



1、牛津初中英语9a unit6短语归纳1. (l)be/get dressed in+颜色/衣服=wear = be in穿着衣服(强调状态)(2) dress up盛装,打扮,装饰,伪装(3) dress sb./oneself给某人/某人自己穿衣服2. (l)|iniich more §crioiir|严重的多(2)take §th seriously |严肃对待某事3. (1 )|go missing, = be missing (系表结构)不见了 ;消失了(2)everything| goes wrong 诸事不利4. make notes區作的笔录5what imp

2、ortant、vork|!= |what an important job|! 多么重要的工作!6(l)|be wanted for murder因谋杀被通缉(2)|be wanted on the phone某人的电话(找某人接电话) 7.medium height中等高度(个子)&(l)|bc likely to do| sth =(2加'§ likely that 有可能做某事9|in the doonva、ofa clothes shop 在一家服装店的门口10. e sb| doing sth >sb |be seen doing sth 看见某人正在

3、做11 .see sb do: sth|be seen to do sth看见某人经常做(或看见事情发生的全过程)12.(1)at the scene o# the crime 在犯罪现场 at the time of the crime 在犯罪时间 13|somewhere else)别的某个地方14. attack sb. with a knife 用小刀攻击某人15. sb be attacked vith| a knife某人被人用小刀攻击16|bleed to death 漩血至死 |bleed»bled»bled17.(l)as a result,结果(2)尿

4、a result o# =ccause of由于18(l)evidcnce of a struggle 搏斗的迹彖(2)|a piece of evidence _条证据19|put up (a good fight)|进行(激烈地搏斗)(1) put up举起、张贴,搭建 put out扑灭 (3) put off延期 (4) put down放下put away把收起来,整理 (6) put on穿上、上演(7) put up with 忍受 (8)put one?s effort into 把精力投入到20. check the sccnc| forfingerprints 检査现场指纹

5、21. a well-paid job 一份报酬丰厚的工作22. be guilty of sth|/|doing犯 有罪23. feel/be guilty at/for/about 对感到内疚24charge sbwith (doing) sth因某事而控告某人25. be charged with sth/doin± §th 因某事而被控告26. break into强行闯入,破门而入27(l)make enemies with| sb 与某人树敌(2)|make friends wiili sb 与某人交朋友28.suppose sb |to do sth 设想某人

6、做29§o far = |up to no=|until n(nv|=|by now到目前为止(通常用现在完成时)30the witness_fo| the murder 谋杀案的证人3.bwath heaviiy/hard=|ui of breath 气喘嘘嘘,上气不接下气32. (l)have evidence to prove .有证据证明 (2)prove (sb) to be证明是33. (l)several computer systems 几个计算机系统34.offer a reward 虱.(money) |for |为提拱(钱)的奖赏35. lead to the

7、direst of the murderer 导致凶手的被捕36contact /call |sb同 打电话联系某人37.see anything unusual看到任何不寻常的事38(l)do something against the law| 做些违反法律的事(2)speak/act against sb 言行反对某人39.(l)fight for 为而战 take place=happen 发生,举行(3)the following/next day 第二天 4u(l)|take in吸收(2)§end out呼出,发送出41 dare (not) to do sth敢做某事

8、(行为动词) (2)dare not do(情态动词)42. (1) dare to go out alone at night 敢独自一个人夜里岀去(2)there is |a risk ofj 询tin父 killed 有被杀的风险43. (l)|run out 用完,耗尽(2)time| is running out 时间快用完了44. (1 )|get out of shower 洗完澡 (2)take/have a shower/bath 洗澡45. notice sb running down 察觉有人在跑 notice sb do /doing sth(经常/正在)46. wai

9、t in the queue= wait in a line 排队等候47冈one" micmhirt两在某人35岁时48.园one" thirties |在某人30几岁时(复数)49|be familiar with对熟悉50. rob| sb圖sth抢某人某物51. |steal |sth from, sb 偷某人某物52. wear a mask 戴面具53have (no) criminal record 有/没有犯罪记录54. (l)six months in prison for theft 因盗窃入狱六个月 (2)|out of prison 出狱55. se

10、nd/put sb into prison 送某人进监狱56囲one's wedding在某人的婚礼上57. 园°恥1 wedding在某人结婚的那一天58. |be involved in被卷入,与有关59in/ovcr/during the last/ | past few years 在过去的几年中60. suspect. sb of doing, sth 怀疑某人做某事61. suspect sb |to be/as| 怀疑某人是62|get along/on (well) with |与某人相处、进展融洽63.except除了 (不包含) besides除了还(包含

11、)64(l)do sth |for a livin寸做某事为 了谋生(2)make a living 谋生65. (1) be shocked at 因而震惊(2) live next door 住在隔壁66. a jewellery shop 一家珠宝店67. (l)|arresf|sb.乔|sth因某事而逮捕某人(主动)(2)|be arrested for| sth.因为某事而被逮捕(被动)68. be under arrest for sth 因为某事而被逮捕类似用法 under the treatment/protection69. ( 1) catch a bus 赶公共汽车(2)

