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1、如何培养学生的学习动机外文翻译How to cultivate students learning motivationIn the year of 1998, Dornyei and Csize did a questionnaire survey during the 200 teachers in all kinds of schools in Hungary, on the basis of the results, they concluded “Ten Commandmentfsor Motivating Language Learners ” , that is *set a p

2、ersonal example with your own behavior *create a pleasant, relaxed atmosphere in the classroom*present the task properly*develop a good relationship with the learners* increase the learners linguistic self ? confidence*make the language classes interesting*promote learner autonomy*personalize the le

3、arning progress*increase the learners goal ? orientatedness*familiarize learners with the target language culture According to their “ ten commandment” s I suggest someways to cultivate students learning motivation in detail:4.1 Attaching importance to the students needs analysisStudents motivation

4、always meets the students needs, so it ismotivation by analyzinghel pful to the teachers find out the studentsthe students need. In foreign language learning, the teachers should pay attention to the students affective factors, and mobilize the students enthusiasm, then make the students turn“ Teach

5、er makes melearn ” into “ I want to learn ” . Scientists point out that humanbeings and animals both have motivations. If a student is motivated when he does something, he does it excellent and fast. It is obvious that the need or desire that makes a student overcome difficulties to reach the goal a

6、t last.There are many students don t know whether they need the foreign language learning or not. This moment, the teachers should inform the students clearly of the importance of the foreign language .Take English as an example, the teacher can tell the students English is an international language

7、. Since English is used so widely in science and technology nowadays that they will undoubtedly encounter the language whatever they will do in future. Therefore, mastery of the language will be of great help to their future career, and even to travel around the world 4.2 Arousing the students inter

8、ests in language learningInterest plays an important role in foreign language learning.According to intrinsic motivation theory, interest is an inborn drive to display one s ability and confidence, expectation value theory defines interest as the attraction of the task that can be accomplished. A Ch

9、inese saying goes ” Interest is the best teacher ” . It tells us the important role that the interests of students play in their learning. In order to arouse the students interests, the teachers should:4.2.1 Add more materials that fit the appetites of the students, such as foreign language sports n

10、ews, pop songs, and the development of the up-to- date science technology. What s more, the teachers may even let the students choose subjects that they are mostly fond of.4.2.2 Give students continuous assessment and make record of personal achievement. In this way, the students will know how much

11、they have achieved after certain period of time and hard working. Meanwhile, if the teachers give timely encouragement to the students, they will be more and more interested in what they are learning.4.2.3 Ask the students to give lessons to other students for 5-10 minutes at the beginning of each c

12、lass. They will do a wonderful job after a careful preparation. If their performances win applause from the peers, they will be greatly satisfied, because they feel they have accomplished a task, and will be more confident.4.2.4 Develop colorful activities, such as English Salon, English Corner, or

13、a Speech Competition in English and so on. The most important thing is that teachers should try their best to help learners make the activities more colorful, vivid and interesting so as to stimulate learners interest in foreign language learning.4.2.5 Use modern teaching instruments to arouse the s

14、tudentsinterest. With the development of society and science, some modern instruments have been introduced to classroom teaching and learning. It is new to learners and makes the knowledge directly and vividly.4.2.6 Input the cultural background to make the students love the foreign country, and the

15、n they will be eager to learn the language. The learner who does not like the nation or cultural of the foreign language, he or she can not like the nation or cultural of that nation, or even does not like to learn it at all. In the past, most college students did not like to learn Japanese as their

16、 second language only because Japanese invasion to China and Japanese slaughter in Nanjing were indelibly engraved on the memoryof the Chinese people. They hated Japanese nation, so they did not want to learn Japanese well. Therefore, it is necessaryto have cultural background input. Proper introduc

17、tion of culture of the second language can stimulate learners learning motivation. Sometimes, the learners themselves are eager to read works about the interesting cultural customs in original version. In a word, cultural background input can stimulate learners interest in language learning 4.3 Impr

18、oving the teachers quality of teachingIn the eyes of students, what are the good qualities does a teacher need to help in providing intrinsic motivationA study done by Denis Girard 1997 suggests certain conclusion:* The teacher must be fair, treat his students equally and as faras possible understan

