1、学习必备欢迎下载computing essentials 第一单元一circle the letter or fill in the correct answer. 1. a common term that describes the combination of traditional computer and communication technologies is 描述传统的计算机和通信技术的基本术语是:(b) a. management of information systems 信息系统的管理b. information technology 信息技术c. informatio
2、n superhighway 信息高速公路d. computer competency 计算机技能2.procedures are typically documented in manuals written by 说明书中的文档由(b) 完成的写作。a. end users 终端用户b. computer specialists 计算机专家c . microsoft 微软d . service providers 服务提供商3. which of the following is an example of connectivity? 下面那个是连通性的实例?(a) a. internet
3、 互联网b. floppy disk 软盘c. power cord 电源线d. data 数据4. windows xp, windows vista ,and macintosh os x are all example of windows xp、windows vista和 macintosh os x 都是(b) 的实例。a. application software 应用软件b. operating systems 操作系统c. browsers 浏览器d. shareware 共享软件5. because of their size and cost, these compute
4、rs are relatively rare. 因为大小和成本相对来讲为数不多的计算机是:(d) a. minicomputers 小型机b. mainframe computers 大型计算机c. microcomputers 微型计算机d. supercomputers 超级计算机6. the system component that controls and manipulates data in order to produce information is called the 能够进行控制和操纵数据并产生信息的系统部件叫做:(d) a .monitor 显示器b. keyboar
5、d 键盘c. mouse 鼠标d. microprocessor 微处理器7. a system component that translates data and programs that humans can 精品学习资料 可选择p d f - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 第 1 页,共 23 页 - - - - - - - - -学习必备欢迎下载understand into a form that the computer can process is called a(n) 能够把人们所能够理解的数据和程序翻译成计算机能够处理的系统部件叫做:(a) a.
6、input device 输入设备b. output device 输出设备c. pointer 指向设备d. display 显示设备8. a cd is an example of a(n) cd 是(c) 的实例。a. output device 输出设备b. floppy disk 软盘c. optical disc 光盘d. hand disk 硬盘9. if you want to communicate a message or persuade other people, you would typically use this type of software. 如果你想发送
7、传达一个消息或要劝说某人,你应该使用下面的(d) 类软件。a. worksheet 电子表格b. database 数据库c. document 文档d. presentation 演示(展示)10. many experts are predicting that this revolution is expected to dramatically affect the way communicate and use computer technology. 多数专家预言:通信方式和使用计算机技术的革命可以预期将会产生令人瞩目的影响。 (d) a. ftp 文件传输b. word wide
8、 web 万维网c. telnet 远程登录d. wireless 无线革命二match each numbered item with the most closely related lettered item . write your answers in the spaces provided. 1. guidelines people follow when using software._ 当使用软件时可以指导人们的是:e. procedures 2. consists of the step-by-step instructions that tell the computer
9、how to do its work._ 由一步一步的指令组成并能告诉怎样进行工作的是.f. program 3. software that enables the application software to interact with the computer hardware._ 能够使应用软件和计算机硬件进行交互的是:i. system software 4. the most powerful type of computer._ 功能最强的计算机是: h. supercomputers 精品学习资料 可选择p d f - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 第
10、2 页,共 23 页 - - - - - - - - -学习必备欢迎下载5. the least powerful and most widely used type of computer._ 性能最差并且被广泛使用的计算机类型是:a. microcomputers 6. translates date and programs that humans can understand into a form that the computer can process._ 把人们能够理解的数据和程序翻译成计算机能够处理的形式的是:c. intput device 7. holds data an
11、d programs even after electrical power to the system has been turned off._ 能存储数据和程序甚至在系统关闭电源的情况下的是:g. secondary storage 8. uses laser technology._ 使用激光技术的是: b. optical discs 9. holds data and program instructions for processing data._ 存储数据和程序指令是为了处理数据的是:d. primary storage 10. the largest network in
12、the world._ 世界上最大的计算机网络是:j. the internet a. microcomputers b. optical discs c. intput device d. primary storage e. procedures f. program g. secondary storage h. supercomputers i. system software j. the internet 第二单元一circle the letter or fill in the correct answer. 1. the internet was launched in 196
13、9 when the united states funded a project that developed a national computer net work called 互联网起源于 1969 年的当时美国建立的一个研发国家计算机网络项目。(d)a. aarpnet b. cern c. cernet d. arpanet 2._is the most popular internet activity. (a) 是互联网上最受欢迎的活动。a. communication 通信b. shopping 购物精品学习资料 可选择p d f - - - - - - - - - - -
