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1、学习必备欢迎下载新目标英语七年级下册期中复习词汇句型专练班级 _ 姓名 _一、请根据句意及首字母提示,完成单词拼写。1. The bank is a _ from the supermarket.2. She s from New York, a famous city of A_.3.Joan s bis March 16th.4.Koalas sleep d _ the day, but at night they get up to eat food.5.I don t like math, because it is too d.6.My job is interesting but

2、kind of d.7. An e_ is the biggest animal on land.8. We Chinese are usually f _ to foreign visitors.9. Here is a photo of my f_. There are five people in it.10. China is a country with a long h _.11. I like tennis very much. I want to j _ the tennis club.12.J_ is the first month of the year.13.The do

3、lphins in the zoo are k_ of cute14. What l_ does the man speak?15. Is there a pay p_ near here?16.Do you want to be a r_ of a TV station?17.My favorite s_at school is English.18.Wto the garden district .19.The w_ usually shows you the menu when you eat in a restaurant.20.Wyour hands before a meal. I

4、t s good for you.21.The people all know China is a great c22.Amy eP. E class at school.23.My fsubject is music24.Do you eliving in China?Yes, I like it very much25.It s too late晚) now,( there s no bus here, you cant take a26.I hyou have a good trip27.This is the bof the garden tour.28.This room is v

5、ery d.Let s clean it29.This is a five-star h.30.In the day the street is very b, but at night itq s very31.Where does your father work? Well, he works in a r. He s a cook32.Why do the children like the pandas?B _they re very cute.33.These dogs are not beautiful. They are u34.Pandas sin the day and e

6、at leaves at night35.I am h, can you give me something to eat?36.My aunt works in a hospital, she is a n37.My job is very eand interesting. Thieves don t like me38.Wdoes Lucy do the homework with?Tom.39.Please don t tin class. Listen to the teacher carefully40.Usually I have lunch at home, but sI ha

7、ve it at school学习必备欢迎下载41.Why don t you buy this computer?It s too expensive贵 )(. I don t have much42.Can you take a photo for me? Herec s the43.The TV sis very boring44.You can borrow (借进 ) some books from our school l45.Today is a little w. Let s fly kites.46.I see a book lon the floor. Then I pic

8、k it up (捡起来 )47.How is the wtoday? It s sunny48.It s veryhin Wuhan in summer49.It often sin the north (北方 ) of China in winter50.Look! It s r_ hard outside. I think it will be sunny tomorrow.二、请用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。1. The girls_ (be) from the United States.2. _(Canada) speak English and French.3.There a

9、re a lot of(cloud) in the sky. Its(cloud).4.Where are our(dictionary)?5.Thursday is the(five) day of the week.6.Children s palace is a good place(have) fun.7.He is a friend of(I ).8.Cindy enjoys(listen) to music.9.There are eleven(play) in a soccer team.10.It s(real) cold outside. I have to wear war

10、m clothes.11.I often go(shop) on Sundays.12.Look! A little girl is(swim) in the river.13.Let s(speak) English.14.- Let s play ping-pong. -That(sound) interesting.15.I think she is a good(sing).16.Thank you for(tell) me this funny story.17.We teach(they) English.18.I don t like(tomato).19.He(watch) T

11、V every evening.20.That tall man is(we) new English teacher.三、请根括号内的汉语提示,用适当的单词完成下列句子(注意部分单词的形式变化)。1.When do you often play(运动).2.We usually(乘坐 ) the number 6 bus to school.3.Hangzhou is one of the beautiful(城市 )in china.4.Write a report about the(学生们的 ) holidays.5.Hero is a(成功的 ) action movie.6.His

12、 brother eats lots of(健康的 ) food.7.Just go( 穿过 ) the park, and you will see the bank.8.Don t talk(大声地 ) in the library.9.Green(叶子 )on the trees come out in spring.10.I often go to school by bike, but(有时 ) I walk to school.11.My sister works in a(医院 ) . She is a nurse.12.The pay phone is(在 隔壁 ) the l

