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1、 module 6 unit 1 can i have some sweets? 【教学目标】 1. 能听说认读单词:soup,sweets,bread并能在情景中理解sorry,dark,turn on及light的含义。 2. 能够理解-can i have some ? 及答语- yes, you can./sorry ,you cant. 的语用功能并能在相应的情景下运用语句。 【教学重难点】重点句型-can i have some ? 及答语- yes, you can./sorry ,you cant. 的灵活运用。 【教学过程】step1: warming-up 热身活动,前置复

2、习师生做动作来sing the chant “noodles and rice”,以此来活跃课堂气氛,调动学生积极性。step2: presentation 激情导入,学习新知1. 以noodles 和rice为话题,让学习列举其他食物。2. 借助单词卡片来学习bread,soup,sweets。利用点读笔领读,齐读,小组读,男女生读,指读等多种形式来学习新单词。3. 教师出示sweets, bread,实物,让生快速说单词;随后play a guessing game, which picture is missing多媒体闪现相应单词的图片让生快速说单词,来训练学生的反应能力和对单词的掌握

3、情况。 4. 课文的学习(听录音,回答问题) t: there are so many foods, and they are very nice, do you want some? but how to ask food politely? so today were going to learn module 9 unit 1 <do you want some sweets?>听第一遍录音,回答问题:1. who is hungry?2. what food does amy ask for? 听第二遍录音,回答问题: 3. how does amy ask for foo

4、d?4. what does her mother say?师创设情景来学习dark ,light 和turn on。step3: drill 合作学习,交流展示1. 小组合作,在点读笔的帮助下跟读课文。2. 在图片的帮组下,对子两人创设情景来练习对话,一人问,一人答: -can i have some sweets? - yes, you can. / sorry ,you cant. step4:play the text in roles. 拓展延伸,升华运用时间允许的情况下,找同学带头饰来分角色表演课文。step5: summary对知识点及学生表现的小结。step5: homewor

5、k 作业1. 听点读笔并跟读课文,看谁模仿的像!2. 在家和爸妈要东西吃时,练习说句型“can i have some ?”,并教他们说出正确的答语。unit 2 happy halloween【教学目标】知识目标:学习词汇:halloween, give, come in, of course.能力目标:运用句型can i have some? yes, you can./ sorry, you can't. 。并学习答语:here you are . 技能目标:能听懂万圣节活动中关于请求及获得允许的内容。文化意识:了解万圣节的传统习俗。【教学重难点】1、学习give, hallow

6、een, trick or treat, come in, of course及答句:here you are. 2、能熟练地运用can i have some ?句型【教具】课件、点读笔【教学过程】step1: warming-up 热身活动,前置复习greetings师生一起听录音做动作来学唱 chant “can i have some soup”,以此来活跃课堂气氛,调动学生积极性。step2: presentation 激情导入,学习新知1.课件出示part 1游戏:出示食物点菜单,明确要求:让几个学生分别扮演顾客,用句型“can i have some?”进行询问,另一学生扮演服务

7、员根据菜单内容用“yes, you can. /sorry, you can't.”回答。(既活跃课堂气愤,同时复习了"can i have some?"这一句型这为后面的学习新内容打下了基础,营造一个比较好的学习语言的氛围。) (二)、呈现环节        出示礼物袋,里面有教师准备好的万圣节礼物,鼓励学生在运用语言中得到礼物。然后,带着学生听课文录音,感受tom是如何过万圣节的,并让学生听完后回答两个问题,一个是what can we say in halloween? 另一个是what can to

8、m get in halloween?并用汉语再重复一遍,并引导学生理解课文内容,用文中的句子回答。(通过在导入中对旧知识复习的基础下,学习新知识,过渡比较自然,学生容易接受。这样在林老师的设计上又适当降低了难度。)(三)、语言操练1.再次听读课文并跟读。2.给学生一定时间让学生熟悉课文内容,分角色朗读课文后,进行表演。3.出示食物图片,学生询问“can i have some?”,师在两张纸上分别画笑脸和哭脸,出示后让另一个学生根据笑脸、哭脸用“yes, of course. sorry, you can't.”然后分组练习,教师及时评价。4.学习课本中的歌谣,在熟悉的情况下进行歌谣