14、 - - - 第 3 页,共 23 页 - - - - - - - - -学习必备欢迎下载c. searching 查询d. entertainment 娱乐3. a(n)_program provides access to web resources. (c) 程序提供访问万维网资源。a. web 万维网b. browser 浏览器c. isp 信息服务商d. url 统一资源定位器4. rules for exchanging data between computers are called 在计算机之间进行交互数据的规则叫做:(c) a. programs 程序b. procedur
15、es 过程c. protocols 协议d. hyperlinks 超文本链接5. the last part of the domain name following the dot (.) is the top_domain. 在(.)后域名的最后部分是 _(a)_。a. level 顶级域名b. link 链接c. locator 定位器d. language 语言6. _are widely used to add interest and activity to a web site by presenting animation, displaying graphic, provi
16、ding interactive games, and more. _(a)_广泛用于为网站提升兴趣和活跃程度通过展示动画,显示图形,提供交互游戏接口等或更多。a. applets java程序b. bots 机器人c. plug-ins 插件d. spiders 代理程序7. unwanted and unsolicited e-mails are called _(a)_ . 不愿意要的和主动提供电子邮件叫做:a. spam 垃圾邮件b. junk 破烂物c. flame 火焰d. lurk 潜伏8. programs that automatically submit your sear
17、ch request to several search engines simultaneously are called _ . 可以同时自动提交你的查询请求给多个搜索引擎的程序叫做:(a) a. metasearch engines 索引搜索引擎b. search engines 搜索引擎c. spiders 代理程序d. hits 点击9. _cash is internets equivalent to traditional cash. _(d)_ 现金是互联网的与传统现金等价的a. universal 通用精品学习资料 可选择p d f - - - - - - - - - - -
18、 - - - 第 4 页,共 23 页 - - - - - - - - -学习必备欢迎下载b. web 万维网c. premium 保险金d. digital 数字10. these programs allow parents as well as organizations to block out selected sites and set time limits on internet access. 这些程序可以让父母和组织机构一样拦截有选择的站点和设置访问互联网的时间限制。 (b) a. plug-ins 插件b. filters 过滤器c. ftp 文件传输d. wais 广域
19、信息服务系统二match each numbered item with the the most closely related lettered item . write your answers in the spaces provided . 1. addresses of web resources._ 万维网资源的地址。 i. urls 统一资源定位器2. part of an e-mail message that includes the subject, address, and attachments._ 电子邮件组成的一部分,包括主题,地址和附件。d. header 电子
20、邮件头部分3. program that starts and operates as part of a browser._ 作为浏览器的一部分并可以启动和运行的程序。g. plug-in 插件4. the list of sites that contain the keywords of a keyword search._ 包含通过关键字搜索出带有该关键字的网站列表:e. hits 点击列表5. program that automatically submits a search request to several search engines simultaneously._ 可
21、以同时自动提交一个查询请求给多个搜索引擎的程序叫做:f. metasearch engine 索引搜索引擎6. buying and selling goods over the internet._ 通过互联网买卖商品。 c. e-commerce 电子商务7. type of social networking site that reconnects people who have lost touch with one another._ 社会网络网站的一种且可以把彼此之间失去联系的人们重新联系上。h. reuniting 重聚8. similar to a traditional a
22、uction, but buyers and sellers typically interact only on the web._ 和传统拍卖一样,但买卖双方是通过网络来讨价还价的。j. web auction 网络拍卖9. criminals that specialize in stealing, trading, and using stolen credit cards over the 精品学习资料 可选择p d f - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 第 5 页,共 23 页 - - - - - - - - -学习必备欢迎下载internet._ 在互联网上
23、专门偷窃,交易,使用偷来的信用卡的罪犯。a. carder 信用卡盗用者10. internet equivalent to traditional cash._ 通过互联网与传统现金等价的。b. digital cash 电子货币(现金)a. carder 信用卡盗用者b. digital cash 电子货币(现金)c. e-commerce 电子商务d. header 电子邮件头部分e. hits 点击列表f. metasearch engine 索引搜索引擎g. plug-in 插件h. reuniting 重聚i. urls 统一资源定位器j. web auction 网络拍卖第三单元
24、一circle the letter or fill in the correct answer. 1. this type of software works with and users, application software, and computer hardware to handle the majority of technical details. 与终端用户、应用软件和计算机硬件联合工作来处理多数技术细节的软件。(d) a. communications software 通信软件b. application software 应用软件c. web software 网络
25、软件d. system software 系统软件2._are narrowly focused on specific disciplines and occupations. _(d)_是专门用于具体的学科和职业。a. basic applications 基本应用程序b. utility programs 工具程序c. specialized applications 专用应用程序d. business suites 商业套装软件3. the primary purpose of this type of software is to create text-based document
26、s. 该软件的主要目的是创建基于文本的文档。(b) a. web development 网络研发b. word processing 字处理软件c. spreadsheet 电子表格d. presentation 演示文稿4. organizations create newsletters, manuals, and brochures with this type of software. 组织机构用来创建简讯、手册和小册子所使用的软件。(d) a. presentation 演示文稿b. graphic 图形软件c. spreadsheet 电子表格精品学习资料 可选择p d f -
