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1、中学状语从句全面讲解练习题及答案1、基本含义状语修饰动词、形容词、副词或整个句子;通常由副词、介词短语、动词不定式、分词和从句等担当;请用下划线划出以下句子中的状语,并说明是什么在做状语:he speaks englishvery well.he isplayingunder the tree. i come speciallyto see you.the boy was praised forhis bravery.when she was 12 years old, she began toliveindalian. ifi am not busy tomorrow,i willplay

2、footballwithyou.什么是状语从句?用来修饰主句中的动词, 副词和形容词的从句叫状语从句; 依据其含义状语从句可分为时间状语从句,地点状语从句,条件状语从句, 缘由状语从句,结果状语从句,比较状语从句, 目的状语从句,让步状语从句;例句:i willcallyou as soon as i arrive inbeijing. ifhe comes back, please let me know.i knowhowto lighta camp firebecause i had done it before.2、用法归纳1. 时间状语从句1 时间状语从句常用when, as, wh

3、ile,before, after, since, till,until,as soon as等连词来引导;例如:itwas raininghard when we got to school yesterday. whilehe was doinghis homework,the telephone rang. as he walkedalong the lake, he sang happily.he had learned a littlechinese before he came to china.afterhe finishedmiddleschool, he wentto wor

4、kin a factory.2 在时间状语从句里,通常不用将来时态,用现在时态表示将来的动作或状态;例如: i lrlingyou up as soon as i get to newyork.i willtellhim everythingwhen he comes back.he won tbelieve ituntilhe sees itwithhis owneyes.3 在带有 till 或 until 引导的时间状语从句的主从复合句里,假如主句用确定式, 其含义是 “一 直到时”,谓语动词只能用连续性动词;假如主句用否定式,其含义是 “直到才”,“在以前不” 谓,语动词可用瞬时动词;

5、例如:the young man read tillthe lightwent out. let wsaituntilthe rain stops.1 / 8we won tstart untilbob comes. don tget offuntilthe bus stops.practicei didn t knowhe came back i met him inthe street.2007 河北 a.sinceb. whenc. untild.after请填入适当的引导词i haven hteard fromhimhe went to america.we foundthe book

6、s twodayshe had gone away .do not leave the roomyou have finishedthe test.2. 条件状语从句1 条件状语从句通常由if,unless 引导;例如:what shall we do ifit snows tomorrow. don tleave the buildingunless i tellyou to.2 在条件状语从句里,谓语动词通常用现在时态表示将来的动作或状态;例如:i lhl elp you withyour englishifam free tomorrow. he won tbe late unless

7、he isill.3 “祈使句+ and or+陈述句 ” 在意思上相当于一个带有条件状语从句的复合句;例如:hurryup, or you lbl e late.=ifyou don ht urryup, you lbl e late.practice1. ifyou 门late tomorrowmorning,you won tcatch the earlybus.2007 福建厦a. get upb. don gt et upc. willget up请完成下面句子的翻译:假如明天有空 ,我会和你一起去喂狗. 假如明天他不来,我会代替他去的. 2、3. 缘由状语从句1 缘由状语从句通常由

8、because, since, as 引导;例如: he didn ctome to school because he was ill.since you can atnswer the question, i lal sk someone else.2because 表示直接缘由,语气最强; because 引导的缘由状语从句多放在主句之后;回答由 why 提出的问题,只能用 because;as 和 since 语气较弱,一般用来表示明显的缘由;由as 和 since 引导的缘由状语从居多放在句首;例如:2 / 8- why aren gtoingthere. - because i d

9、on wt as he has no car, he can gtet there easily.since we have no money, we can btuy it. 3because 和 so 不能同用在一个句子里;antto.4. 结果状语从句1 结果状语从句由sothat, suchthat, so that 引导;例如:he is so poor that he can btuy a bike forhis son. she is such a good teacher that everybody likesher.2sotha语tsuch.that 可以互换;例如:在由

10、so.that 引导的结果状语从句中,so 是副词,与形容词连用;其结构是: “.so+ 形容词(副词) + that + 从句 ”;例如:he was so glad that he couldn sat y a word. the hall is so big that itcan hold 2,000 people.motherlivesso far away that we hardlyever see her.有时上述两种结构是可以互换的;例如:itwas such a wonderfulfilmthat all ofus wanted to see itagain.=the fil

11、mwas so wonderfulthat allofus wanted to see itagain.3 假如名词前由many, much,little,few 等词修饰时,只能用so, 不用 such;例如: he has so littletime that he can gto to the cinema withyou.practice1. this exercise is a. so; that few ofus can dob. so; that few ofus can do itc. too; foranyone ofus to dod. too; foranyone ofu

12、s to do itdifficult . 山东济南 2. this math problemis so easy that i can workit out. 改为简洁句 广西柳州 thismath problem is to workout.5. 比较状语从句比较状语从句通常由asas, 比较级+ than等连词引导;例如:tom runs faster than john does.2. don tjust believethe advertisement. that kindof camera isitsays.河北 a. as good asb. not as good asc. a

13、s wellasd.not as wellas3 / 87. 让步状语从句1 让步状语从句通常由although,though 等连词引导;例如:thoughhe is young, he knows a lot.2althoughthough 不能用在同一个句子中;例如:8. 地点状语从句地点状语从句经常由where 来引导;例如:go where you like.where there is a will,there is a way. practice1.youshould let your childrenplay a. where b. when c.in whichd.thaty

14、ou can see them.2.theschool was built a.where b. when c.in whichd.that考查一下自己吧there had once been a church.1.i ll letyouknow hecomesback.a. beforeb.becausec.assoonasd.although2. wewillworkwe areneeded.a. wheneverb.becausec.sinced.wherever3 readit aloudtheclasscanhearyou.a. sothatb.if c.whend.although