9、表演比赛,评出最佳表演者。(四)、运用语言      出示礼物袋,告诉学生里面有很多礼物,让学生模仿课文或自行创作表演,要运用所学英文句子进行交流。若学生在表演交流中能根据回答猜中礼物袋中的礼物,老师就将礼物送给学生,使他们获得成功的体验。(五)、作业:1、合作分角色朗读或表演课文,练说歌谣。2、完成活动用书练习一和二。3、试着找更多的有关万圣节的信息。module 7 travelunit 1were going to go to hainan.一、教学目标1技能与知识目标基本能听懂、会说、会读、会写词汇: tomorrow, by plan

10、e, from, swim, sea,基本能听懂、会说、会读句型: were going to     im from2运用能力目的运用were going to 句型让学生能够给自己所在的团体做出近期计划及用运用im from 介绍自己来自何处。3素质教育(文化、情感态度、策略)目的培养学生主动用英语与他人交流,能积极与他人合作,共同参与,合作完成学习任务。通过对本课的学习,让学生学会从小就要有计划地做事情,合理的安排时间。二、教学重点词汇: tomorrow, by plane, from, swim, sea,句型: were going to  

11、   im from三、教学难点   plane, swim, sea的发音四、教学用具多媒体课件、点读笔、单词卡片五、教学程序1、热身复习活动1、教师语言:lets say and do the actions 。(老师出示单词卡片让学生看着卡片的短语边说边做出相应的动做。)swim, swim, swim in the sea.boat, boat, row a boat.    basketball, basketball, play basketball.dumplings, dumplings , make dum

12、plings.chess, chess , play chess.pictures, pictures, take pictures. 2.任务呈现与课文导入 教师语言:hello! children. do you like taking pictures? 学生语言:yes.教师语言:i like, too. i like traveling very much. do you like traveling?(你们喜欢旅游么?)学生语言:yes.教师语言: amy ,sam and their parents like traveling, too. ok! lets listen to

13、the tape.         where are they going to go? then you and your friends are going to make a plan by yourself.         at last youre going to tell us where you are going to go, what you are going to do, how do you go ther

14、e.任务呈现:我们今天的任务是你和你的朋友将一起为你们制定一个有意义的活动计划。3课文呈现 教师语言:after listening , please complete my sentences.(1) 教师播放录音,此时只要求学生听,不跟读。(2) 学生完成句子填空 were going to go to hainan tomorrow.                     

15、60;  were going to get up at 5 oclock.                        were going to go by plane.               &#

16、160;        im sam . im from england.                        im xiaoyong. im from china          

17、60;        (sam)im going to swim in the sea.              (xiaoyong) im going to visit my grandpa.4操练与指导1)教师语言:please look at this map .im going to go to beijing.(指北京) who wants to go with me?(谁愿意和我一起去?)&#

18、160; 学生语言: me .(或用汉语回答我愿意)教师语言: ok. were going to go to beijing.(老师与学生站在一起将强调we.) 教授两遍。如每组派一同学为自己的大组选择一个地点,这个组的学生就根据这个地点来练习句型were going to go to  .  然后进行大组之间的操练。请同学自己选择城市或其它地方来操练were going to go to          .2) 教师语言:youve chosen a place .but how

19、 do you go there ? im going to go by plane. who wants to go by plane?   学生语言:i want.   教师语言: ok! were going to go by plane. 教授两遍。a,b,c,d每组操练一遍,然后进行ac,bd这的组与组之间的操练。    can you choose another traffic tools?(让学生选择其它交通工具来练习were going to go by .句型)3)教师语言:in our plan the

20、 time is very important, do you think so? when are you going to get up? 请学生四人小组讨论然后回答    学生语言:were going to get up at . 按小组回答4)教师语言:at last, what are you going to do? 四人小组讨论,汇报。were going to        .5)game : 全班四个大组,a组写were going to go to . b组写were go

21、ing to go by .c组写were going to get up at . d组写were going to .   老师为每组发一面旗子,然后放音乐当音乐停下来拿到旗子的学生就站起来将自己所写的内容读出来,这样进行几组联系。复习巩固 教师语言:刚才我们大家都听到了没有经过讨论的计划是不合理的,那么现在请你们再来听听amy他们制定的旅行计划吧。1)录音,全班跟读课文。2)全班朗读课文5完成运用任务  有意义的活动计划   现在请你们自己自由组和讨论一下自己的活动计划,然后小组汇报。六、作业  下课为自己的家庭制定出一个活动计

22、划。unit 2 we are going to visit the ming tombs .一、教学目标:1技能与知识目标:基本能听懂、会读、会说、会抄写单词stone, camel ,visit( 进一步了解visit的用法既可以表示visit a person,还可以表示visit a place ,an animal) 基本能听懂、会读、会说句型:were going to do sth.能听懂、会唱歌曲:we are going to go to the zoo.2运用能力目的:能够熟练掌握visit的不同用法,能够运用be going to do sth的语言结构表示自己打算干某事

