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1、Chapter 1 梁式桥概述 Introduction of the beam bridge 1.1 Classification 类型的类型的划分划分(1)按承重结构的静力体系划分 Classification based on the structural system 简支梁桥 Simple supported beam连续梁桥 bridgeContinuous beam bridge悬臂梁桥 Cantilever beam bridge第1页/共71页Development on the structure 结构体系的演变结构体系的演变简支梁Simple supported beam

2、Span increasing 跨度增加qlql2/8ql2/8ql2/8连续梁Continuous beam 悬臂梁Cantilever beam第2页/共71页 1.1 Classification 类型的类型的划分划分(1)按承重结构的静力体系划分 Classification based on the structural system(2)按承重结构的截面形式划分 Classification based on the structural section n板桥n肋板式梁桥n箱形梁桥Chapter 1 梁式桥概述 Introduction of the beam bridge 第3

3、页/共71页截面形式的演变截面形式的演变 Evolution of the section实心板Solid slab肋板Slab with ribs空心板Slab with hollowT形梁T beam箱梁Box girderSpan increasing 跨度增加Chapter 1 梁式桥概述 Introduction of the beam bridge 第4页/共71页Chapter 2 第二章梁式桥设计要点与构造Outline on the design and construct of beam bridge Part 2 RC & PC beam bridge第二篇 钢筋

4、混凝土和预应力混凝土梁式桥BRIDGE ENGRGPART II第5页/共71页 1.1简支体系简支体系 Simple-supported structure简支板桥 Simple-supported slab bridgen建筑高度小 Heightn外形简单,施工安装简便 Formn跨径不宜过大 Span种 类 Type跨径(m) Span 板厚(m) Thickness 实心板 SolidRC8m0.160.36装配式空心板Hollow slab RC6130.40.8PC8160.40.7简支板的构造尺寸 Dimension of Simple-supported slab 1 梁式桥的

5、立面布置 Elevation arrangement for beam bridge第6页/共71页1.1.1.1.简支体系简支体系 Simple-supported structure简支梁桥 Simple-supported beam bridgeType 种 类Span 跨径 l(m)Height梁高(m)Prefabricated 装配式RC 820(1/111/18) lPC2040(1/151/25) l简支梁的构造尺寸 Dimension of Simple-supported beam 1 梁式桥的立面布置 Elevation arrangement for beam brid

6、ge第7页/共71页RCSpan (m)10131620Height (m) (m)25303540Height (m)1.251.451.651.752.02.3Standard dimension of simple-supported beam 标准图简支梁的构造尺寸 1.1. Simple-supported structure 简支体系简支体系Simple-supported beam bridge 简支梁桥 1 梁式桥的立面布置 Elevation arrangement for beam bridge第8页/共71页1.

7、2 cantilever beam system 悬臂体系悬臂体系RC cantilever beam bridge 钢筋混凝土悬臂梁桥T section T形截面h = (1/121/20) lH = (1.01.5)hBox girder箱形截面h = (1/201/35) lH = (1.01.5)hnSingle span with two cantilevers单孔双悬臂梁桥T section T形截面lx=(0.30.4) lBox girder 箱形截面lx=(0.40.6) lHhllxlx 1 梁式桥的立面布置 Elevation arrangement for beam b

8、ridge第9页/共71页1.2 Cantilever beam system 悬臂体系悬臂体系nThree span with cantilevers and a hang Beamn三跨带挂梁单悬臂梁桥l1=(0.60.8) llg=(0.40.6) lh=(1/121/20) lgH=(1.51.8) hHhll1l1lgRC cantilever beam bridge 钢筋混凝土悬臂梁桥 1 梁式桥的立面布置 Elevation arrangement for beam bridge第10页/共71页1.2 1.2 Cantilever beam system 悬臂体系悬臂体系nMu

9、lti-span with double cantilevers and hang beams 多跨带挂梁双悬臂梁桥l1=(0.750.8) llg=(0.50.6) lll1lgHhllgRC cantilever beam bridge 钢筋混凝土悬臂梁桥 T section T形梁 Box girder 箱形梁h=(1/121/20) l h=(1/121/20) l H=(1.51.8) h H=(1.01.5) h 1 梁式桥的立面布置 Elevation arrangement for beam bridge第11页/共71页1.2 1.2 Cantilever beam syst

