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1、内容摘要:在生产过程中,使生产对象(原材料,毛坯,零件或总成等)的质和量的状态发生直接变化的过程叫工艺过程,如毛坯制造,机械加工,热处理,装配等都称之为工艺过程。在制定工艺过程中,要确定各工序的安装工位和该工序需要的工步,加工该工序的机车及机床的进给量,切削深度,主轴转速和切削速度,该工序的夹具,刀具及量具,还有走刀次数和走刀长度,最后计算该工序的基本时间,辅助时间和工作地服务时间。关键词:工序,工位,工步,加工余量,定位方案,夹紧力Abstract : Enable producing the target in process of production (raw materials, t

2、he blank , state of quality and quantity on part become always ) take place direct course of change ask craft course, if the blank is made, machining, heat treatment , assemble etc. and call it the craft course. In the course of making the craft , is it confirm every erector location and worker step

3、 that process need this of process to want, the locomotive of processing , this process , and the entering the giving amount of the lathe, cut depth , the rotational speed of the main shaft and speed of cutting, the jig of this process, the cutter and measuring tool, a one hundred sheets of number o

4、f times still leaves and a one hundred sheets of length leaves, calculate basic time of this process , auxiliary time and service time of place of working finally. Keyword: The process, worker one, worker's step , the surplus of processing, orient the scheme , clamp strength目 录摘要Abstract第一章 绪论 3

5、第二章 零件的工艺分析32.1 零件的工艺分析 32.2 确定毛坯的制造形式 32.3 箱体零件的工艺性 3第三章 拟定箱体加工的工艺路线 3 3.1 定位基准的选择 33.2 加工路线的拟定 4第四章 加工余量,工序尺寸及毛坯尺寸的确定 6 4.1 机盖 6 4.2 机座 7 4.3 机体 8第五章 确定切削用量及基本工时 9 5.1 机盖 95.2 机座 145.3 机体 23第六章 夹具设计 346.1 粗铣下平面夹具 346.2 粗铣前后端面夹具 36参考文献 40结论 41 附录 42外文资料及译文 47 附件 零件图和夹具图及加工工艺卡第一章:概述箱体零件是机器或部件的基础零件,它


7、也采用焊接毛坯.毛坯的铸造方法,取决于生产类型和毛坯尺寸.在单件小批生产中,多采用木模手工造型;在大批量生产中广泛采用金属模机器造型,毛坯的精度较高.箱体上大于3050mm的孔,一般都铸造出顶孔,以减少加工余量.第二章:零件工艺的分析2.1 零件的工艺分析2.1.1 要加工孔的孔轴配合度为H7,表面粗糙度为Ra小于1.6um,圆度为0.0175mm,垂直度为0.08mm,同轴度为0.02mm。2.1.2 其它孔的表面粗糙度为Ra小于12.5um,锥销孔的表面粗糙度为Ra小于1.6um。2.1.3 盖体上平面表面粗糙度为Ra小于12.5um,端面表面粗糙度为Ra小于3.2um,机盖机体的结合面的

8、表面粗糙度为Ra小于3.2um,结合处的缝隙不大于0.05mm,机体的端面表面粗糙度为Ra小于12.5um。2.2 确定毛坯的制造形式由于铸铁容易成形,切削性能好,价格低廉,且抗振性和耐磨性也较好,因此,一般箱体零件的材料大都采用铸铁,其牌号选用HT20-40,由于零件年生产量2万台,已达到大批生产的水平,通常采用金属摸机器造型,毛坯的精度较高,毛坯加工余量可适当减少。2.3 箱体零件的结构工艺性箱体的结构形状比较复杂,加工的表面多,要求高,机械加工的工作量大,结构工艺性有以下几方面值得注意:2.3.1 本箱体加工的基本孔可分为通孔和阶梯孔两类,其中通孔加工工艺性最好,阶梯孔相对较差。2.3.

