1、暗示性词语暗示性词语 (clue words)完形填空试题命题策略完形填空试题命题策略完形填空是考查学生在语境中选择恰当的语词完成语篇表达的能力,具体包括语篇理解能力以及在具体语境中准确运用语词的能力考点考点完形填空考查的语篇层面的语词运用能力。语篇理解:70%语句理解:30%。考点应该覆盖考纲所规定的考点,实义词占80%,虚词一般只占20%。难、易度 通过本句-易 通过本句与上句下句理解-中 通过整篇理解-难 提示性语句离试题本句越远,难度越大。也应设计少量根据生活常识等图式才能判断选择答案的试题。 了解句子、段落、篇章中衔接与连贯了解句子、段落、篇章中衔接与连贯 语义场的语义场的暗示性词语
2、暗示性词语(clue words)及其及其显性显性 暗示暗示和和隐性暗示隐性暗示的七种手段。的七种手段。 掌握完形填空中运用掌握完形填空中运用显性暗示显性暗示和和隐性隐性 暗示暗示的解题技巧,并利用其解题。的解题技巧,并利用其解题。Leading-inGuess the missing words in the song Im a New Soul.Brain stormingIm a New SoulIm a _ soul I came to this strange worldhoping I could learn a bit about how to give and_.But sin
3、ce I came herefelt the joy and the _finding myself making every possible _la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la. Im a _ soul in this very strange worldhoping I could learn a bit about what is true and _.But why all this hate try to communicatefinding trust and love is not always easy to make.la-la-la-la-la-la-la-
4、la. _New_newtakefearmistakeyoungfaithWhat is a clue word?A clue word can be found either _ or _ the blanks.beforeafterThe position of a clue word?1)Mr. Brown is a teacher, he works in the school.2) KFC staff not only work in the day, but also work during the night.3) It is so urgent that he has no t
5、ime to explain more.4) Linda slipped and fell down the stairs because the floor was wet.5) Time is very valuable. We must treasure our time.Find out the clue words in the following sentences within 20 seconds.2019181716151413121110 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 11)Mr. Brown is a teacher, he works in the _.2) KFC
6、staff not only work in the day, but also work during the _.3) It is so urgent that he has _ time to explain more.4) Linda _ and fell down the stairs because the floor was wet.5) Time is very valuable. We must _ our time.schoolnightnoslippedtreasureHidden Clues隐性暗示隐性暗示In terms of the relationship bet
7、ween the clue words and the keysObvious Clues 显性暗示显性暗示 1 1) ) 第一种显性暗示手段第一种显性暗示手段: :同词同词暗示(暗示(同源词同源词) 有时为了表达的需求,在上下文中有同一概念出现,可以借助这一信息选择正确答案。如: Wouldnt it be great if we didnt have to remember passwords ever again? If we could just sit in front of our computers and be 21 (automatically) logged in? Cra
8、ve mentions how NEC Soft BiodeLogon system uses face recognition technology to log you on to Windows, rather than using a 22 .(NMET 2007 广东)22. A. face B. password C. software D. system _2) 2) 第二种显性暗示手段:第二种显性暗示手段:同义词、近义词同义词、近义词暗示暗示 原文表达中,可借助意思相同或相近的词,有时则是用解释性的语言来连接上下文的语义。如:如: One of the most popular
9、 trends today is for families and groups to go with a theme when choosing their costumes. For example, costumes might be _4_ on the basis of a favorite movie, fairy tale, or some other connecting theme.4. A. purchased B. selected C. gained D. rewarded_3) 3) 第三种显性暗示手段:第三种显性暗示手段:反义词反义词暗示暗示 语意的连贯有时通过对比
10、的结构采用反义复现 的手段,或者是以反义的方式对前文加以解释。应注意分析这类概念复现,从反义的角度判断正确的选项。(NMET-2007-全国II) We arrived in Spain for the first time a few weeks ago. I decided to 21 a car because we had sold the one we had in England before 22 home. 21.A.borrowB.driveC.buy D.choose22.A.leavingB.makingC.returning D.getting_4) 4) 第四种显性暗
11、示手段:第四种显性暗示手段:上下义词上下义词暗示暗示 上下义词是指词的总结和分解关系,上义词是总称词,下义词是其包含的个体或种类。He taught her how to rely on other _, specifically her hearing. (NMET 2010 湖北)A. feelings B. organsC. skillsD. senses_ 上义词 sports _ renewable energy _ 下义词 badminton, running, football rice, noodles, bread _ table, sofa, bed When I turn
12、ed fourteen, she bought me a secondhand _ and told me that I could become a writer. (NMET 2010江苏) A. camera B. radio C. bicycle D. typewriter5) 5) 第一种隐性暗示:第一种隐性暗示:同一话题(场景)同一话题(场景)暗示暗示 某些词汇或表达是围绕同一个话题或同一个场景展开的。_(NMET-2007全国II) I had tried out a model like it (bicycle) before, but as I was not yet 24
13、driving in this city, my wife did not want me to collect it 25 so we went together to 26 it. 24. A.sure of B.satisfied with C.interested in D.used to25. A.on my own B.right away C.in a hurry D.on the way26. A.receiveB.bringC.orderD.fetch6) 6) 第二种隐性暗示:第二种隐性暗示:因果因果暗示暗示在同一个句子或段落中,有时前后的词语之间存在必然的因果关系。_7)
14、 7) 第三种隐性暗示:第三种隐性暗示:搭配搭配暗示暗示形容词和名词之间、动词和副词之间、动词和宾语存在的搭配关系。(2011新课标全国卷) And (the professor) went on saying, “You have just 41 an important lesson about science. That is: Never 42 your own senses.”41. Alearned B. prepared C. taught D. taken42. Alose B. trust C. sharpen D. show_Obvious Clues显性暗示显性暗示Hid
