已阅读5页,还剩23页未读 继续免费阅读




1、海关报关员常用英语术语海运费 ocean freight 集卡运费、短驳费drayage 订舱费 booking charge 扌艮关费 customs clearance fee 操作劳务费 labour fee or handling charge 商检换单费 exchange fee for cip 换单费d/o fee 拆箱费 de-vanning charge 港杂费 port sur-charge 电放费 b/l surrender fee 冲关费 emergent declearation change 海关查验费 customs inspection fee 待时费 waiti

2、ng charge 仓储费 storage fee 改单费 amendment charge 拼箱服务费 lcl service charge 动、植检疫费 animal & plant quarantine fee 移动式其重机费mobile crane charge 进 ill 库费 warehouse in/out charge 提箱费 container stuffing charge 滞期费 demurrage charge 滞箱费 container detention charge 卡车运费 cartage fee 商检费 commodity inspection fee

3、 转运费 transportation charge 污箱 费 container dirtyness change 坏箱 费用 container damage charge 淸沽箱 费 container clearance charge 分拨费 dispatch charge 车上交货 fot ( free on track ) 电汇手续费t/tfee转境费/过境费i/e bonded charge 空运方面的专用术语 空运费 air freight机场费 air terminal charge 空运提单费airway bill fee fsc (燃油附加费)fuel surcharge

4、 scc (女全附加费)security sur-charge 抽单费d/o fee 上海港常用术语内装箱费 container loading charge(including inland drayage)疏港费 port congestion charge他港常用术语场站费cfs charge文件费 document chargeams automated manifest system 自运舱单系统acs/acc alameda corridor surcharge火车通道费(自洛杉矶转运)baf bunker ajustment factor燃油附加费系数baf燃油附加费,大多数航线

5、都 有,但标准不一。brc the bunker recovery charge 燃油附力口 费caf currency ajustment factor 币值附加费cy-cfs cy-chargefaf fuel adjustmentfactor燃油价调整附加费(id本航线专用)gri general rate increase综合费率上涨附加费一般是南美航线、美国航线使用ddc destination deliveiy charges直航附加费 美加航线使用doc document charges 文件费ebs emergency bunker surcharge紧急燃油附加费一般是澳洲航

6、线使 用eba紧急燃油附加费一般是非洲航线、中南美航线使用ers/era空箱调转费ifa临时燃油附加费,某些航线临时使用iac联运管理费(中海)ias直航附加费美加航线使用ipi interior point intermodal 内陆转运费isps上海港口拥挤费用isps(视船公司而定)orc origin receipt charge发货港收货费,本地出口附加费.和sps类似,一般在华 南地区使用ptf巴拿马运河附加费美国航线、中南美航线使用pss peak season sucharges旺季附加费 大多数航线在运输旺季时可能临时使用pcc巴拿马运河附加费pcs port congest

7、ion surcharge港口拥挤附加费一般是以色列、印度某些港口及中南美航线 使用8月15日起alexandria收取pcs($35o/teu)上海ripi没动内陆点转运费sps shanghai port surcharge上海港口附加费(船挂上港九区、十区)thc terminal handling charges 码头操作费(香港收収)wrs战争附加费一般中东尤其是以色列的港口要加这个费用yas yen adjustment surcharge日元贬值附加费(日本航线专用)orc origen recevie charges本地出口附加费,和sps类似(广东省收取)eps equipm

8、ent position surcharges 设备位置附加费scs suez canal surcharge 苏伊士运河附加费heavy-lift additional 超重附加费yas yard surcharges 码头附加费deviation surcharge 绕航附加费transhipment surcharge 转船附加费direct additional 直航附加费long length additional 超长附加费fumigation charge 熏蒸费ice surcharge冰冻附加费cleaning charge 洗舱费optional fees or optio

9、nal additional 选择卸货港附加费 alteration charge变更卸货港附加费各航线费用组成美西 o/f+pss+ams+wrs+iac+ipi+ers+acc美东 o/f+pss+ams+wrs+pcc+ripi+ers东南亚线 o/f+baf+wrs+pcs欧洲o/f+baf+caf+pss(旺季时候会加)tl 本 o/f+pss (ebs+baf/yas+cyc 一般到付) 韩国 o/f+pss+ebsebs、eba部分航线燃油附加费的表示方式,ebs 一般是澳洲航线使用,eba-般是非洲航线、川南美航线使用国际货运专业英语术语积载stow卸载 discharge海牙

10、时间hague period 整箱货 full container load(fcl) 背书 indorsement节省的全部时间all time saved 节省的工作时间all time saved 船级 working time saved 租期 charter period 交船 delivery of vessel 还船 re-deliver of vessel货物选择权option of cargo 满载货物 full and complete cargo 受载口 laydays date 节约日 cancelling date 卸船重量 deliverde quantity 许可

