



1、    太湖流域高密度平原河网地区河流健康快速评价    周星宇吴建斌白瑞泉刘帅刘睿李建华摘 要:河流作為重要的地貌与生态系统,是影响河网地区城镇化发展的关键因素,而城镇化进程的加快降低区域生态发展质量。以吴江区6条河道作为研究对象,以政府管理和公众反馈为指导目标,构建包括河流水质、水文、河床地貌、水生生物以及河岸带形态5个方面、15项指标的河流健康快速评价体系,并通过调查问卷收集居民反馈与综合评价结果对比。结果表明:清水盪菀南、钱家甸东港以及肖家桥河段健康处于良好,浦家埭和打弓湾河段处于中等,照家湾河段处于亚健康;限制河段健康的主要原因是流速低、河床地

2、貌硬质化以及河岸带被侵占;与居民调查结果对比显示,河流评价结果与公众感官具有较高的一致性,说明该体系具可操作性,适宜在吴江区域推广使用。关键词:城镇化;河流健康评价;调查问卷;平原河网;河流管理中图分类号 x524  文献标识码 a文章编号 1007-7731(2021)17-0165-06rapid assesssment of river health in the high-density plain river network area of the taihu lake basin, chinazhou xingyu1 et al.(1state key laborator

3、y of pollution control and resource reuse,school of environmental science and engineering, tongji university, shanghai 200092, china)abstract: as an important landform and ecosystem, rivers are a key factor affecting the development of urbanization in river network areas. the acceleration of urbaniz

4、ation has caused damage to the river ecology and reduced the quality of regional ecological development. taking 6 rivers in wujiang district as the research object, with government management and public feedback as the guiding target, construct a rapid river health assessment system with 15 indicato

5、rs in 5 aspects including river water quality, hydrology, riverbed topography, aquatic organisms and riparian zone. and research through the questionnaire to collect residents' feedback and compare the results of the assessment. the results show that: qingshuidang river, qianjiadian river and xi

6、aojiaqiao river are in health state, pujiadai river and dagongwan river are in medium state, and zhaojiawan river is in sub-healthy state. the main factors for restricting the health of the surveyed river are river velocity, the hardened riverbed topography and riparian zone whichs invaded by others. the comparison with the questionnaire results of residents shows that the river assessment results have a high consistency with the public senses, which proves the operability of the system and is suitable for popularization in wujiang area.key wor


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