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1、普通心理学重点Chapter 11、Gen eral psychology(普通心理学):a branch of psychology which study the most com mon and principles and rules of humans ,normal behaviors and thinking.2、 Intorspection (内省法):a method of self-observation in which participants report their thoughts and feeli ngs.3、Longitudinal study( 纵向研究法

2、):research method in which data is collected about a group of participa nts over a nu mber of years to assess how certa in characteristics cha nge or rema in the same duri ng developme nt.ups ofcesion or4、Cross-sectional study(横向研究法):research method in which data is collected from gro participa nts

3、of differe nt ages and compared so that con clusi ons can be draw n about differen due to age.5、 Five steps of the scientific(研究心理学科学方法的五个步骤):Ask a quest©Draw con clusi ons.collect)©Caseidentify(鉴定)a problem. gFrom a hypothesis (假设).©Test the hypothesis anddata.(experiments)(©Ana

4、lyze the results of your test.6、Methods of research(心理学的研究方法 ):(© Naturalistic observation(自然观察法Study(个案研究法)© survey(调查法)© Longitudinal study(纵向 研究法)© Cross-sectional实验法)study(横向研究法Correlations and explanations(相关研究和实验研究Experiment(Chapter 3 Sen sati on1、Sensation(感觉):an unelabora

5、ted elementary awareness of stimulation.人脑对直接作用于感 觉器官的客观事物的个别属性的反映。2、What is our vestibular sense?SenseStimulus(刺激)Sense Orga n(感觉器官)Receptor(感受器)Sen satio n(感觉)SightLight wavesEyeRodsandcones of ret inaColors,patter n s,textures moti on, depth in spaceHeari ngSound waveEarHaircellslocatedininner ea

6、rNoises,t onesSki nsen satio nsExternal (夕卜 部)con tact(接触)Ski nNerve endings(神经末梢)in ski nTouch,pa in, warmth,coldSmellVolatile substa nces(易挥发物 质)NoseHair cells of olfactory(嗅觉) membra ne(膜)Odors(musky, flowery,bur nt, min ty)TasteSolubleTongueTaste buds ofFlavors(sweet,substa nces(可溶解的物质)ton gueso

7、ur,salty,bitte rVestibular(前庭)senseMecha ni cal (机械的)and gravitati onal(重力) forcesInner earHair cells of semicircular can alsandvestibuleSpatial moveme nt, (空间位置) gravitati onal pullKin esthesis(运动觉)Body moveme ntMuscles,te ndo ns and jointsNerve fibers in muscles, tendons and joi ntsMoveme nt andpo

8、siti onof body parts3、Absolute threshold(绝对感觉阈限):the weakest amount of a stimulus required to produce a sen satio n.4、 Differenee threshold(差别感觉阈限):the minimum amount of differenee a person can detect betwee n two stimuli.5、 Fovea(中央凹):area eonsisting of a small depression in the retina containing c

9、ones and where visi on is most acute.6、举例说明什么是差别感觉阈限、绝对感觉阈限。 绝对感觉阈限:例如用某一极轻微的刺激物刺激被试者的皮肤,被试不会有感觉,但如果逐 渐增加这个刺激量就会引起被试的感觉反应。绝对感觉阈限就是指刚刚能够引起感觉的最小刺 激强度。 相对感觉阈限:例如100g的重量,再加上1g,人并不感觉到重量有所增加,但增加3g以上是,就能感觉到重量的变化,即为差别感觉阈限,刚刚能够引起差别感觉的两个同类性质刺激物之间的最小差异量。7、The trichromatic theory(三原色理论)The trichromatic theory h

10、ypothesizes that we have three kinds of cones.These are differentially sensitive to three wavelengths of light:75Onanometers, 500nanometers and 400nanometers.The first wavelength,75Onanometers,induces the sensation we call red.The sec on d,500nano meters in duces the sen sati on we call gree n,And 4

11、00 nano meters in duces the sen sati on we call violet.The trichromatic theory also acco unts for the sen sati on of colors other tha n the three primary on es.The sen sati on of oran ge,for example,takes place because a wave-le ngth of light such as 650 nano meters will cause the simulta neous firi