11、装卸时间lay tine (lay days) 连续日(或时)running or consecutive days/hours 损害damage灭失loss夕卜来风险extraneous risks全损 total loss实际全损 actual total lose推定全损 constructive total loss部分损失partial loss单独海损 particular average共同海损 general average平安险 free from particular average (fpa)水渍险 with particular average (wa or wpa)一

12、切险 all risks仓至仓条款 warehouse to warehouse clause转装费 transfer charge海运运费ocean freight船方不负担装货费free in (f.i.)船方不负担卸货费free out (f.o.)船方不负担装卸费free in and out (f.i.o.)船方不负担装卸、理舱、平舱费 free in and out,stowed,trimmed (f.i.o.s.t) 装船费 loading charges议价 open rate速遣费 despatch money滞期费demuirage预付运费 freight prepaid到

13、付运费 freight at destination(freight to be collected)运价表 freight tariff基本运费率basic rate班轮运价liner freight附加费 surcharges超重附加费 heavy lift additional超长附加费 long length additional燃油附加费 bunker surcharge or bunker adjustment factor直航附加费 direct additional转船附加费 stranshipment surcharge港口 附加费 port surcharge装箱单 pac

14、king list重量单 weight memo信用证 letter of credit销售合同 sales contract销货确认书 sales confirmation汇票 b订 1 of exchange or draft订舱单 booking note装货单 shipping order收货单(大副收据)mate' s receipt过期提单stale b/l舱面提单on deck b/l预借提单advanced b/l倒签提单 anti-dated b/l标准定期租船合同 uniform time charter (baltime)提单 bill of lading(b/l

15、)已装船提单 shipped (or on board) bill of lading 备运提单 received for shipment bill of lading 清洁提单clean b/l不清洁提单 unclean or foul b/l直达提单direct b/l转船提单 transhipment b/l联运提单through b/l联合运输提单 combined transport b/l记名提单straight b/l指示提单order b/l班轮提单liner b/l租船提单 charter party b/l 全式提单long form b/l立即装运 immediate

16、shipment即期装运 prompt shipment尽速装运 shipment as soon as possible 允许装运 transshipment allowed 禁止转船 transshipmont prohibited 允许分批 part ial shipment al lowed 禁止分运 partiol shipment prohibitedt货集装箱 dry container 冷冻集装箱reefer container开顶集装箱 open top container 框架集装箱 flat rack container干货船drycargo ship木材船 timbor

17、 ship散货船 bulk cargo ship受通知人 parly to be notified输出 口岸 loading port水陆联运 through transport by land and water; mixed risk水险 marine risk水渍险 with particular average (wpa)提单 bill of lading (b/l)提单抄本 non-negotiable b/l体积吨 measured ton通知关系人notified party统一发票 uniform invoice投保单(risk) coverage note退关货物shut o

18、ut cargo托运人 shipper; consignor托运物 consignment危险货 dangerous/hazardous cargo违法物品 contraband (articles)违禁物品 contraband (articles)误卸货物misdischarged ca咚o误装货物misshipped cargo限制物品 restricted articles卸货船方免责free out unloading卸货港 port of unloading/discharge选择港 port of option; optional port扌甲运人 supercargo延滞日数

19、days of demurrage国际货运最常见的英语词汇货物运输 freight transport班轮 liner; packet ship包装单 packing list包装货物packed cargo保价货物insured cargo保税货物bonded cargo笨大货物bulky goods不定期船 tramp; tramper不合格货物 disqualified goods不流通提单 non-negotiable b/l不清洁提单unclean b/l不准转运 no transshipment permitted部分陆运少部分海运运输part land and part sea

20、transit残损货物damaged cargo超 t 货物 long/lengthy goods超程动物 distance freight超重 overweight超重货物 heavy package/lift超载货物 overloaded cargo陈旧提单stale b/l尺寸单 dimensions list出发卷 port of departure出发口期 date of sailing/departure储运 received for shipment船边交货 free-alongside-ship(fas)舟占期表 list of sailings; sailing schedu

21、le船上交货 free-on-board (fob)月占位拥挤 congestion of shipping space人副收据 mate's receipt代运业务 forwarding operation待领货物 unclaimed cargo待装船 received for shipment单独海损 average unless general; particular average单独海损不赔 free of particular average到达港 port of arrival; destination port到达口岸 destination port抵达吋间

22、date and time of arrival定期船条件berth terms定期货船cargo liner定期客货船 passenger and cargo liner定期邮船 mail liner; mailer短卸货物 short-landed cargo短装货物 short-shipped cargo发货地国家 country of delivery发货通知书consignment note费用 u付 charges paid费用已预付charges prepaid分批装船 partial shipment证书 notarization共同海损 general average惯驶航线