9、2 箱体的内端面加工比较困难,结构上应尽可能使内端面的尺寸小于刀具需穿过之孔加工前的直径,当内端面的尺寸过大时,还需采用专用径向进给装置。2.3.3 为了减少加工中的换刀次数,箱体上的紧固孔的尺寸规格应保持一致,本箱体分别为直径11和13。第三章:拟定箱体加工的工艺路线3.1 定位基准的选择定位基准有粗基准和精基准只分,通常先确定精基准,然后确定粗基准。3.1.1 精基准的选择根据大批大量生产的减速器箱体通常以顶面和两定位销孔为精基准,机盖以下平面和两定位销孔为精基准,平面为330X20mm,两定位销孔以直径6mm,这种定位方式很简单地限制了工件六个自由度,定位稳定可靠;在一次安装下,可以加工

10、除定位面以外的所有五个面上的孔或平面,也可以作为从粗加工到精加工的大部分工序的定位基准,实现“基准统一”;此外,这种定位方式夹紧方便,工件的夹紧变形小;易于实现自动定位和自动夹紧,且不存在基准不重合误差。3.1.2 基准的选择加工的第一个平面是盖或低坐的对和面,由于分离式箱体轴承孔的毛坯孔分布在盖和底座两个不同部分上很不规则,因而在加工盖回底座的对和面时,无法以轴承孔的毛坯面作粗基准,而采用凸缘的不加工面为粗基准。故盖和机座都以凸缘A面为粗基准。这样可以保证对合面加工后凸缘的厚薄较为均匀,减少箱体装合时对合面的变形。3.2 加工路线的拟定3.2.1 分离式箱体工艺路线与整体式箱体工艺路线的主要

11、区别在于:整个加工过程分为两个大的阶段,先对盖和低座分别进行加工,而后再对装配好的整体箱体进行加工。第一阶段主要完成平面,紧固孔和定位空的加工,为箱体的装合做准备;第二阶段为在装合好的箱体上加工轴承孔及其端面。在两个阶段之间应安排钳工工序,将盖与底座合成箱体,并用二锥销定位,使其保持一定的位置关系,以保证轴承孔的加工精度和撤装后的重复精度。 表一 WHX112减速机箱盖的工艺过程工序号工序名称工 序 内 容工艺装备1铸造2清砂清除浇注系统,冒口,型砂,飞边,飞刺等3热处理人工时效处理4涂漆非加工面涂防锈漆5粗铣以分割面为装夹基面,按线找正,夹紧工件,铣顶部平面,保证尺寸3mm专用铣床6粗铣以已

12、加工上平面及侧面做定位基准,装夹工件,铣结合面,保证尺寸12mm,留有磨削余量0.050.06mm专用铣床7磨磨分割面至图样尺寸12mm专用磨床8钻以分割面及外形定位,钻4 11mm孔,413mm孔,钻攻4 M6mm孔专用钻床9检验检查各部尺寸及精度 表二 WHX112减速机机座的工艺过程工序号工序名称工 序 内 容工艺装备1铸造2清砂清除浇注系统,冒口,型砂,飞边,飞刺等3热处理人工时效处理4涂漆非加工面涂防锈漆5粗铣以分割面定位装夹工件,铣底面,保证高度尺寸242.5mm专用铣床6粗铣以底面定位,按线找正,装夹工件,铣分割面留磨量0.5-0.8mm专用铣床7磨以底面定位,装夹工件,磨分割面

13、,保证尺寸240mm专用磨床8钻钻底面419mm,411mm,413mm专用钻床9钻钻攻3M16mm,15mm,4M12mm,深25mm专用钻床10钻钻攻2M16mm,深15mm, 3M6mm,深10mm专用钻床11钳箱体底部用煤油做渗漏试验12检验检查各部尺寸及精度 表三 WHX112减速机箱体合箱后的工艺过程工序号工序名称工 序 内 容工艺装备1钳将箱盖,箱体对准和箱,用10M12螺栓,螺母紧固2钻钻,铰26mm的锥销孔,装入锥销专用钻床3钳将箱盖,箱体做标记,编号4粗铣以底面定位,按底面一边找正,装夹工件,兼顾其他三面的加工尺寸,铣前后端面,保证尺寸260mm专用铣床5粗铣以底面定位,按



