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1、next to arrivals exit wait for Baggage Hall 紧靠紧靠.旁边旁边进港处进港处出口出口等待等待 行李领取厅行李领取厅第1页/共29页第2页/共29页第3页/共29页suitcase 手提箱手提箱 皮箱皮箱 come round 来到附近来到附近stand 站立站立 phone 电话电话come out 出来出来 sit 坐坐sandwich 三明治三明治 armchair 扶手椅扶手椅stand up 站起来站起来 read 读读TV 电视电视 listen to 听听第4页/共29页第5页/共29页扶手椅扶手椅5紧靠紧靠.旁边旁边3站起来站起来4出口出

2、口2坐坐6电话电话7行李领行李领取厅取厅1来到附近来到附近8根据汉语说出英根据汉语说出英语单词语单词.第6页/共29页come out 5stand up3sandwich4read2stand6suitcase7listen to 1wait8根据英语说出汉根据英语说出汉语意思语意思.第7页/共29页PaulWilliamKarenWhat is Paul doing?What is Karen doing?What is William doing?He is drinking coffeeHe is sitting in his armchairShe is cooking lunch第

3、8页/共29页现在进行时态(Present Continuous Tense)定义:表示现在,就是说话人的说话时刻或现在这一阶段正在进行的动作。句型构成:第9页/共29页PaulWilliamKarenWhat is Paul doing?What is Karen doing?What is William doing?He is drinking coffeeHe is sitting in his armchairShe is cooking lunch第10页/共29页Paul is drinking coffee否定句William is sitting in his armchai

4、rKaren is cooking lunch疑问句第11页/共29页Whatare you doing? I am waiting/doingWhois drinking tea?The one in blue./Where is she playing the piano?In her house./.第12页/共29页现在分词:1.V+ing read+ing wait+ing talk+ing1.V+ing read+ing wait+ing talk+ing2.2.不发音e e结尾 去e e加ing come cominging come coming3.3.辅音+ +元音+ +辅音

5、结尾 双写最后一个辅音字母加ing sitting running ing sitting running stoppingstopping pick drink give pick pick drink give pick have stand have stand 第13页/共29页陈述句statementsstatementsGive me more sentences!主语短主语短语语be+do-ing 补语短语补语短语Iam+waiting/doing/for you/homework/Sheis+having/a cup of tea/第14页/共29页A:Is he eating

6、 a sandwich/?B:yes, he is./ No, he isnt.A: Are you waiting for your case?B:Yes,I am. / No,I am not.第15页/共29页practise makes perfect.Are you doing.? Yes,/ No,Is he playing? Yes,/ No,Are they singing? Yes,/ No,Is she+doing? Yes,/ No,Is it+doing? Yes,/ No,第16页/共29页现在进行时表示动作或事件发生在有限现在进行时表示动作或事件发生在有限的时间之内

7、的时间之内,或者表示情形在不断变化或者表示情形在不断变化.因此因此,只有动态动词只有动态动词,即表示有意的动作即表示有意的动作和情形变化的动词和情形变化的动词,才能用于在现在进才能用于在现在进行时行时.第17页/共29页1 Linda comes to London. 这里是用一般现这里是用一般现在时在时,表示某事物在现在和在可预见的未来表示某事物在现在和在可预见的未来是事实是事实.2 Where? where是用于提问地点的疑问词是用于提问地点的疑问词,引导特殊疑问句引导特殊疑问句.3 can=be able to(能能) 后面加上动词原形后面加上动词原形.4 Im giving him m

8、y phone 这里这里give是双是双宾语及物动词宾语及物动词:第一个宾语第一个宾语(him)是动作的接是动作的接受者受者,是间接宾语是间接宾语;而第二个宾语而第二个宾语(my phone)是直接宾语是直接宾语.第18页/共29页1 Fill the blanks.-贝蒂在哪里贝蒂在哪里? -Where is Betty? -她在出口旁的咖啡馆她在出口旁的咖啡馆. She is in the coffee bar n_ to the e_-哪个男孩是你的侄子哪个男孩是你的侄子? -Which boy is your nephew?-坐在汽车里的那个坐在汽车里的那个. -The one s_

9、in the car.-是拿手提箱的那个男孩吗是拿手提箱的那个男孩吗? - Is that boy with a s_ ?- 对对.他正从车里出来他正从车里出来.-You are right. He is coming o_ of the car.-他在等他的女朋友吗他在等他的女朋友吗? Is he waiting f_ his girlfriend?-是的是的,她马上就到她马上就到. - Yes, she is coming r_ now.extxitittinguitcaseutoright第19页/共29页2 Match them.a. Ive got _ coffee this mor

10、ning. 1 a cup of b. There is _ bread in the basket. 2 a bottle of c. There is _ tea on the shelf. 3 a bowl of d. Is there _ milk in the fridge? 4 a piece of e. I buy _ chocolate in the supermarket. 5 a packet off. We need _ meat for our dinner. 6 a bar of h. Jack has _ rice for lunch. 7 a loaf of 17

11、62345第20页/共29页3 Make sentences following the example.Examples:Olive waits for her husband.Olive is waiting for her husband.Who is waiting for her husband?1 My brother drinks a glass of water._My brother is drinking a glass of water.What is my brother drinking?第21页/共29页4 There is one mistake in each

12、conversation below. Try your best to find all out!a.Has Mark got two loafs of bread? -No, he is hungry. He has got three.b. -Which kind of camera do you want? -I want a German one.c. What about a food for the weekend? -We need a loaf of bread and some meat.a food -foodwhich-whatloaf-loaves第22页/共29页5

13、 Sentence structures exercisea.转换人称How many pencils do you want?(he)_How much rice do you buy from the supermarket?(she)_How many pencils does he want?How much rice does she buy from the supermarket?第23页/共29页5 Sentence structures exercisea.转换人称How many pencils do you want?(he)_How much rice do you buy from the supermarket?(she)_How many pencils does he want?How much rice does she buy from the supermark


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