12、ng of some neurons that usually fire at 750 nano meters and some that fire at 500nano metersWhite light is sensed when all of the wavelengths arrive at the retina in a random or scrambled fashi on.8 (了解)颜色的3个指标hue色调brightness亮度、明度(3)saturation饱和度Chapter 4 Percepti on1、perception(知口觉):the represesent

13、ation of what is perceived;basic component in the formation of a con cept.人脑对直接作用于感觉器官的客观事物各种属性的整体反映。2、 Characteristics of Perception(知觉的特性):® perception integration 整体性 figure-ground perception 选择性perceptual inference 理解性(learning to perceive 学习性 ©perceptualconstancy恒常性3、 知觉整体性的组织化原则: pro

14、ximity接近性©continuity连续性©similarity相似性simplicity简洁性(§)closure圭寸闭性4、 The binocular vision of depth perception( 深度知觉的双眼线索 )1, 双眼线索:OB in ocular parallar双眼视察C?眼睛的调节2, Physiologyical cues 生理线索 Cadjustment 调节 Cconvergenee 辐合5、The mon ocular visio n(单眼线索):©lin ear perspective 线条透视 ©

15、;in terpositio n 对象的重迭(遮挡)©Light and Shadow明亮和阴影(明暗)©texture gradient纹理梯度(结构级差)©motionparallax运动视差Chapter 5 Memory1、memory(记忆):the storage and retrieval of what has been learned or experieneed.3, Implicit memory( 内隐记忆):refers to memories of which people are not consciously aware,but w

16、hich can affect subseque nt performa nee and behavior. 个体无意识的或者不自觉的 回忆信息的记忆形式,无意识记忆影响个体后继的表现和行为。4, Memory is the process by which we encode(编码),store(存储)and retrieve(提取)in formati on.,5, Three stages of memory(记忆的三个阶段):sensory memory 感觉记忆、Short-Term Memory短时记忆STM、Long-Term Memory 长时记忆LTM6, 艾宾浩斯遗忘曲线

17、ebb in ghaus,s forgetti ng curve 的特点:(1) 大多数遗忘出现在学习后一小时之内;(2)遗忘的速度不是恒定的,而是先快后慢,最后 逐渐稳定下来;(3)重新学习要比第一次学习容易。Chapter 6 thought and Ian guage1、Thinking(丿思维):changing and reorganizing the information stored in memory to create newinformation.思维是人脑对客观现实间接和概括的反映,借助于言语、表象、动作来实现,能揭 示事物本质特征及内部规律的理性认识阶段。2、Imag

18、e(表象):a visual,me ntal represe ntati on of an eve nt or object.3、Concept(概念):a label for a class of objects or events that have at least one attribute in com mon.4、 What strategies do we need in problem solving?问题解决可以使用的策略:©MechanicalSolutions to try one by one (算法式)©Heuristics(启发法)means-e

19、nd analysis 手段目标分析、Backward search 逆向搜索、climbing method 爬山法5、 影响问题解决的因素:©Function Fixation功能固着©mental set心理定势©motivation动机©condition知觉情境(问题条件)6、Characteristics of creative thinking 创造性思维的特点:Flexibility 变通性、灵活性 Recomb in ation重组(3)I nsight顿悟带有突发性,如灵感、直觉等等Chapter 7 Motivati on and

20、Emoti on1、Motivation(动机):an internal state that activates behavior and directs it toward a goal. 由目标 引导的、激发和维持有机体活动的一种内在心理过程。2、Need(需要 ):biological or psychological requirement of an organism.3、Incentive approaches (刺激或诱因理论):an external stimulus, reinforcer, or reward that motivates behavior.4、 Emot

21、io ns(情绪):are feeli ngs that gen erally have both physiological and cog nitive eleme nts and that in flue nee behavior.是人们对客观事物的态度体验及相应的行为反应。5、(简单 T) Theories of Motivation 动机的理论Instinct Approaches (本能论):Born to BeMotivated gDrive-Reduction Approaches (驱力降低理论)©Incentive Approaches (诱因理论)O)Cogni

