更广泛的信息共享有助于扩大信贷 Broader information_第1页
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1、获得贷款的申请者的百分比获得贷款的申请者的百分比 Percent of Applicants who Obtain a Loan39.874.8Negative only Positive andnegative info89% increase in approval rate75.483.4Bank informationonlyBank and otherLender information11% increase in approval rate如果只根据负面信息进行评估,如果只根据负面信息进行评估,每每1010万名贷款申请者中将会万名贷款申请者中将会流失流失3.53.5万万名潜在优质

2、客户名潜在优质客户 Out of 100,000 Applicants 35,000 potential good customers are lost if assessment is based on negative info only.贷款批准率贷款批准率上升上升89%贷款批准率贷款批准率上升上升11%只使用负面信息使用正面和负面信息只有来自银行的信息有来自银行和其它贷款人的信息来源:Barron and Staten (2000). 数据显示了在目标违约率为3%时,所模拟的信贷可获得性 Source: Barron and Staten (2000). Figure shows th

3、e simulated credit availability assuming a target default rate of 3%.2 哪些是“无法评分”的客户 Who are the unscoreables? 贫穷的消费者、非正规经济、微型企业 Poor consumers, informal economy, micro businesses 他们用现金支付,“信用记录”很单薄甚至根本就没有 They pay cash, have a “thin-credit history” or “no history” at all 在美国,大约有35005400万人口尚未纳入征信体系 In

4、 the US approx. 35-54 million remain outside the credit system “非传统”/”替代性”数据来自哪里? What are the sources of “Non-Traditional”/“Alternative” data? 电信公司、公用事业机构、有线电视、保险公司等 Telcos, Utilities, Cable TV, insurance, etc 对这些款项支付的及时性可作为有效的风险指标,以及建立信用记录的快捷方式 Regularity on these payments is a good risk indicator

5、, and a shortcut to build a credit history 但是,因为规制方面的限制或者缺少信息共享的法律依据,征信局一般无法收集到这类数据 However this data rarely reaches the CBs because of regulatory hurdles or lack of legislation regulating its sharing 在巴西,新的征信法将允许共享非传统数据 In Brazil the new CB law project allows the sharing of non traditional data* 来源

6、:2007年2月17日经济学人 Source: The Economist February 17 2007“ 移动电话支付总额在2008年(*)将从32亿美元攀升至370亿美元到2010年,仅在中国/印度就会有12亿部手机 Mobile phone payments will climb from $ 3.2 to $37 billion in 2008(*)By 2010 more than 1.2 billion handsets in China / India only”支付系统中的新赢家:移动电话 New winner emerging among payment systems:

7、 the mobile phone “非传统数据非传统数据”增加了信贷的渗透率增加了信贷的渗透率 “Non traditional data” increases credit penetration来源:2006年,国际政治与经济风险咨询公司放贷给应得到信贷的人 Source: PERC, “Give Credit Where Credit Is Due”, 2006示例:根据目标逾期率确定的贷款批准率(VantageScore评分模型)与公用事业机构有交易的个人与电信公司有交易的个人贷款逾期率含公用事业付费信息(#1)不含公用事业付费信息(#2)含电信付费信息(#1)不含电信付费信息(#2

8、) “非传统数据非传统数据”减少了不良贷款减少了不良贷款 “Non traditional data” decreases non performing loans示例:根据目标贷款批准率分类的严重逾期(VantageScore评分模式)与公用事业机构有交易的个人与电信公司有交易的个人贷款批准比例含公用事业付费信息(#1)不含公用事业付费信息(#2)含电信付费信息(#1)不含电信付费信息(#2)来源:2006年国际政治与经济风险咨询公司放贷给应得到信贷的人 Source: PERC, “Give Credit Where Credit Is Due”, 200655%5%5%10%17%17%

9、32%0%5%10%15%20%25%30%35%Marketing & customer serviceInclude more data sourcesQuality controlTechnology upgradesImprove legal environmentExpand types of information distributedValue-added services5增值服务增加所发布信息的类型改善法律环境技术升级质量控制吸引更多数据来源市场营销和客户服务来源:世界银行2006年全球投资环境报告Source: Doing Business 2006 数据质量和征