13、ibrary.学习必备欢迎下载13.Do you like to write(故事) ?14.Do you often go to the(超市 )?15.Do you like playing(排球) ?16.Can you lend me some(杂志 )?17.China is a great(国家) .18.He is very(懒惰的 ) . I don t like him.19.Let s(打扫 ) the rooms today.20.It s a(多风的 ) day. Just stay home and do some reading.四、请用适当的介词或副词填空。1.W

14、here does your new pen pal come?2.The bank isfront of the post office.3.What s the weatherin Taiyuan?4.Can you waitme outside the school?5.The hotel isthe supermarket and the restaurant.6.Now Jim is writinghis parents.7.GoCenter Street till you reach the traffic lights.8.Look! The dolphin is playing

15、a ball.9.He wants to be a policemanhis father.10.My mother often works in the day but sometimesnight.11.It s too late. You can t goto play.12._ a reporter, I often talk with different people.13.Do you know the girllong hair?14.Listen! They re talkinga new movie.15.In class, we must talkEnglish.16.Mr

16、. Green went to Australia2001.17.My uncle bought a housea small garden.18.We had a good time in the parkSunday.19.Thankshelping me.20.His house is nextLi Ming s.21.When did they arrivethe airport?22.That book is kindinteresting.23.She gets up6:30 every morning.24.You can see a restaurantthe left.25.

17、You can go theretaxi.五、请用划线词的反义词或对应词填空(注意部分单词的形式变化)。1.If you want to buy clothes, you can go to Huaxing Clothes Store. Itmany kinds ofbeautiful clothes.2.Mr. King is very tall, but his daughter is a little.3.Frank, you can take this book home today. But you mustit back tomorrow.4.These are your shoe

18、s, andare his.5.The man is our math teacher, and theis our English teacher.6.Maria thinks pandas are beautiful and tigers are.7.Emma Dean first name is Emma, and hername is Dean.8.There is a pay phone in front of the bank, and a hotel isthe bank.学习必备欢迎下载9. Is the box in the office big or?10.She has

19、short hair, but her brother hashair.11.I like sitcoms, but Isoap operas.12.Don stand there. Pleasedown.13.Can you tell me theto the question?14.It sin autumn and itwarms in spring.15.This red sweater is expensive and that yellow one is.16.Many people leave the busy city and go to thevillage ( 乡村 ) t

20、o enjoy themselveson weekends.17.My father told me somestories during the boring bus trip.18.It is veryin December in China, but it is hot in Australia.19.Turn right at the People s Hospital and you ll find the supermarket on your.20.We use clean water to washclothes.21.Are those books old or?22.The

21、 young people must be polite(礼貌的) to thepeople.23.Sunday is theof the week, and Saturday is the end of the week.24. If you can tthe questions, you can ask your friends.25.She always says she islate for work.六、句型转换1. A. Where is your pen pal from?B. Where _ your pen pal _ from?2. A. Turn left at the

22、second crossing.B. _ the second turning _ the left.3. A. You can take a bus to go there.B. You can go there _ _.4. A. Could you tell me how to get to the zoo?B. Could you tell me the _ _ the zoo?5. A. The bank is next to the park. The park is next to the supermarket.B. The park is _ the bank _ the s

23、upermarket.6.A. My family has four peopleB. _ _ four people in my family.7.A. My favourite subject is EnglishB. I _ English _ of all the subjects.8.A. Let s see the pandas firstB. _ _ _ the pandas first?9.A. Molly is twelve years oldB. Molly is a girl _ _.10.A. Please give them these dressesB. Pleas

24、e give these dresses _ _.11.A. What s Mr. Green s daughter?B.What _ Mr. Green s daughter _?12.A. What s Jenny going to be? B. What _ Jenny _ to be?13.A. He is an actorB. He _ _ an actor.14.A. My mother is very busy. She is cooking. B. My mother is _ _.15.A. How is the weather in Beijing?B. _ the wea