10、em 悬臂体系悬臂体系PC cantilever beam bridge 预应力混凝土悬臂梁桥PC cantilever beam bridge is more suitable for large span of more than 50m 跨度超过50m以上,采用预应力混凝土悬臂梁桥更合理。l1=(0. 50.8) l h=(1/201/25) l lg=(0.20.4) l H=(1.01.5) hll1lgHhllg 1 梁式桥的立面布置 Elevation arrangement for beam bridge第12页/共71页1.2 1.2 Cantilever beam syst

11、em 悬臂体系悬臂体系 由于施工阶段的受力与结构使用状态下的受力的一致性, T形刚构桥常是经济的方案。n 全桥的T形单元尺寸尽可能相同, 以简化设计与施工;n T形刚构的布置应尽可能对称,以避免T形刚构的桥墩承受不平衡弯矩。PC rigid-frame bridge 预应力混凝土T形刚构桥 1 梁式桥的立面布置 Elevation arrangement for beam bridge第13页/共71页1.2 1.2 Cantilever beam system 悬臂体系悬臂体系Structural arrangement of rigid-frame刚构的布置形式:PC rigid-fram

12、e bridge 预应力混凝土T形刚构桥 1 梁式桥的立面布置 Elevation arrangement for beam bridge第14页/共71页1.2 1.2 Cantilever beam system悬臂体系悬臂体系T形刚构支点、跨中梁高与跨径的关系:n 带铰T形刚构 l100m H=(1/141/22) l h=(0.200.4) H 且h 1.0mn 带挂梁T形刚构l100m H=(1/171/21) l h=(0.200.4) H 且h 1.5mPC rigid-frame bridge 预应力混凝土T形刚构桥 1 梁式桥的立面布置 Elevation arrangeme

13、nt for beam bridge第15页/共71页1.3 1.3 Continuous beam system 连续体系连续体系nMid-span 中间跨 l =8 14m nSide-span 边跨( 0.70.8)l nHeight on mid-span section跨中截面高 h= (1/181/30)lnHeight on supported section支点截面高 H =(1.21.5)hContinuous slab bridge 连续板桥 1 梁式桥的立面布置 Elevation arrangement for beam bridge第16页/共71页1.3 1.3 C

14、ontinuous beam system 连续体系连续体系不等跨变截面连续梁布置(以三跨为例)n边跨( 0.60.8)l 支架施工可取0.8l 悬臂施工可取 0.65ln折线形变截面 支点截面高 H =(1/161/20)l,跨中截面高 h= (1/221/28)ln曲线形变截面支点截面高 H =(1/161/20) l,跨中截面高 h= (1/301/50)l等跨等截面连续梁布置n截面高 h =(1/151/30)l ,常用 h= (1/181/20)lContinuous beam bridge连续梁桥 1 梁式桥的立面布置 Elevation arrangement for beam

15、bridge第17页/共71页2 design and construct of the slab bridge 板桥的设计与构造2.1 2.1 form of the simple-supported slab bridge 简支板简支板桥的构造桥的构造Section of slab 板桥的截面形式 Solid实心板Irregular shape 异形板Integral 整体式Assemble 装配式Solid实心板Hollow 空心板第18页/共71页 (1) Reinforcement detail 配筋构造:n主筋不小于 12mm720cm 且两侧边缘板带的主钢筋数量,宜较中间2/3板

16、宽范围内板带增加15%n分布筋不小于 6 mm25cmn保护层厚度不小于2cmn深入支点的主筋总量不少于跨中主筋总量的1/4,且间距不少于每米3根 Cast-in-site slab bridge 整体式板桥整体式板桥2.1 Construct of the simple-supported slab bridge 简支板桥的构造第19页/共71页Cast-in-site slab bridge 整体式板桥整体式板桥(2)实例 A case 标准跨径6m,桥面净宽-7m+2x0.2m,汽车-20级,挂车-1002.1 Construct of the simple-supported slab

