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1、2018年九年级中考一模阅读整理B篇BI always felt sorry for the people in WheelChair. Some people, OId and Weak, Cannot get around by themselves. OtherS Seem PerfeCtIy healthy , dressed in bus in ess suits. BUt Whe never I SaW someOne in a WheeIChair, I Only SaW a disability , not a PerSon.Then I fain ted at Euro Di

2、Sney due to low blood PreSSUre. ThiS WaS the first time I had ever fain ted, and my Pare nts Said that I must rest for a while after FirSt Aid. I agreed to take it easy, but as I StePPed toward the door , I SaW my dad PUSh ing a WheeIChair in my direct ion! Feeli ng the color burn my CheekS , I aske

3、d him to wheel that thing right back to Where he found it.I could not believe this WaS happe ning to me. WheeIChairS Were fine for other people but not for me, as my father WheeIed me out into the main Street , people immediately began to treat me differe ntly.LittIe kids ran in front of me , forcin

4、g my father to stop the wheel Chair SUddenly. I felt Sad as I WaS thrown back and forth. " StUPid kids 一 they have PerfeCtIy good legs. Why Can't they WatCh Where they are goin g?" I thought. People Stared dow n at me, Pity in their eyes. Then they would look away , maybe because they

5、thought the Sooner they forgot me the better."I'm just like you! " I Wanted to scream. "The onIy difference is you've got legs , and I have wheels."People in WheeIChairS are nOt stupid. They See every look and hear each word.Looking outat the faces, I fin ally Un derstood

6、: I WaS OnCe just like them. I treated people in WheeIChairS exactly the Way they did not want to he treated. I realized it is some of US With two healthy legs who are truly disabled.29. The author OnCe When She WaS healthy.A. IaUghed at disabled peopleB. imagi ned herself Sitt ing in a WheeIChairC.

7、 looked dow n UPon disabled peopleD. SaW some healthy people movi ng around in WheeIChairS30. The experience of the author tells US that .A. life is the best teacher此文档部分内容来源于网络,如有侵权请告知删除B. people Ofte n eat their bitter fruitC. life is so Cha ngeable that no body Can foretellD. treati ng OtherS in

8、the Way you Want to be treated31. WhiCh is the best title for this passage?A. How to Get USed to WheeIChairSB. The WheeIS Are as Good as Two LegSC. People With Two LegS Are Truly HeaIthyD. The DifferenCe betwee n HeaIthy People and the DiSabIedBA SCience fiction IIying Car looks like a normal car, b

9、ut it is an aircraft that anybody Can fly directly from any place to ano ther WithOUt USing roads or run ways. SCie nce ficti On WriterS have Written about flying CarS for a Iong time. BUt now flying CarS will soon fly out of the world of SCience fiction into our real world. And the dream of the SCi

10、ence fiction WriterS will soon come true.The first -known Sky Car is the FSC -1. The FSC-1 looks like an expensive SPOrtS car. You Can drive the FSC -1 on the road like a no rmal car. If you touch a butt on,its Wi ngs and propeller( 螺旋桨)fold out and then it Can take off, fly and land as an airplane.

11、 The OWnerS of the FSC -1 Can choose if they Want to drive or fly.Ano ther flying Car or Sky Car is the Moller SkyCar M400. Although you can't drive it On the roads, it is S mall and easy to fly and can take off and land like a helicopter(直升飞机 ).UrbanAeronautics' X -HaWk is another type of S

12、ky car. It is expected to be available for about $3 million.JUSt like any new tech no logy, flying CarS have take n a Iong time to be developed. BUt some experts thi nk the tech no Iogy is far from What people imagi ne Whe n they are Sitti ng in traffic. It still n eeds to be improved.28. kinds of f

13、lying CarS are mentioned in the passage.A. TwoB. ThreeC. FourD. FiVe29. The Writer thi nks that flying CarS will be no Ion ger a dream because此文档部分内容来源于网络,如有侵权请告知删除本文档可自行编辑和修改内容,感谢您的支持B. they are too expe nsive to makeA. SCie nce fiction Writers' ideas are StUPidC. they will Soon be availableD.

