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1、pep 小学英语六年级 ? (下)单元卷听力材料 ?unit 1 .? listen and ? circle. 1. ? a: how old? are you, ? tom? b: i? m 25. 2. a: ? lucy, your? arms are ? so long. ? b: yes, my? arms are ? 35cm long.?3. a: jack, ? you look h? eavier tha? n me. how ? heavy are ? you? b: ? oh, i m 68? kg. 4. my hai? r is 20cm ? long. bett?

2、 y s hair i? s 10 cm lo? nger than ? my hair. h? ow long is? betty s h? air? 5. a: ho? w big are ? your feet? b: size ? 17. .list? en and jud? ge. 1. the ra? bbit s ear? s are long? er than th? e bear s. 2. ? the apple ? is bigger ? than the w? atermelon.?3. the math ? teacher is ? younger. 4. ? the

3、 rabbit? s tail is? longer th? an the mon? key s. 5. the? boy is sh? orter is t? han the gi? rl. 6. the ma? n is heavi? er than th? e woman. ? .listen an? d connect.?1. there are ? five monk? eys in the? zoo. look? ! this is ? the brown ? monkey. it? is not ta? ll. it s 1? 47cm. it s? very stro? ng.

4、 2. wow! t ? hat s a ye? llow monke? y. it s 3 ? cm taller ? than the b? rown monke? y. it s qu? ite tall. ? it can car? ry a box o? f books. i? think it? s heavy. 3. s? uper. a bl? ack monkey? . it is sh? ort. it is? just 130c? m. it is n? ot fat. it? looks sma? ll. 4. great!? the big m? onkey is w

5、? alking to ? us. it is ? very tall.? it is str? onger and ? heavier. i? t s 10 cm ? taller tha? n the brow? n monkey. 5. ? there is a ? mother mo? nkey. it i? s 121cm. i? t is big, ? but it is ? very short? .iv. list? en and tic? k or cross ? .1i fa?iled the m?usic test.?2they?are going?on a big ?t

6、rip. 3ho?w s john f?eeling now?4how ?big are yo?u feet? 5?don t worr?y! 6?you will f?eel better?soon. 7i?have a so?re throat.?8amy ?is younger?than sara?h. 9kille?r whales a?re good sw?immers. 10?the yello ? w dog is b? igger than? the white? one. . l? isten and ? tick or cr? oss . hi ,?i m liu mi?n

7、g . i m a?chinese b?oy . i m 1?2 years ol?d .wu dong?is my goo?d friend .?he is 11 y?ears old .?but he is?bigger an?d stronger?than me .?i m 160cm?,he is 16?3cm tall. ?i m 45kg .?he is 2kg ?heavier th?an me .che?n ling is ?my sister ?. she is o?ne year ol?der than m?e , she li?kes sports?, so she ?i

8、s taller ?and strong?er than me?unit 2 ? .listen an? d choose. ?1. how do? you feel? i m tired? .2. how? does amy ? feel? she ? s bored. 精品学习资料 可选择p d f - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 第 1 页,共 6 页 - - - - - - - - -精品学习资料 可选择p d f - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 第 1 页,共 6 页 - - - - - - - - -? 3. how do? you

9、feel? i feel si? ck. i have? a fever. ? 4. what ? s the matt? er? i feel? sick. i h? ave a toot? hache. 5? . what s t? he matter, ? mike? i h? urt my leg? .listen? and circl? er. 1. g: wha? t s the ma ? tter, john ? ? b: i have? a toothac ? he. 2. b: wha? t s the ma ? tter, amy? g: i have ? a bad co

10、ld? .3. g: what ? s the matt? er, mike? ?b? : my legs ? hurt. i ca? n t walk. 4. ? g: what s ? the matter? , zhang pe ? ng? b:? i feel ho? t and tire? d. i have ? a fever. 5. b? : what s t? he matter, ? sarah? ?g: ? i have a h ? eadache. i? ii. listen? and cloze ? .1. tom ? is going o? n a big tr? i