10、信机构的作用 Data quality and role of credit bureaus 颁布适当的法律法规,支持私营征信机构的成长 Enact appropriate laws and regulations to support growth of PCBs 确保消费者权利和数据保护:教育消费者,保护个人的权利 Ensure consumer rights and data protection: Educate consumers and protect their rights 进行适当监管,制定行为守则 Provide for proper supervision and cod

11、es of conduct 改变观念,提高认识 Change perceptions and build awareness 获得客户信任 Build trust 说服贷款人共享正面信息 Persuade lenders to share positive information 确保征信机构在小国家的商业生存能力 Ensure commercial viability in smaller countries 较难获得贷款、需要很多担保品、信贷配给问题严重 Credit is limited, collateralized and selective 贷款申请被拒绝的比例非常高 Reject

12、ion rates are extremely high. .但坏账比例也一样高,特别是在消费信贷方面 but so is bad debt rate, particularly for consumer credit 盈利性低,特别是公立银行,而且系统脆弱 Profitability is weak, risible for public banks, and the system is vulnerable 最高端客户的风险最高 The most affluent customers represent the poorest risk 而最优质的客户(中等收入者)却遭到不公平的待遇 Wh

13、ile the best customers (medium income) are penalized 显而易见,这个系统急需征信机构 Clearly a system that needed Credit Bureaus! 风险风险 Risks: 信用信息共享体制是分割的,缺乏长期愿景,存在地盘之争 Fragmentation of information sharing initiatives, lack of long term vision; turf battles; 主要贷款人不愿意共享信息(更不用说正面信息!) Reluctance of key lenders to shar

14、e information (let alone positive information); 涉及所有利益相关人(贷款人、借款人)的规制框架不明确 Uncertain regulatory framework for all stakeholders (lenders, borrowers); 摩洛哥央行计划扩大其信贷登记,不设定最低贷款额门槛,将所有贷款都纳入进来(威胁将来私营征信机构的生存空间) BAMs plans to expand its Credit Registry to include all loans without minimum threshold (crowding

15、-out of any future private initiative)机遇机遇 Opportunities: 摩洛哥央行享有较高声誉,并且是所有金融机构的监管者,因此,它是唯一能够推动整个进程,创建一个有利于征信的商业环境的机构 BAMs reputation and as supervisor/regulator of all Financial Institutions the only player who could drive the process and create an enabling business environment for credit reporting

16、; 有多方力量在推动征信体系的发展(在法语国家中比较少见) Country dynamism with various initiatives (uncommon for francophone countries!) 国际金融公司的建议 The IFC recommendations1.私营征信机构需由央行颁发运营执照 Private CBs are licensed by Central Bank2.所有处于央行监管下的金融机构每月必须向央行提交所有贷款的所有信息,无论贷款额度大小(无需征求借款人个人同意) Every month, all regulated financial inst

17、itutions must supply BAM with all information concerning all loans, regardless of the amount (consumers consent not required)3.央行须每月 On a monthly basis BAM 整合所有收到的数据 consolidates the data received向所有获得执照的征信机构提供相同的信息 supplies all the licensed Credit Bureaus with the same information base 4.历史数据必须是数据库

18、的一部分(理想的情况是有5年的历史数据) Historical data must be part of the database (ideally 5 years)5.强制贷款人在授信前必须向征信机构进行查询 Inquiring a CB before granting credit becomes mandatory for lenders国际金融公司的建议 The IFC recommendations6.允许非监管类放贷人与征信机构共享数据(需获得客户同意) Nonregulated lenders allowed to share data with CBs (customers c

19、onsent required)7.央行是征信机构的唯一监管和发证机构 BAM is the only supervising and licensing authority for CBs 8.以简单的央行部门规章的形式来执行行为守则和其它规范(无需专门的征信法律) Code of Conduct and other norms enforced through simple BAM regulations (no CB Law required)9.央行有权使用所有征信机构的数据库,以服务于监管目的 BAM can access any CB database for supervisio

