1、PartA_1_aLanguage FocusQuestions for Discussion1.What is an opinion poll?2.How are opinion polls conducted?3.What topics are usually surveyed in opinion polls?4.Have you ever been asked to participate in an opinion poll? If yes, what was it about?Pre-listening Task第1页/共66页第一页,编辑于星期日:七点 二十三分。PartA_1_
2、aLanguage Focus5.What is the use and value of opinion polls?6.What factors affect the accuracy of opinion polls?7.Do you think opinion polls are true reflections of public opinion? Why or why not?Pre-listening Task第2页/共66页第二页,编辑于星期日:七点 二十三分。PartA_1_demo_aLanguage FocusPre-listening Task第3页/共66页第三页,编
3、辑于星期日:七点 二十三分。PartA_1_demo_aLanguage FocusPre-listening Task第4页/共66页第四页,编辑于星期日:七点 二十三分。PartA_2Pre-listening TaskLanguage FocusHere are some sentences and structures that you might find useful in discussing the above questions. An opinion poll is a survey of public opinion on a certain subject / a st
4、udy in which people are asked for their opinion about a certain subject or a certain person / a snapshot of the opinions of a group of people at a particular time. When conducting a survey, pollsters ask a representative sample of their opinions and then generalize their findings to the larger popul
5、ation.第5页/共66页第五页,编辑于星期日:七点 二十三分。PartA_2Language Focus Public opinion surveys are conducted by telephone / by mail or email / in person / online. Polling topics can be as diverse as public policies, controversial social issues, elections, consumer preferences, and academic research projects. Opinion
6、 polls provide the best direct source of information about public opinion. Polls give people an opportunity to express their views on issues that affect their lives.Pre-listening Task第6页/共66页第六页,编辑于星期日:七点 二十三分。PartA_2Language Focus In politics, polls are used to obtain information about peoples (vot
7、ers) attitudes toward issues and candidates / help politicians make decisions / help analysts predict the result of an election, a political campaign, etc. In business, polls are used to find out what potential customers want / what customers like or dislike about a product or service. Factors that
8、affect the accuracy of opinion polls include sample size, question wording, order of questions, interviewing skills, etc.Pre-listening Task第7页/共66页第七页,编辑于星期日:七点 二十三分。PartA_2Language Focus In general, the larger the size of the sample, the more reliable the results. The sample of a poll must be repre
9、sentative of the whole population. A biased sample, no matter how large, cannot be trusted. Inappropriately phrased questions may affect poll results and reduce the reliability of a poll.Pre-listening Task第8页/共66页第八页,编辑于星期日:七点 二十三分。PartA_2Language Focus In order to ensure the accuracy of poll result
10、s, interview questions must be properly worded and tested before use, the sample scientifically selected, and the data from the poll correctly analyzed. Many people doubt the reliability of opinion polls / are not convinced that the opinions of a small sample of the population are a reliable represe
11、ntation of the opinions of the whole / think poll results are not objective.Pre-listening Task第9页/共66页第九页,编辑于星期日:七点 二十三分。PartA_2Language Focus If the sample of a poll is well selected, it represents a near replica of the entire population. Some polls are unreliable / biased / not accurate. They are
12、based on samples that are too small or badly chosen. / The questions they ask are confusing and can actually distort public opinion. Polls sponsored by interest groups should always be taken with caution. Poll questions can be framed and samples chosen to produce answers favorable to the interest gr
13、oup.Pre-listening Task第10页/共66页第十页,编辑于星期日:七点 二十三分。PartB_1_a_1percentageabsurdnominalpenalizeprohibitiveListening Tasksn. a rate, number, or amount in each hundred 百分比a. ridiculous or unreasonable 荒谬的,荒唐的a. (of a price or sum of money) very small (价格或金额) 微不足道的v.to punish 予以处罚a.(of a price or charge)
14、excessively high (价格或收费)使人望而却步的Speaking TasksWord BankExercise 2Exercise 1Language and Cultural Notes第11页/共66页第十一页,编辑于星期日:七点 二十三分。PartB_1_a_1tramcar parkn.an electric vehicle that transports people, usu. in cities, and goes along metal tracks 有轨电车 parking lot; an open space or a building where peopl
