1、考研英语长短句考研英语长短句1、 It is difficult to the point ofimpossibility for the average reader under theage of forty to imagine a time when high- quality arts criticism could be found in most big-citynewspapers.对于平均年龄 40岁以下的读者而言, 他们很难想象在大多数大城市的主流报纸上可以读到高质量的艺术评论 的那一年代。2、To read such books today is tomarvel at
2、the fact that their learned contents were once deemed suitable for publication in general- circulation dailies.今天我们阅读这样的书籍,会惊讶于这样的一个事实:这些学术性文艺评论曾经被认为适 合刊登在面向大众发行的日报上。3、 In those far-off days, it was taken for granted that the critics of major papers wouldwrite in detail and at length about the event
3、s they covered.在那些远去的日子里,主流报刊的评论家们详尽地评论所报道的事件,认为是理所当然的。4、 Curbs on business-method claimswould be a dramaticabout-face,because it was the Federal Circuit itself that introduced such patents with its1998 decision in the so-called State Street Bank case, approving a patent on a way of poolingmutual-fu
4、nd assets.对于商业方法专利授予的限制将会出现巨大的转变,因为正是联邦巡回法院在1998年被称为“州街银行案”的决议中引入了这类专利,其中的共有资产投资的管理方法被授 予了专利。5、 The Federal Circuit issued an unusual order stating that the case would be heard byall 12 of the court’s judges, rather than a typical panel of three, and thatone issue it wants to evaluate iswh
5、ether it should“reconsider “ its State StreetBank ruling.联邦巡回法院发布了一项不寻常的法令,即这个案件将 由法院全部的12名法官共同听审,而不是典型的三人听审团。法令还宣布法院希望评估是否要“重新考虑”州街银行案的裁决。6、In his book The Tipping Point, Malcolm Gladwell argues that “social epidemics ” are driven in large part by the actions of a tinyminority of special individual
6、s, often called influentials, who are unusually-informed, persuasive, or well connected. Malcolm Gladwell在他的引爆点一书中指出,“社会流行潮” 主要是由一少部分特殊个体的行为引领的,这些人通常被称为有影响力的人,他们博闻强识,有说服力,并且有很好的人脉。7、For a social epidemic to occur,however, each person so affected must then influence his or her ownacquaintances, who m
7、ust in turn influence theirs,and so on; and just how many others pay attention to each of these people haslittle todo with the initial influential.但是对于社会流行潮的形成来说,每一个受影响的人必须接着去影响他们的熟人,这些人还要继续影响他们的熟人,如此循环下去;然而处于中间层级的人能得到被影响者的多少关注往往与最初的有影响力的人没多大关系。8、The details may be unknowable, butthe independence of
8、 standard-setters, essential to the proper functioning of capital markets, is being compromised.细节也许不得而知, 但是对于资本市场正常运转至关重要的准则制定者的独立性正在面临妥 协(被弱化)。9、 And dead markets partly reflect the paralysis of bankswhich will not sell assets for fear of booking losses, yet are reluctant to buyall those supposed
9、bargains. 而且, 不流动 的市场(交易量萎靡)一定程度上反映了银行系统的瘫痪。银行因为 害怕(报告)其账面损失而不愿出售(有毒)资产,同时也不愿收购那些(别人持有的)所谓的廉价资产。10、The decision of the New YorkPhilharmonic to hire Alan Gilbert asits next musicdirector has been the talk of the classical-music world ever sincethe sudden announcementof his appointment in 2009.纽约爱乐乐团决
10、定聘请 Alan Gilbert 作为其下一任指挥,这一决定自2009年突然宣布以来就一直是古典音 乐界热议的话题。11、 For the time, attention, and moneyof the art- loving public, classical instrumentalists must compete not only with opera houses, dance troupes, theater companies, and museums, butalso with the recorded performances ofthe great classical m
11、usicians of the 20th century.出于对于艺术爱好者的时间、精力和金钱角度的考量,古典音乐演奏家们不仅要和歌剧 院、舞蹈团、剧团和博物馆竞争,而且还得与那些20世纪伟大的古典音乐大师的作品唱片进行竞争。12、Rather than cloaking his exit inthe usual vague excuses, he came rightout and said he was leaving “to pursue my goal of runninga company. ”他并没有用通常含糊不清的理由来掩饰自 己的离职,他很坦白地说他离开就是“为了去追求经营一家
