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1、沪教版2020届九年级上学期英语月考试卷(|)卷姓名: 班级: 成绩:一、请从A、B、C D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。(共10题;共20分)1. ( 2 分)They are OffiCe workers. They Work inoffice.A . aB . anC . someD . all2. ( 2 分)I SaW Billthe room quietly and Sit behind the door.A . en terB . en teri ngC . comeD . en ter into3. ( 2 分)Making the film costdollars.

2、A . two millio nB . two millio nsC . two milli on ofD . two millio ns of4. ( 2 分)一Are you SUrPriSed at the ending of the movie?No, because Ithe story?A . readB . will readC . have readD . WaS reading5. ( 2 分)John USUally gets UP at SeVenthe morning.A . OnB . atC . in6. ( 2 分) They haveSinCe the fact

3、ory OPened.A . left the schoolB . joi ned the teamC . become WOrkerSD . WOrked here7. ( 2 分)一Oh, I have a toothache .I advise you to Change your eating habits. Youeat too much ice-creamA . wouldB . would n'tC . shouldD . should n't8. ( 2 分)It's time for TV news. PIeaSe.A . turn On itB .

4、tur n it OnC . turn off itD . turn out it9. ( 2 分)一 ThiS box is too heavy. Can you help me Carry it upstairs?A . No problemB . Yes, PIeaSeC . That's rightD . No, tha nks10. (2 分)一I PrOmiSe I will work harder next term, MiSS Li.Well, just as the Saying goes,“. ” I do hope that you will act at onc

5、e.A . It n ever rains but poursB . ManyhandS make light workC . ACtionS SPeak louder tha n wordsD . A friend in n eed is a friend in deed完形填空(共1题;共15分)第3页共13页11.(15分)完形填空。EVeryOneWantS to be successful. BUt failure is a Common(普通的)thing for US to meet with.1,SometimeS We fail the exams, SOmetimeS in

6、 the SPOrtS meet, OtherS 2but We fail. So 3everybody meets With the failure in his life.However, differe nt people have differe nt 4to deal With the failure. Some people losehope Whe n they fail. They Seem to think that it is the5of the world. OtherS don't take failure6. They Seem to think that

7、failure is the first step(步骤)to SUCCeSs. They will keep UP and try theirbest 7the final success.Now let's imagine ( 猜想)the ends of the two ways. If We are afraid of the failure and always feel8, and don't try our best to Cha nge ourselves, We may meet With more and more failures. BUt if We a

8、rehopeful and brave to face them, and n ever give up, We will 9SUCCeSSfUI and our dreams will come truesome day.So, PIeaSe remember: Life does n't give US the PIeaSUre We want. BUt if We n ever give UP an d10do little by little, it will make a big differe nce.(1)A . For exampleB . All the timeC

9、. At firstD . Of COUrSe(2)A . lose hopeB . getC . SUCCeedD . accept(3)A . neverB . almostC . alwaysD . still(4)B . an SWerSC . ideasD . WayS(5)A . endB . areaC . StartD . shock(6)A . SeriOUSB . SeriOUSIyC . angryD . an grily(7)A . gett ingB . getsC . to getD . get(8)A . CarefUIB . UPSetC . angryD. h

10、appy(9)A . becomeB . turnC . getD . grow(10)A . often第5页共13页B . neverC . alwaysD . seldom三、阅读理解(共4题;共30分)12.(6 分)Bill is from Australia. He lives in Sydney. He Can SPeak FrenChand English, buthe can' t SPeak Chin ese. He has a Pen pal in the Un ited States. Her n ame is LiSa and She lives in NeW

11、York. Bill' S favorite sport is basketball and he Can play the guitar.Lisa' S favoritesport is tennis.She Can't play the guitar, but She Can play the Pia no and sing Very well.(1) Bill is from.A . AUStraIiaB . FranCeC . the United StateSD . the UK(2) LiSa is anA . Chi neseB . AmeriCa nC

12、. En glishD.JaPanese(3) What Ianguages does Bill speak?A . Chi neseB . FrenChC . En glishD.B and C(4) What is Bill' S favorite sport?A . tennisB . volleyballC . SOCCerD . basketball(5) WhiCh SentenCe is NoT right?B . Bill Can Play the Pia no and LiSa Can Play the guitar.C . Bill and LiSa like di

13、ffere nt sports.D . LiSa lives in NeW York.13.(7分)(2016?黔东南)根据短文内容,选择最佳答案。Li RUya n, 13 years old, did SOmeth ing SPeCiaI last SUmmer With his CIaSSmateS in Shan ghai. TheyWOrked in groups With traffic police at differe nt CrOSSrOadS in the city. Holdi ng small red flags, theStUdents helped keep ord

14、er and StOPPed people from jaywalking( 舌L穿马路).AS a Part of the school project, Li's school has en COUraged its StUde nts to do more com muni ty(社区)work. After the half day of exhaust ing work Li told himself not to jaywalk anymore.I think through community work We get to help OtherS and, more im

15、portantly, We grow a SenSe of responSibility(责任感),” he said.Community SerViCe is an important Part of education for teenagers around the world. In the US andCanada, high school StUdents need to finish 40 hours of community SerViCe before graduation. In AmeriCa, those who have fini Shed 1,400 hours o

16、f com munity work Can be awarded n early $ 5, 000(33, 000 yua n).Chinese StUdents today do more community work, too. For example, Starting from 2010, SiChUan highschool StUde nts have bee n asked to do 10 days of com munity work. It will become Part of their school grade.Qian LijUn, 16, and her CIaS