15、e can leave their cars temporarily (汽车)停车场Listening TasksSpeaking TasksWord BankExercise 2Exercise 1Language and Cultural Notes第12页/共66页第十二页,编辑于星期日:七点 二十三分。PartB_1_a_21. Background information An opinion poll is a survey of public opinion on a certain subject. The making of a poll involves five esse
16、ntial steps: 1) the research design, or how to plan a poll; 2) the sample or whom to ask; 3) the question design, or what to ask; 4) techniques of collecting data, or how to ask; and 5) the analysis of the findings. Opinion polls were used as early as 1824 by two American newspapers to test theListe
17、ning TasksSpeaking TasksWord BankExercise 2Exercise 1Language and Cultural Notes第13页/共66页第十三页,编辑于星期日:七点 二十三分。PartB_1_a_2strength of the presidential candidates. The polling methods used in those polls, however, were very crude as the samples were haphazardly selected. It was not until the 1930s that
18、 more scientific methods were introduced in public opinion polling, which led to the huge popularity of polls in modern times. Now opinion polls have become an integral part of social life in many countries. National and statewide polls regularly sample public opinion on different topics and publish
19、 the results inListening TasksSpeaking TasksWord BankExercise 2Exercise 1Language and Cultural Notes第14页/共66页第十四页,编辑于星期日:七点 二十三分。PartB_1_a_2newspapers and magazines. The best-known polls are the Harris Poll and the Gallup Poll. In our country, opinion polls have also become more widely used and acce
20、pted. And it is likely that they are to play a more important role in our future life.2. In some car parks it now costs 5 for half an hour. Parking a car in a public car park can be very expensive, especially in downtown areas. For Listening TasksSpeaking TasksWord BankExercise 2Exercise 1Language a
21、nd Cultural Notes第15页/共66页第十五页,编辑于星期日:七点 二十三分。PartB_1_a_2example, parking a car for half an hour may cost you $10 in lower Manhattan, New York City. So most people will not go to a public car park unless they cant find a parking space in the street. Or they simply take trains or other means of trans
22、port when they go downtown.3. I dont see what youre getting at. I dont see what you are trying to say.Listening TasksSpeaking TasksWord BankExercise 2Exercise 1Language and Cultural Notes第16页/共66页第十六页,编辑于星期日:七点 二十三分。PartB_1_a_24. I dont know anyone who doesnt think theyre too high. Everyone I know t
23、hinks petrol prices are too high.5. graded charging system a charging system that is not fixed but varies (according to how far from the city center a car park is)Listening TasksSpeaking TasksWord BankExercise 2Exercise 1Language and Cultural Notes第17页/共66页第十七页,编辑于星期日:七点 二十三分。PartB_1_b_3Listen to th
24、e conversation and choose the right answers to the questions you hear.Listening TasksSpeaking TasksWord BankExercise 2Exercise 1Language and Cultural Notes第18页/共66页第十八页,编辑于星期日:七点 二十三分。PartB_1_b_31.a. Traffic, petrol prices, and public car parks.b. Public transport, petrol prices, and car parks.c. Pu
25、blic transport, car parks, and vehicle taxes.d. Traffic, vehicle taxes, and road taxes.Listening TasksSpeaking TasksWord BankExercise 2Exercise 1Language and Cultural Notes第19页/共66页第十九页,编辑于星期日:七点 二十三分。PartB_1_b_32.a. That three different things are examined in a single survey.b. That the results of
26、the survey are shown in percentages.c. That it indicates there are people who are willing to pay more for petrol and car parking.d. That it indicates there are people who would rather take buses or trains than drive.Listening TasksSpeaking TasksWord BankExercise 2Exercise 1Language and Cultural Note
27、s第20页/共66页第二十页,编辑于星期日:七点 二十三分。PartB_1_b_33.a. People should be heavily fined for parking offenses.b. The nearer to the city center you park your car, the higher the charge should be.c. Car park charges should be made as high as possible to deter people from using cars.d. People should not be allowed
28、 to park their cars for longer than half an hour in the city center.Listening TasksSpeaking TasksWord BankExercise 2Exercise 1Language and Cultural Notes第21页/共66页第二十一页,编辑于星期日:七点 二十三分。PartB_1_b_34.a. Heavy traffic in the city.b. Pollution in the city center.c. The inefficiency of public transport.d.
