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1、lesson 73 the w町 to king street一、单词与短语week: n. 周; weekend: 周末;london: n.伦敦;in london:在伦敦;suddenly: adv.突然地;补充:all of a sudden=suddenly:突然地;bus stop:公共汽车站;补充:railway station:火车站;airport:飞机场;smile: v.微笑; wear smile:面带微笑;pleasantly: adv 愉快地;补充:have a pleasant time:玩得高兴;understand: v.懂,明白;补充:make onesel

2、f understood:让别人了解自己;speak: v.讲,说;speak后边常跟具体的语言,如说汉语: speak chinese; 说英语:speak english;hand: n.手;补充:raise your hand:举手; wave your hand:挥手;pocket: n.衣袋;phrase: n.短语;slowly: adv缓慢地;二、短语、句型及语法1、she does not know london very well, and she lost her way.他对伦敦不很熟悉,因此迷了路;在本句中有两个知识点需要引起注意: know、well:对、了解,例:i

3、 know him very well.我非常了解他;i do not know the book very well.我对这本书不是很了解。 关于与way相关的几个重要短语:lose onez s way: 迷路;i lost my way yesterday:昨天我迷路了 ;on the way to> > >在去、的路上;例:tom is on the way to school now.汤姆现在正在去学校的路上。by the way:顺便提一下,顺便问一下,例:by the way, i have something to tell you.我顺便有些事情想告诉你。2

4、、can you tell me the way to king street, please?您能告诉我到国王街的路怎么走吗?在本句中我们需要掌握英语中“问路”的几种表达方式:q)can/could you tell me the way to、您能告诉我去、地方的路吗?例:can/could you tell me the way to the railway station?您能告诉我去火车站的路吗?(dcould you tell me how to get to、您能告诉我去、地方的路吗?例:could you tell me how to get to the nearest bu

5、s stop? 您能告诉我去最近的公共汽车站应该怎么走吗? where is the nearest/closest> > >这个句型也是英语中关于 “问路”的常用句型,意思是“最近的、怎么走”例:excuse me, where is the nearest post office ?打扰您一下,最近的邮局应该怎么走?3、then he put his hand into his pocket, and took out a phrasebook.他把手伸进口袋,掏出一本常用语手册。在本句中我们要重点掌握与take相关的常用短语及句型的用 法:take短语: take of

6、f:脱下衣服;(飞机、宇宙飞船等)起飞;you had better take your coat off:你最好把外衣脱了 ;the plain took off on time:飞机准时起飞了。 take away:拿走,移动;we must take these books away:我们必须把这些书拿走。 takedown:写下,记下;英语中take down意思很多,初中 阶段掌握它写下记下的意思就可以,例:he took down what his teacher said quickly.他快速地记下了老师所说的话。 take up:从事于、;占据时间/空间等:he took u

7、p teaching since he graduated.他毕业后就一直从事教学的工作。sorry, we have taken up so much of your time.占据了你这么长的时间实在抱歉。take句型:关于take 一个最常见也最常考的句型是:it takes sb some time/money to do sth:花费某人时间金钱去做某事例:it took me three hours to finish my homework.我花费了三个小时才写完作业。it took me a lot of money to buy these books.买这些书花了我很多钱。

8、关于这个句型最常见的是花费时间去做某事,关于花费金 钱去做某事不常见,花费金钱去做某事最常见的是spend句 型。spend句型如下:主语(一般是人)+spend some time/some money in doing sth 或者是主语(一般是人)+spend some time/some money on sth.4、课文中重要短语集锦:last week:上周; go to london:去伦敦;lost one' s way:迷路;said to oneself:自言自语;can you tell me the way to the king street please?您

9、能告诉我到国王街怎么走吗?he was a tourist:他是个旅行者;put hand into pocket:把手伸进 口袋;take out:取出,拿出;5、名词主宾格及物主代词的复习与巩固名词的主语只能用主格,宾语用宾格,在一个句子中如果 出现两个人称代词,那么在动词或动词短语前的人称代词作 主语,用主格形式,在动词或动词短语后的人称代词作宾语, 用宾格形式。切记,主格只能作主语,宾格只能做宾语,不 能混用。关于形容词性物主代词及名词性物主代词要记住以下口诀: 有“名”则“形”,无“名”则"名”。意思是:后面是名词的话,前面就要用形容词性物主代词。 后面没有名词的话,就用名

10、词性物主代词。一、根据汉语填入适当的单词1、 let (我们)go and tell(她)about(它).2、his mother invited(我们)to dinner with(她)。3、 (我们)often meet (他)in the library4、thanks for helping( 我).5、tom, this is(我)cousin, mary.6、we are in the same class. (我)classroom is very nice.7 mrs green is my teacher. fm a student of (她)8、 mike, is th

11、is picture?(你) 一 yes, it is.二、改正下列题中的错误1、i can% find my sandwiches can i have one of your?2、we are going to paris to stay with a french friend of my 3、can we put ours coats here? yes, you can.4、tom and jack are brothers the room is my.5、look at the two pencils. the red one is your and the blue oneis

12、 mine.6、there is a book. it,s hec7 i have many friends. some of they are good at english.8、 sam and peter, look at you hands they are so dirty.9、can we put mine coats here? yes, you can.lesson 74 what did they do?一、单词与短语hurriedly: adv.匆忙地;cut: v.切、害寸;thirstily: adv口渴地;thirsty: adj口渴的;go: v.走;greet:

13、v.问候,打招呼;she greeted her teacher with a smile她微笑着跟她老师打招呼。二、短语、句型及语法1、what did they do?他们干了什么?本课主要是对what did they do?这个句型的训练与应用,是对 过去发生的动作或状况的提问,例:what did you do yesterday afternoon?昨天下午干什么 了 ?1 played basketball with my friends.我跟我朋友玩篮球了。此外还应该掌握这个句型:what do you usually do in your spare time?在你空闲的时间你经常做什么?2、掌握一个重要的语法:副词的变化规则:许多副词都是由形容词加ly变化而来,具体变化规则如下:1一般情况下直接加“ly”,女口:quick-quickly; quiet-quietly polite-politely; sad-sadly;immediate-immediately; brave-bravely recent-recently2、以ue或者是ole结尾的形容词,去掉e再加ly,如:true-truly ; due-duly; whole-wholly绝大多数辅音字母加e结尾的形容词直接加-ly。女口:polite-politely; w


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