



1、完形填空题在中考英语试卷中一般占总分的10%。测试目的主要是综合考查考生对各方面语言知识的灵活运用能力。综合语法和词汇知识,是对英语知识的综合运用能力的考查,要求考生通读全文,掌握文章大意,运用词汇、语法知识,选择最佳答案,使文章意思通顺、结构完整。研究近几年中考试题可以发现以下命题趋势:完形填空题考查趋势明显地由局部理解向整体理解转移;试题考点减少了对单句层次的考查,明显增加了考查语篇的试题;设题角度多是对上下文乃至全篇的理解。多考查动词、名词、形容词、副词等实词,此外还有状语从句的连接词、词组搭配及常用的词语、冠词、不定代词等。A(2015·河池)It was Mary'

2、s birthday.She received a letter from her uncle _1_ was a farmer.“Dear Mary,” the letter said.“Happy birthday.I am sending you some _2_ as your birthday present.They will arrive tomorrow.I hope you will like them.Best wishes,Uncle Toby.”Mary liked eating eggs and _3_ .When the chickens arrived ,they

3、 were in a box.Mary was very _4_She took the box off the truck and began to carry it into her garden._5_ ,the box was heavy and she dropped it .The chickens all ran out .They ran everywhere,into the road ,into the shops ,even into the next street.It _6_Mary many hours to find them and take them back

4、 to her garden.A few days later uncle came.“Did the chickens arrive _7_ ?” he asked Mary.“Yes,Uncle Toby.”Mary said.“_8_ I had lots of troubles with them.I dropped the box.It broke and the chickens ran everywhere.I spent the whole afternoon _9_them.”“Did you find them all?” her uncle asked.“I hope s

5、o,” Mary replied.“I caught eleven of them.That's very interesting,” her uncle said _10_ a smile, “because I only set you six.”()1.A.what Bwhich Cwho Dwhose()2.A.chickens Bducks Ccats Ddogs()3.A.chickens Bchicken Cmutton Dbeef()4.A.excited Bbored Cshocked Ddisappointed()5.A.Whoever BWhatever CWhe

6、never DHowever()6.A.spent Bcost Ctook Dused()7.A.safe Bsafely Csafety Dunsafe()8.A.But BAnd COr DSo()9.A.looking around Blooking at Clooking after Dlooking for()10.A.at Bin Con DwithB(2015·贵港)When I was in a primary school,I argued with a boy in my class.I forget what the argument was about,but

7、 I will never forget the _1_ I learned that day.I thought that I was right and he was wrong, _2_ he thought that I was wrong and he was right.The teacher _3_ to teach us a very important lesson.She brought us to the front of the class and asked him to stand on one side of her desk and me on _4_ .In

8、the middle of her desk was a large,round ball.I could _5_ see that was black.She asked the boy what color the ball was.“White,” he answered.I couldn't _6_ he said the ball was white,while it was obviously (明显地) black! Another argument started _7_ us.This time it was about the _8_ of the ball.The

9、 teacher told us to change the places and then asked me what color the ball was.I answered,“White.” It was a ball with _9_ differently colored sides,and from his side it was white.Only from my side it was black.Sometimes we need to _10_ problems from the other person's opinion in order to truly

10、understand his or her opinion.()1.A.story Blesson Caccident Dplan()2.A.but Bbecause Cunless Dso()3.A.discussed Btold Casked Ddecided()4.A.the others Bothers Cthe other Dother()5.A.hardly Bclearly Cloudly Dquietly()6.A.hear Bdepend Cbelieve Danswer()7.A.across Bagainst Cinside Dbetween()8.A.color Bsi

11、ze Cshape Dheight()9.A.four Bthree Cone Dtwo()10.A.look at Blook after Clook like Dlook forward toC(2015·玉林)Life is full of the unexpected. _1_ a cold winter afternoon,a man saw an old lady standing by her expensive car and clearly she needed help.So he stopped and _2_ his old truck.“Is he goin

12、g to hurt me? He doesn't look safe,” the old lady was _3_The man could see that she was afraid,so he said in his friendliest voice,“I'm here to help you,madam.Why don't you _4_ in the car where it's warm? By the way,my name is Ted Johnson.” Ted quickly fixed the car and the lady than

13、ked him.Then she asked _5_ she should pay him.But Ted wanted no money.He was just giving a hand to someone in trouble. _6_ was normal for him to do such a thing like that.He said,“ If you really want to repay(报答) me,next time you see someone in need,think of me and help them.”After saying goodbye,th

14、e lady continued down the road until she reached a small _7_ where she decided to stop for something to eat.As the pretty waitress took her order,the lady noticed she was nearly eight months pregnant(怀孕)The waitress looked tired and weak,_8_she was very kind.As the lady was going to pay the$10 bill,

15、she remembered Ted's words.After the lady was gone,the waitress saw a small note on the table.It said,“Somebody once helped me the way I'm helping you.Continue being kind to other people.” Under the note were five _9_ dollars.The waitress was _10_ excited that she called her husband to tell him the news,“Ted Ted Johnson my dear you're not going to believe what just happened”()1.A.In BOn CAt DUnder()2.A.went off Bturned off Ctook off Dgot off()3.A.glad Bexcited Cworried Dsurprised


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