23、usual route贵重货物 treasure and valuable goods过境货 transit cargo海关发票 customs invoice海关监管货物 goods under customs supervision合同货物 contract goods回运货 return cargo货柜 container货柜装货物container cargo货价、保险、运费、佣金及利息 cost; insurance; freight; commission & interest货价、保险、运费及汇兑费 cost; insurance; freight & excha

24、nge (c1f & e) 货价、保险、运费及佣金 cost; insurance; freight & commission(cif & c) 货价、保险及运费 cost; insurance & freight(cif)货价及保险 cost & insurance(c & i)货价及运费 cost & freight(c & f)货物联运 through-freight traffic货载船位 cargo accommodation基本险marine risk集装箱container记名提单order b/l交货港 port

25、of delivery经由第三国过境 passage in transit through another country净重 net weight开航日期sailing date空白背书提单blank endorsed b/l快运货 express goods/cargo冷冻货 reefer/refrigerated goods冷气货 air-cooled cargo离岸价格 free-on-board (fob)联运提单through b/l零批货 parcel of goods领事签证发票consular invoice流通提单 negotiable b/l漏卸货物leakage 轮船代

26、理人shipping agent裸装货nude cargo毛重 gross weighti' j 到门服务 door-to-door service免税货物 duty-free goods目的港 port of destination (pod)皮重 tare (weight)平安险 free from particular average (fpa)破损险breakage起航港 port of sailing启航日期 date of sailing/departure窃盗遗失 theft; pilferage & non-delivery 轻泡货 light/measurem

27、ent cagro清洁提单clean b/l全部灭失险 total loss only (tlo)全险 all risk (insurance)绕航 deviation; change of voyage容积货物 light/measurement cargo商业发票 commercial invoice收货单 mate's receipt收货地国家 country of destination收货人consignee收货人记名提单straight b/l沿途停靠港port of call一次装船 one shipment一切风险 one risk (insurance)(2完

28、税货物 duty-paid goods已装船on-board应税物品 dutiable goods遇难港 port of distress预定保单open policy预付运费 freight prepaid预估启航期 estimated time of departure (etd) 预计抵达 fl 期 estimated time of arrival (eta) 原产地证明单 certificate of origin 远洋航运 ocean shipping运费待收 freight to be collected; freight forward 运费到收 freight to be c

29、ollected; freight forward 运费回扣 freight rebate运费已付 freight prepaid运输代理人forwarding agent杂货 general cargo载货容积吨数measurement tonnage在途中 en route; in transit战争险war risk丈量u屯 measured ton直达货 through cargo中途转运港 port of transshipment; intermediate port重货 deadweight cargo重量不足 underweight重量单 weight list重量吨weigh

30、t ton车专船货 transhipment cargo转船装运transhipment转口货 transhipment cargo转运提单 transhipment b/l转载货 transit cargo装货单 shipping order装船 tl 期 shipping date装船文件 shipping documents装 货港 loading port; port of loading装货免装费free in term装卸船方免责 free in & out term (fio)装卸费均免 free in & oul leirn (fio)装运说明 forwardi

31、ng instructions装运条款 shipment clause装运通矢口 shipping notice/advice总重量 gross weight最后停泊港 last port; port of last call贸易用语trade terms搬运费 transportation charge磅码单 weight list包 pcicket; package皮重 actual tare包装费 packing charge保兑费 confirming charge; fee for confirmation保兑信用证 confirmed letter of credit; confi

32、rmed l/c保护贸易 protective trade保护贸易政策protectionism保税仓库 bonded warehouse保险证书 letter of indemnity保证金 margin (money)保证书 letter of guarantee保证银行 confirming bank报关单manifest 报关行 custom (house) broker报价 quote; quotation备忘录贸易 memorandum trade备用信用证 standby letter of credit; stand-by l/c比价 compare bids避光 keep o

33、ut of the sun拨款 appropriation驳船费 lighterage不保兑信用证 unconfinned (letter of) credit不结汇 no exchange surrendered不可倒置 do not turn-over不可平放never lay flat不可取消信用证 irrevocable letter of credit; irrevocable l/c不可转让信用证 non-negotiable letter of credit; non-negotiable l/c不能压 fragile (not to be stowed below other

34、cargo)不透水舟仓 watertight compartment不许用钩no hooks部分损失partial loss采脳j授权书 procurement authorization舱单 manifest舱面货ondeck cargo舱内货 under-deck cargo舱位 shipping space仓单 storage slip仓库费 storage charge草包 straw bag草袋 straw bag差异 discrepancy成套零件输出knock-down export承兑费 acceptance charge承兑汇单 documentary acceptance

35、bill (da)承兑银行 bank of accepkince出仓 take out of storage出产地 country of origin出超贸易差额 balance of export trade出口 export出 口报关 export declaration出口货 export; export cargo出 口检验证明单 export inspection certificate出 口 结了匚 negotiate exportation出口 结汇单 export letter of credit; export l/c出 口津贴 export subsidy出 口贸易 exp

