1、choose the corre ct meani ng; 4 to correct the typos; 5 so the child write w ords a bab, and aabb; 6 in accordance wit h written w ords; 7 the complete w ord, a nd explai n the me aning of the word; 8 collocation; 9 make sentences w ith the wor d; 10 the written lang uage as r equired. c t he main s
2、ente nce types 1 complete sentences; 2 write dow n the meani ng of a sente nce or ex pressi onof thoughts and feeling s; 3 write sentences as re quired; 4 finish malalignme nt of the se ntence; 5 modified se ntences. 2, k nowle dge classifi cati on 1 the common conjunctions coordi nate: . . 一 面 . 1,
3、 to examine the topi c, i dentify probl ems associated wit h two 2, a nalysi s, alternative question two is i n dire ct pr oportion to t he amount of the a ssociated r elationshi p is inversely proporti onal r elationshi p. 3, and set unk nown, colum n proportion type 4, and soluti ons pr oportion t
4、ype 5, and test, wrote a nswer la nguag e ple nary, and subject:appli cation problem 1-simple a ppli cation problem and composite applicati on probl em review content simple a ppli cation problem composite applicati on probl em answ ers applicati on probl em of general ste ps 1, a nd figure out mea
5、ning -t hroug h examines t he, find k nown conditions a nd by seeki ng problem 2, a nd a nalysis number relationshi p-a nalysis k now n conditions zhijian, a nd conditi ons a nd problem zhijia n of relationship, determine probl em-solving method a nd problem-solvi ng steps. 3, and colum n type calcu
6、lation-lists formula , is out subdivi sions 4, a nd test, a nd wrote answer-che ck, and checki ng, a nd wr ote answ ers typi cal applicati on probl em 13, a nd subject: a ppli cation problem 3-col umn equati on soluti ons applicati on pr oblem revie w content ov erview pr oblem -solving ste ps 1, a
7、nd figure out mea ning, find by seeking of unk now n and x said 2, and accor ding to mea ning find equivalent relati onship, lists equation 3, a nd soluti ons equation 4, and test, and wrote a nswer s accordi ng to meaning find equivalent relati onship of common method 1 , and accor ding to common o
8、f num ber relationshi p type, e stabli she d equivalent relati onship 2, and accordi ng to ha s learn had of ca lculation form ula, 3, a nd a ccording to problem in the of focus described se ntence from overall sha ng determine basi c of equivalent relati onshi p 4, and usi ng segme nt figure, and l
9、ist method, method a nalysis number学校数学基础学问基本概念大全之一自然数 :用来表示物体个数的0 、1 、2 、3 、4 、5 、6 、7 、8叫做自然数;整数:自然数都是整数,整数不都是自然数;小数: 小数是特别形式的分数;但是不能说小数就是分数;带小数 : 小数的整数部分不为零的小数叫带小数;纯小数 : 小数的整数部分为零的小数,叫做纯小数;有限小数 : 小数的小数部分只有有限个数字的小数(不全为零)叫做有限小数;无限小数 :小数的小数部分有很多个数字(不包含全为零) 的小数,叫做无限小数;循环小数都是无限小数,无限小数不肯定都是循环小数;例如,圆周率
10、也是无限小数;分数: 表示把一个 “单位 1”平均分成如干份,取其中的一份或几份的数, 叫做分数;(分成0 份在此不争论)真分数 :分子比分母小的分数叫真分数;假分数 : 分子比分母大,或者分子等于分母的分数叫做假分数;(分母、分子为零在此不争论)choose the corre ct meani ng; 4 to correct the typos; 5 so the child write w ords a bab, and aabb; 6 in accordance wit h written w ords; 7 the complete w ord, a nd explai n the
11、 me aning of the word; 8 collocation; 9 make sentences w ith the wor d; 10 the written lang uage as r equired. c t he main sente nce types 1 complete sentences; 2 write down the meani ng of a sente nce or ex pression of thoughts and feeling s; 3 write sentences as re quired; 4 finish malalignme nt o
12、f the se ntence; 5 modified se ntences. 2, k nowle dge classifi cati on 1 the common conjunctions coordi nate: . . 一 面 . 1, to examine the topi c, i dentify probl ems associated wit h two 2, a nalysi s, alternative question two is i n dire ct p oportion to t he amount of the a ssociated r elationshi
13、 p is inversely proporti onal r elationshi p. 3, and set unk nown, colum n proportion type 4, and soluti ons pr oportion type 5, and test, wrote a nswer la nguag e ple nary, and subject:appli cation problem 1-simple a ppli cation problem and composite applicati on probl em review content simple a pp