16、m),加工蜗轮面轴承孔专用镗床15钻用底面和两销孔定位,用钻模板钻,攻蜗杆轴承空端面螺孔专用钻床16钻用底面和两销孔定位,用钻模板钻,攻蜗轮轴承空端面螺孔专用钻床17锪孔用带有锥度为90度的锪钻锪轴承孔内边缘倒角445度专用钻床18钳撤箱,清理飞边,毛刺19钳合箱,装锥销,紧固20检验检查各部尺寸及精度21入库入库 第四章:机械加工余量,工序尺寸及毛坯尺寸的确定根据上述原始资料及加工工艺,分别确定各加工表面的机械加工余量,工序尺寸及毛坯的尺寸如下:4.1 机盖4.1.1 毛坯的外廓尺寸:考虑其加工外廓尺寸为330×230×133 mm,表面粗糙度要求RZ为3.2um,根据机

17、械加工(1)、移动时基准位移误差 =0.009+0.027+0.016 =0.052mm(2)、转角误差 其中: 6.2.2 铣削力与夹紧力计算根据机械加工工艺手册可查得:铣削力计算公式为圆周分力 查表可得: Z=20 代入得 =6571N查表可得铣削水平分力、垂直分力、轴向分力与圆周分力的比值为: 当用两把铣刀同时加工时铣削水平分力 铣削加工产生的水平分力应由夹紧力产生的摩擦力平衡。 即: (u=0.25) 计算出的理论夹紧力F再乘以安全系数k既为实际所需夹紧力 即: 取k=3.3275 F/=3.327542054.4=139936N6.2.5 夹紧装置及夹具体设计 为了提高生产效率,缩短

18、加工中的辅助时间。因此夹紧装置采用气动夹紧装置。工件在夹具上安装好后,气缸活塞带动压块从上往下移动夹紧工件。 根据所需要的夹紧力F/=139936N,来计算气缸缸筒内径。 气缸活塞杆推力 其中:P压缩空气单位压力 (取P=6公斤力/) 效率 (取) Q=F/=13993.6公斤力 厘米取D0=60厘米=600mm 夹具体的设计主要考虑零件的形状及将上述各主要元件联成一个整体。这些主要元件设计好后即可画出夹具的设计装配草图。整个夹具的结构夹具装配图3所示。6.2.6 夹具设计及操作的简要说明本夹具用于减速器箱体前后端面的粗铣。夹具的定位采用一面两销,定位可靠,定位误差较小。其夹紧采用的是气动夹紧

19、,夹紧简单、快速、可靠。有利于提高生产率。工件在夹具体上安装好后,压块在气缸活塞的推动下向下移动夹紧工件。当工件加工完成后,压块随即在气缸活塞的作用下松开工件,即可取下工件。由于本夹具用于变速箱体端面的粗加工,对其进行精度分析无太大意义。所以就略去对其的精度分析。 参考文献1, 邹青 主编 机械制造技术基础课程设计指导教程 北京: 机械工业出版社 2004,8 2, 赵志修 主编 机械制造工艺学 北京: 机械工业出版社 1984,23, 孙丽媛 主编 机械制造工艺及专用夹具设计指导 北京:冶金工业出版社 2002,12 4, 李洪 主编 机械加工工艺手册 北京: 北京出版社 1990,125,

20、 邓文英 主编 金属工艺学 北京: 高等教育出版社 20006, 黄茂林 主编 机械原理 重庆: 重庆大学出版社 2002,77, 丘宣怀 主编 机械设计 北京: 高等教育出版社 19978, 储凯 许斌 等主编 机械工程材料 重庆: 重庆大学出版社 1997,129, 廖念钊 主编 互换性与技术测量 北京: 中国计量出版社 2000,110,乐兑谦 主编 金属切削刀具 北京: 机械工业出版社 1992,1211,李庆寿 主编 机床夹具设计 北京: 机械工业出版社 1983,412,陶济贤 主编 机床夹具设计 北京: 机械工业出版社 1986,413, 机床夹具结构图册 贵州:贵州人民出版社