15、den Clues 隐性暗示隐性暗示In terms of the relationship between the clue words and the blanks1. 同词(同源词)同词(同源词)2. 同义词、同义词、 近义词近义词3. 反义词反义词4. 上下义词上下义词1. 同一话题同一话题 (场景)(场景)2. 因果因果3. 搭配搭配 Lets apply our skills of finding clue words to do the cloze tests in NMET 2010 & 2011 Guangdong.NMET 2010 Guangdong Cloze
16、(完形填空)Two key words: _ _ (cultural) differencesdoorsControlled- practice 21、22、23 同词(同源词)暗示;同词(同源词)暗示;24、25 反义暗示反义暗示Every country has its own culture. Even though each country uses doors, doors may have 21 functions and purposes which lead to 22 differences. When I first came to America, I noticed t
17、hat a public building had two different 23 and they had distinct functions. You have to push the door with the word “PUSH” to go out of the building and to pull the door with the word “PULL” to 24 the building. This was new to me, because we use the 25 door in South Korea. For quite a few times I fa
18、iled to go out of a shopping centre and was embarrassed.21.A. different B. important C. practical D. unusual22. A. national B. embarrassing C. cultural D. amazing23. A. exits B. entrances C. signs D. doors24. A. enter B. leave C. open D. close25. A. main B. same C. front D. backdoordoorgo out ofdiff
19、erent_doorsdoordoors Half-controlled practice: 因果暗示因果暗示2题;近义词暗示题;近义词暗示1题;题; 同同词(同源词)暗示词(同源词)暗示1题、反义词暗示题、反义词暗示1题。题。The way of using school bus doors was also 26 to me. I used to take the school bus to classes. The school decided that when the driver opened both the front and back doors, 27 who were g
20、etting off the bus should get off first , and students who were getting on should get on 28 .In South Korea, we do not need to wait for people to get off. One morning, I hurried to the bus ,and when the bus doors opened, I 29 tried to get on the school bus through the front door. All the students ar
21、ound looked at me, I was totally 30 ,and my face went red.(NMET 2010 广东)广东)26.A.annoying B. hard C. satisfying D. strange27.A.parents B. students C. teachers D. drivers28.A.sooner B. later C. faster D. earlier29.A. politely B. patiently C. unconsciously D. slowly30. A. embarrassed B. annoyed C. unsa
22、tisfied D. excited与上一段首句“new”近义暗示students_同词(同源词)暗示反义暗示因果暗示因果暗示NMET 2011 Guangdong Cloze (完形填空)Two key phrases: _ _ special classesgifted children It has been argued by some that gifted children should be grouped in special classes. The 1 has been on the belief that in regular classes these children
23、 are held back in their intellectual (智力的智力的) growth by 2 situation that are designed for the 3 children. There can be little doubt that 4 classes can help the gifted children to graduate earlier and take their place in life sooner. However, to take these 5 out of the regular classes may create seri
24、ous problems.1. A. principle B. theory C. arguments D. classification2. A. designing B. grouping C. learning D. living3. A. smart B. curious C. mature D. average4. A. regular B. special C. small D. creative5. A. children B. programs C. graduates D. designsFree PracticeNMET 2011 Guangdong Cloze Testa
25、rguedchildrenclassesintellectual_children_theseHowevergifted同词(同源词)暗示同一话题暗示同一话题(场景)暗示反义暗示反义暗示因果暗示 _ _ However, to take these 5 out of the regular classes may create serious problems. I observed a number of 6 children who were taken out of a special class and placed in a 7 class. In the special class
26、, they showed little ability to use their own judgment, relying 8 on their teachers directions. In the regular class, having no worry about keeping up, they began to reflect 9 on many problems, some of which were not on the school program. 5. A. children B. programs C. graduates D. designs6. A. inte
27、lligent B. competent C. ordinary D. independent7. A. separate B. regular C. new D. boring8. A. specially B. slightly C. wrongly D. heavily9. A. directly B. cleverly C. voluntarily D. quickly _反义暗示与 gifted 近义暗示gifted children_因果暗示反义暗示因果暗示Many are concerned that gifted children become 10 and lose inte
28、rest in learning. However this 11 is more often from parents and teachers than from students, and some of these 12 simply conclude that special classes should be set up for those who are 13 . Some top students do feel bored in class, but why they 14 so goes far beyond the work they have in school. Studies have shown that to be bored is to be anxious. The gif
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