12、公司的目 标”。13、Says Korn /Ferry senior partnerDennis Carey: "I can’t think of a single search I’ve done where a board has notinstructed me to look at sitting CEOs first.” Dennis Carey的高级合伙人Korn Ferry说:“在我所做的每一次招聘当中,董事会都要求我从那些在任的CEO中去寻找。14、The way consumers now approach theproces
13、s of making purchase decisions means that marketings impact stems from a broad range of factorsbeyondconventionalpaid media.如今消费者做出购买决定的过程表明:市场营销的影响(效果)源自于除了传统付费媒体之外的很多因素。15、 The same dramatic technological changes that haveprovided marketers with more (and more diverse ) communications choices have
14、also increased the risk that passionate consumers will voice their opinions in quicker, more visible, and much more damaging ways. 同样剧烈的技术 变革在给营销人员提供更多交流选择的同时,也带来了更高的风险, 因为充满激情的消费者会以更快、更明显且更具破坏力的方式来发表 他们的观点。16、 It’s no surprise that JenniferSenior’s insightful,provocative magazin
15、e coverstory, “ I Love My Children, I Hate My Life ”, is arousing much chatter;nothing gets people talking like the suggestion thatchild rearing is anything less than a completely fulfilling, life-enrichingexperience.Jennifer Senior 在片具有煽动意味的 杂志封面故事中表达了她的深刻见解,我爱我的孩子们,我讨厌我的生活引发了人们的热烈讨论,这并不奇怪;;养儿育女不完全
16、是自我实现的过程。17、 But it’s interesting to wonder ifthe images we see every week of stress-free, happiness-enhancing parenthoodaren’t in some small, subconscious waycontributing to our own dissatisfactions with the actualexperience, in the sameway that a small part of us hoped getting
17、“the Rachel “ might make us look justa little bit like Jennifer Aniston. 但是,这确实有趣:想想我们每周都能在杂志上 看到的无忧无虑、幸福的父母形象是否以某种细微的、不为人所感知的方式加剧了我们自己对现实生活的不满?这就好比我们中有一少部分人希望能够成为(老友记中的)Rachel,(这样)使自己看 起来有一点像Jennifer Aniston 吧。18、But in her new book Join the Club, Tina Rosenberg contendsthat peer pressure can also
18、be apositive forcethroughwhat she calls the social cure, inwhichorganizationsand officials use the power of group dynamics to help individuals improve theirlives and possibly the world.但是Tina Rosenberg 在她的新书加入俱乐部中主张,通过她所谓 的社会治疗,同侪压力也可以成为一种积极的力量。在社会治疗中 一些组织和官方(机构)利用团体动态力量来帮助个人提升他们的生 活,甚至改善整个世界。19、“Da
19、re to be different, please dontsmoke! ” pleadsone billboard campaign aimed at reducing smokingamong teenagers- teenagers, who desire nothing more than fitting in. 一场旨在减少青少年吸烟的广告牌上写到“勇于与众不同,请不要吸烟”。然而,这些青少年却是最渴望融入(与他人行为一样)。20、Instead, the company has done precisely what it hadlong promised it would no
20、tchallenge the constitutionality of Vermont’s rules in the federal court, as part of a desperate effort to keep its Vermont Yankeenuclear power plant running.然而,就是这家公司,一直以来都承诺:不会在联 邦法院质疑佛蒙特州的规则的符宪性。现在的做法(质疑佛蒙特州规则的符宪性)是为了使其佛蒙特Yankee核电站能够继续经营做出的 孤注一掷的行为。21、The legal issues in the case areobs
21、cure: whereas the Supreme Court has ruled that states do have someregulatory authorityover nuclearpower, legal scholars say that Vermont case will offer a precedent-setting testof how far those powers extend.()此案件中的法律问题还不清楚:尽管最高法院规定州政府 在核问题监管方面也有一些权力,然而法律学者说佛蒙特州案件将会 给州政府权力究竟有多大这一问题提供一个先例。22、In the idealized version of how science is done, factsabout the world are waiting to be observed and collected by objective researchers who us
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