21、1983,714,龚定安 主编 机床夹具设计原理 陕西:陕西科技出版社,1981,715,李益民 主编 机械制造工艺学习题集 黑龙江: 哈儿滨工业大学出版社 1984, 716, 周永强等 主编 高等学校毕业设计指导 北京: 中国建材工业出版社 2002,12结论:在本次毕业设计中,我们将设计主要分为两大部分进行:工艺编制部分和夹具设计部分。在工艺部分中,我们涉及到要确定各工序的安装工位和该工序需要的工步,加工该工序的机车及机床的进给量,切削深度,主轴转速和切削速度,该工序的夹具,刀具及量具,还有走刀次数和走刀长度,最后计算该工序的基本时间,辅助时间和工作地服务时间。其中,工序机床的进给量,主

22、轴转速和切削速度需要计算并查手册确定。 在夹具设计部分,首先需要对工件的定位基准进行确定,然后选择定位元件及工件的夹紧,在对工件夹紧的选择上,我用了两种不同的夹紧方法,即:粗铣下平面用的是螺钉压板夹紧机构,粗铣前后端面时用的是气动夹紧机构,两种方法在生产中都有各自的优点和不足,但都广泛运用在生产中。然后计算铣削力以及夹紧工件需要的夹紧力,这也是该设计中的重点和难点。 通过这次毕业设计,使我对大学四年所学的知识有了一次全面的综合运用,也学到了许多上课时没涉及到的知识,尤其在利用手册等方面,对今后毕业出去工作都有很大的帮助。另外,在这次设计当中,指导老师陈广凌老师,张彦博老师在大多数时间牺牲自己的

23、宝贵休息时间,对我们进行细心的指导,我对他们表示衷心的感谢!老师,您辛苦了!在这次毕业设计中,我基本完成了毕业设计的任务,达到了毕业设计的目的,但是,我知道自己的设计还有许多不足甚至错误,希望老师们能够谅解,谢谢! 外文资料及译文 原文:Television Video SignalsAlthough over 50 years old , the standard television signal is still one of the most common way to transmit an image. Figure 8.3 shows how the television sig

24、nal appears on an oscilloscope. This is called composite video, meaning that there are vertical and horizontal synchronization (sync) pulses mixed with the actual picture information. These pulses are used in the television receiver to synchronize the vertical and horizontal deflection circuits to m

25、atch the video being displayed. Each second of standard video contains 30 complete images, commonly called frames , A video engineer would say that each frame contains 525 lines, the television jargon for what programmers call rows. This number is a little deceptive because only 480 to 486 of these

26、lines contain video information; the remaining 39to 45 lines are reserved for sync pulses to keep the televisions circuits synchronized with the video signal.Standard television uses an interlaced format to reduce flicker in the displayed image. This means that all the odd lines of each frame are tr

27、ansmitted first, followed by the even lines. The group of odd lines is called the odd field, and the group of even lines is called the even field. Since each frame consists of two fields, the video signal transmits 60 fields per second. Each field starts with a complex series of vertical sync pulses

28、 lasting 1.3 milliseconds. This is followed by either the even or odd lines of video. Each line lasts for 63.5 microseconds, including a 10.2 microsecond horizontal sync pulse, separating one line from the next. Within each line, the analog voltage corresponds to the gray scale of the image, with br

29、ighter values being in the direction away from the sync pulses. This place the sync beyond the black range. In video jargon, the sync pulses are said to be blacker than black.The hardware used for analog-to-digital conversion of video signals is called a frame grabber. This is usually in the form of

30、 an electronics card that plugs into a computer, and connects to a camera through a coaxial cable. Upon command from software, the frame grabber waits for the beginning of the next frame, as indicated by the vertical sync pulses. During the following two fields,each line of video is sampled many tim

31、es, typically 512,640 or 720 samples per line, at 8bits per sample. These samples are stored in memory as one row of the digital image.This way of acquiring a digital image results in an important difference between the vertical and horizontal directions. Each row in the digital image corresponds to

32、 one line in the video signal, and therefore to one row of wells in the CCD. Unfortunately, the columns are not so straightforward. In the CCD, each row contains between about 400 and 800 wells (columns), depending on the particular device used. When a row of wells is read from the CCD, the resultin

