1、新目标初中英语七年级下册unit 8i d like some noodles教案plan for the whole unit teaching objectives学完本单元后,学生应能知道: 1 更多有关食物的词汇(noodles, mutton 等) ; 2 使用 what question 询问并招待客人: what would you like? what kind of would you like?what size would you like? 3 使用 would like 并联想到want 的用法及两者的区别;4 会用 would 在餐馆点菜;5 分辨可数名词与不可数名
2、词;6 区别 “and”与“or ”的用法;7 会表达个人对食品的喜好;8 明白作定语的名词通常不用复数形式;beef noodles book shops picture books 9 使用 “be+ 钱数 +for+商品数量 ” 表示商品价格;10 会为食品店写简单的广告;11 会顺利地叫送外卖;12 了解中西文化的饮食文化差异,提倡节约之风,提倡健康生态饮食;13 了解中国的四大菜系:广东菜、山东菜、四川菜、上海菜,增强民族自豪感。period arrangement period contents & pages or sources to sa textbook exerc
3、ises (source) supplementary (source)section page 1 a.1a,1b,1c 47 1,2,3,4,8 5 2 2a,2b,2c 48 ps.35-36人教版省教科院组编课程基础训练七年级下册1,2,5 5 3 3a,3b,4 49 p.36 , 2,4 4 4 b.1a,1b,2a,2b,2c 50 p.36 , 1,6,7,11 5 5 b. 3a,3b ,3c,4 51 p.37 9,10,11 4 6 self check 52 ps.37-39学习自检,学习拓展12,13 5 total all 6 6 1-13 93 very conf
4、ident quite confident confident slightly confident not confident 精品学习资料 可选择p d f - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 第 1 页,共 15 页 - - - - - - - - -feedback 本单元教学自评分93 分,表明教学目标达成度较高,教学效果较好。整个单元围绕在餐馆点菜这一主题,由浅入深, 由简单到复杂,从学习有关食物的词汇开始,到会为食品店写广告,叫外卖,教学活动形式多样,教学步骤循序渐进。精心设计教案,引导学生高效掌握所学内容。设计的学习任务合理,由易到难,富有层次感。学生轻松就
5、能掌握所学的重点词汇及句型。设计的教学活动充分结合学生实际情况,与学生生活接机,学生的学习兴趣被充分调动,课堂气氛活跃。在做调查活动时,学生将所学的词汇,句型投入运用,真正做到了学以致用,学生的语言运用能力有了很大的提高。同时,也介绍了中西方饮食文化的差异,提倡健康饮食。plan for every period period 1 section a (1a,1b,1c)teaching aims1 学会有关食品的词汇; 2 学会用 would 在餐馆点菜 ; 3 学习并掌握目标语言:1)生词与词组:noodles, beef, mutton, chicken, cabbage, potato
6、, tomato, special, would l ike, i would=id2) 重点句子:what kind of noodles would you like?i d like beef and tomato noodles, please.teaching aids a tape recorder ,some pictures teaching procedures chart 图片导入 利用图片学习新单词看图说话 听录音完成练习两人对话 巩固与拓展布置作业step 1 leading-in (3)t: good morning, boys and girls, first le
7、t s play a game. i ll draw something on the bb. please guess what it is. to a students1: is it a potato? t: yes, it is. do you like potatoes? s2:yes, i do. i also like tomatoes. i like vegetables. t:why? s2: because it s good for our health. t:we should eat not only delicious but also nutritive food
8、. today we re going to learn unit 8 i d like some noodles. class, read the title three times. ready, go. section a 1a step 2 presentation (10)1 ask and answer 1) present ss a picture t: what s this? it s beef, b-e-e-f, beef. ss: b-e-e-f, beef. teaching other new words in this way, show ss different
9、pictures of food. t: among all these things, what would you like? s1: i d like some noodles. s2: i d like cabbage. s3:i d like mutton. 2) show a picture of noodles and ask. t: what would you have for lunch? 精品学习资料 可选择p d f - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 第 2 页,共 15 页 - - - - - - - - -ss: noodles. then p
10、ut the beef and tomato on the noodle.) t: what kind of noodles would you like? ss:beef and tomato noodles. 2 look at 1a. match the words with the foods, then check the answers. 答案1-c, 2-a, 3-g, 4-d, 5-e,6-f, 7-b. 3 look at the picture in 1a. there are three kinds of noodles in the pictures. what are
11、 the ingredients in the three specials? help to answer . s1: there are beef and cabbage in special 1. s2: there are chicken and potato in special 2. s3: there are mutton and potato in special 3. 4 make conversations with the below sentence patterns. show the following: what kind of noodles would you
12、 like? i d like sample dialogue : s1: what kind of noodles would you like? s2: i d like chicken and cabbage noodles, please. 1b step 3 listening practice (5)1 listen and check the noodles that the person orders. 2 check the answers. 3 listen again and repeat. 参考答案the person orders special 1. 录音原文boy