11、p. he s e? xcited. 2.? chen jie l? ooks sad t ? oday. beca ? use she fa ? iled the m? ath test. ? 3. what s ? the matter ? ? my throa? t is sore ? . my nose ? hurts. 4. ? how are yo? u, panda? ? i m sick. ? i have a f? ever. iv. ? read and t ? ick or cro? ss today ? is sunday. ? john does ? nt go to

12、 ? school. he? feels bor? ed. his fr? iends call? him. they?are going?to play f? ootball to? gether. jo? hn is exci? ted. but h? e doesnt? do well in?the match? . he is an? gry with h ? imself. at? last, his? team fail? s. john fe? els sad. w? hen he get? shome, he?is very t? ired. his ? mother coo?

13、 ks noodles?for suppe? r. it s hi? s favourit ? e food. jo? hn is happ? y again. u? nit 3 1. i. l? isten and ? circle 1. ? b: what di? d you do l? ast weeken ? d ? g: ? i washed c ? lothes . 2? . g: did y? ou watch t? v yesterda ? y ,zoom? ? b: yes. ? i watched ? tv with my ? friend. ? 3. g: did ? y

14、ou go swi? mming on t? he weekend ? ,zhangpen ? g? b: y? es , i did? .4. b: wh? at the mat? ter ,mary? g: i h? ave a toot? hache. ? 5. b: what? did you d? o yesterda ? y ? g: ? i went hik? ing. ii. l ? isten and ? choose. ? 1 did you ? do your ho? mework las? t weekend, ? sarah? ? 2 did your? mother

15、 we? nt fishing? yesterday ? , john? ? 3 do you ? feel tired? ? yes ,? but i am ? very happy? now. 4 ? what did y? our sister? do last w? eekend? 5 ? did your b? rother go ? fishing ? ? oh no , h? e was busy? .he did h? is homewor? k. iii. ? listen and? write. t? om _went_? _hiking_? _ last ho? lida

16、y. wha? t are they? doing? ? tom is _s? inging_? _. mary is? _dancing_? _. we u? sually _? _watch tv? _ a ? fter dinne? r . _wha? t s_? _ the mat? ter? i hav? e a _toot? hache_ ? _. 精品学习资料 可选择p d f - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 第 2 页,共 6 页 - - - - - - - - -精品学习资料 可选择p d f - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 第

17、 2 页,共 6 页 - - - - - - - - -d? id you _? _washed_ ? _ _clothe? s_? yesterday ? morning? ? _were_ ? _ you ha? ppy yester? day? yes, ? i was. iv.? listen an? d write. ? hello!i m? wu yifan.? i was bus ? y last wee? kend.i vis? ited grand? parents sa ? turday mo? rning. in ? the aftern? oon ,we we? nt

18、to a pa? rk .sunday?morning, ? i played f? ootball wi? th my frie? nds. in th? e afternoo? n ,i washe? d clothes ? and cleane ? d my room.?unit 4 ? i. listen ? and match ? 1. b: wher? e are you ? going, che? n jie? ? g: im goi? ng to the ? zoo. b:? its far ? away. c? : yes. i l? l take a b? us 2. g:

19、 a? re you goi? ng to the ? library, j? ohn? b:? yes. how ? can i go t? here? g? : its nea ? r. you can? go there ? on foot. 3? . b: where? are you g? oing, amy? g: im? going to ? the superm ? arket. ? b: are you? going by ? bus? g:? no. im g? oing by bi? ke. 4. g: ? where are ? you going ? on your

20、ho? liday, mr.? black? ? b: im go? ing to bei? jing. g? : are you ? going by p? lane. b? : yes ii. ? listen and ? number. ? last sun? day, mike ? was very b? usy. on su ? nday morni? ng, he did? his homew? ork and he? lped his m? other clea? n the room? . after lu ? nch, he di? d the dish? es. in th

21、e? afternoon? , he read ? a story bo? ok first, ? then he we? nt to visi? t his gran? dparents a? nd had din? ner with t? hem. he we? nt home at ? 7 o clock? . he was v? ery happy.?iii. lis ? ten and ti? ck b: wha? t did you ? do last we? ekend, sar ? ah? g: i c? leaned the ? room. 2. b: ? what did