29、The high cost of building car parks in the city center.Listening TasksSpeaking TasksWord BankExercise 2Exercise 1Language and Cultural Notes第22页/共66页第二十二页,编辑于星期日:七点 二十三分。PartB_1_b_35.a. Positive.b. Neutral.c. Skeptical.d. Critical.Listening TasksSpeaking TasksWord BankExercise 2Exercise 1Language an
30、d Cultural Notes第23页/共66页第二十三页,编辑于星期日:七点 二十三分。PartB_1_b_4Listen to the conversation again and write down answers to the following questions.1. What does the man think about petrol prices and car park charges? They are too high.2.Why does the woman think that more taxes should be charged on petrol? S
31、o that people can be discouraged from using cars.Listening TasksSpeaking TasksWord BankExercise 2Exercise 1Language and Cultural Notes第24页/共66页第二十四页,编辑于星期日:七点 二十三分。PartB_1_b_43. What charging system does the woman suggest that car parks use? She suggests that they use a graded charging system depend
32、ing on how far they are from the city center.4. Why does the woman think that people should be penalized for using their cars to go into town? Because they pollute the city center.Listening TasksSpeaking TasksWord BankExercise 2Exercise 1Language and Cultural Notes第25页/共66页第二十五页,编辑于星期日:七点 二十三分。PartB
33、_1_b_45.According to the woman, how should people get around in the city center? Use the bus or tram service.Listening TasksSpeaking TasksWord BankExercise 2Exercise 1Language and Cultural Notes第26页/共66页第二十六页,编辑于星期日:七点 二十三分。PartB_1_a_scriptListening TasksSpeaking TasksWord BankExercise 2Exercise 1La
34、nguage and Cultural Notes第27页/共66页第二十七页,编辑于星期日:七点 二十三分。PartB_2_a You have just heard a conversation in which two speakers were discussing the reliability of opinion polls. What does the man feel odd about the results of the poll? What is the womans opinion with regard to petrol prices and car park c
35、harges? What does the conversation tell you about the functions and limitations of opinion polls? Exchange views with your partner. You may mention the following points in your discussion.Listening TasksSpeaking TasksA. Reflections on the textPair Work 第28页/共66页第二十八页,编辑于星期日:七点 二十三分。PartB_2_a differe
36、nt views held by the two speakers about a certain poll result opinion polls reflecting highly diversified views poll results expressed in percentages: sometimes difficult to interpret as they fail to reveal the reasons behind peoples responses to survey questionsListening TasksSpeaking Tasks第29页/共66
37、页第二十九页,编辑于星期日:七点 二十三分。PartB_2_b1A Sample The table below shows the results of a survey conducted by a university to evaluate the degree of student satisfaction with their academic study. A total of 1,020 undergraduate students participated in the survey. Work together with your partner and prepare a
38、 report of the survey results based on the data provided.Listening TasksSpeaking TasksB. Describing and analyzing data in opinion polls第30页/共66页第三十页,编辑于星期日:七点 二十三分。PartB_2_b1Listening TasksSpeaking Tasks A SurveyHow satisfied are you with the quality of education at this university?Very satisfied or
39、 satisfiedNeutralDissatisfied or very dissatisfiedCourse content in your major field78%20%2%Quality of instruction in your major field80%18%2%Variety of courses offered at this university85%12%3%第31页/共66页第三十一页,编辑于星期日:七点 二十三分。PartB_2_b1Listening TasksSpeaking TasksVery satisfied or satisfiedNeutralDi
40、ssatisfied or very dissatisfiedClass size relative to the type of course81%18%1%Attitude of the faculty toward students90%9%1%Amount of contact with faculty outside of class40%25%35%Amount of help you receive to prepare you for your future career52%30%18%第32页/共66页第三十二页,编辑于星期日:七点 二十三分。PartB_2_b1Liste
41、ning TasksSpeaking Tasks The table below shows the results of a survey conducted in another university. In this survey, students are asked whether or not they have used certain facilities and services provided by the university and if they have, how satisfied they are with them. Use the above sample
42、 as your model and give an oral report of the survey results based on the data provided.第33页/共66页第三十三页,编辑于星期日:七点 二十三分。PartB_2_b1Listening TasksSpeaking Tasks A SurveyHow satisfied are you with the following facilities or services?Who have used servicesSatisfied or very satisfiedLibrary facilities an