13、: hello, i d like some noodles. waitress: what kind of noodles would you like? boy: beef and tomato noodles, please. 1c step 4 pairwork (8)1 read the sample conversation by yourself, then ask two ss to read out before class. 2 work with your partner. make your own conversation with the sentence patt
14、erns. show the following: hello,i d like some meat / fruit /vegetable what kind of meat/ fruit/ vegetables/ noodles would you like? beef and tomato/cabbage and chicken noodles, please. sample conversation:s1: i d like some noodles. s2: what kind of noodles would you like? s3: mutton noodles, please.
15、 3 ask a few pairs to read out aloud. step 5 survey on food (12)1 do a survey ask your partner what kind of noodles would she/ he like and fill in the form. name noodles a: what kind of noodles world you like, lucy? to bb: beef noodles. to c. what about you? c: tomato and egg noodles. to a. what kin
16、d of noodles would you like? a: cabbage and chicken noodles. 2 write about noodles. first, everyone writes something according to the form, then share your writing with your 精品学习资料 可选择p d f - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 第 3 页,共 15 页 - - - - - - - - -partner. sample: i d like beef noodles. my friend xi
17、ao ping would like cabbage and chicken noodles. tom would like a bowl of noodles with tomato and egg. 3 show time i ll ask some ss to come to the front and show your article. step 6 homework (2)1 copy your report in the exercise-book. 2 preview section a 2a-2c on page 48. feedback 个人认为本堂课教学目标达成。由一个小
18、游戏导入有关食品的词汇,学生兴趣浓厚, 积极参与,课堂气氛热烈。整堂课围绕would 的用法,创设情境,学生轻松掌握了如何在餐馆点菜。特别是让学生调查其它人喜欢的食物,做到了学以致用,收效很好。period 2 section a 2a,2b,2cteaching aims 1 区别可数名词与不可数名词; 2 掌握在听的过程中抓关键词的技巧; 3 学习并掌握语言目标: 1) 生词和词组 : large, medium, size, a bowl of, small/medium/large size 2) 重点句子 : what would you like?what size bowl of
19、 noodles would you like?i d like a small / medium / large bowl of noodles. teaching aids a tape recorder , some pictures teaching procedures chart 图片复习已学单词,句型听力练习自由对话运用新句型采访、汇报家庭作业step 1 revision and leading-in (4)t:last class, we learned how to order food in a restaurant, now who can tell some name
20、s of food. s1: apple, pear and banana. s2: mutton, beef and chicken. s3:t: do you know any other words about food? show ss the following words and have ss read after the teacher.ss:show the following: fruits:apples, pears, bananas, oranges, olive, watermelon, peach, etc. vegetables: cabbage,eggplant
21、,bean,onion,lettuce,mushroom,etc. meat: beef, chicken, pork, fish, lamb, duck, turkey, etc. sample:s1: hi, i d like some noodles. s2: what kind of noodles would you like? s1: egg and tomato noodles, please. 2a, 2b step 2 listening practice (8)1 pre - listening 精品学习资料 可选择p d f - - - - - - - - - - - -
22、 - - 第 4 页,共 15 页 - - - - - - - - -1) show three different size bowls (small / medium /large) and learn the new words. t: what size are the bowls? s1: no.1 is large, it s a large bowl of noodles. s2: no.2 is medium, it s a medium bowl of noodles. s3: no.3 is small, it s a small bowl of noodles. 2) s
23、how the following: size, large, medium, small, a bowl of. 2 listen and check the names of food you hear. 3 listen again and fill in the blank in 2b, then check the answers. 4 listen and repeat after the recording. 答案1.noodles 2.chicken 3.potatoes 4.cabbage 5. beef 6. tomatoes 1)large 2)chicken 3) po
24、tato 4) cabbage 5) medium 6) beef 7)tomato 录音原文waiter: what size bowl of noodles would you like? boy: i d like a large bowl of noodles. waiter: and what kind of noodles would you like? boy:i d like chicken, potato and cabbage noodles. waiter: and how about you ? girl: i d like a medium bowl. waiter:
25、 what kind would you like? girl: i d like beef and tomato noodles, please. 2c step 3 pairwork (10)1 work in pairs. t:i ll show you a form, please make a conversation according to the information in the chart. ss: ok. show the following: name noodles size i beef small jim tomato and egg medium jim s
26、sister chicken and cabbage large what kind of noodles would you / jim / your parents like? i / she / he / they d like what size bowl noodles would you / jim / your parents like? i / she / he / they d like a small / medium / large bowl of sample: s1: what kind of noodles would jim like? s2: he d like
27、 tomato and egg noodles. s1: what size bowl of noodles would jim like? s2: he d like a medium bowl of noodles. 2 ask some pairs to act out. step 4 grammar (4)1 ask the students to pay attention to the contractions in the grammar chart. t:please read the sentences and words in grammar focus. look at
28、the third column. as we can see“i would ”can be written as “ i d” , “he would”can be written as “he d” . now finish the following exercise. show the following. you d= they would= wed= she would= 精品学习资料 可选择p d f - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 第 5 页,共 15 页 - - - - - - - - -check the answers. 2 ask the st
29、udents for the main differences between countable and uncountable nouns. step 5 survey (10)1 a survey about your family members favorite food. first, every one of you write your family members names, agers, jobs and favorite food on a card, then ask your partner questions as follows. how old is ? wh
30、at does he / she do? what kind of food would he / she like? 2 fill in the form and make a report. age job favorite food i 12 a student noodles my father my mother sample: there re 3 people in my family. my father is 43 years old. he is a math teacher.he works in no.1 middle school. he likes dumpling
31、s and mutton noodles. my mother works in a factory. she likes bananas, oranges and apples. i m 12 years old. i m a student of no.3 middle school. my favorite food is noodles, because it s not only delicious but also healthy food.3 read your article to the class. step 5 homework (4)1 把下列句子重新排序,组成一个对话
32、a. yes, please, i d like some noodles, please. b. noodles with beef. c. a medium bowl, please. d. can i help you? e. what kind of noodles would you like? f. what size bowl of noodles would you like? 答案d, a, e,b,f,c 2. do exercise on page 35. 课外阅读,贵在坚持。dinner manners some british and american people
33、like to invite(邀请 )friends to dinner parties at home. you should not upset(不安)if your english friends don t invite you home. it doesn t mean they don t like you. dinner parties usually start between 7 p.m.and 8 p.m. and end at about 11 p.m. ask what time you should arrive (到达) . it s polite to bring
34、 flowers,chocolate or a bottle of wine (酒) as a gift. 3preview the new words in the next class. feedback 个人认为本堂课教学目标达成。在上节课的基础上进行了充分地扩展,延伸。整堂课设计合理,教学步骤循序渐进,听说读写各方面的能力得到了全面的训练。在对家人的喜好调查活动中,学生踊跃参与,达到了预期的效果。但在听力方面,如何训练学生抓关键词仍有待提高。period 3 3a,3b,4 teaching aims 精品学习资料 可选择p d f - - - - - - - - - - - - -
35、- 第 6 页,共 15 页 - - - - - - - - -1 帮助学生学会有礼貌地订餐;2 学习并掌握目标语言:重点句子: what kind of noodles do you have? we have what size bowl of noodles do you have? we have teaching aids cai teaching procedures chart 复习可数名词/不可数名词及已学句型对话学习两人对话运用句型小组合作学习拓展作业布置step 1 revision (5 ) 1 classify the countable/uncountable nou
36、ns t:yesterday, we learned something about countable nouns and uncountable nouns. now look at the screen, please classify the following words into countable nouns and uncountable nouns. show the following: apple, tea, pear, water, mutton, cake, milk, fish, coke, bread, dumplings, noodles, banana, ri