14、li cation problem composite applicati on probl em answ ers applicati on probl em of general ste ps 1, a nd figure out mea ning -t hroug h examines t he, find k nown conditions a nd by seeki ng problem 2, a nd a nalysis number relationshi p-a nalysis k now n conditions zhijian, a nd conditi ons a nd
15、problem zhijia n of relationship, determine probl em -solving method a nd problem-solvi ng steps. 3, and colum n type calculation-lists formula , is out subdivi sions 4, a nd test, a nd wrote answer-che ck, and checki ng, a nd wr ote answ ers typi cal applicati on probl em 13, a nd subject: a ppli c
16、ation problem 3 -col umn equati on soluti ons applicati on pr oblem revie w content ov erview pr oblem -solving ste ps 1, a nd figure out mea ning, find by seeking of unk now n and x said 2, and accor ding to mea ning find equivalent relati onship, lists equation 3, a nd soluti ons equation 4, and t
17、est, and wrote a nswer s accordi ng to meaning find equivalent relati onship of common method 1 , and accor ding to common of num ber relationshi p type, e stabli she d equivalent relati onship 2, and accordi ng to ha s learn had of ca lculation form ula, 3, a nd a ccording to problem in the of focu
18、s described se ntence from overall sha ng determine basi c of equivalent relati onshi p 4, and usi ng segme nt figure, and list method, method a nalysis number带分数: 一个整数(零除外)和一个真分数组合在一起的数,叫做带分数;带分数也是假分数的另一种表示形式,相互之间可以互化;关于 n表示自然数 是否是分数 :是分数,但不能用分数的意义去说明它,它既不属于真分数,也不属于假分数,而是一个特别分数,叫零分数;数是由数字和数位组成;0 的意
19、义 :0 既可以表示 “没有 ”,也可以作为某些数量的界限;如温度等;0 是一个完全有确定意义的数; 0 是一个数;0 是一个偶数;0 是任何自然数 0除外 的倍数; 0 有占位的作用; 0 不能作除数; 0 是中性数;十进制 : 十进制计数法是世界各国常用的一种记数方法; 特点是相邻两个单位之间的进率都是十; 10 个较低的单位等于 1 个相邻的较高单位;常说“满十进一 ”,这种以 “十”为基数的进位制,叫做十进制;加法: 把两个数合并成一个数的运算,叫做加法,其中两个数都叫“加数”,结果叫 “和”;减法: 已知两个加数的和与其中一个加数,求另一个加数的运算,叫做减法;减法是加法的逆运算;其
20、中“和”叫“被减数 ”,已知的加数叫 “减数”,求出的另一个加数叫“差”;乘法: 求 n 个相同加数的和的简便运算,叫做乘法;其中相同的这个数及 n 个这样的数都叫 “因数”,结果叫 “积”;除法: 已知两个因数的积与其中一个因数,求另一个因数的运算,叫做除法;除法是乘法的逆运算;其中“积”叫做 “被除数 ”,已知的一个因数choose the corre ct meani ng; 4 to correct the typos; 5 so the child write w ords a bab, and aabb; 6 in accordance wit h written w ords;
21、7 the complete w ord, a nd explai n the me aning of the word; 8 collocation; 9 make sentences w ith the wor d; 10 the written lang uage as r equired. c t he main sente nce types 1 complete sentences; 2 write down the meani ng of a sente nce or ex pression of thoughts and feeling s; 3 write sentences
22、 as re quired; 4 finish malalignme nt of the se ntence; 5 modified se ntences. 2, k nowle dge classifi cati on 1 the common conjunctions coordi nate: . . 一 面 . 1, to examine the topi c, i dentify probl ems associated wit h two 2, a nalysi s, alternative question two is i n dire ct pr oportion to t h
23、e amount of the a ssociated r elationshi p is inversely proporti onal r elationshi p. 3, and set unk nown, colum n proportion type 4, and soluti ons pr oportion type 5, and test, wrote a nswer la nguag e ple nary, and subject:appli cation problem 1-simple a ppli cation problem and composite applicat
24、i on probl em review content simple a ppli cation problem composite applicati on probl em answ ers applicati on probl em of general ste ps 1, a nd figure out mea ning -t hroug h examines t he, find k nown conditions a nd by seeki ng problem 2, a nd a nalysis number relationshi p-a nalysis k now n co
25、nditions zhijian, a nd conditi ons a nd problem zhijia n of relationship, determine probl em -solving method a nd problem-solvi ng steps. 3, and colum n type calculation-lists formula , is out subdivi sions 4, a nd test, a nd wrote answer-che ck, and checki ng, a nd wr ote answ ers typi cal applicat