17、 bridge 简支板桥的构造第20页/共71页Construction of the prefabricated slab 装配式板桥的构造装配式板桥的构造装配式板桥分实心板和空心板标准图实心铰接板跨径为:1.5m、 1.0m, 1.5m, 2.0m, 3.0m, 4.0m, 6.0m和8.0m 桥面净宽按照老规范有净-7和净-9两种。 2.1 Construct of the simple-supported slab bridge 简支板桥的构造第21页/共71页2.1 简支板桥的构造Construction of the prefabricated slab装配式板桥的构装配式板桥的构

18、造造 标准图实心铰接板实例 第22页/共71页2.1 Construct of the simple-supported slab bridge 简支板桥的构造Construction of the prefabricated slab装配式板桥的构装配式板桥的构造造Transverse connection 装配式板桥的横向联接l企口混凝土铰连接l钢板连接 企口混凝土铰连接 钢板连接 第23页/共71页 Static characteristic of the skew bridge斜交板桥的受力特斜交板桥的受力特点点力的传递规律 正交简支板 斜交简支板 2.2 Features of th

19、e skew bridge 斜交板桥的特点第24页/共71页Static characteristic of the skew bridge 斜交板桥的受力特点斜交板桥的受力特点受力特点 斜跨径l的简支斜板的纵向主弯矩比同宽、跨径l 的正交简支板之值小,并随斜交角的增大而减小;bb在与钝角的平分线相垂直的方向上,具有较大的负弯矩,并随斜交角的增大而增大,其分布范围不宽并迅速消减;支撑边上的反力很不均匀,在两钝角部分的支座压力要大得多,而锐角处反力较小,甚至出现负反力(上翘);l2.2 Features of the skew bridge 斜交板桥的特点l第25页/共71页Constructi

20、on features of the skew slab斜交板桥的构造特点斜交板桥的构造特点整体式斜交板 城市板桥l与b 较接近( l/b 1.3 n当=2535,平行四边形布置;n当=4060,主筋延斜边布置,分布筋两钝角之间垂直于主筋,在支撑边附近着平行于支撑边;=4060=2535第27页/共71页3.1 Construct characteristic of the simple-supported and fabricated RC beam bridge 装配式装配式简支梁桥的构造特点简支梁桥的构造特点1.Section 截面型式 槽形、T形和箱形。 3.1 Constructio

21、n features of the prefabricated simple-supported beam bridge装配式简支梁桥的构造特点第28页/共71页槽形截面的特点:n施工稳定性好,安装较方便;n腹板薄,配筋通常只能采用钢筋网片,难以形成骨架;n钢筋用量相对较多,构件重量较大;n通常采用钢筋混凝土(RC),适用跨径为612m。 1. Section 截面型式3.1 Construct characteristic of the simple-supported and fabricated RC beam bridge 装配装配式简支梁桥的构造特点式简支梁桥的构造特点第29页/共7

22、1页T形截面的特点:n制造简单;n肋内配筋可以做成钢筋骨架;n整体性较好,接头方便n施工稳定性差,运输和安装较复杂;n构件在桥面板的跨中接头,对板的受力不利;n采用RC时,适用跨径为4.520m; 采用PC时,适用跨径为2040m; 1. Section 截面型式跨中接头位置3.1 Construct characteristic of the simple-supported and fabricated RC beam bridge 装配装配式简支梁桥的构造特点式简支梁桥的构造特点第30页/共71页箱形截面的特点:n抗扭刚度大,偏心荷载下梁的受力较均匀;n横向抗弯刚度大,稳定性好;n制作较

23、复杂,重量相对较大; 1. Section 截面型式3.1 Construct characteristic of the simple-supported and fabricated RC beam bridge 装配装配式简支梁桥的构造特点式简支梁桥的构造特点第31页/共71页块件划分的原则块件划分的原则(1)技术可行:预制、吊装、运输条件(2)受力较小:接缝的位置(3)施工简单:接缝的数量(4)力求标准化块件划分方式块件划分方式(1)纵向竖缝(2)纵向水平缝(3)纵、横向竖缝 2. 块件划分3.1 Construct characteristic of the simple-suppo