33、g line of video is filtered into a smooth analog signal, such as in Figure 8.3. In other words, the video signal does not depend on how many columns are present in the CCD. The resolution in the horizontal direction is limited by how rapidly the analog signal is allowed to change. This is usually se

34、t at 3.2 MHz for color television, resulting in a rise time of about 100 nanoseconds, i.e, about 1/500th of the 53.2 microsecond video line.When the video signal is digitized in the frame grabber, it is converted back into columns, However, these columns in the digitized image have no relation to th

35、e columns in the CCD. The number of columns in the digital image depends solely on how many times the frame grabber samples each line of video. For example, a CCD might have 800 wells per row, while the digitized image might only have 512 pixels (i.e , columns) per row.The number of columns in the d

36、igitized image is also important for another reason. The standard television image has an aspect ratio of 4 to 3, i.e. , it is slightly wider than it is high. Motion pictures have the wider aspect ratio of 25 to 9. CCDs used for scientific applications often have an aspect ratio of 1 to 1, i.e , a p

37、erfect square. In any event, the aspect ratio of a CCD is fixed by the placement of the electrodes, and cannot be altered. However, the aspect ratio of the digitized image depends on the number of samples per line. This becomes a problem when the image is displayed, either on a video monitor or in a

38、 hardcopy. If the aspect ratio isnt properly reproduced, the image looks squashed horizontally or vertically.The 525 line video signal described here is called NTSC (National Television Systems Committee), a standard defined way back in 1954. This is the system used in the United States and Japan. I

39、n Europe there are two similar standards called PAL (Phase Alternation by Line) and SECAM (Sequential Chrominance And Memory). The basic concepts are the same , just the numbers are different. Both PAL and SECAM operate with 25 interlaced frames per second, with 625 lines per frame. Just as with NTS

40、C, some of these lines occur during the vertical sync, resulting in about 576 lines that carry picture information. Other more subtle differences relate to how color and sound are added to the signal.The most straightforward way of transmitting color television would be to have three separate analog

41、 signals, one for each of the three colors the human eye can detect: red, green and blue. Unfortunately, the historical development of television did not allow such a simple scheme. The color television signal was developed to allow existing black and white television sets to remain in use without m

42、odification. This was done by retaining the same signal for brightness information , but adding a separate signal for color information. In video jargon, the brightness is called the luminance signal, while the color is the chrominance signal. The chrominance signal is contained on a 3.58 MHz carrie

43、r wave added to the black and white video signal. Sound is added in this same way, on a 4.5 MHz carrier wave. The television receiver separates these three signals, processes them individually, and recombines them in the final diplay. 译文:关键词:核心,合成信号,电压耦合电视信号尽管已经拥有50年的历史了,电视信号依然是常用的传递信息的途径之一。图 8.3演示了

44、电视信号如何出现在一个示波器上。这叫做合成信号,意谓有垂直的方向和水平的方向的合成(同步)和真实的图片数据混合的脉冲信号。 这些脉冲被电视接收器同垂直与水平线以及其他歪斜线路配和成信号并被电视显示出来。标准的信号每秒包含30个完整的图像,一般被做成了体格,电视工程师会把每个体格编制成包含525条行(电视专门术语)。因为在这些线中的只有80到486条包含了电视信号的数据;剩余39到45条行被同步脉冲保留用以维持电视能与信号一起同时被使用,所以这一个数字稍微具有一定的迷惑性。标准的电视信号使用了一个被交织的格式以便减少显示时图像的闪烁。这就意谓着每个体格中的所有奇数的线首先被传输,而那些平坦的线然后跟随着被传输。那群奇数的线被叫做奇数领域, 和另外一群线叫做平坦领域。由于每个体格都是由二个领域组成,并且每秒以60个领域的速度进行信号传送。由一个复杂的连续垂直的同步脉冲长1.3个毫秒领域开始。这与跟随线或电视的平坦或奇数的线相结合。每条线的速度为63.5个微秒,包括一个10.2微秒的水平线以同步脉冲持续,分开并从下一个阶段排成一行。在每条线里面


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