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1、学习必备欢迎下载if you go to the party , youll have a great time单元教学设计单元教材分析本单元是以 “ 参加聚会 ” 为话题,开展教学活动。通过谈论某个推断,学习if以 引 导 的 条 件 状 语 从 句 。 通 过 丰 富 多 彩 的 语 言 实 践 , 既 掌 握 了flower,against,chance,tonight等词的用法,又在语言情景中对if 状语从句主句用将来时,从句用一般现在时进行了充分的操练。与此同时, 我们还要学习许多新词如 jeans,organize,agent,lawyer 等。引导学生用 if 引导的条件状语从句

2、来谈论事件之间的因果关系,并分析得出处理决定,或给出解决的意见。从而培养听力,口语交际及逻辑判断的能力。 进一步了解有关国内外一些特殊职业情况,培养协调能力和合作精神, 体会学习英语的乐趣, 树立远大的目标, 并为之不懈地努力。structures present progressive as future:be going to,will,be doing modal shouldfirst conditional if_+will if you go to the party,you will have a great time. (if 引导的条件状语从句,其结构为:if+状语从句,主句

3、) 。 要注意在状语从句中有一个规则是“主将从现”,即主句是将来时,则从句要用一般现在时表示将来。key vocabulary/key phrases课标词汇: flower,against,chance,tonight,window,explain,improve 短语: let in/help sb do sth/at the party/bring from/during the party/take it away/travel around the world/make a lot of money/get an education/go to college/make a livi

4、ng/all over the world/give to/seem like/real friends/join the team/work with children/organize the party recycling复习相关的词汇:take the bus,go to college,stay at home,ride my bike,ice cream,happy,famous 复习相关的句子:精品学习资料 可选择p d f - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 第 1 页,共 19 页 - - - - - - - - -精品学习资料 可选择p d f - -

5、- - - - - - - - - - - - 第 1 页,共 19 页 - - - - - - - - -学习必备欢迎下载-you should wear your cool pants -i am going to the party 单元教学目标:1、语言技能目标talk about consequence. learn to make decision. 2、语言知识目标if you go to the party,you will have a great time. if you do,you will be late. what will happen if they have

6、the party tomorrow. if i don t clean my room,my mother won t let me meet my friends. i am going to the school party. you should wear your cool pants. 3、情感态度目标a.由于本单元话题贴近学生生活,符合他们热爱休闲的心理,可以提高他们学习英语的兴趣,积极参与英语实践活动。b.学习因果关系的表达和做出合理的建议。c.谈论自己的感受,同时使学生在英语交流中注意并观察他人的情感。4、学习策略目标a.通过小组讨论,开展调查等研究,明确在用中学,交流中学习

7、的想法。b.通过猜测,并大胆的表达,以学习新知识。c.兴趣教学策略,其中包括游戏、表演、对话和歌曲。5、文化意识目标a.培养听力,口语交际及逻辑判断的能力。b.用恰当的方式表达自己的感受。c.在学习中寻找中西方度假差异,培养学生跨文化意识。教学建议本单元分为六课时完成,逐步深入,完成教学任务。课时安排 6 课时精品学习资料 可选择p d f - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 第 2 页,共 19 页 - - - - - - - - -精品学习资料 可选择p d f - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 第 2 页,共 19 页 - - - - - - -

8、 - -学习必备欢迎下载第一课时: section a 1a 1b 1c 第二课时: section a 2a 2b 2c第三课时: section a 3a 3b 4 第四课时 section b 1a 2a 2b 2c 第五课时: section b 3a 3b 4第六课时: self check 教学计划第一课时1.teaching contents (教学内容)section a 1a 1b 1c 2.language points: (1)key vocabulary:consequence,jeans,let in (2)target language i think i m go

9、ing to go to the party with karen and ann. if you do,youll have a great time. (3)listening practice&pair work 3.teaching difficulties listening practice. teaching steps:1.warming-up and revision )(1)greet the class as usual and check the homework. (2)sing a song:if you are happy 教学设计说明: 用 song:激

10、发学生的学习兴趣和感知能力。2.presentation ask some questions. if you are happy,what will you do? ifi am happy,i will smile. if you become sad,what will you do? if i become sad,i will cry. *what will happen if you are going to do too much work? 精品学习资料 可选择p d f - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 第 3 页,共 19 页 - - - - - -

11、- - -精品学习资料 可选择p d f - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 第 3 页,共 19 页 - - - - - - - - -学习必备欢迎下载if i am going to do too much work,i will get tired. if you do, 3.section a draw some simple before and after pictures on the board and ask students to talk about what they see in the pictures.for example,draw a pa