24、rted and fabricated RC beam bridge 装配装配式简支梁桥的构造特点式简支梁桥的构造特点第32页/共71页(1)纵向竖缝 2. 块件划分AAA-A延纵向的竖缝 g恒载应力Mg+p活载应力Mp=g + p应力总和3.1 Construct characteristic of the simple-supported and fabricated RC beam bridge 装配装配式简支梁桥的构造特点式简支梁桥的构造特点第33页/共71页3.1 Construct characteristic of the simple-supported and fabrica

25、ted RC beam bridge 装配装配式简支梁桥的构造特点式简支梁桥的构造特点(1)纵向水平缝 2. 块件划分AAg恒载应力MgA-A延纵向的水平缝 +p活载应力Mpp=g + p应力总和p第34页/共71页主梁布置横隔梁布置构造布置构造布置 bl/2l/2l/4l/4b端横隔板中横隔板1/4横隔板AAA-ABBB-B3.2 design and construct of simple-supported and fabricated RC beam bridge 装配式钢筋混凝土简支梁桥第35页/共71页主梁及横隔梁布置实例构造布置构造布置 3.2 design and constr

26、uct of simple-supported and fabricated RC beam bridge 装配式钢筋混凝土简支梁桥第36页/共71页主梁截面尺寸的拟定截面尺寸的拟定 边梁中梁1518cmh=(1/111/16)lh=3/4hRA68cmh/12150220cm3.2 design and construct of simple-supported and fabricated RC beam bridge 装配式钢筋混凝土简支梁桥第37页/共71页横隔板 截面尺寸的拟定截面尺寸的拟定 横隔板16cm梁高h=3/4hR14cm3.2 design and construct o

27、f simple-supported and fabricated RC beam bridge 装配式钢筋混凝土简支梁桥第38页/共71页n 主筋n 主筋的弯起n 分布钢筋n 其它构造钢筋n 保护层钢筋构造钢筋构造 3.2 design and construct of simple-supported and fabricated RC beam bridge 装配式钢筋混凝土简支梁桥第39页/共71页干接头 湿接头装配式主梁的连接构造装配式主梁的连接构造 3.2 design and construct of simple-supported and fabricated RC beam

28、 bridge 装配式钢筋混凝土简支梁桥第40页/共71页n湿接头实例装配式主梁的连接构造装配式主梁的连接构造 连接前 连接后 3.2 design and construct of simple-supported and fabricated RC beam bridge 装配式钢筋混凝土简支梁桥第41页/共71页n 端部梁肋加厚n 梁肋下部加宽成马蹄形n 翼缘板加宽构造布置构造布置 3.3 design and construct of simple-supported and fabricated PC beam bridge 装配式预应力混凝土简支梁桥第42页/共71页n 核心截面概

29、念 作用在核心区域内的轴向力在截面上将不产生拉应力截面尺寸拟定截面尺寸拟定 PPhx=0s=01/3h1/3h1/3h核心距3.3 design and construct of simple-supported and fabricated PC beam bridge 装配式预应力混凝土简支梁桥第43页/共71页n 截面上受弯矩和轴向力作用时,弯矩的作用等效于轴向力上移一段距离: 截面尺寸拟定截面尺寸拟定 P hePMe = M / P3.3 design and construct of simple-supported and fabricated PC beam bridge 装配式

30、预应力混凝土简支梁桥第44页/共71页n 施工阶段-施加预应力截面尺寸拟定截面尺寸拟定 eNy-Ny ehNy+Mg1ee= Mg1 / NyeNyku下核心点一期恒载3.3 design and construct of simple-supported and fabricated PC beam bridge 装配式预应力混凝土简支梁桥第45页/共71页n运营阶段 截面尺寸拟定截面尺寸拟定 e-+Mg2 +Mp二期恒载及活载Ny e- Mg1hNy - Nye=ko+ku= (Mg2 + Mp ) / ( Ny - Ny ) eeku上核心点koNy - NyNy - Ny3.3 des

