



1、M1U2词汇练习 一、适当形式填空(单句适当形式)(共42小题;共42分) 1. We should take part in all kinds of  (active). 2. Van Gogh's younger brother, Theo,  (act) as his agent, tried hard to sell Van Gogh's paintings. 3. His  (explain) for his being late for the meeting sounds reasonable. 4. She gave a clea

2、r  (explain) of each of the rules and regulations. 5. Though  (surprise) to see us, the professor gave us a warm welcome. 6.  (surprise) at the scene, Dick didn't know what to say. 7. The boy was impolite. He  (behavior) very badly towards his parents. 8. That's to say, i

3、t does  (harm) to our health. 9. I consider that it is  (harm) for students to play computer games, though some of them don't think so.10. Air is a  (mix) of gases.11. His new play is a  (mix) of sadness and humour.12. The people there enjoy complete  (free) of speech.13

4、. I need some  (guide) on how to plan a trip to Europe.14. In the long run, one should save money for  (emerge).15. It is  (fool) of him to go there alone by bike on such a rainy day.16. It was so dark outside that we couldn't see anything in the  (distant).17. The man from a

5、  (distance) village is now the manager of the big company.18. The couple are always having an  (argue) about money with each other.19. John Snow attended Queen Victoria   her personal  (physics).20. Learning to walk again after his accident required great  (patient).21. You

6、 have to have such a lot of  (patient) when you are dealing with kids.22. They heard the  (frighten) news and lost heart.23. The most  (frighten) thing of all was that not a sound could be heard.24. It is surprising that there are still many people in the world  (starve) to death

7、 each year, that is, many people die of  (starve).25. These caterpillars(幼虫) in this experiment died of  (starve) due to moving in a wrong direction.26. Human beings have limited  (tolerant) of noise.27. She can  (tolerant) almost any kind of terrible weather.28. He can't tol

8、erate  (do) the same work every day.29. They deserve  (praise).30. The model teacher has devoted all her life to teaching her students, and she deserves   (respect).31. Jennie insisted on  (send) her daughter to a dancing school.32. While talking with her, I must choose my words

9、to avoid any  (misunderstand).33. Smoking is  (forbid) in all parts of the building.34. The local rule forbids  (play) football in the public garden.35. City people want to be outdoors on the weekend and do something  (challenge), like mountain climbing, cycling and so on.36. Chi

10、ldren should be encouraged to be  (independence) thinkers.37. India attained  (independent) in 1947, after a long struggle.38. A  (balance) diet should include the right amount of nutrients from all the different food groups.39. Nowadays more and more people have come to realize the i

11、mportance of a  (balance) diet to their health.40. A family must  (defence) its home against attack.41. You  (suppose) to know the rules in the reading room.42. I can't find anything on this   desk; must you put things in such a  ? (messy)二、翻译(根据中文提示完成句子)(共22小题;共44分)43.

12、这就是他向你解释的没能参加宴会的理由。(词数不限)This is the reason   you for not attending the party.44.      (令每个人都吃惊的是), Thomas won the first prize in the competition that seemed so difficult for his age.45. Too much carbon dioxide  (对有害) the environment. (harmful)46. 我们有时能把工作和娱乐结合起来。(词数不限)We ca

13、n sometimes   pleasure.47. 所有的票都是由慈善机构免费提供的。All the tickets are provided       by the charity.48.            (在老师的指导下), we finished the work smoothly.49. 父亲病重的消息让他很不安。 (词数不限)He   the news that his father was seriously ill.50. You can hardly imag

14、ine that he   his friends and relatives  (竟然骗买) the useless goods. (词数不限)51. 你的连衣裙从远处看不错。Your dress looks all right  .52. She has  (为辩护) them to be left in the wild and not used for entertainment or advertisements.53. 这些人与老板在办公室里争论什么?What are the men     in the office &

15、#160; the boss?54. You'd better do more     (体力劳动) in your spare time.55. 在我看来, 真正幸福的人是那些身心健康的人。In my opinion, really happy people are those who are   and   healthy.56. - I  (吓得要死) when someone stopped me at the dark night.- You should not have gone out alone at night.57

16、. 战争中数以百万计的人挨饿致死。(词数不限) (starve)Millions of people   during the war.58. 你已经干了一个上午了,该休息一下了。You have been working all the morning.You      .59. 你认为我们刚才对丹尼尔太苛刻了吗?Do you think we were too     Daniel?60. 既然下雨了,我们在这儿休息一下吧。     it is raining, let's stay here for

17、a break.61. 目前, 你最好在英语学习上多投入时间.    , you'd better   more time   your studying English.62. Man     (不同于) beasts in that the former is able to laugh,while the latter aren't.63. 捐赠是通过金钱的形式给的。The donations   money.64. 不要对孩子太严厉,也不要对父母太无礼。他们都是你的朋友。(词数不限)Don't

18、   your children and don't   your parents. They are all your friends.答案一、适当形式填空(单句适当形式) 1. activities 2. acting 3. explanation 4. explanation 5. surprised 6. Surprised 7. behaved 8. harm 9. harmful10. mixture11. mixture12. freedom13. guidance14. emergency15. foolish16. distance17. distant18. argument19. as, physician20. patience21. patience22. frightening23. frightening24. starving, starvation25. starvation26. tolerance27. tolerate28. doing29. praising30. to be respected31. sending32. misunderstanding33. for


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