to rain.地点状语从句 :常用于引导地点状语从句的连词有 where 和 wherever。例如:Where there is a will, there is a way.原因状语从句: 常用于引导原因状语从句的连词有: because, since(now that), as, fo等r 。 例如上文中的第句话: All traffic came to a stop because the drivers were

29、 not able to see more than a yard in front of them.目的状语从句: 常由连词 so that, so that, in order that 引导。例如:Eg: He studies very hard so that he may pass the final exam.He studies so hard that he may pass the final exam.结果状语从句: 常由连词 so that, so that, such that等引导。例如:He spoke very clearly so that I understo

30、od him quite well.让步状语从句: 多由连词 though(虽然) , although(虽然) , even if(即使) , even though(即 使) , while (然而) , whereas(尽管,但是)等引导。例如:Although it is winter, it is not very cold. (although 同于 though,注意不要与 but 连用)Even if it is raining, we 'll go. (同于 even though)They want a house, whereas we would rather

31、live in a flat.方式状语从句: 多由 as, as if, though引导。例如:I have changed the plan as you suggest.Out teacher loves us as if / as though we were her childre(n.从句中使用了虚拟语气) 比较状语从句: 常用 than 和 as引导。例如:This question is more difficult than I thought.条件状语从句: 由连词 if, unless (= if not)(如果不), given (that)(鉴于、如果), suppo

32、sing (that) (假如) , assuming (that)(假如) , providing (that)(假如)等引导。例如:If it rains tomorrow, we will not go to the park.Unless he studies hard, he will never pass the examination.注意: if 引导的条件状语从句有两种情况:一种是表示可能成为现实的情况,即真实条件 句;但是如果假设的情况完全不存在或实现的可能性极小,可以说几乎没有时,就是非真实 条件句,即虚拟条件句(虚拟语气) 。结论:无论是哪一类从句, 本质都是 ,必须是

33、一个完整的句子, 要具备完整的句子结构; 其次,必须有连词引起句子; 第三,从句都应使用陈述语序 (这是为什么呢?)。大显身手:Directions: There are 20 incomplete sentences in this section. For each sentence, there are 4 choices of wordsmarked A, B, C and D. Choose the ONE answer that best completes the sentences.1. Do you remember the day he fell off the tree?

34、A. which B. that C. when D. where2. It wasn' stuch a good dinner she had promised us.A. thatB. whichC. asD. what3. The baby didn't stop crying the mother came in.A. untilB. whenC. as soon asD. as4. You see the lightning it happens, but you hear the thunder later.A. in the minuteB. the minute

35、C. for the minuteD. on the minute5. I have not found my book yet; I am not sure I could have done with it.A. whetherB. whyC. whatD. when6. Although Anne is happy with her success , she wonders will happen to her family.A. thatB. whatC. itD. this7. There is no doubt he will soon come .A. thatB. whyC. ifD. whether8. Don't go into that old house there are many mice.A.


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