31、ign and construct of simple-supported and fabricated PC beam bridge 装配式预应力混凝土简支梁桥第46页/共71页结论n截面设计中应使截面的形心位置要高,以加大偏心距e,从而节省预应力筋的数量; e= Mg1 / Ny Ny e= Mg1n截面核心距的大小体现了运营阶段承受荷载的能力,而且核心距k值越大,预应力筋就越节省;ko+ky= (Mg2 + Mp ) / ( Ny - Ny ) ( Ny - Ny )(ko+ky)= (Mg2 + Mp )截面尺寸拟定截面尺寸拟定 3.3 design and construct of

32、simple-supported and fabricated PC beam bridge 装配式预应力混凝土简支梁桥第47页/共71页截面效率指标= k / h好的预应力T形梁设计,应当是截面效率指标大,形心位置高。一般地说,腹板愈薄, 值也愈大;马蹄愈小,翼缘愈宽,则形心位置越高。截面尺寸拟定截面尺寸拟定 hb1bnh=(1/16 1/18 )lnh=(0.150.2) h nb=1.82.3mnb=0.140.18mnb1=(2.03.0) bn马蹄区管道保护层厚度6cmn马蹄面积不宜少于全截面的10%12%bh453.3 design and construct of simple-

33、supported and fabricated PC beam bridge 装配式预应力混凝土简支梁桥第48页/共71页(1)纵向预应力筋布置上、下限心点和索界 配筋特点配筋特点 h=(Ny Ny)ftCoNyk上限心点CuNyft下限心点张拉阶段运营阶段抗拉极限强度3.3 design and construct of simple-supported and fabricated PC beam bridge 装配式预应力混凝土简支梁桥第49页/共71页(1)纵向预应力筋布置上、下限心点和索界 配筋特点配筋特点 上限心点下限心点CoCuMg1M=Mg1+Mg2+MpMg1 / NyM

34、/ Ny3.3 design and construct of simple-supported and fabricated PC beam bridge 装配式预应力混凝土简支梁桥第50页/共71页n 纵向预应力筋的布置 配筋特点配筋特点 n 纵向预应力筋的重心线布置在索界以内,是最常用的形式 n 纵向预应力筋的重心线布置在索界以上,预应力筋的弯起角度较大,可提高梁的抗剪能力,但摩擦引起的预应力损失较大n 直线预应力筋布置,适合先张法施工。预应力筋布置在索界以下,放张时梁端上部容易开裂3.3 design and construct of simple-supported and fabr

35、icated PC beam bridge 装配式预应力混凝土简支梁桥第51页/共71页配筋特点配筋特点 锚固位置局部应力集中,锚具在两端的布置因遵循“分散”“均匀” “对称”的原则并配置一定的加强钢筋,后张法构件张拉力一般较大,还需设钢套筒和钢垫板。n 纵向预应力筋的锚固 3.3 design and construct of simple-supported and fabricated PC beam bridge 装配式预应力混凝土简支梁桥第52页/共71页构造实例构造实例 SCHOOL OF TRANSPORTATION, WUT PRODUCED BY:X J CHEN3.3 de

36、sign and construct of simple-supported and fabricated PC beam bridge 装配式预应力混凝土简支梁桥第53页/共71页构造实例构造实例 SCHOOL OF TRANSPORTATION, WUT PRODUCED BY:X J CHEN3.3 design and construct of simple-supported and fabricated PC beam bridge 装配式预应力混凝土简支梁桥第54页/共71页 构造实例构造实例 3.3 design and construct of simple-supporte

37、d and fabricated PC beam bridge 装配式预应力混凝土简支梁桥第55页/共71页 3.3 design and construct of simple-supported and fabricated PC beam bridge 装配式预应力混凝土简支梁桥 构造实例构造实例 第56页/共71页Section 3 design and construct of simple-supported and fabricated beam bridge 装配式简支梁装配式简支梁桥的设计与构造桥的设计与构造1.装配式简支梁桥的构造特点n截面形式n块件划分方式2.装配式钢筋混凝土简支梁桥n截面尺寸拟定、钢筋构造和连接构造3.装配式预应力混凝土简支梁桥n截面尺寸拟定:截面效率指标n预应力配筋构造:索界与纵向预应力配筋n预应力筋的锚固 Review of this section 本节回顾SCHOOL OF TRANSPORTATION, WUT PRODUCED BY:X J CHEN第57页/共71页 第四节 连续桥梁和刚构桥和刚


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