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1、英语5b分析性检测(综合) 教完10单元后用班级姓名得分听力:30%a)听录音,选出你所听到的内容:10%()1. a. littleb. lesson()2. a. followb. flower()3. a. loudb. loudly()4. a. franceb. french()5. a. takeb. make()6. a. how muchb. how about()7. a. have a restb. have a look()& a. 1 : 50b. 2: 10c. listenc. floorc aloudc. familyc. tellc how manyc.

2、 have a good timec. 1: 10)9. a. touch your right shoulder . b. touch your right leg c touch your left shoulder .)10. a. he usually plays football after school b. she usually plays football after school .c. she usually plays basketball after school .b)听录音,选择正确的应答。6%)1. a. if s english .)2. a. no,she

3、doesn't )3. a. yes , she does )4. a. no , he can't)5. a. thank you b. i like english .b. yes , she can .b. no,she does .b. yes , he does .b. fm glad to hear that c. i have an english lessonc. she often watches tv.c yes , he does c yes , i can ,c fm sorry to hear that )6. a. she speaks englis

4、h . b. he speaks chinese . c yes , she does .c)听对话及问题,选择正确的答语:5%)1. a. yes , she does .b. no, she isnt.c. no,she doesn't.)2. a. computer studies. b. science.c social science.)3. a. yes, he does.b. no, he doesn't.c. yes, she doesn't.)4. a. yes, there is.b. no, there isn't.c. no, it is

5、nt)5. a. she does homework b. she does houseworkc she takes photos.d) 听句子,填入所缺单词:9%1. youretired. pleasein bed2. the boys areaboutin the playground.and3. -what do we have in the ? -we haveenglish.4. -does divid swim? no, but he jumps二、语音:找出划线部分发音与其它两个不同的单词:6%()1- garden star()2. sleep week()3. ready

6、 read()4. city visit()5. jump duty三、英汉互译:12%学习数学来自法国在七点半)6. carry france2. 住在美国4.用你的双手摸膝盖6.谈论我们的城市brush my teethgive orders 11.be quiet!四、选择最佳答案:10%)1. we have a football gamea. inb. ona. what)3. tom.a. like8 choose a number10. glow at night12.not yet.saturday afternoon.c. atare you absent today?b.

7、whyplaying basketball.b. don't likec. doesn't likec. howin the library.a. quiet b. quietlyc quickly)5.mikegot a high feve匚be hasc. is)4. please read the books.a. have)6.your parents play cards in the evening?a. doesb. doc. are)7. my brother and i work in different a. city b country c cities)

8、8. you're still ill. please haverest.a. a lot b manydriver. he always drive his car.a careful, carefully b. carefully, careful c carefully, carefully)10 it's eight o'clock. are you readyschool.a. to b. for c ofc . a lot of)9. he's a五、完成对话:15%a)根据上下文完成下列对话:a: mum, can you come here?b:

9、 all right. whnt'sa: i feel illyou, nancy?b: let me have a look, dear.oh, you"vea: i think i can't go to school todaya fever.b: yes. you need tosome medicine andin bed.a: please call miss li and tellabout this.b:ok.a: hi, gao shan.do youyour weekends?b)看图完成下列对话:b: i ofteni usually works

10、 in our gardenthe weekends.a: i think your garden is very beautiful.b: yes. whatyou?a: i usuallywith my friends.b: i like sport, too. shall we play together next time?a:course.六、阅读理解:17%a)根据首字母提示填空:jim is my classmate. he is a new s jim is from the uk. he is b hes english and a little chinese jim is

11、 fat. he has a round face and two big bluee. we are good friends we have the same hwe(都)likecinsects in the parkb)阅读短文,判断下列各句是否与短文内容相符,相符的用“t”表示,不相符的用“f”表不:one day two young men are walking in a big forest(森林) one is fat , and the other is thin. the thin man says/'we are good friends- we must he

12、lp each other if we meet any beast, fll help you.” the fat one saysjtil help you, too.h they walk on. then they hear a great noise(u向声).it is a big bear. it is comingthe two young men run quickly. one of them climbs up a tree he forgets all about his friend. what about the fat one? he is too fat. he

13、 can't climb lip the tree. so he lies on his back, closes his eyes, and pretends(假装)to be dead(死的)” the bear will think fm dead/ he thinks.soon the bear comes up to the fat man, and puts its nose to his mouth and ears. the fat man holds his breath(屏住呼吸).the bear thinks he is dead, so it goes awa

14、y, because bears dont touch the dead the man in the tree comes down. he asks his friend, h the bear puts its nose so close to your ears. what does it say to you?"the fat man answers, h the bear says, 1 don't trust(|冃信)your friend he runs away from you when you need his help/1)1. the two man

15、 meet a big bear in the forest.)2. the fat man climbs up a tree quickly.()3. the bear carf t climb the tree.()4. the thin man help his friend climb up a tree.()5. the bear asks(请)the fat man not to trust his friend.()6. the thin man is not a good friendc)根据短文内容,选择正确答案:a french student goes to london

16、 for his holiday(度假).he knows a little(点点)english, but he can't speak very well. one day he goes to a restaunint(餐馆).he wants to have some eggs, but he can't remember the english word for "egg” . he looks around and he sees a picture of a hen(母鸡).he shows the picture to the waiter. &quo

17、t;what do you call(称呼)her children?” he asks.the waiter says, “chicks(小鸡),sir. ”“and what do you call chicks before theyye born(在他们出牛前)?”“eggs, sir.”u very well ” says the french stude nt. "give me two eggs and a cup of coffee, please."()1.the student goes to london fora. holiday b. lunch c eggs()2. the french student knowsa. a lot of englishb.english very well c. very little()3.in the restaurant, the french student want s to havea. a hen b. some eggs c. some chicks()4.he showsto the waiter.a. a hen b an egg c a picture()5. what else does he want to have?a. a cup


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