19、d* The teacher must offer a good model as the target language user* The teacher must be a good technician: his students should understand what is wanted of them, be able to pronounce correctly, andbe stimulated into activity in target language As humanbeings, we all have our likes and hates, but as

20、teachers, we should love every studentand try to find the merit of each of them. For some students the warmththey get from their teacher may be the most important support to theirlearning interest. “ The expectations of teacher often affect the student, his behavior, and even his achievement. ” Sil

21、berman, 1969; Crist 1971. It is hardly believable that a student who is often ignored and even jeered by the foreign language teacher can be highly motivated in the language learning.The teachers own are foreign language learners, so what they do can set good examples for the students. Teachers know

22、ledge construction and the enthusiasm for teaching can influence on the students unobtrusively. The profound knowledge and excellent basic skillstrainingare the essential quality for teachers, because the students admire the teachers who good at teaching and versatile, then this kind of admiration w

23、ill become the motivation. In addition, the teachers emotions also effect the students motivation. I can not believe the teachers who hate the foreign language teaching can make their students love the foreign language learning.The teachers teaching skills affect the students learningmotivation dire

24、ctly. Have a clear purpose for every lesson and get the students understand that it is. First of all, the teachers should be well prepared for the lesson. They should be aware of the factors influencing lesson planning, such as length, students language level, class size, physical conditions, object

25、ive, aids, method and so on. Secondly, they should think of the situation he might meet in the classroom, what problems might happen and how to solve them. Thirdly, they should know very clear about each step of his plan. A competent teacher will make his students satisfy and confident in their stud

26、y. Moreover, the t eachers excellent pronunciation and handwriting also promote the students learning motivation in certain degree.4.4 Adopting the correct teaching methodThe method by which students are taught must have some effect on their motivation. If they find it deadly boring they will probab

27、ly become demotivated, whereas if they have confidence in the method they will find it motivating. But perhaps this is the most difficult area of all to be certain of. Wethink that motivated student will probably succeed whatever method is used.It is also true that different students are more or les

28、s sympathetic to any particular method depending upon their expectations.The students confidence in the method largely depends on the teachers ability to the both adaptable and flexible.Adaptability refers to the teacher s ability to choose and adapt his program on the basis of the different student

29、s he finds himself teaching, because different students have motivational differences. And these should have a powerful influence on the teacher s use and choice of activities and materials.Flexibility refers to the behavior of the teacher in the class and his ability to be sensitive to the changing

30、 of needs of the group as the lesson progress. He must be prepared to adapt and alter his plan if thisproves to be necessary. The teaching method of adaptability and flexibility make the real difference between teaching and learning. The adaptable teacher is the one who knows how to teach and is cle

31、ar about the effect his teaching having on his students. The teacher whois flexible and is prepared to adapt, on the other hand, is the teacher who carefully assesses his beliefs and plans in the light of the particular situation he is faced with, and whose main concern isthat acquisition and learni

32、ng should take place.The good teaching method sees the students continuing interest and involvement in the learning process as being the dominating factor in language teaching, and tries to focus the students on learning to learn.From a pedagogical point of view, the students learning activities sho

33、uld be directed at activating his prior conceptions and relating it to new knowledge. Because the students do not just passively take in knowledge, but actively constructs it on the basis of his/her prior knowledge and experience Piaget, 1972.Accordingly, the teacher should provide the students with

34、 opportunities to test and try out his new conceptual understanding in varied applied circumstances like problem solving Wilson, 1996.4.5 Using the proper teacher talkTeacher talk refers to the language used by teachers for organizing teaching in class, and teachers can carry out their teaching thou

35、ghts and plans by their talk. Linguistics researches indicate teacher talk isimportan t for both the teachers teaching and students learning, because only depends on teacher talk organizing teaching, the teaching contents can achieve the expectant results Nunan, 1991 The teachers self- cultivation d

36、ecides the teachers learning efficien cy. General speaking, teacher talk includes asking students questions, answering the students question, explaining the teaching points and promoting or comments for drills, etc. The relationship between teachers quantityand quality and the atmosphere of class, t

37、he discipline, the studentsattention and interests are closely. The forms of teachers question:Yes or no question, need not students making sentence choose-question, choose one phrase to answer lead-question, need one whole sentence to answer® open-ended question, let the students express thems

