



1、Book 10 Module 5 Unit 1 Well see lots of stones.一 .Warm up1. Greeting: Im glad to see you.2. Sing a song. First, lets sing a song, ok? <Ill go on holiday> T: A beautiful song.3. Free talk:T: Boys and girls, do you like holidays? Which place have you been to on your holidays? 引导孩子说几个中国的地方。T: Wo

2、w ,there are many beautiful places in China. How about England? Look. Where is England? Here it is. Its in Europe .Where is China? Now suppose welgo to England. What will we see there? Ss: Well seeT: Great. They are all famous places. Read after me: a, place. place, place. Now let s write: 板书 What w

3、ill we see there? Well seeT: You know, England also has a long history just like China. Do you know this place? pptS1: Stonehenge. T: Excellent. You know the name. Stonehenge is a very old and famous monument in England.T: What can you see in the pictures? Ss: Lots of big stones.T: And what do you w

4、ant to know about it?S1: How old is it? S2: Why did people build it? S3: Who built it?T: Wow, youre really good at asking questions. Ive got a short video about Stonehenge. Lets enjoy it, ok? T: Is it magic? Do you want to know more? Our friend Amy will tell you more information.二 .Presentation1. Wa

5、tch and answer the questions.T: Look .What are they talking about? Stonehenge. Yes. Lingling and Amy will visit Stonehenge on Saturday. Listen and try to find:(Ss Read) What will theysee there? How will they get there? Do you know get there?(播放课件 )S: Theyll see T: Yes, you got it. Very nice. 补充板书: T

6、: Amy says :Well see lots of stones. How will they get there? Which one is right? Yes, B.By car. And how many hours will it take ? 2 hours or 3? Good job. 板书: It will take threehours. Here take means花费。Wow. It sa little far from London. right?操练板书: T: Now I m Lingling. Who wants to be Amy? T-S1. Tha

7、nk u. Nowpractice in pairs. Let sbegin. 展示一组。评价: Quite good. Pay attention to2. Watch again and try to answer more questions.T: Just now you had many questions. Now let s find more information about it.Who can read the questions? 找一生起来读问题。 How old? Why did people build it? What does it look like? 教学

8、单词 build. Now watch again and try to find the answers.T: How old is it? S1: It s T: Good. You got it. And What does it look like? 找几个学生说说。 Now open your books , page. Read the second part and try tounderline the answers. 反馈时教单词 circle, draw two circles. Pretty good.circle, ir cir-cle, circle .Now dr

9、aw a T: Look at these stones. Where are they?on top of 呈现图片。 Where is the man/bird?T: Do you remember question No. 3? Why did people build this? 呈现答案,教读 mystery. What does Amy say to Lingling? 呈现图片: 教读 solve the mysteryLingling says : I hope so. Hope so means want to do it, r u clear?T: Stonehenge i

10、s a mystery. Willyou solve the mystery? Wow , you are soconfident. I m proud of you!You can say. I hope so!3.总结 Stonehenge. T: Now we know more information about Stonehenge. Lets summarize. Can you finish the short passage? Do the first one and then Work in pairs.4. Read and find “will ”. 板书:Well =

11、We willIt means to do sth. In the future.5. Listen and repeat. Try to imitate.6. Now read with your partner in roles. 反馈一组。 Any mistakes?7. Describe the story. T: Here are some pictures about the dialog. Lets read the question together. Now work in group and try to describe the pics. 反馈:一组起来说,学生纠错。8

12、. Where will you go? What will you do? Let s talk.三 Practice1. Lets play a game. What will they see there? How will they get there?找部分学生猜猜看。2. There are more places in China. Lets enjoy the pics. What will we see in?3. Suppose you are the volunteers in Shanghai 2010 Expo. Make a poster. Read it and try to act it out. (找一个假发 )四 SummarizeT: What have we learnt today? We learnt to talk about our future pl


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