25、ther _ in Beijing?16.A. There is a lot of wind in Shanghai B. It _ _ in Shanghai.17.A. Jim can speak a little FrenchB. Jim can speak _ French.18. A. The bank is on the other side of the post office.B. The bank is _ _ the post office.19. A. They are playing happily over there B. They are _ a good _ o

26、ver there20.A. There is much rain this year.B. It _ _ this year.21.A. Lin Tao does well in musicB. Lin Tao _ _ _ music.22.A We find he is a clever boyB. We find _ _ _ a clever boy23.A. What do you do when it s raining?B.What do you do on _ _?学习必备欢迎下载 . 完成句子1. Tom 会说日语和一点儿法语。 Tom can speak _ and _ _

27、_.2. 我有一个笔友,他在东京工作。I have a pen pal. He _ in Tokyo.3.她和她父母住在中国。She _ in China _ her parents.4.我不喜欢数学,因为太难了。 I _ _ math because it s _ _.5. Jack 在澳大利亚有许多笔友。Jack _ many pen pals _ _.6. 我爷爷每晚都喜欢看电视。My grandfather _ _ TV every evening.7. 你能马上给我写信吗?Can you _ _ _ soon?8. 请告诉我你班里的情况。_ me something _ your c

28、lass, please.9. 沿着大桥街走,在明珠超市向左拐。_ _ Bridge Street and _ _ at Mingzhu Supermarket.10. 我希望你旅途愉快。I _ you _ a good _.11. 公园是散步的好去处。The park is a good place to _ _ _.12. 你可以乘出租车去旅馆。You can _ _ _ to go to the hotel.13. 咱们先去同孩子们玩耍。Let s _ _ the children _.14. 你们在谈论什么动物?_ _ are you _ _?15. 请安静,小孩在睡觉 Please

29、_ _. The little baby _ _.16. 工人们白天努力工作,晚上休息。The workers work hard_ _ _ and relax _ _.17.我妈妈在忙着做饭。My mother _ _ _.18.他为一家电脑公司工作。He _ _a computer company.19.他在与 Tom 谈论那场足球赛。He is talking _ Tom _ the football game.20.人们在购物大厅里买东西。People buy things_ _ _.21.中国人对外国人很友好。Chinese _ _ _ the foreigners.22. 我奶奶喜

30、欢饭后散步。My grandmother _ _a walk after dinner.23.你笔友是哪里人?Where _ your pen pals _?24.她最喜欢什么学科 ?What s her _ _?25.附近有超级市场吗?_ _ a supermarket near here?26. 有。一直向前走然后向左拐,就在前面。Yes, there is. _ _ and turn left. It s in front of you.27. 如果你饿了,可以到对面的饭店吃点东西。If you re hungry, you can eat something in the restau

31、rant _ _ here.28. 你能告诉我去银行怎么走吗? Can you tell me the _ _ the bank?29. 投币电话亭在图书馆前面。The pay phone is _ _ of the library.30. 银行靠近学校。The bank is _ _ the school.31. 桥街是一个很好的娱乐场所 . Bridge Street is a good place to_ _.32. 市图书馆在邮局和中国银行之间 .The city library is _ the post office _ Bank of China.33.我们先去看熊猫吧。 _ _

32、 the pandas first.34.- 他为什么喜欢考拉?- 因为他们有几分聪明。- Why does he _ _?- Becausethey re kind of cute.35.- 你还喜欢别的什么动物?- 我也喜欢海豚- What _ _do you like? - I like dolphins, too.36. 她很害羞,因此请保持安静。 She s very shy, so please_ _.学习必备欢迎下载37. 她喜欢跟她的朋友玩和吃草。 She likes to_ _ her friends and eat grass.38. 他白天睡觉,但是到了晚上他就起来吃树叶

33、。He sleeps during the day, but at night he_ _ and eats leaves.39.每天他通常休息和放松20 个小时。 He usually _and _ 20 hours every day!40.长颈鹿和大象来自非洲。Giraffes and elephants_ _ Africa.41.他们很漂亮也有一点害羞。 They re beautiful. But they re also _ shy.42. 为什么地上那么多的树叶? Why _ _ so many leaves on the ground?43. 咱们到动物园看海豚吧。_ _ to