17、SmateS in Suzhou, Jiangsu Went to a local elder Care home thisWinter.They PUt SPring FeStiVaI couplets (对联)On the walls and Cheered UP the people living there.Li XiaOtia n, 15, in An Sha n Said he USed to clear flyers (小广告)from telephOne poles (电线杆)With his classmates. They brought tools, towels and

18、 buckets and WOrked for three hours in the SUmmersun. “It WaS tiring, but Seeing the clean poles WithOUt ugly ads We really felt proud,”he said.(1)What WaS the SPeCiaI thing Li RUyan did last summer?A . He joined a SPeCiaI group of Class13.B . He become a policema n.C . He StOPPed people from talk i

19、ng.D . He helped the traffic police at a crossroad.(2)From this PaSSage We know that.A . Li RUya n's school is in the middle of a big city.B . Li RUya n and his CIaSSmateS think it is good for them to do some com munity work.C . Li RUyan and his CIaSSmateS do some community work every day.D . Li

20、 RUya n and his CIaSSmateS Often hold small flags Whe n they cross the roads.(3) Community SerViCe.A . has become a Very importa nt Part Of educati OnonlyinChina.B . is Very important in school education in some foreign CoUntries.C . is the Only Part of the school PrOjeCt for tee nagers around the w

21、orld.D . n eeds StUde nts to finish at least 1,000 hours of com mun ity work.(4) In WhiCh CoUntry the StUdents need to finish forty hours of community work before graduation?A . In the United StateS and CanadaB . In Chi naC . In Can adaD . In the US(5) WhiCh of the following is NoT TRUE according to

22、 the passage?A . The StUde nts in SUZhOU ViSited the old people's home.B . The StUde nts in Shan ghai helped people to keep the traffic rules.C . The StUde nts in SiChUa n have not bee n asked to do com mun ity workD . The StUde nts in An Sha n clea ned the walls in the SUmmer sun.14.(8分)阅读理解We

23、all know that food gives US en ergy, but SOmetimeS it Can make US much happier Whe n We feel bad.StUdieS show that foods SUCh asSea fish, bananas, PUmPkins and ChiCken Can help fightagainst bad moods.How Can they affect our moods?StUdieS show that people living by the Sea appear much happier than Ot

24、her people, because the fresh Sea air helps them clear their minds and they eat a lot of Sea fish.BananaS have SOmethi ng that is full of Vitam in B6. HaVing more bananas can help US make a quick decisi on, and become more Con fide nt.Eating PUmPkinS Can also help people get into a good mood because

25、 it's rich in Vitamin B6 and iron( 铁)and it will make US happier.Are you in a bad mood? If you are , don't Sit alone. Go to eat SUCh happy food With your frien ds. Maybe you'll be better.(1) Food gives US energy and SOmetimeSA . it Can affect our moodsB . it Can make US feel SadC . it Ca

26、n make US become fatD . it Can make US look healthier(2) Why do people living by the Sea Iook happier?A . BeCaUSe they have fresh air and eat Sea fish.B . BeCaUSe they Can Ofte n SWim in the sea.C . BeCaUSe they often go boating.D . BeCaUSe they drink Sea water.(3) What food Can make US more Con fid

27、e nt?A . Sea fish.B . ChiCke n.C . PUmPk ins.D . Banan as.(4) The foodCan make US more Con fide nt?A .维生素B .矿物质C .小麦D .氯化钠(5) WhiCh of the following is TRUE?A . ChiCke n Can do nothing for us.B . Vitam in B6 and iron Can make US happierC . Eating a lot fish Can make US Unhealthy.D . FreSh air Can he

28、lp US become more Con fide nt.15.(9分)任务型阅读Tony WaS a twelve-year-old StUde nt. He got out of school at three o'clock every day.His Pare ntsusually WOrked Untildinner time and got home Very late.So after school Tony Went to his grandma's houseevery day.One after noon Tony WaIked to his gran d

29、ma's house as usual.Whe n he reached the door, he found hecould n't find his key any where.“ OoPSI lost my key ,” he Said to himself.Tonyrang the doorbell ( 门铃),but no one came.He WaIked around the house and looked in everyWindow.Usually, his grandma WaS in the IiVing room Waiting for him.To

30、day She WaSn't there.TOny feltWOrried.He found the WindoW in the kitche n WaS ope n.So he CIimbed in side.TonyfoUnd his grandma in her bedroom.She fell down and hurt her leg.TOny ran to call his father.SoOnhis dad Came over and took Gran dma to hospital.A few hours later Gran dma WaS SafeIy home

31、.T Ony told her about his lost key.Gra ndma WaS happy thathe found a Way to help her.She SmiIedand told him She had two things for him.First, She gave Tonya new key.Then, She gave him a hug and told him how much She loved him.TOny thoughtto himself,“ThiSmust be how a hero ( 英雄)feels. ”根据短文内容,回答下列问题。

32、(1)Why did Tony go to his grandma's house every day?(2)Did Tony go to his grandma's house by bus?(3)HoW did Tony get into the house?(4)Where did Tonyfind his grandma?(5)Who took Grandma to hospital?四、词汇运用(共2题;共15分)16. ( 5分)用方框内所给词组的适当形式填空。get lost, CUt dow n, walk on, made of, i n dan ger(1)

33、 AS We know, dogs never after they walk a Iong way.(2)How Smart the dog is! It Can two legs.(3)Some animals are. We have to make rules to SaVe them.(4) We must n't buy things ivory to SaVe elepha nts.(5) People can't so many trees any Ionger. Animals are losing homes.17. ( 10 分) Mr. Bell lear ned how to Send mno tes through an in StrUme nt Si


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