22、y? ou do last? weekend, ? amy? g: i ? visited my? grandpare ? nts. 3. g: i ? washed clo ? thes last ? saturday. ? what did y? ou do, wu ? yifan? b: ? i played f? ootball wi? th my frie? nds. 4. g: i ? was busy l? ast weeken ? d. i did a? lot of ho? mework. 5. g:? what do y? ou usually? do on the? we

23、ekends? ?b: i usua? lly watch ? tv. but la? st weekend ? i played ? computer g? ames. 6. g: w? hat are th ? e girls do? ing? b: th? ey are lis? tening to ? music. iv.? listen an? d choose ? w1: hello? . can i sp? eak to mis? s white, p? lease? 精品学习资料 可选择p d f - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 第 3 页,共 6 页

24、- - - - - - - - -精品学习资料 可选择p d f - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 第 3 页,共 6 页 - - - - - - - - -m? : she s do? ing an exp? eriment. h? old on, pl? ease. w2?: hello. t? his is jan? e white. ? w1: this ? is amy s m? other. amy? can t go ? to school ? today. w?2: what s ? the matter ? ?w1: sh? e has a to ? o

25、thache. s ? he can t e? at anythin? g. w2: i? m sorry t? o hear tha ? t. but yes? terday she ? was all r? ight in sc? hool. w1?: yes. she?was very ? excited la? st night, ? because he? r uncle ca? me back fr? om america? and she h ? ad too muc? h chocolat? e. w2: h? ave you ta? ken her to? the hospi

26、? tal? w1:? no, but w? e re going? now. w2?: i ll go ? to see her ? after cla? ss. w1: ? thank you.? bye. 综合(一 ? ). 1.my ? legs are 7 ? 3cm. long.?2. i ? feel sick.? my finger ? hurts. 3.?i went fi? shing with?my parent? s last wee? kend. 4. d? id you cle? an your ro? om yesterd? ay? 5. it ? s far.

27、i w? ent there ? by plane. ? . 6. how ? big are yo? ur feet? ? 7. how doe? s your mot? her feel? ? 8. what di? d you do o? n your hol? iday? 9. ? where did ? you go las ? t weekend? ?10. did y? ou read bo ? oks? . 11? . how are? you, john ? ? you look? so sad. ? yes, i ? failed my ? english te? st.

28、12wh? at did you? do last w? eekend,pet? er?i w? ent swimmi? ng. 13. w? hat s ann ? s hobby? ?she like? s cooking.? .14. do ? you usuall? y go shopp? ing on the? weekend, ? sarah? n? o, i usual? ly play th? epiano. 1? 5. what ? are you go? ing to do ? this eveni? ng, ann? ? i am going? to eat go ? o

29、d food. ? . 16. who? s that ma ? n? he s m? y father. ? he s writi? ng an e-ma ? il. 17. w? hat s john ? doing? _? he s buyin? g presents ? .18. wha? t s the ma ? tter? my ? leg hurts.? .19. wha? t did you ? do in xinj ? iang? i ? sang and d ? anced with? my friend? s. 20. w? ho washes ? clothes in?

30、 your fami? ly? my m? other. .l? ily is che ? n jie s fr? iend. she ? came to se? e chen jie? last sund? ay. they w ? ent to a p? ark togeth? er. they w? ent fishin? g there. i? n the afte? rnoon, the? y bought b? ooks in a ? bookstore.?lily went?home at 5?pm. chen ? jie did he? r homework?in the ev

31、? ening. the? y were hap ? py. 综合(二)? .a、1matc? h2soup ?3wait 4? their 5? under b、6? thanks for? your help? .7the? rain come? s from the? clouds. 8? where are ? my shoes? ?9? my head hu ? rts. 10my? birthday ? is in july? .1turn? right. ?2he ? has a toot ? hache. 精品学习资料 可选择p d f - - - - - - - - - -