34、 see the dolphins in the zoo.44. 她姑姑是做什么工作的?What _her aunt_?45. 你弟弟想做什么工作?What does your brother_ _be ?46 我每天与钱打交道,我为别人数钱。I _ _ money every day, I count money for people.47. 我的工作很有趣, 但有点危险。My work is interesting but_ _ dangerous.48. 我喜欢与人交谈和写文章。 I like_ _people and writing stories.49. 当人们外出就餐时,我就会很忙

35、。I 'm very busy when people _ _ to dinners.50. 你愿意在这家饭店当服务员吗?Do you like to _ in this restaurant _ a waiter ?51. 这个男孩想当一名记者。The boy _ _ be a reporter.52. 她每天工作时都与钱打交道。 She_ _ money every day.53. 他愿意为一家杂志社效劳。He wants to _ _a magazine.54. 他们正在和谁谈话 ?Who are they _ _?55.我妈妈正在车站等我。My mothermethe stat

36、ion.56.谢谢你的来信。_ _your letter.57. 她在等什么 ?What is she _ _?58. 这儿有我的一些照片。Here are some of _ _.59. 人们正在跳舞。The people _ _.60. 他们在谈论什么 ?What are they _ _?61. 我正在写信给我的朋友。I m _ a letter _ my friend.62. 她正和她妈妈在商场购物。She is _ at the mall _her mother.63. 他们正在图书馆看书吗 ?_they_ in the library?64. 一个美国学生在树下看书。An Amer

37、ican student_ _a book under the tree.65.- 天津的天气怎么样?- 在下雪呢。 ”- _ _ the weather in Tianjin? - It is snowing.66. 你在听我说话吗 ?Are you _ _ me?67. 看!树下每个人玩得都很高兴。Look! Everyone is _ _under the tree.68. 谢谢你回答我的问题。Thank you _ _my questions.69. 他们正在给孩子们照相。 They are _ _of the children .70. 有些人在看书,有些人在听音乐。_people

38、are reading books , _ are listening to music.学习必备欢迎下载参考答案:一、请根据句意及首字母提示,完成单词拼写。1.across2.America3.birthday4.during5.difficult6.dangerours7.elephant8.friendly9.family10.history11.join12. January13.kind14.language15.phone16.reporter17.subject18.Welcome19.waiter20.Wash21.country22.enjoys23.favorite24.e

39、njoy25.taxi26.hope27.beginning28.dirty29.hotel30.busy31.restaurant 32.because 33.ugly34.sleep35.hungry36.nurse37.exciting38.Who39.talk40.sometimes41.money42.canera43.show44.library45.windy46.lying47.weather48.hot49.snows50.raining二、请用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。1.are2.Candians3.clouds, cloudy4.dictionaries5.fift

40、h6.to have7.mine8.listening9.players10.really11.shopping12.swimming13.speak14.sounds15.singer16.telling17.them18.tomatoes 19.watches20.our三、请根括号内的汉语提示,用适当的单词完成下列句子(注意部分单词的形式变化)1. sports2. take3. cities4. students 5. successful6. healthy7. through8. loudly9. leaves10. sometimes11. hospital12. next to

41、13. stories14. supermarket 15. volleyball16. magazines17. country18. lazy19. clean20. windy。四、请用适当的介词或副词填空。1. from9. as/like17. with2. in3. like4. for5. between6. to7. down/ along8. with10. at11. out12. As13. with14. about15. in16. in18. on19. for20. to21. at22. of23. at24. on25. by五、请用划线词的反义词或对应词填空(注意部分单词的形式变化)。1.sells2. short3. bring4. those9. small10. long11.dislike/ hate17. interesting/fun18. cold19. left24. answer25. seldom/never5. woman6. ugly7. last8. behind12. sit13. answer14. cool15. cheap16. quiet20. dirty21. new22. old23. beginning六、句型转换1.


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