27、- - - - - - - - - - - - - 第 6 页,共 23 页 - - - - - - - - -学习必备欢迎下载d. word processing 字处理软件5. letters, memos, term, papers, reports, and contracts are all examples of 书信、备忘录、条款、论文、报告和合同等是的例子。 (d) a. menus 菜单b. models 模型c. spreadsheets 电子表格d. documents 文档6. numbers and formulas entered in a cell are cal
28、led 在单元格中输入数字和公式叫做:(a) a. numeric entries 数字栏b. intersection 交叉点c. labels 标签d. text 文本7. the acronym dbms stands for what? 首字母缩写 dbms 代表: (b) a. document binder management system 文档绑定管理系统b. database management system 数据库管理系统c. double-blind management setup 双盲管理的建立d. data binding and marketing struct
29、ure 数据绑定与市场结构8. database _ are primarily used to enter new records and to make changes to existing records. 数据库表单主要用于输入新的记录和对已存在的记录进行修改。(b) a. table 表b. forms 表单c. queries 查询d. reports 报表9. a file that includes predefined settings that can be used to create many common types of presentations is call
30、ed a 事先定义好的设置,用于创建多个相同类型的演示文稿的文件叫做(c) a. pattern 模式b. model 模型c. template 模板d. blueprint 蓝图10. a(n)_ is a single program that provides the functionality of a word processor, spreadsheet, database manager, and more. _(d)_是单个程序,能提供文字处理、电子表格、数据库等等功能。a. software suite 软件套装b. integrated package 集成软件包c. s
31、pecialized application 专用应用程序d. basic application 基本应用程序二match each numbered item with the the most closely related lettered item . write your answers in the spaces provided . 1. area that contains a document, program, or message._ 包含文档、程序和消息的区域。j:window 窗口精品学习资料 可选择p d f - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
32、 第 7 页,共 23 页 - - - - - - - - -学习必备欢迎下载a.2. type of graph or chart._ 图形或表格的类型。 a:analytical 分析图表3. includes the functionality of a word processor, spreadsheet, database manager, and more._ 具有文字处理、电子表格、数据库等功能。c:integrated package 集成软件包4. identifies incorrectly spelled words and suggests alternatives.
33、_ 识别不正确拼写单词和给出建议修改。h:spelling checker 拼写检查5. the intersection of a row and column in a spreadsheet._ 电子表格的行列交叉点是b:cell 单元格6. a collection of two or more cells in a spreadsheet._ 电子表格中两个或多个单元格的集合。d:range 区域(范围)7. spreadsheet feature in which changing one or more numbers results in the automatic recal
34、culation of all related fields._ 电子表格的特征中,改变一个或多个数值结果则相关所有字段会自动重新计算。i:what-if analysis 推测分析8. database structure that organizes data into related tables._ 数据库结构即组织数据进入相关的表中。e:relational database 关系型数据库9. arranging objects numerically or alphabetically._ 使对象按数字顺序或字母表顺序排列。g:sort 排序10. individual appli
35、cations that are sold as a group._ 把多个单个的应用程序组合到一起成组售卖。f:software suite 软件套装a:analytical 分析图表b:cell 单元格c:integrated package 集成软件包d:range 区域(范围)e:relational database 关系型数据库f:software suite 软件套装g:sort 排序h:spelling checker 拼写检查i:what-if analysis 推测分析j:window 窗口第四单元一circle the letter or fill in the corr
36、ect answer. 精品学习资料 可选择p d f - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 第 8 页,共 23 页 - - - - - - - - -学习必备欢迎下载1. graphic programs widely used in the graphic arts profession include_. 图形程序广泛用于图形艺术职业领域,包括:(a)_ a. desktop publishing programs, image editors, and illustration programs 桌面排版程序,图片编辑器和绘图程序b. artificial inte
37、lligence, virtual reality, and illustration programs 人工智能,虚拟现实和绘图程序c. megamedia programs, image editors, and desktop publishing programs 巨媒体程序,图片编辑器和桌面排版程序d. virtual reality, desktop publishing programs, and illustration programs 虚拟现实,桌面排版程序和绘图程序2. image editors are used for creating and editing_. 图
38、片编辑器用于创建和编辑:(a) a. bitmap images 位图图片b. vector images 向量图片c. text 文本d. html codes html 代码3. programs used to create or modify vector images are called_. 用于创建和修改向量图片的程序叫做:(a) a. illustration programs 绘图程序b. image editors 图片编辑器c. graphical modifiers 图形编辑器d. bit publishing packages 位出版软件包4. pages in a