38、elves by any words. The comments are divided into two kinds: positive and negative comments. According to many questionnaires, the positive comments, such as ok, good, excellenc e, that s right promote the students learning motivation. On the contrary, the negative commentsmakethe students feel asha

39、med, lose the learning interests, even give up finding the rightanswers In fact, this point is on the basis of the S-R-R principal. S-R-R principal refers to Stimulate-Response-Reinforcement. That is the viewof behaviorism. With the regard to humanlanguage, the representative of behaviorism /.nner m

40、entioned that: ” the language behavior of an individual is shaped by sequences of differential rewards, or their lack, in the learner s environment. When babies begin to babble, they make a very wide variety of sounds.Parents, however, regard only those sounds that are present in the language of tha

41、t household of family or community. The baby becomes conditione d to produce those sounds that have been rewarded ” /.nner, 1975. /.nner s theory also goes in foreign language learning. The teacher should give students more encouragement rather than scold them.Because those with strong self-confiden

42、ce will explore their own potential ability more readily, and they are more clear about their own responsibility in study. In learning foreign language, this is veryimportant. If a student lacks of self-confidence, he will not dare to open his mouth to practice English. So the teacher should offer s

43、tudents such a feeling: you are capable, so long as you are confident and pay more efforts, you, of course, can learn English well.4.6 Setting up the good relationship between teachers and students Researchers recognize that a secured and relaxed environment iscrucial to learners. Only when learners

44、 feel that they are secured and comfortable in an environment, are they willing to participate, to takerisk in using the language that is new to them. It is, therefore, necessary for teachers to create such an environment in every possible way to lessen learners anxiety, because less anxious learner

45、s perform better thanvery anxious ones. So the teachers should set up the good relationshipwith the learners. If the teachers make friends with the learners, thelearners will feel ease, and then they can learn language active. We can not believe that we will in the one s class who we hate. From my o

46、wn experience, the subjects I like to learn almost taught by the teachersI loved, whereas the subjects taught by the teachers I do not like, I always like to learn, even give up. Many classmates have the same feeling with me.如何培养学生的学习动机1998年, Dornyei 和 Csize 对匈牙利各类学校的 200 名教师做了一次问卷调查。根据调查结果他们得出结论即“十

47、诫激励学习者”, 也就是 :* 以身作则 , 创造愉快 , 轻松的课堂氛围* 正确地提出任务* 与学生建立良好的关系* 增加学习者的语言自我意识 ?自信* 使语文课生动有趣* 激发学习者自主性* 为学习者设置个性化的学习进度* 增强学习者的目标感-* 使学习者熟悉目标语言文化根据他们的 “十诫” , 我建议一些方法, 以更加明确地培养学生的学习动机:4.1 重视学生的需求分析学生的学习动机总是满足学生的需要, 所以通过分析学生的需求可以帮助教师发现学生的学习动机, 通过分析学生的需要。 在外语学习中 , 教师应注意学生情感因素 , 调动学生的积极性, 然后让学生把 “老师让我学” 的消极被动变

48、成 “我要学”的积极主动。科学家指出 , 人类和动物都受动机的影响。如果一个学生做事情时有动力 , 那么他能够又快又好地完成任务。 显而易见 , 这是需要或欲望促使学生克服重重困难 , 最终达到目标。有很多学生不知道他们是否需要学习外语。在这种情况下 , 教师应明确地告诉学生外语学习的重要性 , 以英语为例 , 教师可以告诉学生, 英语是国际性的语言。 由于在当今社会英语被广泛应用于科学技术, 无论将来从事何种工作, 他们都会同英语打交道。 所以 , 掌握英语将会对他们未来的职业生涯有很大的帮助 , 甚至有益于周游世界。4.2 激发学生的语言学习兴趣兴趣在外语学习中起着重要的作用。根据内在动机

49、理论, 兴趣是显示自己的能力和信心的内在驱动力 , 期望价值理论定义兴趣为完成任务的诱因。中国有句古语:“兴趣是最好的老师”。 它告诉我们, 学生的兴趣在学习中发挥的重要作用。为了激发学生的兴趣, 教师应该做到如下几点 :4.2.1 添加更多适合学生口味的材料, 如外语体育新闻 , 流行歌曲 , 科学技术的最新发展。更重要的是, 老师尽可能让学生选择他们喜欢的主题。4.2.2 给予学生持续的评估及记录个人成就。通过这种方式, 学生将知道经过一段时间的努力学习 , 他们取得了多大的成就。 与此同时 , 如果教师给予学生及时的鼓励 , 他们将会对所学的东西越来越感兴趣。4.2.3 让学生给其他同学