14、they are Onlyin SCie nce fiction30. Some experts think the tech no Iogy of IIying CarS isA. normalB. traditi OnalC. not good eno UghD. Stra ngeBUiIdi ng an app is a big project. If you Want to build the n ext great SmartPh One app, you n eed a pla n. First, think about the kind of app that you Want

15、to build. Will your app be a game? Will it be for bus in ess? Then make a SChedUle(日程安排 )for buildi ng the app. You n eed ple nty of time for research before you are ready to buildNow you're ready to make the app. BUiIding an app is like a PUZZle( 拼图)with many different parts. You Can build it y

16、ourself or find a company to help you. There are many VideOS and WebSiteS that Can teach you to build one. Some WebSiteS PrOVide "building blocks" for app developers. AS you build, you PiCk blocks from the WebSite and PUt them in your app.After you build your app, you need to CheCk it care

17、fully. Look for bugs. Most apps have SeVeraI problems to fix. Show your app to people. ASk their OPinions. Mike SUre everyth ing works before lett ing people dow nl Oad it. There are so many tools that Can help you build apps. HaVing the right tools will make the work easier. Now almost anyone Can m

18、ake a new app.29. What are bugs accord ing to the article?A. I nsects.B. OPi nio ns.C. Problems.D. Tools.30. WhiCh magaz ine would PrObabIy have this article?A. Outdoor AdVe ntures.B. BUSin ess News.C. Moder n FaShi on.D. TeCh no Iogy Today.四:此文档部分内容来源于网络,如有侵权请告知删除Tea is an important Part Of Chinese

19、 tradition. Tea has Very close relatiOnShiP to Chinese culture.It is Said that Chinese tea WaS discovered by King Shen Nong. People Say that he lived 5 , OOO years ago. One SUmmer day, while he WaS ViSiting a faraway Part of his CoUntry, he felt Very thirsty. The SerVa nts bega n to make Water hot e

20、no Ugh for him to drink. Dried IeaVeS from a n ear pla nt fell into the water. The king dra nk some,a nd found it could make him feel less tired. Also as a SCientist, Shen Nong WaS interested in the new drink. And so, tea WaS Created in 2737 BC.Drinking tea has many adVantages. It makes people feel

21、less tired, CIearS heat inSide the huma n body and helps people become slimmer. AS you add a CUP of tea to your daily life, PIeaSe CheCk the followi ng helpful adVice. Drink it hot. Tea OXidiZes(氧化)quickly, so it is SUggeSted that you drink it hot. Do not drink too much Strong tea. It will PrObabIy

22、be harmful to your StOmaCh and make you feel SiCk if you make the tea too strong. The best time to drink tea is between meals. It may not make you haVe a strong WiSh to eatWhe n your StOmaCh is empty,or CaUSe StOmaChaChe Whe n your StOmaCh is full. Do not drink With medicine. It may Change the medic

23、al result. You Can drink tea two hours after you take medici ne. Green tea is the best ChOiCe for OffiCe workers. Why? BeCaUSe gree n tea helps stop the bad result of the COmPUter.29. ParagraPh 2 is mainly about .A. Whe n Ki ng She n Nong IiVedB. Where Chin ese tea WaS CreatedC. how Chin ese tea WaS

24、 discoVeredD. Why Ki ng She n Nong drank tea30. What Can We infer(推断)from the passage?A. Dorit drink too much Strong tea.此文档部分内容来源于网络,如有侵权请告知删除B. Not all OffiCe WorkerS drink gree n tea.C. Tea is Conn ected With Chin ese CUItUre closely.D. King Shen Nong loved Creati ng new thi ngs.31. The PaSSage i

25、s mainly Written to .A. let US know how tea WaS discovered B. give some advice about drinking teaC. tell people the history of teaD. advise people to drink gree n tea五:BYou may have heard the Saying, "When life gives you lemons, make lemOnade." SinCe IemonS are thought to be bitter( 苦的)and

26、 lemOnade sweet, the Saying tells you to make the best out of a bad SitUatiO n.Unl UCkily, Whe n SOmeth ing bad happe ns, it's not un com mon for most people to talk about it to anyone who'll liste n, and compla in about life, "Why me?" That's like gett ing a bag of lem ons, PU

27、tt ing them dow n, and thinking, "Lem OnS taste bad! I'd rather have chocolate !"If you don't make anything With the lemons, they will go bad. BUt What if you did SOmething With them? What if you made lem On ade? ISn't it POSSibIe to do SOmeth ing SimiIar With a bad SitUati on?