39、multimedia presentation typically provide_or connections to related information. 网页中的多媒体演示文稿通常提供_(b)_或连接到相关信息。a. blogs 博客b. links 链接c. logs 记录d. maps 镜像(地图)5. when determining the overall objective of a multimedia project, the resources required, and the people who will work on the project, you are
40、in the _ step. 当确定多媒体项目的整体目标,所需资源,以及项目组成员,你处于第_(a)_步。a. planning 计划阶段b. designing 设计阶段c. creating 创建阶段d. supporting 支持阶段6. many individuals create their own personal sites called web logs, or 许多个人创建他们自己的个人网站叫网络博客或是:(b) a. flobs 英语语料库b. blogs 博客c. buds 蓓蕾d. fellows 伙伴7. a special effect in which one
41、image seems to melt into another is referred to as 精品学习资料 可选择p d f - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 第 9 页,共 23 页 - - - - - - - - -学习必备欢迎下载一种特殊效果,在这个效果中一个图片好像融入到另外一个图片中之的是:(c) a. drifting 漂移b. flashing 闪烁c. morphing 渐变d. polling 轮询8. users can interact in a fully immersed 3-d environment using _. 用户能够在完全沉
42、浸在三维环境中交互是使用:(b) a. unstructured problems 非结构化问题b. virtual reality 虚拟现实c. vrml 虚拟现实建模语言d. robotics 机器人技术9. fuzzy logic is 模糊逻辑是: (a) a. used to respond to questions in a humanlike way 用于像人类一样响应问题b. a new programming language used to program animation 一个新的编程语言用于程序动画c.the result of fuzzy thinking 模糊思维
43、的结果d. a term that indicates logical values greater than one 一个术语是表明逻辑值大于一。10. robots used in automobile plants would be classified as 汽车工厂机器人被分类为:(b) a. perception system robots 感知系统机器人b. industrial robots 工业机器人c. mobile robots 移动机器人d. knowledge robots 知识机器人二match each numbered item with the the mos
44、t closely related lettered item. write your answers in the spaces provided . 1. integrates all sorts of media into one presentation._ 集成各种媒体到一个展示当中。i.multimedia 多媒体2. graphics program for creating and editing bitmap images._ 用于创建和编辑位图图片的程序。g.image editor 图片编辑器3. programs used to create multimedia pr
45、esentations._ 用于创建多媒体展示的程序。d.fuzzy logic 模糊逻辑4.allows users to respond to question in a very humanlike way. 允许用户像人类一样应答问题。4. diagram of a web sites overall design._ 网站整体设计的图表。 e.graphical map 网页设计结构图精品学习资料 可选择p d f - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 第 10 页,共 23 页 - - - - - - - - -学习必备欢迎下载5. program that al
46、lows you to mix text and graphics to create publications of professional quality._ 允许图文混排创建具有专业质量的出版物的程序:c.desktop publishing 桌面排版6. group of graphics programs offered at lower cost than if purchased separately._ 成组的图形程序提供低廉的价格要是比单独买的话。f.graphics suite 图形套装软件7. special effect in which one image seem
47、s to melt into another._ 特殊效果,在这个效果中一个图片好像融入到另外一个图片中。h.morphing 渐变8. graphics file made up of thousands of pixels._ 由成千上万的像素组成的图形。b.bitmap 位图9. graphic file made up of a collection of objects, such as rectangles, lines, and ovals._ 有多个物体组成的图形,如矩形,线和椭圆。j.vector image 向量图片10. attempts to develop compu
48、ter systems that mimic or simulate human thought processes and actions._ 尝试着研发计算机系统用来模仿和仿真人类思维过程和行为。h.morphing 渐变a.ai 人工智能b.bitmap 位图c.desktop publishing 桌面排版d.fuzzy logic 模糊逻辑e.graphical map 网页设计结构图f.graphics suite图形套装软件g.image editor 图片编辑器h.morphing 渐变i.multimedia 多媒体j.vector image 向量图片第五单元一circle
49、 the letter or fill in the correct answer. 1. software that allows your computer to interact with the user, applications, and hardware is called 使你的计算机和用户、应用程序和硬件间进行交互的软件是:(c) a. application software 应用软件b. word processor 文字处理软件c. system software 系统软件d. database software 数据库软件2. in order for a compu
50、ter to understand a program, it must be converted into machine language by a(n) 为了让计算机能够理解程序,必须将程序转换成机器语言,是通过:(d) a. operating system 操作系统b. utility 工具c. device driver 设备驱动程序精品学习资料 可选择p d f - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 第 11 页,共 23 页 - - - - - - - - -学习必备欢迎下载d. language translator 语言翻译器3. gui stands f
51、or gui 表示: (c) a. gnutella universal interface 网络通用接口b. graphic uninstall/install 图形卸载 /安装c. graphical user interface 图形用户界面d. general utility interface 通用工具接口4. to connect several computers together, one generally need to be running a (n)_operating system. 多个计算机连接在一起,一个需要运行_(a)_操作系统。a. network 网络b.