12、ir of pictures showing a teenage girl.in the first picture the girl is walking down the street while other students are getting on a school bus.in the second picture,the girl is walking into a classroom where all the other students are sitting down.a speech bubble above the teacher s head says, your

13、e late! ask students to talk about the pictures. t=teacher s=studentt:what is the girl doing in the first picture. s1:walking. t:that s correct.she s walking to school.what are the other students doing? s2:they re taking the bus to school. t:what s happening in the second picture? s3:she s late. t:t

14、hat s correct.the girl is late. t:(pointing to the first picture)i m going to talk to this girl.andy,you should take the bus.you shouldn t walk to school.if you walk to school,you ll be late.class repeat, if you walk to school,youll be late. ss:if you walk to school,youll be late. repeat the activit

15、y with another set of pictures.for example,use pictures that show a girl studying at a desk and then the same girl holding a paper with a big a at the top.ask students to repeat the sentence,if you study,you ll get an a. 4.work on 1a activity 1a introduces key vocabulary and provides reading practic

16、e using the target language. first paint out the four pictures and get students to tell what they see. then ask two students to read the conversation in the speech bubbles in the first picture. 精品学习资料 可选择p d f - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 第 4 页,共 19 页 - - - - - - - - -精品学习资料 可选择p d f - - - - - - - -

17、- - - - - - 第 4 页,共 19 页 - - - - - - - - -学习必备欢迎下载sa:i think i m going to go to the party with karen and ann. sb:if you do,you ll have a great time. then have students look at 1a.ask them to match the statements and responses. check the answers. answers 1.d 2.a 3.b 4.c 5.work on 1b this activity pro

18、vides listening practice using the target language. t:listen to the tape.you ll hear four conversations.each conversation will give you the matching response for one of the four statements. play the recording.students listen. 6.1c pairwork this activity provides guided speaking and listening practic

19、e using the target language. first ask students to look at the pictures and then make conversations. then have two students read the sample dialogue. sa:i think i m going to stay at home. sb:if you do,youll be sorry. t:work with your partner,please.make a conversation using the things that are happe

20、ning in the pictures. at the end ask one or two pairs of students to say their conversations to the class. today is jenny s birthday,she wants to organize a birthday party. 教学设计说明: 进行 pairwork 活动,训练学生加速对句型, 知识点的反应。7.follow up make sentences: 10 students in one group,you have to make sentences with t

21、he basic sentence as much as possible,the one who can make the most sentences,who will be the winner. 教学设计说明: 在学生进行了大量口头练习的基础上,再放手让学生大胆去精品学习资料 可选择p d f - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 第 5 页,共 19 页 - - - - - - - - -精品学习资料 可选择p d f - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 第 5 页,共 19 页 - - - - - - - - -学习必备欢迎下载写,并给予适当的

22、提示,学生的积极性会很高的。8.homeworkwrite a letter to jenny. if you go to the party,what will happen?if you dont go to the party,what will happen? 第二课时1.teaching contents: section a 2a 2b 2c 2.language points: (1)key vocabulary:organize,bike,you ll=you will (2)target language (3)listening practice pairwork 3.te

23、aching difficulties: pairwork. grammar focus. teaching steps (教学步骤) :1.warming-up and revision (课堂热身和复习)(1)daily greetings to the students (日常问候)(2)revision(复习)2.presentation (呈现新知识)(1)answer the questions: when do you get up on weekends? when did you get up this morning? what will happen if you get

24、 up at 9:00 this morning? what will happen if you fail the exam? (2)在 if 条件状语从句中,用一般现在时表将来if you play computer games on weekdays, youll be very tired in class精品学习资料 可选择p d f - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 第 6 页,共 19 页 - - - - - - - - -精品学习资料 可选择p d f - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 第 6 页,共 19 页 - - - - - -

25、 - - -学习必备欢迎下载your parents will be sad. you won t get good grades.3.have a competition if she calls me,i will tell her about it. if he comes next weekend,i will tell you. if it doesnt rain,i will go hiking this afternoon.if there is no war,the world will be more beautiful. if she doesnt exercise eno

26、ugh,she will be heavier.if he has free time,he will go to shanghai. if you eat too much,you will have a stomachache. 教学设计说明: 进行比赛活动活跃气氛,锻炼学生的反应能力。4work on 2a activity 2a encourages students for key words in an exchange. read the instructions. play the recording,asking students to complete the task.