23、。2素质教育:通过对本课的学习,使学生了解有关明墓的历史、地理位置及其概况的知识,激发学生热爱历史、热爱祖国的热情,树立保护文化遗产主人翁的意识。培养学生认真学语言,乐于用语言的意识,并通过歌曲的学习,促进学科间的交流。二、教学重点:基本能听懂、会读、会说、会抄写单词stone, camel ,visit( 进一步了解的用法即可以表示visit a person,还可以表示visit a place,an animal) 基本能听懂、会读、会说句型:were going to do sth.能听懂、会唱歌曲:we are going to go to the zoo.三、教学难点:visit的

24、不同用法四、 教学用品:点读笔 ,多媒体课件,有关地点和动物的卡片。五、教学程序:1、启动:(3分钟)(1),听module7unit2的歌曲并跟着老师做动作(2), say a chant: were going to  were going to    go to +placeim going to  im going to        go to+place      she is going to  she

25、 is going to    go to +place he is going to  he is going to ,     go to +placethey are going to they are going to   go to +place      (可在地图上指地点,也可向学生出示事先准备好写有地点的卡片)     2、导入(3分钟)im going to ,im going to ch

26、eck your homework.who can tell me something about the ming tombs.                                       &

27、#160;                                 3、呈现课文呈现:ms smart and her student have been to the ming tombs,lets see”what did they see in the ming t

28、ombs.” 交代任务:we cant visit the ming tombs now, but miss wang have a good ideawere going to go to the zoo and visit animals.4、 操作与指导(1)、lets see some animals.(图片)teach words:stone ,camel。操练单词:game:老师说一种动物,学生做动作模仿,当老师说stone+动物,学生暂停不许动,然后请一到两个同学说动物。(2)、体会单词roar,scary,请学生模仿动物的吼叫声,老师说scary请学生作害怕状,可藏在桌子下。(

29、3)、听,跟读课文。(4)、学唱歌曲we are going to go to the zoo六、 布置家庭作业活动用书单元活动1、2、6。module 8 sports dayunit 1 what are you going to do?一 、教学目标1.知识目标:a.能听懂,会说日常交际用语:what are you going to do? i am going to.以及相应的回答b.能听懂,会说 sports day every day good luck come on winner 等词2.语言技能目标a.在创设情景中,能使用句型 what are you going to d

30、o for sports? i am going to进行交流。b.能用一般将来式的形式简单的描述将要发生的事情。c.培养学生在游戏中熟练运用功能句型和词组的能力,在情境中灵活运用交际用语的能力和知识迁移的能力。d.会运用 good luck, come on等词对别人表示祝福。3.情感态度目标a.在学习、应用本课知识的过程中,培养发散思维、创造思维的能力。b.在教学游戏中学会交际,学会鼓励他人,学会欣赏和赞赏他人c.培养学生的团队意识和合作精神,共同完成学习任务。d.激发学生学习英语的兴趣,帮助学生树立信心。二、教学重点和难点:理解掌握 sports day ,come on, good l

31、uck ,winner 等词的意义并懂得在实际语境中运用。理解并懂得在日常生活中灵活运用 what are you going to do for sports day? i am going to .等句型进行交际三、教学准备:课件、句型卡,短语卡片,点读笔四 、教学过程:step1: warm-up (准备活动)1、greeting say hello to studentst: hi ,boys and girls, today we are happy. now we play a chat ,ok?2 chant “every day ”(幻灯片出示 were going to pl

32、ay football. were going to play football every day.were going to play basketball. were going to play basketball every day.were going to swim. were going to swim every day.were going to play table tennis. were going to play table tennis every day.were going to run. were going to run every day.(先带领学生读

33、两次,然后单独出示里面有关运动的词组的卡片,让学生读这些词组,并边读边做动作。)(设计意图:热身)step2: presentation (呈现活动)1 出示一张关于运动会的情景幻灯片,问学生“what are they doing?”(生回答)2 提示“sports day”,出示卡片“sports day”带学生读几遍,学生边读老师边板书“sports day”.3师说: we are going to have a sports day.(边说边板书,带领学生读),师:lets have a look ,what can we do on our sports day?(出示幻灯片:no

34、.1 is play football.no.2 is play basketball. no.3 is play table tennis. no.4 is swim. no.5 is run the 100 metres.让学生读,重点解释no.5这个词)4出示幻灯片 “what are you going to do for sports day tomorrow ?im going to ”(老师先试范说: we have a sports day ,what are you going to do for sports day ? 让学生猜测,然后再说i going to swim.