37、ce. 答案countable nouns: apple, pear, cake,dumplings, noodles , banana. uncountable nous: tea, water,mutton, milk, fish, coke, bread, rice. 2 presenting ss the pictures 1. 2. 3.egg and tomato mutton and potato cabbage and pork t: there re three kinds of noodles. what kind of noodles would you like? s1
38、: i d like s2: i d like s3: i d like t:ok!and i have different size bowls of noodles, large, medium and small. what size would you like? s1: i d like a large bowl. s2: i d like a medium bowl. s3: i d like a small bowl. 3a step 2 reading (7 ) 1 show the followingcan i help you?what kind of do you hav
39、e?we have what size bowl of do you have? we have t:please make sentences with the patterns above. s1: what kind of noodles do you have? s2: we have tomato and egg, potato and beef, cabbage and mutton. s3: what size bowl of noodles do you have? s4: we have large, medium and small. 2 finish 3a, ask th
40、e ss to complete the conversation below and check the answers. 答案1-d,2-a ,3-c,4-e,5-b 3ask some pairs to read out the conversation. 3b step 3 pairwork ( 7 ) 1 work in pairs, show ss a form. noodles small medium large 精品学习资料 可选择p d f - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 第 7 页,共 15 页 - - - - - - - - -egg and t
41、omato beef and potato mutton and carrot t: suppose you work in a noodle house.your partner is the customer. take an order for noodles. make a conversation according to 3a. then fill in the form. sample: a: can i help you? b: yes, please. i d like some noodles, please. a: what kind of noodles would y
42、ou like? b: what kind of noodles do you have? a: we have egg and tomato, chicken and cabbage, mutton and carrot. b: ok, i d like chicken and cabbage noodles, please. a: and what size bowl of noodles would you like? b: what size do you have? a: we have small, medium and large bowl. b: how much is the
43、 medium? a: six yuan. 2 have some pairs act out the conversation. 4 step 4 groupwork ( 7 ) 1finish part 4. work in groups. there re four kinds of noodles . have the ss ask and answer like this. sample: a: what kind of noodles would you like? b: i d like beef and carrot noodles. to c.what about you?
44、c:i d like mutton and potato noodles.to d. what about you? d: i d like egg and tomato noodles. 2 find out which group members would like the noodles in part 4.then write their names on the card above the noodles. 3 ask some groups to show their cards. step 5 a video ( 9 ) 1 a video about ordering no
45、odles. t :do you like noodles? show a picture of a noodles house. let s watch a video carefully, then fill in the form. name telephone number noodles largemedium small ingredients beefmuttoncabbage chicke tomatodrink teacoffeemilk 2 ss make a dialogue . 3 ss read out the dialogue. step 6 homework (
46、5 ) 1do exercise on page36. .根据中文意思完成句子。1你想要什么?_ _you like? 我想要一碗面。_ like a _ of noodles. 2. 你想要什么样的面条?_ _ _noodles do you want? 我想要羊肉土豆面条.i want _and _noodles. 3你要多大号的外套?_ _ coat would you like? 中号的。a _ _. 4你想要去游泳吗?是的。_ you _ to swim?yes ,i d love to. 答案 1.what would, i d, bowl 2.what kind of, mutt
47、on, potato 3.what size, medium size 4.would , like 精品学习资料 可选择p d f - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 第 8 页,共 15 页 - - - - - - - - -. 课外阅读,贵在坚持。usually the evening starts with drinks and snacks (小吃) . do you want to be extra(特别的)polite? say how much you like the room, or the pictures on the wall . but reme
48、mbe r it s not polite to ask how much things cost. 2.preview section b 1a-1c. feedback 总的来说,整堂课进展顺利,教学目标基本达成。把所学知识串成一体,学生在学习过程中思维清晰,条理分明,效果很好。但教学内容较多,时间稍显period 4 section b 1a,1b,2a,2b,2c teaching aims 1 会用电话叫外卖; 2 会表达个人对食品的好恶; 3 能听懂有关食物买卖的对话;4 学会并掌握目标语言: 1)生词:juice ,dumplings ,porridge ,tea ,green