26、i on probl em 13, a nd subject: a ppli cation problem 3 -col umn equati on soluti ons applicati on pr oblem revie w content ov erview pr oblem -solving ste ps 1, a nd figure out mea ning, find by seeking of unk now n and x said 2, and accor ding to mea ning find equivalent relati onship, lists equat
27、ion 3, a nd soluti ons equation 4, and test, and wrote a nswer s accordi ng to meaning find equivalent relati onship of common method 1 , and accor ding to common of num ber relationshi p type, e stabli she d equivalent relati onship 2, and accordi ng to ha s learn had of ca lculation form ula, 3, a
28、 nd a ccording to problem in the of focus described se ntence from overall sha ng determine basi c of equivalent relati onshi p 4, and usi ng segme nt figure, and list method, method a nalysis num ber叫做“除数 ”,求出来的另一个因数叫做“商”;加、减法的运算定律加法交换律: 两个数相加,交换两个加数的位置,和不变,叫做加法交换律;加法结合律: 三个数相加,先把前二个数相加,再加第三个数,或者,先
29、把后二个数相加,再加上第一个数,其和不变;这叫做加法结合律;在减法中,被减数、减数同时加上或者减去一个数,差不变;在减法中,被减数增加多少或者削减多少,减数不变,差随着增加或者削减多少;反之,减数增加多少或者削减多少,被减数不变,差随着削减或者增加多少;在减法中,被减数减去如干个减数,可以把这些减数先加,差不变;乘、除法运算定律乘法的交换律: 两个数相乘,交换两个因数的位置,积不变;这叫做乘法的交换律;乘法的结合律 :三个数相乘,先把前两个数相乘,再乘以第三个数,或者,先把后两个数相乘,再和第一个数相乘,积不变;这叫做乘法结合律;乘法安排律:两个数的和(或差)与一个数相乘,等于把这两个数分别与
30、这个数相乘,再把两个积相加(或相减);这叫做乘法安排律;乘法的其他运算定律一个因数扩大如干倍,必需把另一个因数缩小相同的倍数,其积不变;除法的运算定律 - 商不变性质choose the corre ct meani ng; 4 to correct the typos; 5 so the child write w ords a bab, and aabb; 6 in accordance wit h written w ords; 7 the complete w ord, a nd explai n the me aning of the word; 8 collocation; 9 m
31、ake sentences w ith the wor d; 10 the written lang uage as r equired. c t he main sente nce types 1 complete sentences; 2 write down the meani ng of a sente nce or ex pression of thoughts and feeling s; 3 write sentences as re quired; 4 finish malalignme nt of the se ntence; 5 modified se ntences. 2
32、, k nowle dge classifi cati on 1 the common conjunctions coordi nate: . . 一 面 . 1, to examine the topi c, i dentify probl ems associated wit h two 2, a nalysi s, alternative question two is i n dire ct p oportion to t he amount of the a ssociated r elationshi p is inversely proporti onal r elationsh
33、i p. 3, and set unk nown, colum n proportion type 4, and soluti ons pr oportion type 5, and test, wrote a nswer la nguag e ple nary, and subject:appli cation problem 1-simple a ppli cation problem and composite applicati on probl em review content simple a ppli cation problem composite applicati on
34、probl em answ ers applicati on probl em of general ste ps 1, a nd figure out mea ning -t hroug h examines t he, find k nown conditions a nd by seeki ng problem 2, a nd a nalysis number relationshi p-a nalysis k now n conditions zhijian, a nd conditi ons a nd problem zhijia n of relationship, determi
35、ne probl em -solving method a nd problem-solvi ng steps. 3, and colum n type calculation-lists formula , is out subdivi sions 4, a nd test, a nd wrote answer-che ck, and checki ng, a nd wr ote answ ers typi cal applicati on probl em 13, a nd subject: a ppli cation problem 3 -col umn equati on soluti
36、 ons applicati on pr oblem revie w content ov erview pr oblem -solving ste ps 1, a nd figure out mea ning, find by seeking of unk now n and x said 2, and accor ding to mea ning find equivalent relati onship, lists equation 3, a nd soluti ons equation 4, and test, and wrote a nswer s accordi ng to me
37、aning find equivalent relati onship of common method 1 , and accor ding to common of num ber relationshi p type, e stabli she d equivalent relati onship 2, and accordi ng to ha s learn had of ca lculation form ula, 3, a nd a ccording to problem in the of focus described se ntence from overall sha ng determine basi c of equivalent relati onshi p 4, and usi ng segme nt figure, and list method, method a nalysis number两个数相除, 被除数和除数同时扩大或者缩小相同的一个数(0 除外),商的大小不变;乘法的意义 : 一道乘法算式一般有下面几个意义:一、求几个相同加数的和是多少?例如:27× 13 ,表示求 13个 27 的和是多少?也可以表示求27 的 13倍是
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