12、 had 呢血h call the police 最好报警7u|read |detective stories 看侦探故事 hold a| writing competition 举行写作竞赛 71.(1) whatlsshe ilke|?=what does she |look like|?她看上去怎么样?(外貌或性格) 回答:she is ta)l/friendly.(2) what docs shc| like (动词:喜欢)?她喜欢什么? she likes apples/cartoons72move to |for safety |为了安全搬到73.(l)|say |thanks |

13、t sb向某人致谢(2)来酬thanks血)sb 替某人致谢语法:直接引语和间接引语当我们引用别人的话时,可以用别人的原话,也可以用自己的话把意思转述出来,如果是引用原话,被引 用的部分就称为直接引语,如果是转述,就称为间接引语。如:a. the detective asked: “who knows the victim?”,其中的“who knows the victim?”就是直接引语。b. the detective asked who knew the victim.其中的 who knew the victim 就是间接引语。直接引语通常用引号(“") 括起来,间接引语在

14、多数情况下都构成一个宾语从句。如果引用的句子原来是一个陈述句,在间接引语的开头用连词that;要根据意思改变人称,同时引语中的t 语和主句的谓语在时态上要相对称。 he said, “the woman looks very worried.> he said that the woman looked very worried.分析:两句中的间接引语开头用连词that,在动词say后,有时that可以省略。tom said to me, <4i have left my toy at home." >tom told me that he had left his

15、 toy at home*分析:两句中直接引语和间接引语的主语已经发生变化。间接引语中的主语和主句中的主语是一致的。he 就是指 tom, she 就是指 the victim、mother. “i'm scared, said the witness.the witness said that she was scared.分析:两句中的直接引语是一般现在时,变成间接引语时,要变成一般过去时。 “the thief is running away” said mrs ma. ma said the thief was running away.分析:两句中,直接引语中的现在进行时改变

16、成了间接引语中的过去进行时,表示在过去某时,动作正在 进行。detective lu said that he had finished his report detective lu said, °tve finished my report”分析:两句中,直接引语中的现在完成时,改变成了间接引语中的过去完成时。©mr wu said, “i read the newspaper” >mr wu said that he had read the newspaper.分析:两句中,直接引语中的一般过去时改变了间接引语中的过去完成时。直接引语中的动作“ad, saw

17、发生在主句动作said之前,因此变成间接引语时要变成过去完成时。“we will look for more clues” said detective jones.detective jones said that they would look for more clues.分析:句中直接引语中的一般将来时,改变成了间接引语中的过去将来时,表示look for和catch up with这两个动作分别发生在主句动作“曲d和answered"之后,因此间接引语中要用过去将來时。直接引语变成间接引语时,直接引语中的指示代词,地点和时间状语等要作相应的变动。 she said: “i

18、will come here tonight”一she said that she would go there that night. jack said to us, "these are my stamps.”一jack told us that those were his stamps. lucy said: “my sister came back two days ago”lucy said that he sister had gone back two days before. mr hu answered, "they will arrive here

19、tomorrow evening/5mr hu answered that they would arrive there the next evening.指示代词:thisthatthesethose地点状语:here there动词:come go时间状语:now.-一thentodaythat dayyesterdaythe day beforelast wcck(ycar, cct)the weck(ycar5 cct.) beforetwo days(a month, ect.)two days(a month, ect.) beforetomorrowthe next(follo

20、wing) daytomorrow morningthe next(follovving) morningnext week(year, ect)the next week(year, ect)【注】时间状语this afternoon在间接引语中没有改变。因为转述的是当天所说的话。这种情况下,时间状语可 不作改变。如: tom said: "i will finish the work this afternoon”tom said that he would finish the work this afternoon.如果直接引语是一个特殊疑问句,在变成间接引语时,除了要注意人

21、称,状语等的变化和时态相对称外,还 要注意间接引语中应用陈述句的语序,不能用疑问句的语序。同时不能用连词that,而要用特殊疑问句,句末 用句号。 the teacher asked, “what are you parents?”the teacher asked what my parents were. he asked,“when will you see your uncle, liu mei?"he asked liu mei when she would see her uncle. i asked, “which book is yours, meimei?"

22、;i asked meimei which book was hers. tom asked me, uhow are you getting on with your classmates?tom asked me how i was getting on with my classmates* i asked, "who did you wait for yesterday, tom?”i asked tom who he had waited for the day before. she asked, “where are we going to meet tomorrow?

23、59she asked where they were going to meet the following day. he asked me, “why were you late yesterday?”he asked me why 1 had been late the day before.如果直接引语是一般疑问,选择问句或反意疑问句莊间接引语前要用连词whether或if。he asked, “are you sure your mother will come?”he asked if (whether) i was sure my mother would come. she asked, “arc you a student or a teacher?”she asked me whether 1 was a student or a teacher.【注】当引用的一个反意疑问句时,连词只能用whether。he asked, “you have a few friend


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