52、 internet 互联网c. stand-alone 单机d. embedded 嵌入式5. _ is the most widely used operating system. _(a)_是最广泛使用的操作系统。a. windows b. mac os c. unix d. linux 6. this operating system is most popular with graphic designers and those who work in multimedia. 对于工作在多媒体领域的图形设计者最受欢迎的操作系统是:(c) a. windows xp b. linux c
53、. mac os d. unix 7. this operating system was originally designed to run on minicomputers used in a network environment. 在网络环境中最开始设计运行在小型机上操作系统是:(b) a. linux b. unix c. windows d. mac os 8. these programs guard your computer against malicious programs that may invade your computer system. 监控你的计算机防止恶
54、意程序侵犯你的计算机系统的软件是(b) a. file compression program 文件压缩程序b. antivirus program 反病毒软件c. backup program 备份程序d. troubleshooting program 诊断程序9. a concentric ring on a hard disk is referred to as a 硬盘上的同心环指的是:(a) a. track 磁道精品学习资料 可选择p d f - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 第 12 页,共 23 页 - - - - - - - - -学习必备欢迎下载b.
55、 sector 扇区c. table 表d. segment 段10. every time the computer system is stared, the operating system loads these into memory. 每次计算机系统启动,操作系统装载_(c)_到计算机内存。a. driver updates 驱动程序升级b. device managers 设备管理器c. device drivers 设备驱动程序d. windows updates windows升级二 match each numbered item with the the most clo
56、sely related lettered item. write your answers in the spaces provided . 1. concentric ring on a disk._ 磁盘上的同心环。 j. track 磁道2. a version of mac os x._ mac os x 的一个版本。 d. leopard 美洲豹版操作系统3. a computers ability to run more than one application at a time._ 同时运行多个应用程序的能力。f. multitasking 多任务4. operating s
57、ystem completely stored within rom._ 完整存储在 rom 中的操作系统。 b. embedded os 嵌入式操作系统5. operating system used to control and coordinate computers that are linked together. 用于控制和协调连接在一起的计算机的操作系统。g. nos 网络操作系统6. another name for software environment._ 软件环境的另一个名字。h. platform 平台7. an operating system located on
58、 a single stand-alone hard disk._ 安装在个人计算机上使用的操作系统。a. desktop os 桌面操作系统8. one popular, and free, version of the unix operating system._ 一个受欢迎和免费的unix 一个版本的操作系统。 e. linux 9. collection of programs that handle technical details._ 处理技术细节的程序的集合。i. system software 系统软件10. program that reduces the size of
59、 files for efficient storage._ 通过减小文件的大小以便于够高效存储的程序。c. file compression program 文件压缩程序a. desktop os 桌面操作系统b. embedded os 嵌入式操作系统c. file compression program 文件压缩程序d. leopard 美洲豹版操作系统e. linux f. multitasking 多任务g. nos 网络操作系统h. platform 平台精品学习资料 可选择p d f - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 第 13 页,共 23 页 - - -
60、- - - - - -学习必备欢迎下载i. system software 系统软件j. track 磁道第六单元一circle the letter or fill in the correct answer. 1. the container that houses most of the electronic components that make up a computer system is known as the 一个容器,它可以 容纳大部分 组成计算机系统的 电子部件, 这个容器叫做(d) a. arithmetic-logic unit 逻辑运算单元b. central p
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