32、- - - - 第 4 页,共 6 页 - - - - - - - - -精品学习资料 可选择p d f - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 第 4 页,共 6 页 - - - - - - - - -3s? arah went ? ice-skatin? g yesterda ? y. 4i ? can do the ? dishes. 5? i am goin? g to buy a? dictionar? y this aft? ernoon. 6? it s rainy? today. 7? my father ? works in a? hospital.?8gra

33、? pes are my ? favourite? fruit. 9? zoom looks? angry tod? ay. 1? 0she like? s making k? ites. .a、? 1her thro? at is sore? .()2h? e took a b? us to the ? library.(? )3there ? are not an? y fish in ? the river.? ()4my h? air is sho? rter than ? yours. ()? 5the oran? ge is sour ? . i don t ? like it.(

34、? )b、6amy:? how old ar? e you, sar? ah? sarah :? i am ten y? ears old. ? i am two y? ears older ? than you.? ()7a:wh? at do you ? have for l? unch today? ?b:i have? tofu and ? chicken.(? )8a:what? time is i? t? b:it s ? twelve o c? lock.()9? a:where a? re the pea ? rs? b:they? re on the ? box.()1? 0

35、a:does y? our mother? teach chi? nese? b:no? , she does ? n t. she t? eaches eng ? lish.()? .it was a ? long holid? ay. my par? ents and i? visited g? uangzhou b ? y train on? may 1st. ? on the 2nd?, we went ? to a zoo a? nd saw ani? mals. on t? he 3rd, we?climbed a? mountain ? and took p? ictures.

36、o? n the 4th,? we ate go ? od food at? a restaur ? ant. on th? e 5th, i w? ent shoppi? ng with my? mother an ? d bought p? resents fo ? r my frien? d. we were ? very happ? y this hol? iday. 综合(三 ? ).1.the ? car is big? ger than t? he bike. ? 2.whats t? he matter? ?3. take s ? ome medici? ne and sta

37、? y in bed f? or a few d? ays. 4. ja? ne climbed?a mountai? n last wee? kend.5. sh? e went fis? hing with ? her mother?last sund? ay. .6. h? ow heavy a? re you? 7? . do you h? ave a head ? ache? 8. w? hat did yo? u do last ? saturday a ? fternoon? ? 9. where ? are you go? ing to pla? y, peter?1 ? 0.

38、 how do ? you usuall? y go to sc ? hool? .11? . 11.wher? e is the c? inema? go? straight.? it s in f? ront of th? e hospital? .12did ? you see el ? ephants ye ? sterday?? no, i coo? ked. 13. ? does she l ? ike riding? a bike?n? o. she lik? es collect? ing stamps ? .14. how? does he f ? eel? ?his? th

39、roat is? sore. 15.? where is ? the scienc ? e museum ? ? turn left? . its not? far. .16? . she work? s with num? bers. she ? helps the ? bank use t ? heir money? well. 17.? he design? s cars. he ? s good at? drawing a? nd maths. ? 18 .he get? s up early? . he makes ? the stree ? t clean. 1? 9. she w

40、or? ks in the ? shop. she ? sells thin? gs. 20.sh? e likes si? nging. her? songs are ? very beau ? tiful. .h? i, im liu?ming. i a? m a chines? e boy. i m? 12 years ? old. wu do? ng is my g? ood 精品学习资料 可选择p d f - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 第 5 页,共 6 页 - - - - - - - - -精品学习资料 可选择p d f - - - - - - - - -

41、 - - - - - 第 5 页,共 6 页 - - - - - - - - -friend? . he is 11?years old? . but he i? s bigger a? nd stronge? r than me.?i m160 cm?tall and ? he is 163 ? cm tall. i ? m 45 kg. ? he is 2 kg? heavier t? han me. ch? en ling is ? my sister? .she is o ? ne year ol? der than m? e. she lik? es sports, ? so she is ? taller an? d stronger? than me. ?综合(四).1? 、im talle ? r than you? . i m 160c? m tall. 2、? you re str? onger than? me. i m 4? 8 kg. 3、ye? sterday i ? went ice-s ? kating. 4、? i feel sic? k. i have ? a sor


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