



1、学习必备欢迎下载学习目标:unit 6 where would you like to visit.section b (2 课时)step1:work in pairs:write out a list of things that are important to you when you go on vacation. too hotnear the ocean.1. 学会谈论喜爱去旅行的地方.2. 学会用用形容词和定语从句介绍一些闻名的旅行胜地;3. 学会表达自己对某事物的好恶;重点难点:1. would like to在详细语言环境中的应用.2. if引导的条件从句的用法;3.应把握

2、的重点词及句式,如:1.i d like to go somewhere vide.with sth/ for sb.第一课时听说课 sectionb 1-2cstep2: work in groups:小组沟通你最想去哪里旅行,缘由是什么, 并设想一下在下一个假期如何度过;学习成效评判:学习任务三:关系副词引导的定语从句;step1. 试试你的耳朵1. listen to the tape and finish 2a2. listen again and finish 2b -the chart:wantsdoesnt wantcustomer 1customer

3、 2预习导航 :温馨提示: 预习对你的学习是很有帮忙的,肯定要养成课前预习的好习惯;customer 3一、翻译以下词组;暖和的地方 情愿做某事 太热 在海洋邻近 二、请动脑想一想用哪些形容词或短语可以形容我们漂亮的家乡学习过程:学习任务一:预习沟通通过定语从句的学习,你对定语从句仍有什么疑问呢?请结合你自己的实际体会,写下你 的困扰;学习任务二 : 小试一把3. listen to the tape again and correct the answers.woman1: jeff, i have to go out forhalf an hour. could you please an

4、swer the phone. just take messages and ill call people back.jeff:sure. hello, ace travel. jeff marino speaking. how may i help you. woman2: i d like some on vacation packages, please.jeff:my boss is out of the office for half an hour. could she call you back. woman2: actually, i d like to get some i

5、nformation now, if you wouldn t min d jeff:oh. well, i guess it would be ok. so, where would you like to go.woman2: oh, i don t know. warm.jeff:somewhere warmhow about hawaii. woman2: ohnoii don t like jeff:ok. well, there s alwaysjeff:hi, ace travel. jeff marino speaking.man:hello. i d like to find

6、 out about your vacation packages.学习必备欢迎下载jeff:sure. what kind of vacation are you looking for. man:well, i hope to go on a tour.jeff:well, we have a great whale watch tour. you might like that.man:hmmmit depends on where it is. i don t want to go cold. jeff:hmmmlets see. yes, we have a summer whale

7、 watch tourjeff:hi.ace travel. may i help you.woman3: i hope so. i saw your advertisement for vacations in california. wed like to go somewhere thats for kids.jeff:fun for kidshmmmhow about los angeles. kids love hollywood. woman3: oh, but we don t really like big .jeff:i see. then maybe you d enjoy

8、温馨提示:做听力练习时,肯定要提前预读问题内容,做到心中有数,听的时候要找重点词重点听;做 挖空练习时,填单词肯定要快,或是写前两个字母就行了,以免错过下一个空;在复合句中修饰名词或代词的从句叫定语从句;被定语从句修饰的名词或代词叫做先行词;引导定语从句的词称为关系词,关系词有关系代词和关系副词两类;关系词的作用a 代 替 先 行 词b在从句中担任句子成分:代词作主语或宾语,副词作状语c. 做连词,把主句和从句连接起来学习成效评判:巩固提高 :温馨提示:在你没有把握的题前作号标记,老师讲解时可要特殊关注哦!一. 词汇:依据首字母完成单词1. i dont know where to trave

9、l.maybe i can c visiting sanya.2. parents ptheir children with food and clothing .step2: 和你的同伴一起来练嘴巴,完成2c,并翻译句子:我期望有一天去参观new york;我喜爱天气总是好的地方 step3:动脑动笔:写出 2c 的目标语句式,想一想:把握该句式要留意什么?3. paris has some famous sights, i the eiffel tower and notre dame cathe dral.4. after i finish school, i will c studyi