35、多说几遍,并加上示范动作)(设计意图:借助幻灯创设情境结合课文的内容进行学习,能给学生留下深刻的印象)step3: imitation practice(模仿性操练)1 老师带学生读几次句子2老师拿出运动项目卡片,提问学生“what are you going to do for sports day ?”,引导学生回答“i going to ”(多提问几个,答得好的给予奖励。)3让学生在同桌间互相练习,接着让他们开火车组组比赛。最后再请小老师上台提问几位(设计意图:面向全体进行操练,使学生对所学知识得到巩固和运用,增强自信,体验成功感)step4: consolidation practic

36、e(巩固性操练)1 (交际性活动)设计情景,让学生扮演不同角色操练句子(1)老师与学生(2)学生与学生(3)父母与孩子2(趣味性活动)设计游戏:听音乐传苹果,多媒体出示有关运动项目的画面,学生听音乐传苹果,教师说stop, 得到苹果的两个学生根据画面内容用这两个句型问和答 。(设计意图:通过活动进一步巩固所学知识)step5: development(拓展性活动)让学生4人为一组讨论:“what are you going to do at weekend ?”然后在班上汇报。(设计意图:拓展运用)step6 : 歌曲 学唱一首英语歌曲what are you going to do?(用问唱

37、,答唱的方式再次巩固这节课的重点)(设计意图:用音乐的形式融入本节课的重点内容,再次加深印象)step7:homework让学生回去制定一个周末计划,并记录下来, 然后运用im going to 句型进行汇报。(设计意图:学以致用)五、板书设计sports daywe are going to have a sports day.what are you going to do for sports day ?im going to ”(设计意图:将这一课的重点画龙点睛地列出来)unit 2 im going to do the high jump一、教学目标 1.知识目标:a能听懂,会用日常

38、交际用语“im going to do”对“what are you going to do? ”作出相应的回答。b.理解听懂会说 run the 200 metres、long jump 、high jump 等.2.技能目标:a在创设情景中,能使用句型 what are you going to do for sports day? i am going to进行交流。 b能用一般将来式的形式简单的描述将要发生的事情。c培养学生在游戏中熟练运用功能句型和词组的能力,在情境中灵活运用交际用语的能力和知识迁移的能力。3.情感目标:a培养学生的团队意识和合作精神,共同完成学习任务。b激

39、发学生学习英语的兴趣,帮助学生树立信心。二、教学重点和难点: 1理解掌握run the 200 metres 、long jump 、 high jump等词的意义并懂得在实际语境中运用。2理解并懂得在日常生活中灵活运用what are you going to do ? i am going to .等句型进行交际四、教学准备:点读笔、句型卡片,短语卡片 五、教学过程:step1.warming up.1. greeting. 2. duty report.step2.review.1. review the old words: 用单词卡片复习所学过的新单词。2. play a

40、game: lucy says. 与学生一起做游戏复习第一单元学过的短语。step3. new concepts.1.introduce;出示课文中的挂图,引出课文内容。 2. listen and do.(先带学生做point to的练习,再听音判断。)老师可以先播放一遍录音,请同学们听,然后再放录音,在每一个问题后停顿,请学生试着回答。并及时纠正学生的错误。3. practice in pairs.4. chant:im training for sports day.   im training every day.   im going to r

41、un and im going to win.   im training every day.   good luck, good luck,   good luck, good luck!   good luck on sports day!六、homework.1. listen and read: 听读课文20分钟。2. write the new words: 默写本课新单词每个四行module 10 the monthsunit 1 there is one birthday in may.一、教学目标

42、情感目标:improve the pupils interest in english; build their confidence in english知识目标:learn to say january, february, march, april, may and june; to be able to use the sentence pattern to communicate with others. 能力目标: faster the pupils listening and speaking abilities;stimulate the pupils active parti

43、cipation while learning学习策略:pay attention to observation, communication function. 文化目标:know the origin of the months 二、重点与难点能够听、说、读:january, february, march, april, may and june以及能理解会说一个新句型为本课重点;能够listen, read and say the sentences and pronounce them correctly为本课的难点。三、教学策略 新课程标准强调从学生的学习兴趣、生活经验和认识水平出