22、tive Approaches (认知理论):The thoughrs behind motivation.6、(简单 T) Three types of social motivation (三种社会型动机):®Need for achievement (成就动机)gNeed for affiliation (亲和动机)(3)Need for power (权力动机)7、(简单T) Maslow 'Hierarchy of Needs马斯洛的需要层次理论从下往上依次是:physiological needs (是个体维持生存的需要)、safety needs (是个体对组织

23、、秩序、安全感和可预见性的需要)、love and belongingness (是个体渴望与人建立一种良好关系, 并在其群体和家庭中拥有地位的需要)、esteem (个体基于自我评价产生的自重自爱和期望收到 他人、群体和社会认可需要)、self-actualization (个体各种潜能得到充分发挥的需要8(简单 T) Three elements of emotion 情绪的三种成分:gThe Cognitive Component 认知成分The Physiological Component 生理唤醒 gThe Behavioral Component 外显行为(表情:Facial e

24、xpression 面部表情、Emotional Tone 语调表情、Body Ianguage 肢体语言9、 (简单 T) The Functions of Emotions (情绪的功能):(1) Preparing us for action 动机功 能(2) Shap ing our future behavior 认知功能(3 ) Help ing us in teract more effectively with others 社交功能,又称信号功能10、 (简单 T ) Physiological Theories 情绪的生理理论:(1) The James-Lange The

25、ory 詹姆斯 -兰格情绪理论(2 ) The Cannon-Bard Theory 坎农-巴德情绪理论(3) Cognitive Theories (情 绪的认知理论) The scjacjter-singer Exoerriment 沙赫特-辛格 情绪状态实际是认知过程、生理状态、环境因素共同作用的结果(4) Opponent-Process Theory (情绪的相对历程论Chapter 8 Con scious ness1、Consciousness意识):a state of awareness,including a person ' feelings sensations

26、,ideas and perceptio ns.2、睡眠的阶段及其特点 3 Why do wei sleep ?Cycli ng through the stage of sleepNREM(Non-Rapid Eye Movment sleep)非快速眼动睡眠 REM 快速眼动睡眠阶段:1, theta waves入睡期2, sleep spindles睡眠锭 浅睡期,有睡眠锭产生约 20MIN 3,delta waves中度睡眠,约40MIN 4,高振幅的delta波,约30分钟,深度睡眠3、The function of dream: ( 1)diagnose illness 诊断疾病(

27、2)psychotherapy 心理治疗(3)an excuse借口4、 Attention(注意):is the cognitive process of selectively concentrating on one aspect of the en vir onment while ignoring other thin gs. 注意是心理活动或意识对一定对象的指向与集中。4、 The types of attention: (1) involuntary attention(不随意注意 /无意注意)(2)voluntaryattention(随意注意/有意注意)(3)post vol

28、untary attention(随意后注意 /有意后注意)5、 注意的品质:注意的广度(范围)、注意的稳定性、注意的分配、注意的转移使注意顺利地 进行分配的条件是:人对活动的熟练程度同时进行的几种活动之间的关系分配注意的技巧。Chapter 9 Pers on ality1、 Pers on ality(人格):is the characteristic patter ns of behavior, thought, and emoti on that determine a person ' s adjustment to the environment. 人格是个体行为、思想和情

29、感的特征模式, 决定了个体对环境的适应能力。2、 Personality structures (人格结构):ld(本我)、Ego(自我)、Superego(超我)3、 本我遵循快乐原则 Pleasure principle ;自我遵循现实原则 Reality principle ;超我遵循道德 原贝U Moral principleStructuresDistributio nPrin cipleFunctionCon te ntsIdAll uncon scious(无意识的)Pleasure prin ciplePsyche source(精神起源)In st in ctual and biological urges(本能的生理冲 动)EgoMostly conscious(大部分有意识 的)Reality prin cipleMediation (调节)Rati on al, thoughtful process (理性的 思想逻辑)Superego2 layers (2 层次)Moral prin cipleSupervisi on(监督)Con scie nee, social rules (道德 规则社会规范)4、 Trait(特质):a tendency to react


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