36、ort trade出口商 export出口 屮报书 export declaration出口 许可证申请书 application for export license出 口押汇申请书 application for negotiation of draft under l/c出票条款drawn clause船名 name of vessel此端向上this side up存仓store代理高 agent; agency代理银行agent bank单边贸易 unilateral trade单一汇率 unified foreign exchange rate到期 h expiration dat

37、e物流英语词汇freight rates运费率freight absorption 运费免收 volume of freight 货运量dead freight freight agent空舱费运输行freight car 美(一节)货车freight engine freight house货运机车 货栈,堆栈freight ton tonnage容积吨(数)freight-in n. (=freight inward, transportationin)进货运费 freight-out n. (=freight outward, transportationout)销货运费 freight

38、 forward运费由提货人支付freight paid 运费付讫freight prepaid (=advanced freight) 运费先付 freightless adj.by freight篥用普通铁路货车运送dead freight空舱费;空舱;不易腐坏的大件货物pull one's freight additional freight ad valorem freight advaneed freight air freight astray freight back freight美俚离开,岀发增列运费,附加运费从价运费预付运费back goods freight bu

39、lk freight charterer's freight clausum freight collect freight cost and freight航空运费票货分离(但有到达站和货主标计)的货物 退货运费,额外运费,空车回送方向货物 退货费用cost, assurance and freight cost insurance freight direct freight distanee freight distress freight excess freight散装货物租船人的运费不动产占有侵犯待收运费,收取运费离岸加运费价格到岸价格到岸价格直航运费增加距离运费填载运费超

40、(过路程单填明数)量货物出口保险费运费科目(帐户)export freight & in sura nee a/c fast freight 快运货物 general freight普通货物groupage freight 化零为整的货物 home freight 返回运费,回程运费 inbound freight到达货物inflammablefreight 易燃货物 interline freight铁路联运货物less-thancarload freight (lcl freight) lump sum freight manifest freightmeasurement fre

41、ight multiple freight net freight non reve nue open freight零担货物 按整船计算的运费包干运费 快运货物按体积计算的运费outbound freight outward freight overland freight package freight phantom freight pro rata freight复式运费运费纯收入,运费实收金,运费净数freight无收入货物自由运费,未定运费运出货物销岀运费陆运货运包裹货运,零担货物在售价上加计的假设运费比例运费quick dispatch freight快运货物refused fr

42、eight 收货人拒收的货物 restricted freight 限制条件下运输的货物(如易燃品,易爆品等)return cargo freight 回运货物运费 river freight内河水脚,内河运费shipping freight shortfall freight tapering freight through freight freight on board运费亏舱运费远距离递减的运费直达运费,联运货物离岸价格freight on inter-branch transfers分店间送货运费freight to be collected 运到收费,运费待收 freight to

43、 be deducted 应扣代付运费-物流英语专题 船务术语简缩语主要贸易术语:(i )fca (free carrier) m 交承运人(2) fas (free alongside ship)装运港船边交货(3) fob (free on board)装运港船上交货(4) cfr (cost and freight)成本加运费(5) cif (cost,insurance and freight)成本、保险费加运费(6) cpt (carriage paid to)运费付至目的地(7) cip (carriage and insurance paid to)运费、保险费付至目的地(8)

44、daf (delivered at frontier)边境交货(9) des (delivered ex ship)目的港船上交货(10) deq (delivered ex quay)目的港码头交货(11) ddu (delivered duty unpaid)未完税交货(12) ddp (delivered duty paid)完税后交货主要船务术语简写:(l) orc (origen recevie charges)本地收货费用(广东省收取)(2) thc (terminal handling charges)码头操作费(香港收取)(3) baf (bunker adjustment f

45、actor)燃油附加费(4) caf (currency adjustment factor)货币贬值附加费(5) yas (yard surcharges)码头附加费(6) eps (equipment position surcharges)设备位置附加费(7) ddc (destination delivery charges)目的港交货费pss (peak season sucharges)旺季附加费pcs (port congestion surcharge)港 口拥挤附加费(10)doc (document charges)文件费(11 )o/f (ocean freight)海运

46、费(12) b/l (bill of lading)海运提单(13) mb/l(master bill of lading)船东单(14) mtd (multimodal transport document)多式联运单据(15) l/c (letter of credit)信用证(16) c/o (certificate of origin)产地证(17) s/c (sales confirmation)销售确认书(sales contract)销售合同(18) s/o (shipping order)装货指示书(19) w/t (weight ton)重量吨(即货物收费以重量计费)(20) m/t (measurement ton)尺码吨(即货物收费以尺码计费)(21) w/m(weight or measurement (on)即以重量吨或


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