49、tea ,rice , soup, onion, fish. 2)重点句子:i don t like onions, green tea or porridge. teaching aids cai teaching procedures chart 复习导入 单词新授 对话练习 导听 听力练习 家庭作业step 1 revision and leading-in (5 ) show ss different flashcards one by one and ask t: what s this?ss: it s chicken/muttont: what are these? ss: th
50、ey are tomato noodles /dumplingst: would you like some noodles? ss: yes. t: what kind of noodles would you like? s1: i d like beef and cabbage noodles.t: what size bowl of noodles would you like? s1: i d like a medium bowl.yeah, wonderful! today we ll continue to talk about food.oh, delicious foods,
51、 do you want to eat? first, let s learn about them.section b 1a step2 presentation (8)1 brainstorming t:i have asked you to bring a little of your breakfast to class. now take out your breakfast and name them in english. s1: milk and eggs. s2: beef noodles. s3: bread and tomato soup. s4: hamburger.
52、2 new words learning say: oh, here are still something that you can t name in english. don t worry, let me tell you.first ,l et s learn new words.show ss the following objects and ask students to read after the teacher. orange juice green tea onion fish dumplings porridge rice soup 3 finish la on p5
53、0.match the words with the pictures . 答案1. a 2. f 3. b 4.d 5. a 6.e 7.h 8.c 4 chain work to help students master these words better. ask ss to work like this s1: orange juice. s2: orange juice; green tea. s3: orange juice, green tea, rice. 精品学习资料 可选择p d f - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 第 9 页,共 15 页 - -
54、 - - - - - - -s4: orange juice, green tea, rice, soup. s5: 1b step 3 pairwork (5)1 show ss the following form. likes dislikes s1s2s32 free talk about likes and dislikes. using the following pattern, then fill in the form above. sample: i like dumplings, fish and orange juice. i don t like onions, gr
55、een tea or porridge. notes: pay attention to using “ and” and “or ” , “ and is in a positive sentence, and “ or ” in a negative or question sentence. 3 finish 1b on p50. step4 pre-listening (5)1 ask and answer t: have you ordered fast- food and asked waiters to deliver it to your house? what will yo
56、u tell the waiter? ss: address, telephone number and the food you want. 2 performing suppose the teacher is a waiter and one student is a customer. act out the following dialogue: t: hello, de yang noodle house. s: hello, i want to order some noodles, please. t: ok. what kind of noodles would you li
57、ke? s:a large bowl of beef noodles , please . t: would you like any drinks? s: one medium orange juice. t: what s your address, please?s: 24 zhong shan road. t: and what s your telephone number?s: 6369725 t: ok.t hat ll be 10 rmb i ll delieue it in 15 minutes. 2a,2b step5 listening (11)1 a boy is or
58、dering food from a restaurant. listen and finish 2a on p50. circle each of the foods in activity la that is mentioned in the dialogue on the tape. 2 check the answers the words ss should circle: orange juice, dumplings, green tea, soup, fish. 3 listen again and finish 2b on p50. 4 check the answers.
59、 答案address :15 peace road telephone number: 398-2845 order: chicken, fish and cabbage. 16 mutton and carrot dumplings, tomato soup, one large green tea and one small orange juice. 5 listen again and read after the tape. 录音原文a: hello, house of dumplings! b: hello! i want to order some food, please. a
60、: sure. b: i d like chicken, fish and cabbage, please.a: uh-huh. b: and sixteen dumplings. a: what kind of dumplings would you like ? b: mutton and carrot dumplings, please. a: ok. anything else? b: oh, yes. i d like some soup.a: ok. then ,what kind of soup would you like ? b: tomato soup. a: ok. would
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- 人工智能时代弘扬教育家精神的价值意蕴与实践路径