27、check the answers,playing the tape again.stop at the answers. a.3 b.1 c.2 d.6 e.4 f.5 5work on 2b this activity provides practice in listening for specific information. read the instructions.ask better students to answer some of the questions from memory. then play the tape again. ask students to co

28、mplete the task on their own. check the answers.encourage students to give their answers in full sentences. answers half the class won t come. students will leave early to study for their tests. some students will be bored. mark is going to organize the party games. andrea is going to make some food

29、. 精品学习资料 可选择p d f - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 第 7 页,共 19 页 - - - - - - - - -精品学习资料 可选择p d f - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 第 7 页,共 19 页 - - - - - - - - -学习必备欢迎下载62c pairwork this activity gives students a chance to use prompts to role play the conversation. first ask two students to read the sample dia

30、logue. sa:ok,when is a good time to have the party? sb:let s have it today. sa:if we have it today,half the class won t come. t:good.thank you.now work with your partner.look at the chart above and role play the conversation between andrea and her friend. after a while,ask a few pairs of students to

31、 practice their conversations for the class. 7.grammar focus i think i ll ride my bike. if you do,you ll be late. i think i m going to stay at home. if you do,you ll be sorry. 教学设计说明 : 让学生浏览 grammar focus 部分,引导学生总结运用if 从句规律。8follow up (1)fill in the blanks (2)put into english 教学设计说明: 利用练习继续巩固句型。9hom

32、ework preview the new words on the next page. finish off the workbook exercises. 第三课时1. teaching contents: 精品学习资料 可选择p d f - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 第 8 页,共 19 页 - - - - - - - - -精品学习资料 可选择p d f - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 第 8 页,共 19 页 - - - - - - - - -学习必备欢迎下载section a 3a 3b 42.language points: (

33、1)key vocabulary:remind;take away;charity;event;folk;visit;flower (2)target language (3)writing practice&oral practice 3.teaching difficulties: writing practice. oral practice. teaching steps (教学步骤) : 1.warming-up and revision (课堂热身和复习)(1)daily greetings to the students (日常问候)(2)revision(复习)2.pr

34、esentation (呈现新知识)(1)before class:ask students to collect some rules of public and translate them into english in groups. (2)let students to show class what they do,and ask several groups to give class a report. (3)if i dont help others,_if i have a lot of money,_ if i am the mayor(市长) of chongqing,

35、_ if i am the headmaster of the school,_ if i try my best,_ if i study harder,_ 教学设计说明: 此环节为了检查学生对上一节课知识点的掌握程度3.work on 3a (1)activity 3a provides reading and writing practice using the target language. for this activity first show the notice on the screen.ask different students to read the sentence

36、s.then tell students the notice is about a school party. 精品学习资料 可选择p d f - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 第 9 页,共 19 页 - - - - - - - - -精品学习资料 可选择p d f - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 第 9 页,共 19 页 - - - - - - - - -学习必备欢迎下载i want you to remember the rules for school parties. don t wear jeans!if you wear jeans

37、,we won t let you in. don t bring food to the party.if you do,the teachers will take it away. don t bring friends from other schools.if you do,the teachers will ask them to leave. don t leave the gym during the party.if you do,the teachers will call your parents. don t run or shout at the party.if y

38、ou do,you ll have to leave. please bring your id card.if you don t have your id card,you can t go to the the party. then get students to look at the dialogue.read the dialogue to the class,saying blank each time when coming to a blank line. now have students read the notice again and fill in the bla

39、nks. as students work,move around the room offering help where needed. then correct the answers. answers 1.the school party 2.i m going to 3.the teachers won t let you in. 4work on 3b this activity provides guided speaking and listening practice using the target language. t:now look at the activity

40、3b.first i ll ask two students to read the sample dialogue.who would like to read it to the class?ok.you two,please. sa:i m going to the school party. sb:so am i.let s bring some snacks. sa:oh,we can t do that. sb:really?why not? sa:if we bring snacks,the teachers will take them away. 精品学习资料 可选择p d

41、f - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 第 10 页,共 19 页 - - - - - - - - -精品学习资料 可选择p d f - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 第 10 页,共 19 页 - - - - - - - - -学习必备欢迎下载t:very good!thank you.now work with your partner and use the words in the box and the notice on the screen to make your conversations.clear? ss:yeah. t:ok.n

42、ow let s begin. as students work,move around the room offering help where needed. at the end ask several pairs of students to say their conversations to the class. 5.4 pairwork this activity provides listening,speaking,reading and writing practice using the target language. first read the instructio

43、ns. ask two students to read the sample dialogue. sa:what will you do if you go to the old folks home visit? sb:if i go to that one,i ll bring them some flowers. ask another one or two students to suggest other charity events.tell them they can pick a topic of current interest in the news. t:now let

44、 s listen to the tape,find out the names of the people, ask students to complete the task in pairs.students discuss the events and think of new events and activities. get a few students to share sample conversations.list the other events on the board. 6follow up (1)now,let s make rules for our schoo