10、ng in high school.5. if you go to france, you have to find a foreigner to t french into chine se for you.6.我们想去一个好玩的地方旅行;学习成效评判: 老师点拨:i d like to go somewhere relaxing.我想去一个能让人心情舒服的地方;somewhere 常用做副词,意为“到某处”,用于确定句中,其修饰语或短语要置于其后,eg:1) i don t want to go anywhere else. 我哪儿也不想去了;2let s find somewhere q

11、uiet to have a rest. 让我们找个寂静的地方休息一会吧;与之类似构成的单词仍有:anywhere 在任何地方 ,nowhere 处处都没有,everywhere 处处 /处处 学问归纳7.乘地铁在这个城市里观光是最简便的;8.你仍想去哪里? .学习成效评判:课堂小结本节课我的表现我的收成:学习必备欢迎下载我的疑难:作业设置a :把握单词短语和句子;b:do the exercises in < 练习册 >其次课时读写课 section b ( a 学习成效评判:学习任务二:语言学问学习step11.i hope you can provide me with so

12、me information about the kinds of vacations that your firm can offer.我期望你能给我供应一些贵公司经营的旅行项目的信息hope 有两种用法预习导航:温馨提示: 预习对你的学习是很有帮忙的,肯定要养成课前预习的好习惯;hope to do sth = wish to do sthhope +宾语从句子(与实际相符)一、在 3a 中找出以下短语;旅行 给某人供应某事 provide sb with sthoff sth to sb 给某人供应某物1.the room needs to be big enough for three

13、 people 房.间要大足以容纳三个人居住;.去令人兴奋的地方旅行 多远 big enough 足够大,enough adj,“足够的,充分的 ”修饰名词,位置可前可后做很多室外活动 住在一家廉价的旅社 带厨房的一个房间 在假期 特殊喜爱徒步旅行 足够大 靠海的某个地方 另一个国家 例如 enough food = food enough 足够的食物;拓展: enough 作副词用时,总是放在修饰词之后,可以for 短 语 to do, 构 成enough for sb/sth to so sth句式;例如: its easy enough for a six-year-old boy to

14、 read.这本书很简单, 足以让 6 岁的孩二.read the article and answer the questions true or fals:e1 the person has a lot of money to spend on the vacaton. 2the person wants to relax and do nothing on vacation. . 3the person is a man. 4) the person has children. 5) the person likes to swim. .6) the person wants to go

15、 to another country. .预习成效评判:学习过程学习任务一:阅读懂得step 1: 阅读 3a 后,回答疑题;1. when and where do the family want to take a trip.2. where do they need to stay in.3. how long would they like to be away.step 2.: 再读一遍 3a,完成表格;子读懂;it s light enough for reading. 天亮的可以看书了;2. could you please give me some suggestions f

16、or vacation.请你给我一些关于度假地点方面的建议好吗?(1) could you please. would will you please. 是一种句型,译为“请你好吗.语气比较委婉客气(2) give me some suggestions给我一些建议give sb sth = give sth to sb 给某人某物;例如: i will give you a present for your birthdayi will give a present to you for your birthday.3. we would like to travel to an excit

17、ing place, and we dont mind how far we have to go.我想去一个好玩的地方去旅行,我们不在乎要去多远的地方;( 1)句中的 exciting是由动词 excite 变来的形容词,我们可以称之为“ing”型形容词;另外,形容词excited 也是动词 excite 变来的形容词,我们可称之为”ed”型形容词“;这样变化来的形容词有很多;the children are very excited to hear the exciting news.听到那个令人兴奋的消息,孩子们很兴奋;step3: 听录音大声朗读熟识 3aim very interes

18、ted in the interesting story我.对这个好玩的故事很感爱好学习必备欢迎下载step2 依据 3a,完成表格;6 东京是日本的首都;1 the person has a lot of money to spend on the vacation. ;_ 2 the person wants to relax and do nothing on vacation. 3 the person is a man. 4 the person has children. 5 the person likes to swim 6 the person wants to go to another country.学习任务三:合作沟通step1 : finish 3c,在小组内沟通并选出一篇正确作品;代表小组进行班级沟通;step2:work in groups of four.将采访记录聚集成文,进行沟通;巩固提高一、选词友填情提空示;:在疑难问题前做上标记,以便老师讲解时仔细听讲;not need , go, relaxing, e


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