43、d services98%90%Computer labs87%81%Residence hall facilities90%51%第34页/共66页第三十四页,编辑于星期日:七点 二十三分。PartB_2_b1Listening TasksSpeaking TasksWho have used servicesSatisfied or very satisfiedCanteen services98%33%Personal counseling services17%92%Recreational facilities and services71%87%Student part time
44、employment services42%83%第35页/共66页第三十五页,编辑于星期日:七点 二十三分。PartB_2_b1Listening TasksSpeaking TasksBelow are some questions you may want to use as a guide to organize your report.1. Overall how did students feel about the various services and facilities provided by the university?2. What are some of the
45、areas that students are most satisfied with?3.What are some of the areas that students are less happy with?第36页/共66页第三十六页,编辑于星期日:七点 二十三分。PartB_2_b1Listening TasksSpeaking Tasks4. How necessary is it for the university to improve its canteen services and upgrade its residence hall facilities? Why?5.W
46、hat is noteworthy about the data concerning personal counseling services? What messages do they convey? 6. In what ways are the findings from the survey useful? 第37页/共66页第三十七页,编辑于星期日:七点 二十三分。PartB_1_b_scriptListening TasksSpeaking Tasks第38页/共66页第三十八页,编辑于星期日:七点 二十三分。PartB_1_b_scriptListening TasksSpe
47、aking Tasks第39页/共66页第三十九页,编辑于星期日:七点 二十三分。PartB_1_b_3Test Your ListeningListen to the passage and choose the right answers to the questions you hear.A Passage第40页/共66页第四十页,编辑于星期日:七点 二十三分。PartB_1_b_31.a. By telephone. b. By face-to-face interviews.c. By mail.d. By door-to-door interviews.Test Your Lis
48、tening第41页/共66页第四十一页,编辑于星期日:七点 二十三分。PartB_1_b_32.a. 6001,200 potential voters.b. 300600 potential voters.c. 6001,000 potential voters.d. 8001,200 potential voters.Test Your Listening第42页/共66页第四十二页,编辑于星期日:七点 二十三分。PartB_1_b_33.a. 47%.b. 53%.c. 47%53%. d. It depends on how large the voting population i
49、s.Test Your Listening第43页/共66页第四十三页,编辑于星期日:七点 二十三分。PartB_1_b_34.a. Polls are remarkably accurate in predicting election results.b. Polling organizations make a lot of money from their clients.c. Voters and candidates are losing interest in election polls.d. The development of technology contributes
50、greatly to the accuracy of polls.Test Your Listening第44页/共66页第四十四页,编辑于星期日:七点 二十三分。PartB_1_b_scriptTest Your Listening第45页/共66页第四十五页,编辑于星期日:七点 二十三分。PartD_1_a1Movie TimeTime to TalkMovieExercise AWord BankExercise BExercise C第46页/共66页第四十六页,编辑于星期日:七点 二十三分。PartD_1_a2Movie TimeTime to TalkMovieExercise A
51、Word BankExercise BExercise C第47页/共66页第四十七页,编辑于星期日:七点 二十三分。PartD_1_b1crushedpromotionrecessa. 伤心的n. 升职n. 休息Movie TimeTime to TalkMovieExercise AWord BankExercise BExercise C第48页/共66页第四十八页,编辑于星期日:七点 二十三分。PartC_2_b1. What did the little boy wish on his birthday?A. His father couldnt lie forever. B. Hi
52、s father would not lie for one day.C. His father and mother could get together again. D. His father could bring him a birthday cake.Choose the best answer to each of the following questions.Movie TimeTime to TalkMovieExercise AWord BankExercise BExercise C第49页/共66页第四十九页,编辑于星期日:七点 二十三分。PartC_2_b2. Wh
53、at did the father ask the boy to do?A. To learn how to tell a lie.B. To have a birthday party with him.C. To take back his birthday wish.D. To forgive his telling lies.Movie TimeTime to TalkMovieExercise AWord BankExercise BExercise C第50页/共66页第五十页,编辑于星期日:七点 二十三分。PartD_1_cIn English, there is a phras
54、e “white lie” which means a lie that is made to avoid hurting someones feelings or to avoid trouble, and not for an evil purpose. In the movie clip, the man gave an example of the white lie he had made. Explain what the lie was and why he made the lie.Movie TimeTime to TalkMovieExercise AWord BankExercise BExercise C第51页/共66页第五十一页,编辑于星期日:七点 二十三分。PartD_1_cHave you ever told a white lie? Do you agree with the father that one has to tell lies in his life?Movie TimeTime to TalkMovieExercise AWord BankExercise BExercise C第52页/共66页第五十二页,编辑于星期日:七点 二十三分。PartB_
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