15、4. yougo,don'tforgetyourpeople.a. wheneverb.howeverc.whereverd.whichever5. it is abouttenyearsi metyoulast.a. sinceb.forc. whend. as6 theywillneversucceed, hardtheytry.a. becauseb.howeverc.whend.since7 wegottothestation,thetrainhadleftalready.a. ifb.unlessc. sinced.when8. i'llstayhere everyo

16、neelsecomesback.a. evenifb. asthoughc.becaused.until4 / 89. althoughit'sraining, arestillworkinginthefield.a. theyb.buttheyc.andtheyd. sothey10. you'llmissthetrain youhurryup.a. unlessb.asc. ifd.until11. whenyoureadthebook,you'd bettermakea mark questions.a. atwhichb. atwherec.theplaced.

17、whereyouhaveany12. we'dbetterhurry it isgettingdark.a. andb. butc.asd.unless13. hecomes,wewon'tbeableto go.a. withoutb. unlessc.exceptd.even14. i hurried i wouldn'tbelateforclass.a. sinceb. sothatc.asif d.unless15. i catcha cold,i havepainin myback.a. everytimeb. thoughc.evend. where16.

18、helenlistenedcarefully shemightdiscoverexactlywhatsheneeded.a. in thatb.in orderthatc. incased.eventhough17 thechildwasimmediatelyaftersupper.a. enoughtiredto gotobedb. tootiredtogoto bedc. sotiredthathewenttobedd.verytired,he wenttobed18. _ bornin chicago,theauthorwasfamousforhisstoriesaboutnewyork

19、.a. sinceb. oncec.whend.although19 _westoodatthetopof thebuilding,thepeoplebelowwerehardlyvisible.a. as b.althoughc.unlessd.in spiteof20. davidgoes,heiswelcome.a. whicheverb.howeverc.whereverd.whatever21. thehousestoodtherehadbeena rock.5 / 8a. whichb.atwhichc.whend.where22. afterthenewtechniquewasi

20、ntroduced,thefactoryproduced tractors in 1988as theyearbefore.a. astwicemanyb. asmanytwicec.twiceasmanyd.twicemanyas23. johnplaysfootball ,ifnotbetterthan,david.a. aswellb. aswellasc.sowelld.sowellas24. althoughheis considereda greatwriter, .a. hisworksarenotwidelyreadb.buthisworksarenotwidelyreadc.

21、howeverhisworksarenotwidelyread d .stillhisworksarenotwidelyread25thedaywenton,theweathergotworse.a. withb. sincec.whiled.as40. whatwasthepartylike. wonderful.it' s years i enjoyedmyselfsomuch.a. afterb.whenc.befored.since26. afterthewar,a newschoolbuildingwasputup ena theatre.a. thatb.wherec. w

22、hichd.whentherehadoncebe27difficultthetaskmaybe,wewilltryourbesttocompleteit intime.a. nomatterb. nowonderc.thoughd.however28. itwas thatshecouldn t finishit byherself.a. sodifficulta workb. suchadifficultworkc. sodifficultworkd.suchdifficultwork29i won t believeyou i haveseenit withmyowneyes.a. bef

23、oreb.untilc.afterd.when30.theydidn t startthework theirteachercameback.a. untilb.whilec.assoonasd. if6 / 8ii. 填入适当的引导词:1. i haven'theardfromhimhewentto america.2. hewon'tbehere heisinvited.3. hewillnotgoto thecinemaheisverybusy.4. wefoundthekeyshehadleftit.5. wefoundthebookstwodayshehadgonea

24、way.6. wehadnosoonergottothestationthetrainleft.7. hespeaksenglish hewereanenglishman.8. heisexplainingclearly theycouldunderstand.9. donotleavetheroom youhavefinishedthetest.10. shesang shewentalong.参考答案:i. 挑选填空:1-5 cadac6-10abcba 11-15ddcab16-20dabad21-25cabba26-30bccbd31-35bacdd36-40adcdd41-45ccb

25、ad46-50dbcbd51-53cddii.填入适当的引导 1. since2. unless3. because4. where5. after6. than7. as if8. so that9. before10. as中 考 真 题 2021 苏州中考) to makeyourdiyworkperfect,youhadbetternotstart youget all thetoolsready.awhenb whilec.befored.after.河北省卷 ,42. 1 peter likes reading a newspaper he is having breakfast.

26、a. untilb. whilec. becaused. though 江苏省盐城市12. 1many students didn t realize the importance of study they left school.a.whenb.untilc.asd.after 2021.四川省内江市39. 1i don t know if it tomorrow.if it ,we won t go on a picnic. a.rains;rainsb.will rain;rainsc.will rain;will rain 浙江省衢州市23. 1 you should go over

27、 your test paper you hand it in .a. beforeb. thoughc. becaused. as soon as.江苏省无锡市 .12. 1scientists say it may be a few years it is possible to test the new medicine on patients.7 / 8a.becauseb.afterc.befored.since2021 年上海市37. 1we will have no water to drink we donotect the eartthp.ra.untilb.beforec.

28、thoughd.if 江苏省扬州市, , 41 could we play football in your playground,sir.- no, you have the principal s note.a.ifb.unlessc.becaused.since 浙江省湖州市,22, 1 is everyone here today.-no.tom is at home he has got a bad cold.a. becauseb.ifc.untild.unless山西省, 27, 1in summer , food goes bad easily it is put in the refrigerator.a. untilb. ifc. unless河南省, 25, 1 it s difficult to make her dream come t,rueshe ne


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