44、发,倡导体验、实践、参与、合作与交流的学习方式和任务型教学,达到发展学生对语言的综合运用能力。为了更好地实现教学目标、有效地突出重点、突破难点,根据小学生好奇、好动、好表现的特点,我采用活动的教学方式,在整个教学中,教师是引导者、协调者;学生是活动的主体,学生的学习任务是开放的。四、教学用具:   自制卡片,自制ppt,铅笔五、教学过程(一)warming-up/leading-in:1.  free talk. good morning. nice to meet you. how are you?2. sing songs.a. (tape and

45、tape recorder) ten little indian boys. b. happy birthday.3.leading-in.t:同学们猜猜我的生日在几月?use the cai to show the symbol of a birthday-a birthday cake, which is in january on the calendar.      (设计意图:“ten little indian boys”和happy birthday”,这两首简单、欢快的歌曲,既能感染学生,调动学生的情绪,歌词中的数字和birth

46、day又能为新课的学习做铺垫。唱完“happy birthday”后,教师利用小学生好奇心强的心理特点,让学生猜猜看教师的生日在几月,自然引入新课教授月份。(二)、learning the new words.1. january 1 a. play cai. listen three times. ( t indicates ps to listen and look carefully) b. greeting.t: hello. january. (indicates the pupils to do the same)ps: hello. january.cai: hello. i a

47、m january.ps: hello. january. c. ask several pupils to be little teachers to read the word (+stickers)  d. the whole class read in different tones. “ jan-ua-ry”. e. read group by group. +smiles f. individuals. (3-5p)2. february 2 (the same) *the teacher points to the cai. “february 2”, “ja

48、nuary 1”, and then asks the ps to stand up and say. ask individuals to read. +smiles or praise them” 3. march 3 the teacher points to the eyes, closes them and then says, “ close your eyes”. listen. play the cai and the sound of footsteps can be heard. then t says, “march”a. listen three times.b. in

49、dividuals. (ps of different levels, 5-7ps) *march, february and january (play cai)a. the whole class. (stand up and say)b. individuals.+ smiles or praise them “excellent”. 4. april 4 t puts up four fingers and put the hands to the mouth to shout, “april”. a. read it twice. slowly and clearly.b. the

50、whole class read.c. several groups read it. +smiled. individuals. 5. may 5     a. listen three times. lead ps to pay attention to the spelling. b. clap and shake hands. or “may i come in? may.” *may and march. (the same) 6. june      a. listen three times. b.

51、the whole class read it in different tones. c. read group by group.*january and june (the same)    (设计意图:小学生以形象思维为主,教师运用日历和卡片进行直观教学,并且通过不同语调读、分小组读、分男女读、开火车读等多种方式练习新词,避免枯燥单一的形式,使学生感到厌烦。)(三)、consolidate the new words.1.play a game-listen. pat. +smiles a. january, february and march b. a

52、pril, may and june t show the ps another set of cards,and let the ps say it.2put up the cards. a. the teacher gives the order or the little teacher +stickers. b. t show the ps another set of cards,and let the ps say it.3. throw a box. a. read the six words. b. demonstrate how to play it. c. ask ps t

53、o play it in group.    (设计意图:寓学于乐,让学生轻松、快乐、高效地学习,是我们的追求,游戏是我们的好帮手之一。)(四)、teach the new sentence.1. ask the group leader to hand in the boxes and put in on the desk, and then lead the ps to count them.(1)t: how many? ps: 6 t: yes. there are 6. +smiles (repeat “there are 6”)(2) take awa

54、y one box and ask, “how many boxes?” (read it slowly) ps:5 t: yes. there are 5.(3) take away three more boxes and ask, “how many boxes are there?” ps: there are 2. t: yes. there are 2.(4) take away one more box and ask, “how many boxes are there?” ps: there are 1. t: yes. there is one. 2. show the l

55、ittle blackboard. there is 1.there are 2,3,4a.  read twice and ps repeat.b. t says, “ there is 1. there are 7/10/6” and ps puts up the finger.c. t puts up some pencils and asks the pupils, “ how many pencils are there?” 3. play cai. play a guessing game. (1)its _. (january) t: yeah. jan-ua

56、-ry. t: how many birthdays? (slowly) ps: 3. (point to “there are” to remind the ps) (2) its _. (february) t: yeah. february. t: guess.猜猜。how many birthdays are there? s1,s2,s3 t: look. there are _. (3) march, april, may and june ask little teachers to ask, “ how many birthdays are there?” +stickers.    (设计意图:创设情境,习得新句型;游戏与练习结合,巩固新句型)(五)、culture tips. t asks, “ 同学们,为什么1月不是one 而是january呢?你们知道为什么吗?那想不想知道?那我们来问问小小博士好了。play cai.


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