50、做5-10 分钟的课前展示。 经过了精心的准备, 他们会出色地完成任务。如果他们的展示赢得了同龄人的掌声 , 他们将会感到极大的满足 , 因为他们觉得自己已经完成了任务, 而且会变得更加有信心。4.2.4 开展丰富多彩的活动, 如英语沙龙, 英语角或英语演讲比赛等丰富多彩的活。最重要的是, 教师应尽力使这些活动更加丰富多彩, 生动有趣 , 从而激发学习者对外语学习的兴趣。4.2.5 使用现代化的教学手段, 激发学生的学习兴趣。随着社会和科学的发展 , 一些现代化的工具已被引入到课堂教学和学习当中。这种新颖的方法能够直接生动地展示出所学的知识。4.2.6 灌输学生渴望学习语言的国家的文化背景使他

51、们喜欢那个国家 , 然后他们才会愿意学习那个国家的语言。学习者不喜欢那个民族或文化 , 他或她不可能会喜欢那个民族及民族文化 , 他们更不可能喜欢学习它的语言。 过去 , 大多数大学生不喜欢学习日语作为第二语言仅仅是因为日本侵略过中国和日本在南京屠杀中国人给他们留下了无法磨灭的痛苦记忆。他们痛恨日本民族, 所以他们不想学好日语。因此 , 有必要输入文化背景。适当引入第二语言的文化可以激发学习者的学习动机。 有时 , 学习者本身都争相阅读原著作品中有趣的风俗习惯。 总之 , 文化背景的输入可以激发学生语言学习的兴趣。4.3 提高教师的教学质量在学生眼中 , 良好的素质, 老师应当具备什么样的良好

52、素质才能帮助学生提供内在动机?由丹尼斯?吉拉德(1997 ) 所做的一项研究提出了若干结论:* 教师必须公正 , 平等地对待每个学生, 并尽可能了解他们* 作为目标语言使用者, 教师必须提供了一个好的模型* 教师必须是一个很好的技术人员 : 他的学生应该明白他们想要什么 , 能够正确发音 , 和积极参与目标语言的相关活动。作为人类 , 我们每个人都有喜好厌恶, 但作为教师, 我们要爱每一个学生, 并试图发现他们每个人的优点。对于一些学生来说, 他们从老师那里得到的温暖可能是对他们学习兴趣的最重要的支持。 “老师的期望往往会影响学生的行为 ,甚至是成就。 ” (西尔伯曼 ,1969; 克里斯特

53、,1971) 。 如果学生总是被忽视甚至被外语老师嘲笑的情况下仍然对语言学习有强烈的动机, 这是难以置信的。自身作为外语学习者 , 教师应当清楚做什么可以为学生树立良好的榜样。教师的知识建设和教学的积极性, 可能在无形当中对学生产生影响。渊博的知识和过硬的基本功训练是教师的基本素质, 因为学生佩服深谙教学之道又多才多艺的老师 , 而这种钦佩又可以转变为动机。此外 , 教师的情绪也影响了学生的学习动 机。我不相信讨厌外语教学的教师可以让自己的学生热爱学习外语。教师教学技能直接影响学生的学习动机。 每节课都要有明确的目的并且让学生明白。 首先 , 教师应做好充分准备。 他们应该意识到影响备课的因素 , 如课程长度 , 学生的语言水平, 班级大小 , 学生身体状况, 教学目标 , 辅助工具及其方法等。其次 , 他们应该想到 , 在课堂上他可能遇到什么样的情况, 会碰到哪些问题以及如何解决这些问题。第三 , 他们应该很清楚自己的每一步计划。一个称职的老师会让他的学生们在学习中得到满足和自信。 此外 , 在一定程度上 , 教师的标准的语音和漂亮的手写也能激发学生的学习动机。4.4 采用正确的教学方法所采用的教导方法对学生的动机有一定的影响。 如果他们发现教导方法非常无


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