20、n purposes摩洛哥信息共享流程客户(信息)非监管类实体摩洛哥央行SCIP私营征信机构1、2、3、4银行、非银行金融机构、小额金融机构、非监管类实体受监管的银行受监管的银行受监管的非银行受监管的非银行金融机构金融机构受监管的小额金受监管的小额金融机构融机构建立了一个透明的、先进的、具有竞争力和非分割性的信息共享基础设施 Build a transparent, advanced, competitive and non-fragmented information sharing infrastructure使得所有符合央行要求的征信机构都能运作(不论是本地的,还是国际的),并在质量、价

21、格和增值服务方面展开竞争 Allow all CB providers which fulfill BAMs requirements to operate (local or international) and compete on quality, pricing and value-added services吸引跨国征信机构为摩洛哥带来先进的技术和投资 Attract to Morocco know how and investments of international CBs使央行获得无偿的充足信息,以服务于它最根本的目标:监管全国的系统性信贷风险 Supply BAM with

22、 a wealth of information at no cost that can be used for its primary objective: supervision of the country systemic credit risk允许非监管类金融机构和“替代性数据”来源成为征信机制的一部分(需获得个人同意) Allows non-regulated FIs and “Alternative data” sources to be part of the mechanism (with consumers consent) 使央行从其它次要责任(向借款人提供客户服务、技术

23、性基础设施建设、投资、提升内部技能等)中解脱出来,发挥最关键的作用(监管和发证)Give BAM a key role (supervising and licensing authority) while disposing of any other petty responsibility (customer service for borrowers, technical infrastructure, investment, building internal skills, etc.)n扩大征信机构的数据范围会带来巨大的好处 There are huge benefits deriv

24、ed from broadening the scope of data held in the bureau:n正面数据 Positive datan非传统/替代性数据 Non traditional / alternative data:缩小信息差距,增加可评分个人的比例 reduces infomation gap, increases percentage of consumers who can be scored 使更多的有信用的人群可以获得融资,而他们以前往往被排除在外或服务程度不够 increases access to credit for creditworthy segm

25、ents of the population previously excluded or underserved 降低信贷风险/坏账 decreases credit risk / bad loans是建立信用记录的第一步 it is a first step to build a credit historyn国际金融公司全球征信机构发展项目的主要工作,也是全球的趋势,就是发展私营征信机构,但这并不排除诸如公私合营之类的补充/混合模式,如摩洛哥 The majority of IFC work under the Credit Bureau Program, and the global

26、industry trend, is in the development of private credit reporting, but this does not exclude complementary/hybrid solutions such as private/public partnerships, e.g. Moroccon向41个国家提供了咨询服务 Number of countries in which advisory services was provided: 41 countriesn在8个国家创建了征信机构和/或使征信机构能力显著提升 Number of c

27、redit bureaus created and/or significantly improved in: 8 countriesn2006年这些国家的征信机构查询数量达到930万次 Total number of credit bureau inquiries in those countries in 2006: 9.3 millionn共起草或协助起草了14部新法律/法规 Number of new laws/regulations drafted or contributed to the drafting: 14n在27个国家举办了33次圆桌会议、研讨会、大型会议和其它征信推广活

28、动 Number of roundtables, seminars, conferences and other outreach events supported: 33 events in 27 countriesn在国际金融公司提供征信机构咨询服务的国家,共储存了6.16亿个成年人的记录 Number of people positively affected: 616 million individual records in all countries where IFC provided credit bureau advisory servicesn通过世界银行的全球投资环境报告

29、,对170多个国家的征信环境进行监测 Monitoring of credit reporting environment: over 170 countries through Doing Business Report 来自澳大利亚、意大利、荷兰、挪威、新西兰、瑞士、Visa国际和国际金融公司的捐赠资金 Multi-donor funding from Australia, Italy, Netherlands, Norway, New Zealand, Switzerland, Visa International and IFC联系方式联系方式 CONTACTS研究资料链接研究资料链接 RESEARCH LINKS /ifcext/gfm.nsf/Content/FinancialInfrastructure - IFCs Global Credit Bureau Program/wbi/banking/creditscoring - Focus on small business by WB/IFC/programs/credit_reporting - Comprehensive research by WBhttp:/rru.worldba


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