28、Here's an example: Let's Say you're about to go to the movie, but you discover you have a flat tire(瘪胎).You think it a terrible thin. After all, you are really looking forward to SPending some time With Ryan Gosling and Emma Stone. Now you're all StreSSed out. hating the tire, the ca

29、r, and your life. BUt What if you called AAA, got your tire fixed or got CaUght UP OnthingS that you'd bee n meaning to do? What if you did some readi ng. or had COffee With a friend in stead? AS awful experience Can be turned into SOmething better. You can't Change What has happened, right?

30、 So make the best of it. I'm not Say ing it will be easy. The easy thing to do is compla in about your bad SitUati On and not think about What it could be tur ned in to.NeXt time Whe n some bad things happe n, stop and think, "How Can I turn this around? How Can I make it a nice experie nce

31、 ?" You n eed n't fear difficulties. AS Iong as you keep On Cha nging it, you will See the good at last.28. What do We know about the Say ing irt ParagraPh 1?A. It is enCOUraging.B. It is humorous.C. It is amazing.D. It isin teresti ng.此文档部分内容来源于网络,如有侵权请告知删除29. What does most people usually

32、 do Whe n Somethi ng bad happe ns?A. ACCePt it.C. Compla in about it.B. ASk for help.D. Find out the reas ons.30. The Writer USeS the example of Seeing a movie to tell US B. it is all right to make mistakesD. bad thi ngs Can be turned into goodA. a flat tire happe ns SOmetimeSC. it is a Very Won der

33、ful thing to meet film StarS thi ngs六:The romance novel Me BefOre You tells a story that you might never forget. It is the IateSt bestseller by BritiSh Writer Jojo Moyes. The book has been made into a movie. BritiSh actress EmiIia Clark and actor Sam Caflin play the lead roles in the movie.There are

34、 two main CharaCterS in this book. One is LOUiSa Clark, or Lou, a girl who has lost her job at a cafe. The other is William Traynor, or Will, a young man who has become disabled after a motorcycle accide nt.Lou ends UP tak ing a job Where She has to take Care of Will. At first, they don't like e

35、ach other Very much. However, they gradually become good frien ds. BUt this happ in ess Only IaStS a few days.While I read the book, I could n't help but notice its Ianguage. There Were a lot of descriptiOnS to show What the CharaCterS are feeling. There are also many detailed descriptiOnS of th

36、e en viro nments around the characters. For example, Moyes WriteS "I SaW it WaS bigger tha n I had imagined, red brick With a double front ",describing how SUrPriSed Lou is When She SeeS Will's house for the first time.At the end of the book, Will WriteS "Just live well, just live

37、" in a letter. ThiS short Iine is the last thing that Will WriteS to Lou. It shows Will's deep feeli ngs about life. He WantS her to live life to the Utmost(竭尽全力)the Very thing he had Wanted to do before he had his accident.此文档部分内容来源于网络,如有侵权请告知删除28. What do we know about the book Me Before

38、You?A. It is about childhood memories.B. It has been made into a movie.C. It has one main character.D. It was written by a US writer.29. Which of the following is TRUE about William Traynor?A. He was born with a disability.B. He lost his arms in a car accident.C. He knew Louisa Clark before the acci

39、dent.D. He became disabled after an accident.30. Why did the writer write this story?A. To introduce a book.B. To advertise a movie.C. To introduce a writer.D. To tell a love story.七:BOn December 14 ,2017, we were sorry to hear that Yu Guangzhong, a famous poet died of illness in Taiwan. He was born

40、 in Nanjing in 1928. His mother's hometown is in Wujin , Changzhou. So he called himself a southern person.Later, he went to Taiwan. In 1952 he graduated from Taiwan University. Then he graduated from University of LOWA in 1959. He taught at Soochow University, Normal University, Taiwan University , and Chengchi University. He got a lot of prizes in literature(文学 ), such as.Wu Sanlien Literature Prize, China Times Award, Golden Tripod , National Arts Award and all the major( 主要的 )Awards in Taiwan. He is fa


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