45、l library!dont talk loudly.if you do,_ dont eat food in the library.if you do,_ _ (2)writing ask students to make rules for an english club 精品学习资料 可选择p d f - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 第 11 页,共 19 页 - - - - - - - - -精品学习资料 可选择p d f - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 第 11 页,共 19 页 - - - - - - - - -学习必备欢迎下载en

46、glish club i want you to remember the rules for our english club. 教学设计说明: 此活动目的是让学生运用语言点,进行笔头练习。 并给予适当的提示,学生的积极性会很高的。7homework preview the new words on next page. finish off the workbook exercises. 第四课时1.teaching contents: section b 1a 2a 2b 2c 2.language points: (1)key vocabulary agent;make money;t

47、ravel;hard;player (2)target language (3)listening practice&pairwork 3.difficulties: oral practice. teaching steps (教学步骤) :1.warming-up and revision (课堂热身和复习)(1)daily greetings to the students (日常问候)(2)revision(复习)2.presentation (呈现新知识)(1) a competition the most important things. read and explain

48、 the phrases to the class,ask students to discuss what is the most important to them in life and give the reason. what are the most important things to you and to your partners?make 精品学习资料 可选择p d f - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 第 12 页,共 19 页 - - - - - - - - -精品学习资料 可选择p d f - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

49、 第 12 页,共 19 页 - - - - - - - - -学习必备欢迎下载a list. which of the things below are the most important to you in life? (2)target language :what is the most important to you in life? i think going to college is the most important. why?if i go to the college,i will get a good job. 3.work on 2a activity 2a g

50、ives students practice in understanding the target language in spoken conversation. t:now,you will hear two conversations.first a conversation between michael and an agent.then a conversation between michael and his mother and father.you will write a in front of each item the agent talks about and a

51、 p in front of each item his parents talk about.clear? ss:yeah. t:ok.now let s listen to the recording. play conversation 1 and conversation 2 the first time.students only listen. then play it a second time.this time ask students to write the letter a and p in front of the correct phrases. correct t

52、he answers. answers be happy p go to college p be famous a travel around the worlda make a lot of money p 4work on 2b this activity gives students additional listening practice. ask students to listen again and complete the sentences. the columns on the left are starters.the columns on the right are

53、 endings. 精品学习资料 可选择p d f - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 第 13 页,共 19 页 - - - - - - - - -精品学习资料 可选择p d f - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 第 13 页,共 19 页 - - - - - - - - -学习必备欢迎下载for example,if you join the lions,you ll become a great soccer player. play the recording again.ask students to write the letters in

54、 the correct blanks. then correct the answers. answers 1.c 2.e 3.a 4.d 5.b 52c pairwork this activity provides guided oral practice using the target language. read the instructions for the activity. point to the example in the sample dialogue.ask two students to read the questions and answers to the

55、 class. point out the sentence starters in activity 2b.say, you can start with these phrases as you have your conversations.then try to use your own ideas. then have students work in pairs.as they ask and answer the questions,move around the room checking their work. call on different pairs to say t

56、heir conversations for the class. 6listen and repeat t:now let s listen to the tape and repeat.please try to read like the tape.( 文字材料见 p89) 教学设计说明: 让学生根据录音内容完成表格,训练学生的听力、 获取信息的能力,同时,使这课时的重点从听、说、读过渡到写这一方面。7follow up (1)role play you are michaels friend,your partner is michael.what should michael do?

57、give him some advice. (2)do some exercises 8homework page 38 (1).read the article in activity 3a. (2).activity 3c.write about your own plans using sentences with“if ”and“will ”.教学设计说明: 为下一节课作好良好的准备。精品学习资料 可选择p d f - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 第 14 页,共 19 页 - - - - - - - - -精品学习资料 可选择p d f - - - - - -

58、 - - - - - - - - 第 14 页,共 19 页 - - - - - - - - -学习必备欢迎下载第五课时1.teaching contents: section b 3a 3b 4 2.language points: (1)key vocabulary:to play or not to play;realize;choose;hurt;champion;make a living;billions of;all the time;look up to;be able to;lawyer (2)reading passage (3)writing practice&o

59、ral practice 3.teaching difficulties: writing practice. oral practice. teaching steps (教学步骤) :1.warming-up and revision (课堂热身和复习)(1)daily greetings to the students (日常问候)(2)revision(复习)2.presentation (1)bring some pictures of some well-know people,ask students the questions below: ? who do you admir

60、e? ? who is he(she)? ? are you going to become a(an) like him(her)?why? ? if i become(an),i will (2)if i am a lawyer,i will be able to help people. if you are an astronaut,you will fly into the space. if he is a teacher,he will work with children. (3)if you become an professional athlete,you will?if you become a p


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